Here, I want to show you another well known tracker that is not only great because of its packs:
Tracker: Torrentbytes
Tracker URL: TorrentBytes :: Login (https also available)
Open Signups : Always (I think )
Invite System : No
Category: General , 0-day
Number of Users: 64444
Number of torrents: 5649
Browsing Categories
Browsing Page
As I mentioned this tracker is a must-have if you like big packs. (Which are of course freeleech) Speeds are high enough to max out my bandwith.
Even better is that the signups are almost permanently open. This way it is no wonder that lots of files have a high seeder base.
As it can be seen on the screenshots files with lots of seeders aren't uncommon at all.
So, it's no wonder that older files often have a few seeders too so that the torrent can be downloaded in no time.
The Pre-Times are fast too although I don't care if a torrent was released after 2 or 3 Minutes. But there are torrents too, that have Pre-Times under 1 Minute!
When it comes to cheating, I think, we all know that doing so there is dead easy. Nearly every tool works there just fine. I use mratio there with 200kbs/torrent.
Not to forget to mention that the community there is very helpful and kind and there are lots of contests where everybody is invited to participate.
All in all, it is a nice starting tracker with lots of stuff. Despite of their community and the torrents that are offered it can't keep up with more famous trackers, such as Torrentleech and RevolutionTT, I suggest.