Spoiler Credits:- saebrtooth
- Instab
- cheatos
- Vation
- Rebound
Spoiler Public/Member:- FakeUpload and Ghostleech are not available in Public releases
Spoiler How to Run:- Use the included wrapper or
- Extract the files to a folder (e.g. ProxyFake)
- Download SWT and put it (swt.jar only) to the ProxyFake folder.
- Double click ProxyFake.jar or
- Run javaw -jar ProxyFake.jar on comand line
- javaw -XstartOnFirstThread -jar ProxyFake.jar on OSX-Systems or
- Run java -jar ProxyFake.jar on comand line
- java -XstartOnFirstThread -jar ProxyFake.jar on OSX-Systems
- Set your Client to Proxy-Type SOCKS5. (Default IP:, Port: 1337)
- IMPORTANT: Disable all Authentication and Privacy options! (Example wit uT2.2)
- Start Listener
Spoiler Limitations:- NoReport: Leecher, Custom; Ghostleech: NoReport:
--> First Left-value is used for the calculations (there is no other way, to get the real File-size).
- Fake Upload: Stop faking when number of leechers is less than XXX, Stop faking when following ratio is reached XXX
--> PF captures each announce the current values (-> PF will use ~30min. old stats in some cases).
- GhostLeech: Send start and then stop, Send start and after XXX sec. stop.
--> Some Clients have a different announce structure when the torrent is stopped (e.g. uT without the "ipv6" paramater). PF will save the first stop-announce and use it for ghostleeching. If there isn't such a saved announce, PF will use the start-announce.