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Thread: uTorrent Expansion SBI Leecherpack v7 (based on uTorrent 1.81 (12639)

  1. #1

    uTorrent Expansion SBI Leecherpack v7 (based on uTorrent 1.81 (12639)

    SB-Innovation Presents

    >>>>>> uTorrent Expansion SBI Leecherpack v7<<<<<<

    Coded by:

    >>>>>> Butcho <<<<<<


    >>>>>> Butcho <<<<<<

    Changelog / Features:

    Es sind folgende Mods in diesem Leecher Pack enthalten:






    -No Complete

    Es wird kein fertiggestellt Status an den Tracker gesendet.
    Es entsteht kein Snatchlist Eintrag.

    -Report Seeder:
    Ihr werdet sofort als Seeder angezeigt.
    Euer Download auf dem Tracker wird nicht gezählt.

    Euer Download und Upload auf dem Tracker wird nicht gezählt
    Ihr werdet als Seeder angezeigt


    Euer Download und Upload auf dem Tracker wird nicht gezählt
    Es werden keine aktiven Torrents in eurem Profil angezeigt
    Funktioniert leider nicht auf allen Seiten...
    Getestet auf Bitme

    Es wird eine 8 bzw 5 oder 2 vor eurem Upload gehängt.
    Begrenzt deshalb am besten euren Upload auf 9 kb

    Euer Upload wird mal 11 bzw. 111 genommen.
    Ich würde euch empfehlen euer Uploadlimit auf 6 bzw 1 zu stellen.


    -No Complete:
    There is no complete report to the Tracker.
    There is no entry in the snatchliste.

    -Report Seeder:
    You are shown as a seeder directly.
    Your download isn't rated on the tracker.

    You Upload and you download aren't rated on the Tracker.
    You are shown as a seeder.

    You Upload and you download aren't rated on the Tracker.
    There are no active Torrents shown in you profile.
    unfortunately doesn't work on every Tracker.
    Testet on Bitme

    There is a 8 , a 5 or a 2 in front of you upload.
    Thats why you sould set a limit to 9KB/s.

    Your upload is multiply with 11 or 111.
    My recommendation is to set you upload between 1 and 6 KB/s.

    Mod Features:
    -based on uTorrent 1.81 build 12639
    -included Splashscreen (THX Manas)
    -build many different utorrent versions for each cheat situation..
    -Changed the "About uTorrent" window
    -included language pack
    -removed "call home"
    -removed autoupdate
    -included IP-Filter Updater
    -included utorrent help file
    -changed icon colour

    In all versions are no viruses or trojans! Some virus scanners hit alarm because we use a packer who is also often used for viruses or trojans. All versions are free to 100% of viruses and Trojans, with it we guarantee with our name SB-Innovation!

    In allen Packeten sind keine Viren oder Trojaner! Einige Virenscanner schlagen Alarm, weil wir einen Packer verwenden, der auch oft für Viren eingesetzt wird. Alle Versionen sind zu 100% Viren und Trojaner frei, damit garantieren wir mit unserem Namen SB-Innovation!


    utorrent expansion

    "If sex doesn't scare the cat, you're not doing it right."
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    There are too many to display.

  3. #46
    No there is no way to show the transfered and the faked traffic.
    utorrent is closed source you can't edit the code and compile it again.
    So you haven't many possibles to create a comfortable client.

    "If sex doesn't scare the cat, you're not doing it right."
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  4. #47
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kabster View Post
    Hi peeps, and especially cloud who always reply/comment in a kind, respectfull and helpfull way ive noticed

    I appreciate that allot cloud!

    Keep it up
    Lol... thanks

    Ive had it whit azureus for the time beeing (after all these years)...
    As soon theyve introduced Vuze things have gotten wurse.. Whit all these useless fancy buttons and rings and bells . I miss CLASSIC AZUREUS in the oLD days. I know the Classic Gui still exists, but theyve turned this client bassically into an media CIRCUS
    And to make things wurse, Vuze FUCKS up mY DirecktX capeabilitys!!?

    I think ill give Utorrent an shot ..

    Iam totally new using Utorrent... or its beeeen awhile since i used utorrent for the last time!!
    I love the classic UI, too.
    And didn't have problems with Vuze 4 and DX so far...

    I take it , you cant setup fake options just like you do in azureus!? And therefor have to choose and startup the right or multiple mods like :

    NoComplete_FakeUp-9x.exe , NoComplete_Report-Seeder_FakeUp-3x.exe and so on
    So it is. Options are hardcoded into the mods, you can't change them on the fly like with Azureus.

    But how does it realy work!?

    How does Fakeup-9x work? 9x REal upload speed perhaps?

    Nocomplete >>> same as in azureus i guess!?

    Nocomplete_report-seeder or is it either Nocomplet and/or Report-seeder ?
    1. It puts a 9 in front of your upload speed. For example, if your real speed is 6kB/s, you'll report 96kbs to the tracker when using the Fakeup-9x mod.

    2. Exactly. It doesn't send the completed flag to the tracker.

    3. Both: it doesn't send the completed flag to the tracker and shows you as a seeder.

    Also, ive read an couple things about aplying command lines! Now , thats easy through shortcuts but is it always neccesarry to use them!?

    Or will i only need for example /RECOVER only if i use and startup multiple mods at once!?
    Same for /NOINSTALL..! Do i have to apply this to every mod i like to use?
    If you want to run 2 or more mods at the same time yes, otherwise it's not needed.

    Quote Originally Posted by kabster View Post
    YOu got me confused now!! Do you mean by 20mb/s = MegaBit = real speed!?
    Or just the profile 20Mbit you know!?
    I think he meant kB/s instead...

    Also, iam not sure why i woud want more download then i already have wich is 400 KB/sec = 4100 Kb/sec more or less !!
    Well, in a couple weeks thats gonna change into ADSL2+ = 24Mbit / 3Mbit :)
    My concern is how to get fake upload speed to work !!?
    Limit your upload (in uTorrent) to a maximum of 9kbs, and use the Fakeup mod that puts the number you want in front of your upload. For example, if you cap your UL to 9kbs and would like to report 29kbs, use the FakeUp-2x mod.

    How does that work, how can i monitor that though collumns like in azureus ?
    No, you can't. Only the tracker can "see" the fake upload. You can't check it through the GUI, but can calculate it yourself: if uTorrent says you've uploaded 10MB and you're using the Multi-11x, you've reported 110MB to the tracker.

    I got the part when and where i have to use command lines though!

    Again, i dont know wot you mean by "Multi11" and "max upload of 12"!!?

    You say you uploa at 132mB = Megabit or byte !!? Eithe way isnt that a bit TOOO fast and obviously dangerous to get you account disabled/banned?
    Again, I think he meant kB/s and not mB/s. Assuming this, he'd be reporting a fake upload of 132kbs. Whether the tracker can detect this or not is another factor that depends on how good its anti-cheat detection and scripts are, etc.

    think i understand this however! You dont want to use any fake upload when there are no leechers right!?? So that the tracker isnt aware of wot youre doing right?
    You'll still send a fake upload even if you haven't done any. Since the Fakeup mods put a number in front of your upload every time, you'd be for example sending a 20kbs fake speed if you haven't uploaded anything (since that'd make 0kbs, and the 2 is put in front of it...).

    This is the problem with hex-mods, their settings are hardcoded and can't be changed without changing the mod you're using. If you need a "real" (undetectable) upload multiplier mod, but don't want to use Azureus, give the Faze mod a try.

    Bit the same like azureus.. I guess the only way to check that is by monitor the upload /download amount through the tracker right ?
    So it is.

    edit: I have to ask because fake upload doesnt seem to work !!
    I only see my real upload and amount of upload volume throug Utorrent!!
    Isnt there an tab to monitor fake progress like in az??
    There isn't, like Butcho said.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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    sorry guys,does anybody has a tutorial for this program?
    Really have no idea WHAT to install when i unpack the Basic Version 1.81(please check the screen )
    When unpack extra Fakeup version acessory there are only more 1.33MB-files,which look all same "important"

    ImageShack - Hosting :: screen1oe6.jpg

    Im a complete Beginner(always used mirc for warez yet)
    if there is already a handbook which explains how to work with these tools i would be grateful for the link
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  6. #49

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    Thanks anon 'AGAIN' for explaining me to the letter in detail wot Utorrent mod is all about.
    Not to mention you explained my "ranting" questions more then once in 1 reply , even though that wosnt neccessarry.
    But i really appreciate it, dont get me wrong

    It seems the problem solved itself , by DL and installing Vuze 4 .

    Now, iam a happy Az user again

    Utorrent is realy great, now that ive tried it. But there arent simply not that much options to play arround whit compared to azureus you know!
    Thats why i think i realy preffer Azureus above anything else, as long it doesnt screww up my system that is

    1 thing about the new Vuze 4 + mod ... I still get allot of errors after applying the mod...

    For now iam surpressing those errors , but iam not realy sure its healthy to ignore them

    Anon, do you get allot of errors ... If so , wich errors do you get for example ?

    If you want me to, i can show you wot kind of errors i get and upload an brief logg entry from azureus anon!

    Also, is it normal i cant surf/connect through a webbrowser for a short brief time after i startup azureus!!?

    Noticed this habbit recently when i startup azureus together whit my webbrowser!!

    Many thanks,


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  7. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by kabster View Post
    Thanks anon 'AGAIN' for explaining me to the letter in detail wot Utorrent mod is all about.
    Not to mention you explained my "ranting" questions more then once in 1 reply , even though that wosnt neccessarry.
    But i really appreciate it, dont get me wrong

    Utorrent is realy great, now that ive tried it. But there arent simply not that much options to play arround whit compared to azureus you know!
    Thats why i think i realy preffer Azureus above anything else, as long it doesnt screww up my system that is
    Of course. uTorrent wasn't meant to be modded since it's closed-source, so hex-mods can only get you as far as the ones available here can.

    Azureus, in exchange, is open-source, and that's why so many less detectable, dynamic cheating options are available in the SB-I hack instead.

    1 thing about the new Vuze 4 + mod ... I still get allot of errors after applying the mod...

    For now iam surpressing those errors , but iam not realy sure its healthy to ignore them

    If you want me to, i can show you wot kind of errors i get and upload an brief logg entry from azureus anon!
    Are they the one's you've posted here? If so, I have just posted a reply there.

    If they're not, kindly post your log in the Azureus Hack thread, so that I can check it.

    Anon, do you get allot of errors ... If so , wich errors do you get for example ?
    No, I don't have any probs with Azureus...

    Also, is it normal i cant surf/connect through a webbrowser for a short brief time after i startup azureus!!?

    Noticed this habbit recently when i startup azureus together whit my webbrowser!!
    That sounds like Azureus is opening a lot of connections and/or saturating your line, and therefore very little bandwidth is left for browsing.

    What are your max. connection settings? These are mine:

    (Tools -> Options -> Transfer)

    And, more importantly, have you applied the max. half-open TCP/IP connections patch? If so, what's your "Max simultaneous outbound connection attempts" value at Tools -> Connection -> Advanced Network Settings ? Mine's 50.

    A tool letting you calculate the correct values for your connection is located here.

    Quote Originally Posted by immel View Post
    sorry guys,does anybody has a tutorial for this program?
    Really have no idea WHAT to install when i unpack the Basic Version 1.81(please check the screen )
    if there is already a handbook which explains how to work with these tools i would be grateful for the link
    You don't need a manual, just refer to Butcho's first post. There's an explanation of what every feature is and does; and if a mod is named after more than one (for example, NoComplete_Multi-11x), it means they are combined.
    In the example I just gave, the mod would multiply your reported upload speed by 11, at the same time it doesn't send the completed flag to the tracker (no snatchlist entry).
    It's easy!
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  8. #51
    Is this safe like Shu-Mod?I mean if i be careful and fake upload slowly, is it possible mods to understand that i'm cheating?
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  9. #52
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    Yes, because some tracker, but only a few, have scripts against this mod.

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  10. #53

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    dumme frage ?


    funktioniert der mod auch bei alt -trackern ?
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  11. #54

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    Ja klar!
    Auf open Trackern macht er auch wenig Sinn.
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  12. #55
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    Ja, auf public würde er ja wenig Sinn machen.

    Allerdings wird er von einigen ALTs erkannt was zu einem Bann führt.

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  13. #56

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    @Butcho: Emulate 1.61 possible?
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  14. #57
    Yes i think it's possible. I'll look after that if i have some free time...

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    someone who used this on torrentheaven? any experiences?
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  16. #59
    i want to ask little question:
    why in peer list some appear using utorrent 1.8.1 and some the differance between two versions?

    i found also
    Last edited by mmmmm; 26.10.08 at 03:08.
    Busy , new things always comes
    Its the time for personal life ,Still here from time to time, Greeting for everybody All .

    Its easy way to capture the announces :-
    Tutorial how use SmartSniff to Capture announces for Bittorrent
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  17. #60
    The point is that build 12639 sends uTorrent 1.81 and the nonofficial update build 12616 and 12639 sends utorrent or
    I'll can update the pack the next days but i wait until they release the next build because they still work on 1.81...

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    mmmmm (26.10.08)

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