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Thread: ProxyFake 0.5.1 Public Beta

  1. #1

    ProxyFake 0.5.1 Public Beta

    Spoiler Credits:
    - saebrtooth
    - Instab
    - cheatos
    - Vation
    - Rebound

    Spoiler Public/Member:
    - FakeUpload and Ghostleech are not available in Public releases

    Spoiler How to Run:
    - Use the included wrapper or

    - Extract the files to a folder (e.g. ProxyFake)
    - Download SWT and put it (swt.jar only) to the ProxyFake folder.
    - Double click ProxyFake.jar or

    - Run javaw -jar ProxyFake.jar on comand line
    - javaw -XstartOnFirstThread -jar ProxyFake.jar on OSX-Systems or

    - Run java -jar ProxyFake.jar on comand line
    - java -XstartOnFirstThread -jar ProxyFake.jar on OSX-Systems

    - Set your Client to Proxy-Type SOCKS5. (Default IP:, Port: 1337)
    - IMPORTANT: Disable all Authentication and Privacy options! (Example wit uT2.2)
    - Start Listener

    Spoiler Limitations:
    - NoReport: Leecher, Custom; Ghostleech: NoReport:
    --> First Left-value is used for the calculations (there is no other way, to get the real File-size).

    - Fake Upload: Stop faking when number of leechers is less than XXX, Stop faking when following ratio is reached XXX
    --> PF captures each announce the current values (-> PF will use ~30min. old stats in some cases).

    - GhostLeech: Send start and then stop, Send start and after XXX sec. stop.
    --> Some Clients have a different announce structure when the torrent is stopped (e.g. uT without the "ipv6" paramater). PF will save the first stop-announce and use it for ghostleeching. If there isn't such a saved announce, PF will use the start-announce.
    Last edited by ghostfucker; 24.12.10 at 20:44.
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  2. Who Said Thanks:

    roberto1972 (29.08.24) , garrestampus007 (09.12.22) , Howtolean (13.12.21) , Renk (29.08.20) , khoroto (19.05.20) , fsalve (08.09.19) , bits (20.11.18) , salsa99 (29.06.17) , MGustav (24.04.17) , vehf277 (23.05.16) , fabiucci (11.01.16) , murderer (05.01.16) , [TOSHIBA] (03.01.16) , younesoft (13.09.15) , apologized (24.07.15) , infected_ (17.05.15) , MWB (26.01.15) , DR J (19.08.14) , ulysse31 (02.06.14) , hamzahanif (11.05.14) , bounab21 (09.04.14) , iamkilly (14.02.14) , Yale (01.02.14) , Nobody (28.01.14) , swamy143 (17.12.12) , gaboruga (14.11.12) , Spito (02.10.12) , svartevarg (14.09.12) , projectD (27.08.12) , Mihai (14.08.12) , Bellamore (05.08.12) , Tensaa (28.07.12) , saebrtooth (16.06.12) , Lucius (03.06.12) , mahmoudpop (23.04.12) , gu5t3r (17.04.12) , ominus (22.03.12) , ALT (11.03.12) , alwayson420 (28.02.12) , antishiming (04.01.12) , hommer (01.09.11) , apple168 (02.08.11) , fuzzy (01.08.11) , Albator (17.07.11) , l8HH5Atd (12.07.11) , DCore (13.06.11) , whyme (04.05.11) , pepi (23.04.11) , Wolfman1982 (16.03.11) , nickjack (08.03.11) , Hellveig (26.02.11) , Sweiii (22.02.11) , kimkiko (18.02.11) , gee (11.02.11) , grebetu (02.02.11) , cheatos (24.01.11) , HeinzSkies (16.01.11) , Evilmill (08.01.11) , opensource (01.01.11) , SealLion (31.12.10) , Dr.house (29.12.10) , bernardosgr (29.12.10) , SweetShits (27.12.10) , eMuLeecheR (27.12.10) , Sazzy (25.12.10) , ParamouR (25.12.10) , Nr1 (25.12.10) , peepin (25.12.10) , SBfreak (24.12.10) , ErRor (24.12.10) , mmmmm (24.12.10) , pimphead07 (24.12.10) , anon (24.12.10) , seldom (24.12.10) , C3PO (24.12.10) , Vation (24.12.10) , BrianBosworth (24.12.10) , Rebound (24.12.10)

  3. #46
    This is actually best of its kind. All proxy related fakers are HTTP proxies. Which is easy to manipulate, pattern match-replace of HTTP announce content. And this is SOCKS. Packets, packets, a lot of packets.
    Respects to Devs.
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  4. #47

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    Where do i get member version with fake upload working?
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  5. #48
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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    unknownuser (01.06.17)

  7. #49

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    I would love to be a member of this community but unfortunate I don't have time to post and would be a waste of your time. Thanks for answers, I really appreciate!
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  8. #50
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    No worries. Most of the good programs are available to everyone, so feel free to use one of the others!
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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    unknownuser (02.06.17)

  10. #51

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    Secure socket layer

    Hi guys

    Thanks for a great tool. Any chance to add https trackers support?

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  11. #52
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    HTTPS tracker support is doable in theory. You'd need to perform a (local) MITM attack with a self-signed root certificate trusted in advance by the client. Unfortunately, the developer of this tool hasn't been online since December 2014, so our chances of ever getting an updated version with that feature are very low or nonexistent.

    If you're really interested, you could look into chaining ProxyFake with another program which has this capability, like mitmproxy, sslstrip or WebOne... mitmproxy in particular is so scriptable it could even be used as a rudimentary cheating tool itself (if info_hash=xyz then uploaded=a, downloaded=b, left=c). However, that won't be simple and requires knowledge of how all elements involved work.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  12. #53

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    I have trial chaining with Fiddler using Proxifier. No luck thus far. mRatio does the job though. It is usefull in setting up a failover as FakeProxy seems to fail frequently.
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  13. #54
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    I would advice against using Proxifier on Java programs. My experience is that it causes high CPU usage, stops working after a while, or simply doesn't work at all. You can instead set a proxy by passing the appropriate command line parameters to the Java VM, for example:

    javaw.exe -DsocksProxyHost= -DsocksProxyPort=8080 -DsocksProxyVersion=5 -Dsocks.nonProxyHosts="|localhost" -jar YourProgram.jar
    HTTP, HTTPS and even FTP proxies can also be set by editing "socks" accordingly and removing the socksProxyVersion, but may get ignored depending on how requests are done, whereas SOCKS are always used for all TCP connections. Therefore I recommend running your interceptor proxy in SOCKS mode (don't know if Fiddler can do that). DNS lookups are always performed locally in this case and there is no flag to control that, which is not a problem here since the proxy is running on the same computer, but could be in other usage scenarios. Workarounds exist.

    # In Java 9 and above you can add this to make local lookups always fail and "fall back" to remote ones...
    # For Java 8 and below this may work, but I haven't tested it.
    -Dsun.net.spi.nameservice.nameservers= -Dsun.net.spi.nameservice.provider.1="dns,sun"
    Now you have to deal with the fact Java doesn't use the system's certificate store, so it won't trust the Fiddler root CA even if it's installed there. In the past, the -Dtrust_all_cert=true parameter was a quick and dirty way to solve this by always accepting any certificate, but it doesn't seem to exist anymore, so you must use keytool to create a custom key store, then tell Java to use it instead of the default one. Edit paths accordingly.

    "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool.exe" -importcert -noprompt -file "C:\Fiddler\FiddlerRoot.cer" -keystore "%CD%\fiddler-keystore" -storepass "123456"
    javaw.exe -DsocksProxyHost= -DsocksProxyPort=8080 -DsocksProxyVersion=5 -Dsocks.nonProxyHosts="|localhost" -Djdk.net.hosts.file="nul" -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore="fiddler-keystore" -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword="123456" -Dcom.sun.net.ssl.checkRevocation=false -Docsp.enable=false -jar YourProgram.jar
    However, there are two important facts that should be mentioned.
    1. Normally, you'll be running one program able to "talk" HTTPS directly to the intercepting proxy. But in this situation, we have two (a BitTorrent client, then ProxyFake, then said proxy) and ProxyFake cannot or does not use secure protocols in any way. The only way to work around this is editing all tracker announce URLs in your client to use HTTP, then having Fiddler or whatever rewrite them back to HTTPS as necessary, deciding that necessity through some criteria defined in advance (e.g. Host header, destination port if not 80), and always returning plaintext responses. The idea is making both client and ProxyFake only deal with nonsecure HTTP, the one supported protocol both have in common, whereas your interceptor is the one actually communicating with trackers using HTTPS.
    2. Because of the previous point, you wouldn't actually need to install the root certificate into Java's store like I mentioned before, as it won't be used for anything.

    As you can see, this setup takes a lot of work and has plenty of room for error. I recommend forgetting about it and using BiglyBT Extreme Mod or RatioMaster Plus, both of which have full TLS support. mRatio only supports version 1.0, and my fix for that involves automating something (almost) as crazy as what I said above, in addition to working around a couple of bugs in mRatio itself.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  14. #55

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    unable to access jar file on windows 10 pc and i have java version 3 updated 311 but cant run . plz guide us how to run and check this application .
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  15. #56
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    This tool is semi-obsolete in its current state, as most trackers mandate the use of HTTPS for announces, which it can't handle. Just use something newer.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  16. Who Said Thanks:

    unsigned (24.09.23)

  17. #57
    i have could not find the main class. Program will exit anyone had this?
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  18. #58
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Just tested with Java 22 and it works fine. Did you follow everything under "How to Run"?
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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