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Thread: Django Unchained

  1. #16

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    Quote Originally Posted by SealLion View Post
    What was there that you both liked and disliked about this film?? Anything in particular??

    here's my review of Django Unchained:

    "I had high hopes for this movie as the best of 2012, but Tarantino went too far in paying homage for his favorite genre "Spaghetti Western" which was invented by Sergio Leone, to the extent that the movie emerged too cheap and slow-paced. If U haven't seen this genre before, you'll say it's a very good movie, but for me, nothing new here. Nothing of great significance here except the muzik and a handful of scenes.As for the scenario, it was a shallow one, not like what i expected from Tarantino as he always pushed the envelope too far in his perspective regarding the themes he presents in his movies (e.g. Inglourious Basterds) and which is a characterstic of QT that made him distinctive, and sure not an Oscar-worth-nomination scenario. As for Performances (which was the second element that disappointed me), no one gave a captivating performance except, and to my surprise, Samuel L. Jackson, which did a fine supporting role deserves recognition, Jamie Foxx wasn't the suitable lead, he didn't give a performance to engage the viewer with his story as the black hero trying to free himself and his wife from slavery; Waltz gave a weaker performance that his previous effort in Inglourious Basterds, DiCaprio did a good job but not what i expected from what i saw in the trailers due to his one dimensional character, the only role that took my attention was Samuel L. Jackson as Steven the Butler. Tarantino made an appearance which is the worst I've ever seen. What i said earlier concerning the scenario, can be said for direction; the movie lacked Tarantino's special view in direction which we usually see in his movies, even the camera work wasn't that special. But to be fair, this is the first time to be disappointed by a Tarantino movie, but as they say " a horse may stumble."
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    early tarantino movies made quite an impact with their style:

    Reservoir Dogs (1992)
    Pulp Fiction (1994)
    Jackie Brown (1997)

    then he had a strong return with:

    Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003)
    Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004)

    after which he started slipping out of his top form:

    Death Proof (2007) good
    Inglourious Basterds (2009) bearable, but very sloppy, probably due to being too eager to stick it to the nazis (where his basterds degenerate into a bastardized loose-cannon special force unit), now if he tried to reverse their roles it would be guaranteed to raise some eyebrows, if not (much) worse, but thats obviously way to bold for tarantino who seems to play it safe most of the time regarding this element
    Django Unchained (2012) bearable?, i'm guessing here: likely to repeat the 2009 mistake due to being too eager to stick it to the white cowboy lead (where he just replaces the main character's race, yet forgets to make him as dirty as his white spaghetti counterparts, playing it safe again)

    what would have been way more shocking (in terms of trampling all over political correctness) is a variation of From Dusk Till Dawn (1996), where the 'stick it to somebody' theme worked very well regarding vampires, if he dared to stick it to some of the currently 'protected' groups of people, like: native americans, african americans, homos, liberals,... (or reverse this in case of arabic people), but thats just too much to expects from anyone, such a departure going against the tide, let alone from someone enjoying mainstream popularity
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    boriiiiiinnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggggggg movie.... :'(
    wasted 700 mb ..
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellman View Post
    boriiiiiinnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggggggg movie.... :'(
    wasted 700 mb ..
    Indeed, this movie was simple and predictable, besides the typical Tarantino style violence, the movie was a basic western with nothing to it.... A waste of time and money and a complete piece of crap compared to masterpieces like Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs...
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  6. #20

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    Quote Originally Posted by bernardosgr View Post
    Indeed, this movie was simple and predictable, besides the typical Tarantino style violence, the movie was a basic western with nothing to it.... A waste of time and money and a complete piece of crap compared to masterpieces like Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs...
    are you serious?...
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