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Thread: The Green Inferno

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    The Green Inferno

    Release Date: September 5, 2014
    Studio: Open Road Films
    Director: Eli Roth
    Screenwriter: Eli Roth, Guillermo Amoedo
    Starring: Lorenza Izzo, Ariel Levy, Daryl Sabara, Kirby Bliss Blanton
    Genre: Horror, Thriller
    MPAA Rating: R (for aberrant violence and torture, grisly disturbing images, brief graphic nudity, sexual content, language and some drug use)
    "The Green Inferno," directed, co-written, and produced by Eli Roth ("Hostel," "Cabin Fever"), follows a group of student activists who travel from New York City to the Amazon to save the rainforest. However, once they arrive in this vast green landscape, they soon discover that they are not alone…and that no good deed goes unpunished.
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    I see that one of the themes in this film is protection of rainforest resources. One of the important resources that rain forests have, whether they are boreal rain forests like the one's here in Canada or one's such as equatorial rain forests or cloud forests or even mangrove rain forest eco-systems is that such ecosystems provide not only a wealth of wildlife but also emits and absorbs vast quantities of CO2. When corporations or even individuals deforest rain forests the stimuli it has for drought, tree - burnings and even species extermination are unparalleled in the corporate world of greed.

    Multi-national corporations like Nike, Adidas, Reebok, and other companies like Timberland that use the leather made from cows that graze upon cleared land from forests such as the Amazon Forest are phenomenally and incredibly destructive to rain forests to say the least. It gets only worse. Most products, as you know are made in China and exported to Western nations. Products from China, as you know are cheap quality. So cheap in fact that I recall from personal experience that a pair of sandals I bought at Walmart only lasted about 3 weeks. 'Manufactured in China' was the label. I knew better. But they looked nice and so I paid for them. What a waste of coin!

    Nevertheless, products from China are of such cheap and economical quality that if we were to continue using the example I just produced about shoe manufacturing companies and knowing of China's economical quality of it's manufactured products and it's huge export market, you can just imagine the pace of leather needed from cows grazing on cleared land from rain forests around the world.

    Rain forests are incredibly important to stabilizing carbon. Other multi-national companies, like mining companies that seek for minerals like gold in rain forests such as the one's that are in Costa Rica provide one of the greatest vehicles for devastation, deforestation, and upheavals of independent communities.

    Then we have other companies such as Cargil. Here's a multi-national company that just loves to deforest rain forests for soya plantations. This is one of those companies that are to blame for some of the scars you see in rain forests. You'd think it was some logging company. It might be. But there's also other companies that produce scars on forests for it's production to satisfy the greed from it's investors, greed for more profit, greed for even more profit, and oh.....before I forget. Greed for even more profit.

    Brazil is known to be host to rain forests. It's also host to one of the world's largest supplies of soya. This little protein been has become such a profit in the processed food chain and a very, very large percentage of world production of that is fed to livestock.
    Soya beans from Brazil are also feeding Europe's insatiable hunger for cheap meat substitutes. This little bean, as rich as it is in protein, is overtaking the reasons for the amount of logging and cattle ranching as the main engine of deforestation in Brazil.

    Multi-national companies that do business are basically separate nations without boundaries. Such multi national companies are known to utilize the host countries police and military forces to subvert the indigenous people to the company's will.

    Here's another good one: Media from Western nations are willing to overlook the destructive things governments and multi-national corporations do in Third World countries. Instead, they will report events in a way that generally make those corporations and governments look like the 'good guys', when they are actually the 'bad guys'. The major media are corporations devoted not to free speech but to "selling" their audiences to other businesses. Banks play a nasty role too. Here's an example how: A bank might make a loan to a Third World country for a large-scale hydroelectric project which provides infrastructure for mining. And then of course, that host country is left with an added national debt to a foreign bank. It gets worse actually. Let me explain. What follows here on is that, that host country has to service this debt. And then that country is forced to cut social services to its citizens and exploit still more of its natural resources.
    Rain forest is cut to sell off the valuable timber. The magnitude of the Third World debt problem is staggering, I'm sure you've heard of that.

    Banks are so fat with riches, it's disgusting.

    Ever wonder about damming in rain forests? Guess what. Flooding of reservoirs behind a dam destroys a large area of rain forest and forces indigenous peoples off their land. This makes room for more development. Multi-corp agri-business's as an example. You know...more GMO foods that are known to change and/or alter human DNA.

    And then of course there's the added benefit that Multi-national corporations are able to take advantage of the cheap energy produced by the dam to exploit mineral resources in the area.

    So ya. That's your six-o-clock news for you on the destructive effects that mult-national corps have on rain forests. It's not just only about cheap-horror entertainment value like what this film might offer.
    Last edited by SealLion; 05.06.14 at 04:39.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
    whose grey top shall tremble,
    He descending, will Himself,
    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
    Oh, oh. Better use LINUX.
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    reminds me of tv series "LOST" another stupid unnecessary gore movie
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    one of the themes in this film is protection of rainforest resources.
    not really, the director here is simply exploiting the subject to score some environmentalist points, while at the same time killing-off these characters and having fun showing it on-screen - also, imagine the enormous amount of resources spent on making worthless movies incl. the surrounding/supporting/related activities and industries, a huge waste rarely correlated to environmentalist concerns (they like to use and are encouraged to use only the more obvious examples)

    One of the important resources that rain forests have... also emits and absorbs vast quantities of CO2.
    its a feature common to all kinds of forests, all kinds of plants (that use the process of photosynthesis), among others - emission of CO2 here is much lower than absorption, so the former may be excluded from the equation for the purpose of simplicity

    When corporations or even individuals deforest rain forests
    individuals? only if we're talking about a (very) large number of individuals, doing it senselessly (no moderation)
    deforestation? only if done excessively (usually large corporations and their partners, shielded by local governments, with little opposition from the voters) and with little or no properly balancing reforestation activity

    Multi-national corporations ... are phenomenally and incredibly destructive to rain forests to say the least.
    indeed, seems that with all their technological advancements in terms of manufacturing, there is a glaring backwardness in terms of genuine environmental concern or ethical behavior, which they try to hide by supporting semi-deceptive activities like global charities or outright false ones like carbon offsets, whereas what they should be doing in the first place is 'cleaning up their own back yard' (that of their own company/factories) or 'cleaning up their own act' (transparency/honesty)

    Products from China, as you know are cheap quality. So cheap in fact that I recall from personal experience that a pair of sandals I bought at Walmart only lasted about 3 weeks.
    ...you can just imagine the pace of leather needed from cows grazing on cleared land from rain forests around the world.
    and the same applies to any kind of mass-produced wares (and the respective resources used in production)
    the interesting thing here is that they could easily make these products to be of (much) higher quality/durability/... without much financial effort if they wanted to, however, generally they support a consumerist policy aimed towards achieving ever shorter time between re-buying the items in question (shorter product life-cycle), just to drive-up the industry into crazy manufacturing sprees, while pushing the public into even crazier consuming/purchasing sprees - then these same companies/politicians talk of environmental concern/protection? laughable - the worst part: not only do they get away with such hypocrisy (no proper voter backlash), they even get almost a free hand to design/propose relevant legislation in their favor (lobbying) - can you guess the outcome/future? more of the same

    greed for more profit...Greed for even more profit.
    not only that, the idea is to intentionally ruin the environment (create a perpetuating problem or aggravate/intensify an existing one) and then propose a number of deceptive solutions/measures to supposedly combat the problem, establish/support opposing camps, keep them busy/fighting each other while failing to notice the bigger picture and the same old puppeteers behind the scenes...wash, rinse, repeat (with occasional variations on the theme)

    Multi-national companies that do business are basically separate nations without boundaries.
    yes, make no mistake, just because a company originates from, lets say, usa, it surely does not automatically mean it has to support usa interests, let alone usa citizen interests - what may be noticed though is how these large multi-national companies tend to have very similar global(ist) interests, as if they made agreements to cooperate on these issues

    Here's another good one: Media from Western nations are willing to overlook the destructive things governments and multi-national corporations do in Third World countries.
    furthermore, the media doesn't even bother to look (parroting official PR statements suffices) and those that do investigate are either trained/bribed/encouraged to look in the wrong direction or simply marginal players (often tainted by other non-desirable elements like: conspiratorial tendencies, fanaticism, blind support for other issues, lack of quality sources,...)
    in addition to this, similar practice (though to a somewhat lesser degree) is happening in every more developed country in the world, ie. its not limited to 'less-developed' countries only

    Banks are so fat with riches, it's disgusting.
    such riches are symptomatic of foul play (thus easily identifiable), the real issue is the underlying mechanism of banking practices (how they create money or (over)extract it from their clients or gamble with it in various ways or blackmail entire countries or achieve global influence/control,...), not to mention how this was (and still is) allowed to work in such an exploitative manner (active political support/favoritism) - 'cleaning up their act' comes to mind...again

    finally, these are only a few issues in a sea of similar ones, plaguing current societies (most of the issues working in a similar way), so you don't need to be an expert in all of these fields to know what is (most likely) happening beneath the (PR) surface - a good, familiar example is 'entertainment industry vs. filesharing' where one can notice striking similarities in the way these corporations behave (aggressive, deceptive, greedy,...), what their goals may be (globalism, revolving problems, profit,...) and how are they connected to the political/legislative level of decision-making (lobbying, protectionism, shared goals/ideas/members,...) - imagine the amount of cleaning needed to fix this ridiculous state of affairs in the world today - last but not least, 'cleaning up their act' is in order not only for corporations or politicians or science or religions or voters - the so-called modern human has lost his values (or more correctly: uses distorted ones), the society has degenerated towards totalitarianism in disguise, the established authorities are the main promoters of falsehoods, etc. - that is 'the truth that hurts' and the only proper way of solving it is to start from oneself and fix yourself first - if and only if others will be so wise as to do the same then a critical mass may turn the current tide, everything else is self-deception (easily proven by historical records)
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    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid
    however, generally they support a consumerist policy aimed towards achieving ever shorter time between re-buying the items in question (shorter product life-cycle), just to drive-up the industry into crazy manufacturing sprees, while pushing the public into even crazier consuming/purchasing sprees -
    Planned obsolescence? I hated it so much when I learned about this practice few years ago. Whenever I read or hear about it, 3 companies spring in mind:

    - Apple with their annually i-this, i-that products
    - HP and Epson with their bullshit printers that practically have an expiration time bomb on them, waiting to detonate when you need them the most.
    it's hip to be square
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    slikrapid (09.06.14)

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