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Thread: Strike while the iron is hot

  1. #1
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Strike while the iron is hot

    Today, we'd like to once again present the biggest problem for our coders' productivity. Currently, new mods are released as never before, even more than in the past at other boards. In addition, there are many other, unique ongoing projects of the highest quality. Until now this is all good, and for our mods' actual users, a whole advantage.

    Almost half a year ago, we decided to disable the so-called "credit system", as it makes little sense to force someone to write something, only to then be able to download our mods. This method has gone outdated, so we removed it from our forum. Since then, the downloads amount has of course increased significantly, and the posts one slightly decreased.

    But let's go back to our main problem. As it always happens, there are people who are jealous or simply envious of our great work, and simply want to hurt us and take the biggest slice of the pie. That's of course understandable, as we can with a little pride say we are the worldwide #1 board with such an unique, straightforward offer.

    We have many times used the time where we'd usually meet up with our friends, or earn money, to invest it in this forum. SB-Innovation has become somewhat more developed, which is increasingly time-consuming. Every new project requires hundreds of hours of work, but we take the needed time and patience for new inventions. We do this for you, not for us.

    There is a site (whose name is irrelevant) which doesn't respect our work, mocks us, and releases our products as theirs. Of course this fact alone doesn't matter to us, partly because we're not at such a low level - we simply don't need it. However, his page only exists to monetarily profit from our work, so it's our exact opposite.

    In recent weeks we have had a huge decline in our amount of visitors, which makes us lack the advertising revenue we urgently need to pay our server. Also, our public image risks getting damaged if copies of our programs going by different names, to the point of being unrecognizable, keep on appearing and circulating around the net. (Although this somehow flatters us, as it'd mean our work is so good that attempting to copy it is the only alternative.)

    The people behind this site effectively don't seem to know what they're doing. Without us there would be no new mods, without new mods there would be no money, and without money they'd have to either close the site or post only bad 0-day tools and other unneeded things.

    Given this situation, it won't be long until we take the first steps against mod stealing. Maybe we'll have to stop releasing mods forever (at least for the public sector), or close registration and switch to an "invite only" system.

    Reality is, in that case we'd be certainly taking a step backwards, which we can't accept. This article is only to inform our users, and everyone else that's interested, about our situation, and possible changes to our site to stop the mod stealing.

    On this note, have a nice weekend and think about what many of you take for granted but what actually isn't.

    The SB-Innovation Team
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  2. Who Said Thanks: (24.04.12) , saebrtooth (31.12.09) , thecoolest (19.10.09) , dgware (05.07.09) , Blocker (13.05.09) , DarkSaibot v.1.3.10 (24.03.09) , sisonvher (07.03.09) , mike (18.02.09) , - (20.12.08) , czullo (16.12.08) , Snitlev (06.12.08) , hitman (05.12.08) , - (01.12.08) , Renk (29.11.08) , fromas (29.11.08) , shoulder (29.11.08) , vDD+wR (29.11.08)

  3. #106

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    Quote Originally Posted by hitman View Post
    this is only partially right. invite only would for me mean to delete 90% of the database, that woud reduce the perfermance that we would need from the server and reduce the monthly cost a lot. it depends a lot on what you want, if you want reach as much people as possible you need a server with a lot of performance, if you want only a few hudred elite members a small server is enough.
    I think what you said is the issue. What do SBI want as a whole? Someone or groups of people will have to make that decision.

    The choices will have very different impact on the general population...

    Whichever it is that SBI choices I bet most of us will support the decision as we love this board not just because it helps us but we have friendship here.

  4. #107
    Well I'm in a bit of impasse here.I have a good friend who recently decided started faking would like to join this community.Will registrations soon be open or should I ask a moderator?

  5. #108

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    I say, lets go private and make it an invite only site, that should keep and everyone else breathing down our backs, maybe we could change the name of the web address to and send an email out to all of our members, (what if there is a rat in here)
    once we go private, seba won't have a chance to monetize on the great work of you guys, and it could be the perfect solution and secure the fact that any new invites won't cause any trouble, infact we should do what does and have an interview section for an invite on irc 'what makes you a cheater' 'what sites have you cheated on' 'can you confirm snapshots of all the sites you have recently cheated on' maybe something like that would be helpful.

  6. #109
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    maybe we could change the name of the web address to and send an email out to all of our members
    I don't think that would work as expected...

    And to interview people like does we'd need an IRC server/channel and time...
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  7. #110

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    But would it be worth the effort if we could gather up some people and have somene set up an irc server? while we go completely private and change web address would that work also? I'd volunteer to help with the interviews.

  8. #111
    No not interviews.....sign up applications on PTN.

  9. #112
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    With profile links to your most used trackers.

    ------------------------------>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<------------------------------


  10. #113

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    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    I don't think that would work as expected...

    And to interview people like does we'd need an IRC server/channel and time...

    We are a closed site now? I never even knew that...

    As for application process is good like PTN but will that keep admin away really?

    I don't even know if the interview process will work either as they can be anyone they want to be...we are the internet (anonymity).

    Just food for thought...

  11. #114
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    You're right with that, but I can hardly seen a tracker admin filling an application to join a cheater forum
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  12. #115
    Atleast we get rid of all those who visit this forum from month to month only to download faking tools....and instead letting the admins joining for free we can make them write sign up applications

  13. #116

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    haha! I like that idea, that way, they won't ban us from our sites anymore. lol!

  14. #117

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    hey anon since most of the income generated comes from users surfing through the site
    i think SB-I should participate in google adsense and daily users will click on advertisements there by money is generated without troubles
    just make sure u regularly click on links wicked plan but if properly done will get use lot of finance

  15. #118
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dunkendonuts View Post
    that way, they won't ban us from our sites anymore. lol!
    They still will if they catch us cheating.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tinkle View Post
    i think SB-I should participate in google adsense and daily users will click on advertisements there by money is generated without troubles
    We already have Google and layer ads, for those in countries whose clicks generate revenue. We don't want to fill the whole board with advertising.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  16. #119

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    Quote Originally Posted by dunkendonuts View Post
    But would it be worth the effort if we could gather up some people and have somene set up an irc server? while we go completely private and change web address would that work also? I'd volunteer to help with the interviews.
    I think interviews are safer b/c the questions are spontaneous and you can give fake answers to them as well as if it was an application page. Almost everyone on my PtN app was a lie, and I got in. My ratioproofs were all from cheating, and my speedtest fake (I borrowed from a friend).

    For example if if the interviewer asks for a speedtest in the next 40 seconds, and this guy comes up with 100mbit down/up, he's probably a spy.

  17. #120
    We already have Google and layer ads, for those in countries whose clicks generate revenue. We don't want to fill the whole board with advertising.
    Yeah but if that will lower the server's costs then I'd click on any advertisment....

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