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Thread: If you don't believe in God, then what do you believe in?

  1. #16
    Retired Seal
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    I would not be surprised that he will return. It is within human nature to seek social companionships. Whether they be online or IRL.

    so if he does return, he will have proven his words to not return as untrue and incorrect. In other words: he's lied.

    EDIT: I 've proven myself correct. His profile states the following:

    Last Activity: Today 14:37
    In other words, my statement above re: social companionships and relationships that all human's crave would be correct, of course.

    Unfortunately, I am unable to make a mature discussion on my point with him due to his anger management problems.

    So as far as I'm concerned, I'll not engage myself in textual conversation with him.

    Yes, 2223, you've got a good point there with respect to not loosing yourself in something that is bigger, yet also trivial. Which is something that is evident in one of the above posts.

    Love can also be love of mother-earth for some people.

    Love for greater things than yourself, is what I think your talking about, yes??

    Islam asks: Do you want to serve God? Serve your fellow man, then.

    The basis of this is to serve your neighbor; your community.

    Christianity asks the same thing.

    Last edited by SealLion; 07.04.09 at 01:32.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
    whose grey top shall tremble,
    He descending, will Himself,
    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
    Oh, oh. Better use LINUX.
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  2. #17

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    Quote Originally Posted by SealLion View Post
    I would not be surprised that he will return. It is within human nature to seek social companionships. Whether they be online or IRL.

    so if he does return, he will have proven his words to not return as untrue and incorrect. In other words: he's lied.

    EDIT: I 've proven myself correct. His profile states the following:

    In other words, my statement above re: social companionships and relationships that all human's crave would be correct, of course.

    Unfortunately, I am unable to make a mature discussion on my point with him due to his anger management problems.

    So as far as I'm concerned, I'll not engage myself in textual conversation with him.
    I returned to see if you had cared enough to grace us with any more of your pseudo-wisdom. The fact that you're checking my profile weirds me out. Are you stalking me? Do you think I'm pretty? A/S/L?

    Additionally, I didn't specify whether or not I'd come back to read what was posted or to comment on things myself. I didn't lie. You simply didn't care to ask for further information, so retract your statement and apologize. Immediately. The power of Christ compels you.

    As for anger management problems, well, I'm being civil and well-behaved thus far. I'm barely even pissed. You've no clue what hell I can raise when I'm truly mad. Right now, I'd classify myself as slightly miffed with a 10% chance of amused. Regardless, I'm not a nice guy, but I'm being a good little fella just for you.

    I find the following statement particularly hilarious: "In other words, my statement above re: social companionships and relationships that all human's crave would be correct, of course."

    I believe that the human animal is the most flawed of them all, and the sooner that this race and all that it represents dies, the better. We've ruined the Earth, screwed the animals that inhabited the lands, and made it a point to do unto each other the inverse of what we want done unto us. Why, pray tell, would I want ANY part of that? I crave nothing but the end of it all.
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  3. #18

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fingertip View Post
    I returned to see if you had cared enough to grace us with any more of your pseudo-wisdom. The fact that you're checking my profile weirds me out. Are you stalking me? Do you think I'm pretty? A/S/L?

    Additionally, I didn't specify whether or not I'd come back to read what was posted or to comment on things myself. I didn't lie. You simply didn't care to ask for further information, so retract your statement and apologize. Immediately. The power of Christ compels you.

    As for anger management problems, well, I'm being civil and well-behaved thus far. I'm barely even pissed. You've no clue what hell I can raise when I'm truly mad. Right now, I'd classify myself as slightly miffed with a 10% chance of amused. Regardless, I'm not a nice guy, but I'm being a good little fella just for you.

    I find the following statement particularly hilarious: "In other words, my statement above re: social companionships and relationships that all human's crave would be correct, of course."

    I believe that the human animal is the most flawed of them all, and the sooner that this race and all that it represents dies, the better. We've ruined the Earth, screwed the animals that inhabited the lands, and made it a point to do unto each other the inverse of what we want done unto us. Why, pray tell, would I want ANY part of that? I crave nothing but the end of it all.
    just a small request y u guys are talking about something which doesnt relate to this thread
    and also a small request is it important for both of u guys to fight with each other plz guys keep the place nice
    and yes "fingertip" question is do u believe in god or not if you dont believe just say no and make a statement no need to show disliking towards belief if u dont believe leave it y care about what others think
    there is no need to downgrade someone elses faith people have their own beliefs u can be polite saying u dont believe in one

    and sealion i think u must also let loose the statement he said that he would be leaving come on people say lot of things in anger does that mean they do all those things and u are known to be a nice member so y bother about he saying something

    ontopic: i do believe in god yes but not so religious about it i believe if we do wrong we will be punished for it some day or other there is no way of escaping it
    love all serve all (simple as that)
    man i feel like i have become a philoshopher
    as the word says
    "as u sow so shall u reap"
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    SealLion (07.04.09)

  5. #19

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    Quote Originally Posted by austin414 View Post
    just a small request y u guys are talking about something which doesnt relate to this thread
    and also a small request is it important for both of u guys to fight with each other plz guys keep the place nice
    and yes "fingertip" question is do u believe in god or not if you dont believe just say no and make a statement no need to show disliking towards belief if u dont believe leave it y care about what others think
    there is no need to downgrade someone elses faith people have their own beliefs u can be polite saying u dont believe in one

    and sealion i think u must also let loose the statement he said that he would be leaving come on people say lot of things in anger does that mean they do all those things and u are known to be a nice member so y bother about he saying something
    One sentence at a time:

    Our discussion is related to the topic at hand. I feel no need to be "nice" when I don't feel as though I'm receiving the same benefit in return. It isn't that I care what others think so much as it's that I care how they present their beliefs. If I see fit to "downgrade" something, that is as much my right as it is the right of the person I'm speaking of to post whatever it is I disagree with.

    As for what you said to SealLion, he need not ignore anything I've posted. I meant every word, none of which were posted in anger. If he really thinks that proselytizing and posting in a language that only slightly resembles English is going to get me to recant, he's more than welcome to fail ...er... try.
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  6. #20
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    As for what you said to SealLion, he need not ignore anything I've posted. I meant every word, none of which were posted in anger. If he really thinks that proselytizing and posting in a language that only slightly resembles English is going to get me to recant, he's more than welcome to fail ...er... try.
    We're an international community and no one's english is perfect, so please don't make that kind of attacks.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  7. Who Said Thanks:

    saebrtooth (04.05.10) , SealLion (08.04.09) , Tinkle (07.04.09) , boruc (07.04.09) , kazuya (07.04.09)

  8. #21

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    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    We're an international community and no one's english is perfect, so please don't make that kind of attacks.
    It wasn't an attack. That's what people call "an observation." They're super neat!

    Regardless, if he wants to try to persuade me to take his side, perhaps better translation software would be beneficial. As it stands, approximately 75% of his posts resemble incomprehensible garble. If you disagree, that's your business.
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  9. #22
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    Call it however you want, but the fact that you made your post sound formal doesn't make your accusation of SealLion's english being a "translation software" work less insulting.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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    saebrtooth (04.05.10) , SealLion (09.04.09)

  11. #23

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    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    Call it however you want, but the fact that you made your post sound formal doesn't make your accusation of SealLion's english being a "translation software" work less insulting.
    His butchering of the English language is an insult to those of us who speak it both natively and proficiently. Perhaps he should put forth an effort to make sure his postings are up to to the standard set by others. If he intends to be taken seriously, he needs to make certain that his written words make this possible. At present, this is not the case.
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  12. #24

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    Dear christ (no pun intended) , but is this childish argument still ongoing , both of you need to drop it and agree too disagree

    kiss and make-up now
    Last edited by boruc; 09.04.09 at 02:13.
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  13. #25

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    Quote Originally Posted by boruc View Post
    Dear christ (no pun intended) , but is this childish argument still ongoing , both of you need to drop it and agree too disagree

    kiss and make-up now
    1. None of your business.
    2. Don't dare tell me what to do.
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  14. #26

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    @ Fingertip : Why do you persist on not getting along with anyone here? I feel it would be safe to safe that the majority of your posts have a negative tone (I quote: In my estimation, belief in God is a severe mental defect.) and I'm surprised you haven't been warned again. Now, I've defended you before, and even wanted you to stay, but seriously, either get along with the other users, or, well, fuck off. This may be a forum, but not everything is an argument. As I said to you, SB-I is one of few havens for cheaters, and to be honest, you're making some people's expiriences here, terrible, even for people who don't speak the same language as you! Your lack of tolerance, towards non-English users who try their best to speak English (lest you forget, this is a German website), to the 2000 million followers (depends on source) of Christianity (and all it's denominations) really does show that you are ignorant, though you, and your over-sized ego, may argue otherwise. I read before that you feel yourself better than most people; that seriously is the wrong attitude. Everyone is equal, both at the keyboard, and out on the street, so why persist in making people feel lesser, when it's only because of such a stupid, and arrogant, reason? I respect the fact that everyone, every user, is different; in charectaristics, attitude, physical appearance, but when one person begins to humiliate others out of his own personal choice, there is only one word for such a person: bully, and you my friend, are the perfect example of one.

    @ Mods : I realise the "fuck off" part, as well as the rest of my post, may be considered a personal attack, so feel free to place an infraction upon my user account if you think it necesarry.
    Last edited by splicer; 09.04.09 at 13:52.
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  15. Who Said Thanks:

    saebrtooth (04.05.10) , SealLion (10.04.09) , anon (09.04.09) , Se7Ven (09.04.09) , boruc (09.04.09)

  16. #27
    Snitlev's Avatar
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    I believe ever the good thinks in a human, and I'm believe God...

    best regards

    Wer versucht zu rennen, bevor er laufen kann, kommt meistens zu Fall

    stop animal experiments, take child molesters - they like pain!

    Besser man bereut was man getan hat, anstatt zu bereuen das man es unterlassen hat
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  17. #28

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fingertip View Post
    1. None of your business.
    2. Don't dare tell me what to do.
    fingertip grow up , Where iam from its a free country and i will post my opinion on whatever thread/post i see fit and your second point i.e dont dare tell me what to do? you have serious anger management issues,so i have come to the conclusion that you are just a sad pathetic little man/boy and your words do not frighten anybody
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    SealLion (10.04.09)

  19. #29

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    i've always liked gaia theory

    Gaia hypothesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    sounds a lot more reasonable to me than any religious mumbo jumbo...
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    Se7Ven (09.04.09)

  21. #30

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    If there was a God, I'd ask him to strike me dead so that I don't have to endure this nonsense anymore. Do you people not realize that arguing with me is futile? I will never change my mind or stance on any issue. Never. I will never stop being a self-righteous, arrogant, cocksure, negative, incendiary bully. Never! That's just who I am, like it or not. If you don't like what I have to say, then use vBulletin's ignore list function, if you can figure out how, that is.

    I don't like Christians. Any of them. Even ones in my family. I go out of my way to ensure that I never have to speak to them or encounter them. No one that believes in God has a place in my life, no matter what good qualities they may have. Insofar as I am concerned, a belief in God totally overshadows anything about you that may be good or acceptable. This is my opinion, which no one has a right to strip me of. Disagree if you wish, but don't act as if I have no rights.

    What is even more hilarious is that you actually think you have me all figured out. You know nothing of me, except that which I see fit to allow you to see. I am a much, much worse person in "real life" than I am on here. You'd never think it possible, but the way I talk to people on here is me being "nice."

    And, for what it's worth, the whole language thing is really irking me. If you can't speak English completely fluently and properly, then you probably shouldn't try. I don't go into the German sections of this forum and try to speak German, and I expect the same thing of the non-English speaking people. But not just here. Anywhere. When I hear people speaking a foreign language in a store, I remind them where they are, and that if they cannot fit into this culture, they need deported. End of discussion.

    Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go fuck off.
    Last edited by Fingertip; 14.04.09 at 01:52.
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