this movie:
- wrong attitude, it wanted to be serious & impressive, yet turned out unintentionally silly & underwhelming (cgi/action)
- where was the fun? too dark ('barely visible' kind of dark), too depressive, too trendy ('dark, depressed & incompetent knight' trend used over and over again, must spit in the face of the hero image, ie. antihero trend of the worst kind)
- constipated incompetent 3rd rate actors (might be a bit harsh)
- beyond incompetent scriptwriting as seen above
- weak cgi, in a movie so dependent on cgi, in the age of cgi = fail
- nobody cared about such things, this was a complete money-grab, a movie probably produced for less than $60 mil., made to seem like a $160 mil. on paper and they cashed in at least $100 mil. in the process (aka hollywood accounting)
- the godzilla look was accurate, perhaps also his characteristics (wait, someone did care!)
the previous version:
- it wanted not to be taken seriously, yet impressive (effects & action close to big-budget movies of the era) - both decently accomplished
- where was the fun? there was almost too much of it, every character had some funny elements and decent actors to pull it off: broderick (has 'confused' written all over his face), his ex-girlfriend & her boyfriend (more confusion, younger gargamel), jean reno (pronounced as: renault, nuff said), their interaction & clumsiness accompanied the action scenes well - no heroes here, but no spitting either
- bearable scriptwriting
- cheese? yes, of the enjoyable kind - not top level, but not that far either
- the monster did not look like the original godzilla, more like what it 'would look like' if it were a real animal (some kind of a dinosaur)
now, we might argue how much of this was really accomplished or what element was important or not, the bottom line is: can you enjoy it, does it entertain you, would you watch it again, how does it compare to other movies of the era/genre/topic, etc. - regarding the previous version, sure, i'd watch it again, though not too often - regarding the new one: had some fun watching/writing, but once was quite enough, thank you very much