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Thread: Wikileaks: The Global Intelligence Files

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    Wikileaks: The Global Intelligence Files

    This one article from Wikileaks I find is quite interesting. You should know that the information/article is a bit dated. Nevertheless, it provides continuing information/data that intelligence gathering on people, events, politics, etc is pretty deep.

    There is of course more on this at the link provided below. It's a fairly short read. Short but quite good.

    WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files – more than five million emails from the Texas-headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal’s Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defense Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor’s web of informers, pay-off structure, payment-laundering techniques and psychological methods
    There is a little bit more naughty stuff below. I heard of this sort of thing happening but didn't really think that it could be as accurate as reported. I had to bolden the last sentence because it shows how all money can be made to be a 'god'. Not just for people but most obviously for companies too.

    The emails also expose the revolving door that operates in private intelligence companies in the United States. Government and diplomatic sources from around the world give Stratfor advance knowledge of global politics and events in exchange for money.
    Here is the link to the greater article:

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    What else do u expect from a illuminati country.. Its not just this thing.. its way more than this.. Don't forget the earthquake weapons,ufo's n more.. You should check website topinfopost n u'll c how blink we are.. Its just like in d matrix movie... We are just shownn things that acts as a diversion
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    Quote Originally Posted by SealLion
    it provides continuing information/data that intelligence gathering on people, events, politics, etc is pretty deep.
    sure, though it seems this material is not particularly damaging and not very revealing, thus likely to remain as hear-say, softly touching upon the surface of the topic, while the big fish continue their business as usual beyond reach and away from any deeper public focus/inspection, whereas on the other had, their focus/inspection/surveillance regarding the general public is being designed to achieve an ever-deeper or intrusive extent

    another telling hint is convenient 'findings' that match wikileaks/activist orientation or goals, that just happen to be located in there

    also, (most of) it doesn't steer too far away from the established opinions, it might even be described as 'safe leaks', especially considering how unexcited or prepared some official responses were, seems those involved/mentioned didn't even blink, let alone shiver over these (leaks)

    not to mention a far-fetched situation where confidential information or correspondence flows freely via email within or outside the company, not (properly) protected or encrypted as you'd normally expect from people having years of experience in dealing with intelligence/secretive information, that was way too easy, as if done on purpose

    Quote Originally Posted by article
    Government and diplomatic sources from around the world give Stratfor advance knowledge of global politics and events in exchange for money.
    that simple, huh? some anonymous money-waving person or organization approaches an employee who then, having nothing to lose, just spills the beans for them? don't think so... - this could happen, but most likely at higher positions where such people have some control over their subordinates (can get things done, no questions asked, are less monitored), that are connected with similarly/more powerful persons from other companies (transfer), that appear at special clubs & meetings (consolidation), etc. - money is probably not that important to them, their primary motivation lies elsewhere, however they probably wouldn't skip/pass on the bonus/compensation as is customary regarding valuable material, which then gets interpreted as the primary motivation

    Quote Originally Posted by hellman
    What else do u expect from a illuminati country
    illuminati, translated: everything except being illuminated, ie. having an appearance of being illuminated (when observing superficially), they are 'the blind ones' leading...the blind

    Quote Originally Posted by hellman
    its way more than this.. Don't forget the earthquake weapons,ufo's n more..
    well, lets also not forget that a great deal of that stuff is simply manufactured & exaggerated disinfo & misinfo, with ever-increasing questions & wild theories, yet often not nearly sufficiently satisfactory answers, which won't change in the future

    Quote Originally Posted by hellman
    Its just like in d matrix movie...
    you know what the real matrix is? your own ego, your own perception of yourself and the world around you, the one that imagines how our senses are accurately displaying the 'nature of reality', whereas they are merely filters set-up (adapted) to pass or pick-up a specific range of information, a range suitable for practical experience of a human life(time), yet that input is too loud, distracting and attention seeking, thus steering the mind's eye away from inward introspection, from looking directly at its own core or source (the true self)

    which means that, taking the movie as an example, after neo got disconnected from the matrix (program, virtual reality) he was still within THE matrix (his senses, perceived reality), ie. the 'movie matrix' was basically a matrix within a matrix hehe - a similar thing happens when, while reading an interesting book, you get immersed in the contents, 'forgetting' about your surroundings
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