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Thread: I'm getting fired.

  1. #31
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    Wait, she just accused you? In your face or behind back? OMG, the people today man! Makes me sick!

  2. #32
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Behind my back. She deliberately hasn't talked to me since New Year's Eve. And remember the Windows 95 joke? Today I learned that the authorities didn't simply drop by our office and see the program running as she originally stated (which I already thought was super far-fetched, as they'd have to show up there at 9 AM with no reason right after the computer started up, but didn't bother to argue). Instead, it was her who sent them a panicky e-mail interpreting the messages as a threat, with pictures included.

    You don't pull this kind of shit on a friend. It's so ugly to find someone whom I respected and appreciated so much (remembered when two years ago I asked for suggestions on what present to buy her?) turn into a two-faced backstabber at the slightest perceived provocation. Now I know how Sazzy felt some months back

    But enough about that. I had the meeting today, with the coordinator general and a lady from Human Resources who also wanted to hear my version of the facts. Long story short, they're on my side (by which I mean they don't think I'm lying), but also getting pushed around by their superiors, and have to put some end to this very soon. Since one last attempt at making the rector undo the whole disaster was to take place today (perhaps already has as I type this), I asked them to wait until next Monday. If things went well, I stay where I was, and otherwise, I'd instantly accept the transfer to another school and be done with this. They agreed, but strongly hinted that said transfer would be permanent, no matter what my original school says or asks in the future.

    So the ultimate outcome depends on whatever is/has been decided today. If I win, then I'll mark two people as unsafe and move on with my life. If I lose... at least the new school is in a nice neighborhood and has, I am told, level-headed staff.

    And I won't have gone down without a fight.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

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  4. #33
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    Shit man. don't worry u'll be fine.. karma will get that evil bitch. i wish u luck man..
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  5. #34
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    There have been many delays since my last post. Firstly, remember that comment about the 70s dictatorship? Reading it made the rector feel really bad and he ended up spending a few days in the hospital as a result. Turns out several of his students were forcibly disappeared by the military back then, so it made really ugly memories resurface. I don't doubt he's telling the truth, those were really fucked up times.

    After he recovered, he insisted on taking the note asking for my return to the Government by himself, but got sidetracked and couldn't deliver it (I do doubt his sincerity on that). I was this close to getting reassigned, until a signed digital copy made it through, which was enough to calm them down.

    Then, a decisive breakthrough was made yesterday. After another long-winded talk, everyone finally agreed they want me back and there's no reason to delay that further. There is some drama left over money we were collecting to buy a printer and who put it in the school safe (apparently, the one who did it suddenly decided he didn't), but the important thing is it's over, and I'm back. There's just this meeting on Friday night to clarify any loose ends before I formally begin working, and that's it. If the evil bitch is there it could get pretty fun
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  6. #35
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    Update on this:

    I made my visit last Friday, but there was no meeting as several key players were not present.

    People checking out from the afternoon shift were like "uh, you're back" upon noticing my presence; those checking in for the night were severely pleased to do so. I guess a different story has been circulating before sunset. Also, some network problems that had gone unsolved for a month were promptly fixed by me, and I engaged on some demagogy by letting everyone know

    My office is a mess. Stacks and stacks of broken computers, hardware and office chairs all over the place. There's a filing cabinet that wasn't there before, and the lock to the server room has been changed. The first weeks are going to be a nightmare.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  7. Who Said Thanks:

    ozymandis (07.04.16) , DarkSaibot v.1.3.10 (04.04.16)

  8. #36
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Another update on this.

    I had meetings at the school the last two days. They were both pretty short, but highly revealing. Yesterday night, during the second one, I was shown all the WhatsApp conversations the rector had had with her since October 2015. That's when she started using the good relationship they had to manipulate him into kicking me out. The initial story was that she'd slowly started finding me too dangerous and aggressive beforehand, which culminated with the Windows 95 joke program, whose messages were "clearly directed at [her]".

    As it unfolded, I learned this conversation is the original source for all the false accusations about me mentioned in the first post. There was also talk about installing a keylogger in the office computer to see "what [I talked] and whom with". I have changed my e-mail and bank passwords just to be sure. I trembled as I learned all of this, but not with fear.

    The ultimate goal of this scheme was kicking me out to replace me with a so-called friend of hers who was working on another school, someone who barely knows anything about computing, and she herself had told me she found cumbersome and useless back on March 2014. What a two-faced bitch

    The rector's stance is now "I see I've been played; avoid her and don't give me further trouble" (they are on super bad terms now that he's called her out on all of this). I plan on granting that wish.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  9. Who Said Thanks:

    ozymandis (15.04.16)

  10. #37
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    Damn bro! Your school has some messed up people!

  11. #38

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    What a 2 faced manipulative bitch but getting angry will achieve nothing realize who she really is, it is better to keep your distance and be on your guard if it wasn't your work I would have suggested a good ol' punch in the face cuz frankly that's the least she deserves. Check for key loggers and I don't know what the laws for cyber crime in argentina are but if she had installed them consider suing her or at the very least arresting her this is a very serious breach of both your personal and financial privacy with an intent to harm your well being, deeply disgusting behaviour on her part.
    Last edited by ozymandis; 15.04.16 at 00:20.

  12. #39
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yoco View Post
    Damn bro! Your school has some messed up people!
    Just a few fuckers ruining it for everyone else

    I found out that even the guy who had the chair drama with me (and stayed bitter after I won) was supporting my return. Reality's full of surprises.

    Quote Originally Posted by ozymandis View Post
    I would have suggested a good ol' punch in the face cuz frankly that's the least she deserves.
    Back on December, I was going to send a very heated e-mail, but decided against it.

    As for cybercrime, the laws about it here are few and rarely enforced. Which maybe is a good thing, as she was also accusing me of at least two counts of it. I checked the computer with Tuluka and Autoruns, and it's clean. The deleted files and changed passwords and lock should have been reported to my coordinator today. She's been avoiding me ever since this got solved, but as long as I can get those back, I don't care. (There was a time where I would have cared a lot, but I didn't know the real her then.)
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  13. Who Said Thanks:

    ozymandis (15.04.16)

  14. #40

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    University pay checks are not that good compared to private companies ones. Maybe you should move on to another place.

  15. #41
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    I've been on the lookout for something else, or perhaps combining the two things (only if both halves are part-time, I'm not going to work 12 hours a day). But times are tough, courtesy of our new conservative president. Massive layoffs and downsizing everywhere. I'm not saying this is as good as it gets, but I have to plan carefully before deciding.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  16. #42
    Elite hellman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    I've been on the lookout for something else, or perhaps combining the two things (only if both halves are part-time, I'm not going to work 12 hours a day). But times are tough, courtesy of our new conservative president. Massive layoffs and downsizing everywhere. I'm not saying this is as good as it gets, but I have to plan carefully before deciding.
    u need to do this
    Tutorials one should read\
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  17. #43

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    Quote Originally Posted by anon
    Just a few fuckers ruining it for everyone else
    that the two deserve each other is the truth that may hurt
    such individuals may flourish only on suitably fertile grounds, they are not a fluke, they are a logical outcome
    they even need each other, as otherwise they wouldn't be aware of any existing (own) shortcomings, they wouldn't be inclined to change

    Quote Originally Posted by anon
    Reality's full of surprises.
    aka 'god moves in mysterious ways'
    ie. who wants a boring living experience?
    or who wants to watch a boring movie?

    Quote Originally Posted by anon
    But times are tough, courtesy of our new conservative president. Massive layoffs and downsizing everywhere.
    his other major opponent(s) would end up doing the same or very similar moves because essentially they have very similar positions on key political or economical questions (example: all of them would be eager to play along with major capital investors and transnational companies or influential organizations, ending up as servants to so-called 'big money')

    furthermore, he is there by courtesy of the voters, they deserve that which they chose (voted for), they're currently simply still not ready for a better solution - 'that which they are ready for' is/becomes available to them

    also, 'times are tough' is courtesy of the current era (of ignorance), something beyond the influence of presidents and other so-called powerful people, as they too are subjects to the era in which they live in

    Quote Originally Posted by hellman
    u need to do this
    superficially, it may be interpreted as 'conquering/defeating your enemies'
    essentially, if that ass symbolizes materialistic dirt (illusions or veils covering the truth), then winning means renouncing such dirt in favor of spiritual truth (conquering/defeating own illusions)

    naturally, there will be plenty of room for misinterpretations, so for example, some may think they need to 'conquer the ass' and may be gay (happy) to do so, hehe

  18. #44
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellman View Post
    It's not a good idea to burn bridges and show your ass, even if you have the upper hand

    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    his other major opponent(s) would end up doing the same or very similar moves
    Inflation is a pretty big problem, and most utilities were heavily subsidized, which cannot be sustained forever. The other party would have also had to take unpopular measures at some point, yes. However, a gradual approach would have been much better. Within four months of assuming office, 25000 state employees have been fired on the grounds of being ñoquis (slang for someone who only shows up once a month to get their paycheck), and many businesses had to shut down because their rent and utility costs were multiplied by anywhere from 2 to 5 each, just as they were for home users.

    As for being there because people voted for him, absolutely. It wasn't a landslide though, just a 1.5% margin on a runoff, and I'd wager many were deluded by charismatic promises of "zero poverty" and "you won't lose what you already have" and would vote differently if they could turn back time.

    This guy is doing the exact same things he did when elected as Mayor of Buenos Aires back on 2007, just on a country-wide scale. Sometimes it seems people don't remember anything older than the last month before the elections. Support from the biggest media group, and its relentless campaign against the previous (politically cross-aligned) government, certainly helped.

    essentially, if that ass symbolizes ...
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  19. #45

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    most utilities were heavily subsidized, which cannot be sustained forever.
    was that a public explanation? sounds like an excuse to expand the exploitation

    a gradual approach would have been much better
    it would merely be the case of slowly boiled frog vs. a quickly boiled one

    and would vote differently if they could turn back time.
    and their vote would probably go to the other major party or the first one/two runner-ups, ie. it would give them roughly the same outcome, as mentioned before

    Sometimes it seems people don't remember anything older than the last month before the elections.
    they are simply not ready for a change, they do not want to personally do something about it, they expect someone else will do it for them (which is correct, but they'll have to wait for the so-called doomsday to get there, ie. thousands upon thousands of years), even though the solution is very simple: a country-wide unity only on the bare common grounds (for starters), support each other regarding their essential demands, be firm about it (accept no second-hand solutions and partial lets-buy-some-time patches or divide and conquer attempts), be ready to give up some of your own comfort for reaching a (societal) milestone, avoid extreme solutions, make sure no one is left out of the equation, all can get some but they need to restrain own desires and initial animosities (aka moderation)

    people do not understand that their strength is in their unity (which only echoes their spiritual future/destiny, united in spiritual ascendance), in a tendency to reach higher goals (using common ethical and moral values as guidance), in supporting each other (as opposed to exploiting/using/enslaving each other), etc.

    but, even with such simplicity/elegance, someone might add observations like: 'easier said than done' or 'what about the age of ignorance', etc.

  20. Who Said Thanks:

    ozymandis (23.04.16) , anon (21.04.16)

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