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Thread: eMule 0.49b SBI Leecher v1.8

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    eMule 0.49b SBI Leecher v1.8

    SB-Innovation Presents

    >>>>>> eMule 0.49b SBI Leecher v1.8 Final <<<<<<

    Coded by:

    >>>>>> Butcho <<<<<<

    Coding Support (thx) :

    >>>>>> g_m & sarutobi <<<<<<

    Changelog / Features:

    -add "generate new rsa key" button [downloadlist]
    -add auto generate new rsa key [switchable]*
    -add emulate community nick addons [switchable]*
    -add don't share partfiles [switchable]*
    -add shut down emule when downloads complete [switchable]*
    -add shut down pc when downloads complete [switchable]*
    -add fake check (searchwindow)
    -add update function for fakes.dat [updatemenue]
    -add ban/server rotation/rsa key generate time [switchable]*
    -add xs/kad/srv/srv-udp reask times [switchable]*
    -add time settings menue (preferences)
    -changed max queue / max filebuffer size [advanced options]*
    -changed some icons
    -removed block spammers (useless)
    -some other code changes

    -add auto server rotation [swichable]*
    -add uploadslotcontrol [connection preferences]
    -add "drop ranking QR > 2500" buttons [transferwindow | downloadlist]
    -add "drop NNS/FQ/TM sources" buttons [transferwindow | downloadlist]
    -add "push client" button (Waitingqueue)
    -add download in color[switchable]*
    -show Total/ED2K/KAD/XS source statistics [transferwindow]
    -show NNS/FQ/TM source statistics [transferwindow]
    -changed sidebanner (thx Manas)
    -some other code changes
    -updated code to 0.49b

    v 1.6
    -upload only to friends [switchable] *
    -disable [XS] send [switchable] *
    -add "load/save sources" button [transferwindow | downloadlist]
    -add "ask after new sources" button [transferwindow | downloadlist]
    -add "Update" menue for ipfilter and ip2country (options)
    -add ip2country (fix coded)
    -add sidebannder [options]
    -show cpu/mem/server [transferwindow]
    -show splash on exit (fix coded)
    -changed fake rank code
    -some other code changes...

    v 1.5
    -emulate other clientsoftware (switchable) *
    -don't send complete file status (switchable)*
    -fake rank (switchable)*
    -auto reload shared files if download is complete (fix coded)
    -no upload (switchable)*
    -don't share any files (switchable)*
    -don't share the incoming folder (switchable)*
    -don't send filelist to server (switchable)*
    -don't publish filelist in KAD (switchable)*
    -add no ratio (fix coded)
    -add unlimited search results (fix coded)
    -reask client for download (downloadqueue)
    -kick all Peers Button (uploadqueue) **
    -kick & bann buttons (uploadqueue | downloadqueue | waitingqueue)
    -clear banlist buttons (Uploadqueue | downloadqueue | waitingqueue)
    -add block spammers (switchable)*
    -add "SBI" menue" (preferences)
    -add forum link button (maincontrollbar)
    -add new splashscreen
    -changed min queue size(advanced options)
    -based on emule 0.49a

    * you must restart emule that settings take effect...
    ** you must mark one client that this function works...

    Erklärung: / Explanation:

    generate new rsa key
    Ihr könnt eure eMule Identifikation ändern. Dadurch verliert ihr alle Credits bei anderen Clienten!
    Deshalb ist diese Funktion nur zu empfehlen wenn ihr den Mod eh mit No Share oder No Upload laufen last. Durch das ändern des rsa keys seit ihr besser vor "eMule Network Scans" und auch gegen die ein oder andere "Static Banlist" geschützt.
    This allows you to change your eMule identification. As a result you lose all your credits.
    Therefore this option is only recommended if you have No Share or No Upload enabled.
    By changing your RSA Keys you are better protected against "eMule Network Scans" or the one or the other "Static Banlist".

    emulate community nick addons
    Euer Client emuliert die Community Erweiterungen im Nickname von anderen Clients, da man so teilweise im download bevorzugt wird.
    Your client emulates the community extension of other clients in your nickname , because so you may be prefered for downloading.

    don't share partfiles
    Es werden nur eure Downloads versteckt. Andere Ordner könnt ihr normal zum Upload anbieten.
    Only the files you're downloading will be hidden. You can still offer all your other folder to upload.

    fake check
    Im Suchfenster wird euch angezeigt ob ein bekannte Fake Eintrag für diese Datei vorhanden ist.
    In the search window you will be shown whether there is a known fake entry for a certain file.

    upload only to friends
    Es gelangen nur Clients in eure Uploadwarteschlange die ihr davor zum Freund gemacht habt.
    Only Clients that you made to your friend can come in your Uploadqueue

    disable [XS] send
    Ihr gebt eure Quellen nicht an andere Clients weiter.
    you don´t give your sources to other clients

    load/save sources
    Mit dieser Funktion könnt ihr eure Quellen Speichern und Laden.
    you can load/save your sources with that function

    ask after new sources
    Ihr könnt jederzeit für ein File den Server, Kademilla und die anderen Clients nach neuen Quellen fragen.
    you can ask the Server, Kademilla and the other clients anytime for new sources for a file

    Es werden dieFlaggen der jeweiligen Herkunftsländer bei den Clients und den Servern angezeigt.
    flags of the country of origin will be shown on the clients and the server

    emulate other clientsoftware
    Ihr emuliert ander Client Software wie z.B. edonkey, Shareaza usw. falls sich ein solcher Client zu euch verbindet, da sich diese Programme untereinander bevorzugen.
    you emulate an other client software for example edonkey, Shareaza, and so on...
    if such a client connects to you, the programs will prefer each other

    don't send complete file status
    Es wird kein Fertiggestellt Status gesendet wenn ihr ein File komplett habt.
    if you have a file completed, there will be send no completed status

    fake rank
    Ihr sendet einen gefälschten Warteschlangen Rank zu anderen Usern, da manche Mods diesen berücksichtigen.
    you send a faked queue rank to the other users, because some mods consider the rank

    block spammers
    Clients die uns Spam Nachrichten schicken werden geblockt.
    clients sending spam will be blocked

    no upload
    Andere Clients können von euch nichts laden.
    other clients can´t download from you

    no share any files
    Alle Dateien werden versteckt auch die ihr gerade ladet. Dadurch kann es zu schlechteren Speed Ergebnissen kommen.
    all files will be hidden even the one your just downloading. but this funktion could slower your down speed

    no share the incoming folder
    Euer Incoming Ordner wird nicht im Netz Freigegeben. Dadurch werden nur Files veröffentlicht die ihr gerade Ladet oder manuel frei gegeben habt.
    your incoming folder will not be shared in the network. so just files that you are currently leeching or you decontrolled will be shown public

    autoreload shared files
    Die Liste der Freigegebenen Dateien wird neu geladen wenn ein Download beendet ist. Die Funktion wird für "no share the incoming folder" benötigt.
    the list of your shared files will be reloaded if a download has finished. this function is needed for the function "no share the incoming folder"

    don't send filelist to server
    Eure Dateiliste wird nicht an die Server gesendet. Somit taucht ihr nicht bei den Suchergebnissen auf.
    your filelist won´t be send to the server. so you will not be shown in the search results

    don't publish filelist in KAD
    Eure Dateiliste wird nicht in Kademilla veröffentlicht. Dadurch kann es zu weniger KAD Verbindungen kommen.
    your filelist will not be shared in Kademilla. but it is possible that you have less KAD-connections

    no ratio
    Ihr könnt den Upload begrenzen wie ihr wollt. Euer Download wird dadurch nicht beeinträchtigt.
    you can limit your upload like you want, your download is not affected by that.

    unlimited search results
    Die Anzahl der Treffer bei der Suchfunktion wird nicht begrenzt.
    the number of searchresults is unlimited

    reask client for download
    Ihr könnt einzelne Clients nach Download fragen. Aber benutz denn Button nicht öfter hinter einander da ihr sonst gebannt werdet.
    you can ask individual clients for download, but you will be banned if you use this button to often in a row

    kick all peers
    Damit leert ihr alle Uploadslots.
    you can "clean" all your uploadslots with that

    kick & bann
    Ihr könnt einzelne Clients aus denn Warteschlangen entfernen bzw bannen.
    you can kick & ban other clients from the queues

    clear banlist
    Damit leert ihr eure Bannliste.
    you can clean your banlist with that

    queuezise changing
    Die Warteschlangen Grösse kann beliebig verändert werden.
    the size of the queue can be change like you want with that

    server rotation
    ihr verbindet euch nach 20 Minuten zum nächsten Server in der Liste.
    makes you connect to the next server in the list every 20 mins

    upload slot control
    dadurch könnt ihr Regeln wie viele Leute gleichzeitig von euch was laden dürfen.
    controls how many people you can upload to at the same time

    drop ranking QR > 2500
    dadurch entfernt ihr alle Clients aus den einzelnen Downloads die einen Rank über 2500 haben.
    removes sources whose queue rank is higher than 2500 from your downloads

    drop NNS/FQ/TM sources
    damit könnt ihr clients die nur nicht benötigte Teile, die eine volle Warteschlange haben oder zu viele Verbindungen entfernen.
    removes nns (non needed source), full queue and tm (too many connections) sources from your downloads

    push client
    ihr könnt clients aus der Warteschlange manuell einen Uploadslot zuteilen.
    throws clients in your upload queue

    downloads in color
    Dateien die gerade geladen werden grün gerfärbt.
    colors your downloads green

    Total/ED2K/KAD/XS source statistics
    euch wird angezeigt mit wie viele Quellen ihr verbunden seit.
    shows you the source total and how many of them have been received through ed2k, kad or xs

    NNS/FQ/TM source statistics
    dadurch könnt ihr erkennen ob ihr im Moment mit überflüssigen Quellen verbunden seit
    shows you how many of your downloads' sources aren't needed or in "full queue" or "too many connections" status

    In all versions are no viruses or trojans! Some virus scanners hit alarm because we use a packer who is also often used for viruses or trojans. All versions are free to 100% of viruses and Trojans, with it we guarantee with our name SB-Innovation!

    In allen Packeten sind keine Viren oder Trojaner! Einige Virenscanner schlagen Alarm, weil wir einen Packer verwenden, der auch oft für Viren eingesetzt wird. Alle Versionen sind zu 100% Viren und Trojaner frei, damit garantieren wir mit unserem Namen SB-Innovation!



    "If sex doesn't scare the cat, you're not doing it right."
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  3. #46
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Yes, because every time you generate a new RSA key, you'll lose all your credits forever. This way other clients no longer can identify you as their owner, and won't give you a queue boost.
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  4. #47

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    Quote Originally Posted by Butcho View Post
    No sorry but if you want see the ips i'll insert it in my next release....
    yes i want ^^

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  5. #48

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    Ich möchte eMule über webinteface steuern wenn ich
    aber eMule webinterface aktiviere meldet eMule das eMule.tmpl datei
    nicht gefunden wo kann ich diesem Datei finden
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  6. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    Yes, there are every time more fake servers in the eD2K network
    Some of the few non-fake servers left are the eDonkeyServers (no. 1 and 2), Saugstube, and PEERATES.NET, according my experiences and blocklist.

    Can you really reach the Sangstube server ?? All ping tests failed with me.

    Try the following procedure:

    • Close eMule.
    • Open Windows Explorer.
    • Go to Tools -> Folder Options -> View, scroll to the bottom at "Advanced Settings", and untick the "use simple file sharing" checkbox. Press OK.
    • Right click eMule's downloads.txt file (make a backup first just in case) and choose "Properties".
    • Go to "Security".
    • Remove all entries under "User or group names", and press Apply.
    • Click on "Add", write "Everyone" (without the quotes) in the textbox, and click OK. If your Windows is localized you'll have to write "Everyone" in your language - for example, it'd be "Todos" in an spanish XP.
    • Highlight the new Everyone entry in the user list, and tick the "total control" checkbox under "Allow" in the list below. You'll see all other checkboxes under "Allow" automatically tick themselves.
    • Press OK, and open eMule again. See if the problem persists.
    Thanks for your advices. I will say you what happen the next time my problem reappears (in fact, it has one time reappeared, but at this time my emule was running at 480 kb/s, and I have not been able to take the decision to close it...)

    Yesterday, I noticed a mysterious warning in my log file:

    warning: found matching client, to a currently connected client; uvw[eplus] (xx.yyy.z.tt) and tyuiop (aa.bb.ccc.ddd)
    (where I have replaced the real IPs by "aa.bb.ccc.ddd" and xx.yyy.z.tt").

    What does it means ??

    Ps: The possibility with this mod to forbid sharing (and then uploading) in Temp and Incoming directories, but to allow sharing (and possibly uploading) in another directory is great: So, it's possible to share (and upload) only free stuff and even to obtain some credits (if upload allowed and "RSA key reset time" eg 720 ).
    Last edited by Renk; 18.11.08 at 14:48.
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  7. #50
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Renk View Post
    Can you really reach the Sangstube server ?? All ping tests failed with me.
    Now that you mention it, I can't connect to Saugstube either... it appears to be dead.

    Thanks for your advices. I will say you what happen the next time my problem reappears (in fact, it has one time reappeared, but at this time my emule was running at 480 kb/s, and I have not been able to take the decision to close it...)
    I wouldn't have closed it, either

    Yesterday, I noticed a mysterious warning in my log file:

    warning: found matching client, to a currently connected client; uvw[eplus] (xx.yyy.z.tt) and tyuiop (aa.bb.ccc.ddd)
    (where I have replaced the real IPs by "aa.bb.ccc.ddd" and xx.yyy.z.tt").

    What does it means ??
    "That means that two clients with same hash have tried to connect to you (one was connected and second try to connect) from two different ip at same time.
    Don't worry about, it is not your problem.

    Ps: The possibility with this mod to forbid sharing (and then uploading) in Temp and Incoming directories, but to allow sharing (and possibly uploading) in another directory is great: So, it's possible to share (and upload) only free stuff and even to obtain some credits (if upload allowed and "RSA key reset time" eg 720 ).
    Yes, that's an awesome possibility. You could even further help the Free software movement by connecting to the PEERATES.NET server if you wanted

    But the credits you get doing this won't last more than a month with the RSA generation interval set to 720h
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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    Thanks for a fine mod.

    In the beginning the gui wouldn't show. It just got loaded into the memory and nothing else. It would take over 10 restarts every time I wanted to start it.

    Now it works fine. Good speed with selective upload.
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  9. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    @spanier0987: these settings give me the best results:
    (sorry for the bad image quality, I'm not at home at the moment)
    I tried with your settings and it made even worse so I put everything as before and it's doing great now
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  10. #53
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    @Grambo: it's good that you got the mod running, but the UI bug you mentioned shouldn't have been there from the beginning... what's your security software?

    @yoco: the less popular your downloads are, the more time you'll have to spend downloading it with those settings. Other transfers could also slow down a bit as you won't be sharing anything.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  11. #54

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    If any app was hindering Emule wouldn't there be a msg?
    And the off. Emule works fine.
    Last edited by anon; 20.11.08 at 19:28.
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  12. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grambo View Post
    And the off. Emule works fine.
    Then maybe it's a problem with the packer Butcho is using to protect his mod... try adding emule.exe to your antivirus' and firewall's excluded applications.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    Then maybe it's a problem with the packer Butcho is using to protect his mod... try adding emule.exe to your antivirus' and firewall's excluded applications.
    I did, but the (lesser) problem is still present.
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  14. #57
    what's the meaning of rsa key?
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  15. #58

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    The rsa key is like your ip on internet but with emule.
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  16. #59
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Correct. It is your unique identifier in the eMule network, a bit like your IP on the Internet. That's why this Mod's RSA key auto-generation feature protects you against anti-P2P network scans (like BayTSP's FirstSource), because it changes it from time to time and your old one can no longer be traced to you.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  17. #60

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    Does anyone else lose the ability to remember open searches between restarts?
    You know, where every search you did will be kept open even after you shut down and restart emule?
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