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Thread: IMDB top 250 movies - A retrospective

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    IMDB top 250 movies - A retrospective

    recently i was checking several top 100-250 imdb movie packs for movies i haven't seen yet (or vaguely remembered), so here is an overview and a general rating with short comments of the current (~last week) top 250, based on personal opinion

    the movies are sorted in 3 categories (excellent/very good, good/average, overrated), the numbers representing their ~current position among the top 250

    feel free to add your own (over)view, ratings & thoughts on the subject

    - there may be several spoilers contained within some comments
    - seems the txt is too long for a single post (lolol) so it will be a 2-3 part post

    PART 1

    ***** excellent or very good (essential/recommended viewing) *****

    1. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
    pro's: stephen king
    con's: very slow
    verdict: for the patient ones

    2. The Godfather (1972)
    pro's: great atmosphere, good acting & characters
    con's: slow, self-indulgent
    verdict: an offer you can't refuse

    3. The Godfather: Part II (1974)
    pro's: great atmosphere, good acting & characters
    con's: slow, self-indulgent
    verdict: see above

    4. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)
    pro's: charismatic characters, top spaghetti western
    con's: tends to drag, hilarious tunes to lol at
    verdict: dirty pleasure

    5. Pulp Fiction (1994)
    pro's: innovative, refreshing, great dialogue & characters
    con's: inconsistent sub-plot quality
    verdict: tarantino's best movie

    6. 12 Angry Men (1957)
    pro's: great acting (fonda), almost claustrophobic atmosphere
    con's: one-room show, re-hashing of the same subject, unprofessional jurors
    verdict: for the patient ones

    11. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
    pro's: decent trilogy finale
    con's: can't really keep up with the first two parts, unsatisfactory final battle
    verdict: sauron should have made them pay more dearly, something worthy of the introductory scenes from the fellowship part

    12. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
    verdict: early star wars movie, essential viewing regarding the series, dated but fun to watch

    13. Seven Samurai (1954)
    pro's: nice story, interesting situations, great cinematography
    con's: slow, certain local character behavior
    verdict: for the patient ones, for a competent western remake see The Magnificent Seven (1960)

    14. Fight Club (1999)
    pro's: great acting (norton, pitt), charismatic characters, interesting story
    con's: believability
    verdict: hella fun

    15. Goodfellas (1990)
    pro's: interesting, great acting (pesci ftw, de niro, liotta)
    con's: shallowness
    verdict: top gangster movie

    16. Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
    verdict: early star wars movie, essential viewing regarding the series, dated but fun to watch

    17. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
    pro's: great atmosphere, best fantasy book adaptation
    con's: slow, occasionally melodramatic, too short/shy introduction
    verdict: awesome

    18. City of God (2002)
    pro's: raw, dirty, gritty
    con's: shallow, believability
    verdict: pretty good effort

    19. Casablanca (1942)
    pro's: great atmosphere
    con's: too nonchalant, believability
    verdict: very enjoyable

    20. Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)
    pro's: great atmosphere, top spaghetti western
    con's: very slow
    verdict: epic stuff...for the patient viewers

    21. Rear Window (1954)
    pro's: very engaging, suspenseful
    con's: slow, one-room show, repetitive voyeurism, lame ending
    verdict: top hitchcock movie

    22. The Matrix (1999)
    pro's: innovative, great story, charismatic characters
    con's: rather shallow characterization, futuristic propaganda/worship
    verdict: awesome

    23. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
    verdict: fun adventure, essential indiana jones movie along with the other two early movies

    24. The Usual Suspects (1995)
    pro's: not what one would expect at first glance, not your usual gangster movie
    con's: improvisations of the soze character
    verdict: worthy accomplishment

    25. The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
    pro's: great atmosphere, best lecter adaptation
    con's: too perfect villain, too insecure female protagonist
    verdict: gotta love it

    26. Psycho (1960)
    pro's: so simple yet so effective, something for the current filmmakers to learn from
    con's: believability
    verdict: top hitchcock movie

    27. Se7en (1995)
    pro's: great atmosphere, great acting (freeman, pitt)
    con's: too dark, almost completely futile detective efforts
    verdict: awesome

    29. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
    pro's: great atmosphere, more action than the first part
    con's: occasionally melodramatic
    verdict: awesome

    30. Forrest Gump (1994)
    pro's: hanks in top form
    con's: melodramatic, over-the-top
    verdict: a crazy ride

    31. Memento (2000)
    pro's: the story in reverse, the uncertainty
    con's: repetitive, takes patience to follow
    verdict: best nolan movie

    33. Leon: The Professional (1994)
    pro's: great acting (oldman, portman, reno)
    con's: believability
    verdict: take care of ur plant

    34. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)
    pro's: hilarious, refreshing
    con's: nuclear propaganda/fear
    verdict: unusual comedy

    35. Apocalypse Now (1979)
    pro's: great atmosphere
    con's: slow, short & somewhat unsatisfactory last part (finale)
    verdict: the smell of napalm & war madness

    36. American History X (1998)
    pro's: great acting (norton), gritty
    con's: tends to drag, strain the nerves in some scenes
    verdict: well-done

    40. American Beauty (1999)
    pro's: great acting (spacey, bening)
    con's: many teenage parts, irritating character behavior
    verdict: unusual & bizarre in a successful mixture

    41. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
    pro's: great atmosphere, best terminator movie
    con's: believability
    verdict: hasta la vista, baby

    43. Saving Private Ryan (1998)
    pro's: great cinematography, battle/war scenes
    con's: believability
    verdict: better than expected

    44. Alien (1979)
    pro's: great atmosphere, impressive creature design
    con's: slow, inadequate attention to the futuristic design
    verdict: horror par excellence

    45. Vertigo (1958)
    pro's: excellent first part of the movie
    con's: last twist is unbelievable and completely unnecessary, the hearing is a quite weak part too
    verdict: top hitchcock movie

    48. The Shining (1980)
    pro's: great atmosphere, acting (nicholson)
    con's: tends to drag, some filler/lesser scenes
    verdict: pure insanity

    54. Double Indemnity (1944)
    pro's: the no holds barred, in your face attitude
    con's: some continuity problems
    verdict: very good noir

    58. A Clockwork Orange (1971)
    pro's: great acting (mcdowell)
    con's: maybe too bizarre
    verdict: great if you can dig it

    60. Aliens (1986)
    pro's: action overdose, sigourney ftw...again
    con's: rather shallow supporting characters
    verdict: thoroughly enjoyable

    66. Reservoir Dogs (1992)
    pro's: tarantino in his element
    con's: no virgins here
    verdict: hella fun

    68. Back to the Future (1985)
    pro's: feel-good/likable characters
    con's: believability
    verdict: marks the era of a more naive family-friendly entertainment

    69. L.A. Confidential (1997)
    pro's: great characters, multiple stories integration
    con's: too long, maybe not enough action
    verdict: enjoy the web of corruption

    70. Chinatown (1974)
    pro's: great acting (nicholson)
    con's: low on action scenes
    verdict: a pi (private investigator) movie classic

    74. The Green Mile (1999)
    pro's: stephen king
    con's: slow, too optimistic, preachy
    verdict: for the patient ones

    81. Amadeus (1984)
    pro's: eccentric, great acting (over-the-top mozart & scheming salieri)
    con's: self-indulgent
    verdict: an interesting if not accurate portrayal

    83. All About Eve (1950)
    pro's: interesting, solid acting (davis, baxter)
    con's: dialogue overdose
    verdict: better than expected

    85. Full Metal Jacket (1987)
    pro's: uncompromising, training scenes
    con's: somewhat runs out of steam later on
    verdict: well-done

    88. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
    pro's: great atmosphere, regardless of the depicted environment
    con's: very slow
    verdict: for the patient ones

    89. Gladiator (2000)
    pro's: competent action, great cinematography
    con's: not really about gladiators
    verdict: a fulfilling adventure

    90. Braveheart (1995)
    verdict: somewhat over-the-top 'historical' epic, but its quite enjoyable

    96. Unforgiven (1992)
    verdict: a dark & impressive western re-visited

    97. The Sting (1973)
    verdict: recommended light-weight & slick con-job story

    102. Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)
    verdict: early star wars movie, essential viewing regarding the series, dated but fun to watch

    103. The Maltese Falcon (1941)
    verdict: see above for Double Indemnity, its a bogart one-man show

    104. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
    verdict: fun adventure, essential indiana jones movie along with the other two early movies

    105. Princess Mononoke (1997)
    verdict: solid anime, somewhat incoherent, but interesting nevertheless

    108. Die Hard (1988)
    pro's: great action, possibly the best of the 'die hard' movies
    con's: believability
    verdict: top willis movie

    111. Sin City (2005)
    pro's: the graphic/visual department
    con's: rather shallow
    verdict: innovative & unusual comics based thriller

    115. Heat (1995)
    pro's: great acting (pacino, de niro, kilmer), memorable action scenes
    con's: politically correct ending
    verdict: epic stuff

    117. Fargo (1996)
    verdict: enjoyable coen brothers weirdness

    119. Blade Runner (1982)
    pro's: great atmosphere
    con's: lots of too drawn-out scenes, replicant stupidity
    verdict: a futuristic classic

    120. For a Few Dollars More (1965)
    verdict: yet another leone's spaghetti-flavored dirty pleasure

    125. Snatch. (2000)
    pro's: innovative, great characters, best ritchie movie
    con's: pikey resourcefulness
    verdict: hella fun

    132. The Wizard of Oz (1939)
    verdict: somewhat irritating but still a very good classic

    142. Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003)
    verdict: quite over-the-top but thoroughly enjoyable tarantino extravaganza, the same goes for vol.2

    143. Donnie Darko (2001)
    verdict: bizarre but enjoyable if you can dig it

    145. Platoon (1986)
    verdict: a recommended, great & intense war movie

    146. Into the Wild (2007)
    pro's: the scenery, the adventure(s)
    con's: the human-related side-plots
    verdict: better than expected

    147. Scarface (1983)
    verdict: a well-done though quite lengthy al pacino one-man show

    149. Trainspotting (1996)
    pro's: its fun regardless of whats depicted
    con's: the movie-makers just don't care
    verdict: hella fun

    150. Million Dollar Baby (2004)
    verdict: well-done but somewhat melodramatic eastwood movie

    152. There Will Be Blood (2007)
    verdict: slow but intense daniel-day lewis one-man show

    155. Gone with the Wind (1939)
    pro's: cinematography, acting (leigh, gable)
    con's: lengthy, at times strenuous
    verdict: for the patient ones

    159. District 9 (2009)
    pro's: alien invasion with a twist
    con's: shaky camera, irritating main character
    verdict: unusual sci-fi refreshing the genre

    161. The Secret in Their Eyes (2009)
    pro's: great atmosphere, great acting (darin, villamil), especially using eyes & body-language
    con's: slow
    verdict: an unexpected gem, highly recommended

    162. Groundhog Day (1993)
    verdict: a classic & fun repeating-day scenario movie

    164. Ben-Hur (1959)
    pro's: grand production that actually works, top heston performance
    con's: heavy christian bias
    verdict: must-see movie of epic proportions (before cgi-era), similar recommendation: Quo Vadis (1951), The Ten Commandments (1956)

    165. Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998)
    verdict: see under Snatch, quite similar stuff

    170. Casino (1995)
    pro's: great acting (pesci ftw, de niro, stone)
    con's: propaganda
    verdict: top gambler/gangster movie

    171. The Terminator (1984)
    verdict: not as good as terminator 2, however a strong performance nevertheless

    174. The Thing (1982)
    pro's: the scenery, atmosphere
    con's: rather flat characters
    verdict: among top carpenter movies

    175. Stand by Me (1986)
    pro's: stephen king
    con's: low on action
    verdict: a well-done family-friendly adventure

    176. The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)
    pro's: solid action though not as good as old-school ones (fi. Die Hard)
    con's: shaky camera, damon's acting, believability
    verdict: quality similar to other bourne movies

    180. Twelve Monkeys (1995)
    verdict: a bizarre but interesting ride with good performance by pitt & willis

    181. How to Train Your Dragon (2010)
    pro's: interesting, decent animation
    con's: irritating main character, a bit formulaic
    verdict: very enjoyable recent viking teens & dragons story

    187. Avatar (2009)
    pro's: cinematography, atmosphere
    con's: stolen story, too naive approach, propaganda
    verdict: well-done cameron movie after more than a decade of relevant directorial absence

    188. Network (1976)
    pro's: tongue in cheek approach
    con's: propaganda
    verdict: skillfully made 'critique' of the tv/media megalomania

    205. The Wild Bunch (1969)
    verdict: great late-period western with hard-boiled outlaws in a gripping performance

    216. Rocky (1976)
    pro's: rocky's character, rocky-apollo chemistry
    con's: exaggerated fighting stamina, too naive approach
    verdict: along with rambo, the defining stallone role

    221. Magnolia (1999)
    pro's: multiple stories interconnection, solid acting
    con's: tends to fall into melodrama & exaggeration
    verdict: for the patient ones

    230. Roman Holiday (1953)
    pro's: cinematography, atmosphere, great acting (peck, hepburn)
    con's: believability
    verdict: thoroughly enjoyable romance with some light-weight humor as well

    233. Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004)
    verdict: quite over-the-top but thoroughly enjoyable tarantino extravaganza, the same goes for vol.1

    235. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)
    pro's: john wayne (though he played in many better westerns)
    con's: too black & white, propaganda
    verdict: fun to watch, though not your usual western flavor


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    PART 2

    ***** average (decent, good for one viewing) *****

    8. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
    verdict: good only to see nicholson's performance and hardly anything else

    9. The Dark Knight (2008)
    pro's: relatively decent action, psychotic joker (not as good as nicholson i'm afraid)
    con's: lame batman (keaton & kilmer ftw), believability, departure from a quirky fantasy into a dark serious crime-thriller area
    verdict: watch it once and then re-watch the early, better batman movies

    10. Inception (2010)
    pro's: multi-layered story, cgi, decent di caprio performance
    con's: believability, self-indulgent, tries too hard, pointless/laughable action/shooting/locations/opponents
    verdict: so much potential, yet such a faceless/lifeless outcome, matrix prevails...easily

    28. It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
    verdict: family-friendly feel-good old-school movie with a significant dosage of naivete

    32. Sunset Blvd. (1950)
    verdict: not bad, could have been better if they focused more on believability

    38. Citizen Kane (1941)
    pro's: cinematography
    con's: sloppy character development, dry/empty storytelling, utopian change-the-world aspirations
    verdict: young rosebud fails to excite or keep attention, he just drools over media power/influence

    39. North by Northwest (1959)
    pro's: cinematography, suspense
    con's: spy-game lite, believability
    verdict: a movie that manages to sink further and further into nonsensical solutions as its duration progresses

    42. Taxi Driver (1976)
    pro's: gritty, raw, atmosphere
    con's: believability, very shallow characters
    verdict: good only for a few scenes - everything in between is so sloppy/redundant/pointless, it hurts

    47. Amélie (2001)
    verdict: unusual & colorful movie, yet somewhat annoying too

    49. City Lights (1931)
    verdict: classic chaplin, light & feel-good, though dated & naive

    52. WALL·E (2008)
    verdict: decent animation, forgettable story

    55. The Lives of Others (2006)
    pro's: the story, the main actor/character
    con's: propaganda, believability
    verdict: they try too hard regarding their messages/bias and manage to nullify the original movie potential

    57. Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
    pro's: scenery, production
    con's: very slow, self-indulgent, propaganda
    verdict: an example of 'grand', where it doesn't really work

    59. To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)
    pro's: good start, decent gregory peck
    con's: preachy, pretending to be serious
    verdict: tries too hard and ends up having silly scenes & situations, shooting itself in the leg

    61. Requiem for a Dream (2000)
    pro's: cinematography, atmosphere
    con's: its empty, mechanical, voyeuristic, without significant character development
    verdict: again much potential that got wasted upon the altar of the visual

    64. Modern Times (1936)
    verdict: classic chaplin, light & feel-good, though dated & naive

    71. The Prestige (2006)
    verdict: somewhat enjoyable, good visuals & start, terrible ending idea

    72. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948)
    pro's: convincing bogart
    con's: believability
    verdict: too exaggerated, conveniently arranged story with some good acting

    76. Once Upon a Time in America (1984)
    pro's: gore, uncompromising
    con's: slow, propaganda, believability, last hour is useless
    verdict: epic aspirations, too many problems & sloppiness

    86. The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)
    verdict: rather self-indulgent story with some good camera work, though largely unsatisfactory

    93. Inglourious Basterds (2009)
    verdict: tarantino selling-out for the cause, tries too hard and fails miserably, has however its moments

    98. Gran Torino (2008)
    verdict: had a potential to be very good, however it was virtually ruined by a shallow, exploitative and way too predictable story

    109. The Great Escape (1963)
    verdict: can be fun if you suspend belief and just let it be a silly adventure

    112. The Seventh Seal (1957)
    pro's: atmosphere, scenery, decent acting
    con's: lacking in substance, simplistic philosophy, lame finale
    verdict: should have been much better/intriguing

    116. Yojimbo (1961)
    verdict: too self-indulgent, lost among banalities, with a few good scenes but thats just about it

    122. Hotel Rwanda (2004)
    verdict: not too bad, but not really believable, feels kinda cheap in the end

    123. Jaws (1975)
    pro's: jaws
    con's: lame story not involving jaws
    verdict: dated, but fairly enjoyable horror

    126. Ran (1985)
    pro's: hilarious over-the top old hidetora character, plentiful blood-spills, cinematography
    con's: slow, especially the beginning, strange characters
    verdict: a movie unsure of what it wants, though it probably wouldn't get anywhere even if it knew

    127. No Country for Old Men (2007)
    verdict: daniel-day lewis one-man show, but way too slow to be more interesting

    129. The Lion King (1994)
    verdict: decent, though too melodramatic

    133. The Big Lebowski (1998)
    pro's: weird characters & situations
    con's: doesn't have anything to say, irritating dialogue devoid of anything captivating
    verdict: the dude is simply not that interesting, especially not in the long run

    135. The Sixth Sense (1999)
    verdict: fairly decent but very slow ghost story

    137. Toy Story (1995)
    verdict: it was somewhat entertaining, though not more than just decent

    144. High Noon (1952)
    pro's: solid performances
    con's: believability, character behavior & decisions
    verdict: it can be done better than that...much better

    148. The Gold Rush (1925)
    verdict: classic chaplin, light & feel-good, though dated & naive

    157. The Grapes of Wrath (1940)
    pro's: fonda's performance
    con's: slow, exaggerated, believability
    verdict: good idea, lazy adaptation, almost a road movie lol

    163. Amores Perros (2000)
    pro's: raw, dirty
    con's: unnecessary stories, shallow characters, unbelievable situations/behavior
    verdict: too many dogs s(p)oil the carpet, or something, eh?

    166. The Big Sleep (1946)
    pro's: the atmosphere, the dialogue
    con's: repetitive, artificial, playing it safe all the time
    verdict: a decent thriller with solid acting but too lengthy & tending to resort to cheap solutions

    169. Finding Nemo (2003)
    verdict: decent animation, forgettable story

    172. The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)
    pro's: feel-good family-oriented post-war movie
    con's: a lot of sweetener used, propaganda
    verdict: guess it was too much to ask from such a premise anyways

    184. Gandhi (1982)
    verdict: good for one viewing, otherwise at times quite dull and generic

    197. The Hustler (1961)
    verdict: can be fun if you suspend belief and just let them have their silly plot

    198. Star Trek (2009)
    pro's: cgi
    con's: lame young kirk & spock in need of some crumbs of charisma, believability
    verdict: the old movies had more in them than this cgi-fest

    199. Dial M for Murder (1954)
    verdict: decent beginning getting worse as the twists keep coming and coming, dial E for enough is enough

    204. The Exorcist (1973)
    verdict: not too bad, but not too scary either, passable

    207. A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
    pro's: acting (leigh, brando)
    con's: exaggeration every step of the way (including the acting), lack of realism
    verdict: if they had played it a bit more down-to-earth it would have been much better

    209. The Social Network (2010)
    pro's: decent acting
    con's: cardboard characters, without depth
    verdict: see it once, then turn down the volume on the mainstream hype-churning media machine

    217. The Truman Show (1998)
    pro's: decent carrey (less comedic)
    con's: artificial setting, too fake acting
    verdict: too theatrical for its own good, doesn't manage to impress, seems half-done

    219. Mystic River (2003)
    verdict: solid eastwood effort, but it somehow falls flat, leaving a taste of mediocrity

    234. Rope (1948)
    verdict: silly idea, not that good in execution, hitchcock manages to make it float...barely

    241. Monsters, Inc. (2001)
    verdict: decent animation, forgettable story

    242. Rain Man (1988)
    verdict: passable hoffman & cruise interaction, not too convincing outcome

    243. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring (2003)
    verdict: solid cinematography, a contrived idea of spirituality - what the young character needed was simple meditation yet somehow his mentor doesn't teach him that basic practice in 20+ years? nuff said

    244. Stalker (1979)
    verdict: solid cinematography, extremely slow, partially satisfactory

    248. A Beautiful Mind (2001)
    verdict: russel crowe keeps the movie from falling apart, which is the only reason to consider watching it

    250. Letters from Iwo Jima (2006)
    verdict: decent slow war drama with its own share of propaganda and unlikely situations


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    PART 3 (last part)

    ***** overrated (not recommended) *****

    7. Schindler's List (1993)
    verdict: nothing to see here, just to feel enormous boredom & futility mounting with each passing minute

    37. Toy Story 3 (2010)
    verdict: overrated, just like the majority of recent movies, this is simply a failure

    46. Spirited Away (2001)
    verdict: grotesque nonsense

    50. Paths of Glory (1957)
    verdict: lacking attempt at parody, thoroughly unsatisfactory

    51. The Pianist (2002)
    verdict: only if one wants to endure the torture of watching brody playing his usual victimized/molested/suffering routine, this time aided by a piano, hoping that someone would cry him at least a teardrop (a river would be too generous)

    53. M (1931)
    verdict: this one was laughable, unbelievably amateurish

    56. The Departed (2006)
    verdict: one of the most overrated mafia movies, the characters are silly caricatures, all its 'fame' stems from the director's 'brand' name, simple as that

    62. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
    verdict: its spotless due to a huge vacuum sucking any remnants of a brain left therein, so that it can shine brightly in its own emptiness

    63. Das Boot (1981)
    verdict: nothing special here, plenty of submarine movies that are much more interesting

    65. Life Is Beautiful (1997)
    verdict: benigni? what a clown - life certainly must be good since such persons can freely make junk movies like this one

    67. The Third Man (1949)
    verdict: quite lame, slow & mostly uninteresting thriller

    73. Cinema Paradiso (1988)
    verdict: worthless & superfluous childhood fantasies

    75. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
    verdict: they should stick to tv-shows and not embarrass themselves with feature-length collections of unrelated and mostly weak sketches

    77. Raging Bull (1980)
    verdict: this movie was so fake it felt nauseating, even his grand victory (the sole reason for the movie adaptation) was fraudulent, which can be seen from the footage and was widely practiced at the time

    78. Rashomon (1950)
    verdict: staring into the actor's faces for a few hours doesn't sound too promising, does it?

    79. Some Like It Hot (1959)
    verdict: nothing hot here, just pointless drivel in spades

    80. Singin' in the Rain (1952)
    verdict: one memorable song/dance and thats it, the rest is not worth mentioning

    82. Pan's Labyrinth (2006)
    verdict: lame & forgettable combination of war drama (laughable, unbelievable, completely unnecessary plot) & horror-fantasy (shallow & cheap promotion tool for self-sacrifice)

    84. The Great Dictator (1940)
    verdict: 5 minutes of funny hitler parody is all this movie has to offer

    87. Bicycle Thieves (1948)
    verdict: infantile & laughable movie deserving to be discarded asap

    91. The Apartment (1960)
    verdict: much ado about nothing may summarize this one

    92. Metropolis (1927)
    verdict: painfully bad & outdated, catastrophic acting

    94. Downfall (2004)
    verdict: the only interesting thing here is the psychotic hitler portrayal, the rest is simply filler & apologetic material

    95. Oldboy (2003)
    verdict: everything half-baked and tasteless, not recommendable

    99. The Elephant Man (1980)
    verdict: as some might have guessed its an exploitation of physical deformities with a clumsy story around it - cheap & weak

    100. Up (2009)
    verdict: too bad there wasn't enough balloons to fly this one far away from the undeserved hype it got

    101. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)
    verdict: aka the total idiot's guide to politics, its so unbelievably gullible & sugary

    106. On the Waterfront (1954)
    verdict: the movie was a joke, the confrontations, the believability department & the finale as well

    107. Rebecca (1940)
    verdict: an exercise in women-exploitation, naturally it landed high enough

    110. Black Swan (2010)
    verdict: more like an ugly duckling being a victim of constant abuse from the deluded directors (the one on & off screen)

    113. Batman Begins (2005)
    verdict: ...begins to stink, strange how uninteresting this one turned out to be

    114. The General (1926)
    verdict: another infantile buster keaton movie, has only a handful of funny scenes

    118. Grave of the Fireflies (1988)
    verdict: an exercise in futility, dull & empty movie

    121. The King's Speech (2010)
    verdict: his speech sux, even more so does a movie about that speech

    124. Witness for the Prosecution (1957)
    verdict: very weak & not interesting

    128. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)
    verdict: another potter movie ends up as a disjointed mess with lame battles & lifeless characters, similar to part 1

    130. Wild Strawberries (1957)
    verdict: as the 'saying' goes: old man - dead hand, in this case: as good as dead movie

    131. Touch of Evil (1958)
    verdict: tedious & uninteresting, mediocre acting, a forgettable outcome

    134. The Deer Hunter (1978)
    verdict: which has about two ridiculously short hunting scenes and one exorbitantly inflated wedding scene - the rest being a long game of russian roulette in vietnam, how fascinating...the dumpster loved it

    136. Slumdog Millionaire (2008)
    verdict: contrived materialistic propaganda with a thin/unbelievable story and mediocre acting

    138. Cool Hand Luke (1967)
    verdict: newman in a highly self-indulgent unrealistic movie

    139. Annie Hall (1977)
    verdict: neurotic-o-rama a la woody allen is definitely not recommendable

    140. Strangers on a Train (1951)
    verdict: ridiculously shallow ideas of a crime depicted in this movie

    141. It Happened One Night (1934)
    verdict: cheap, soapy, shallow, avoid

    151. Ikiru (1952)
    verdict: utter boredom plaguing yet another kurosawa movie, which is slowly becoming something of a common occurrence - can someone say: yet another quite overrated & narcissistic director

    153. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
    verdict: forgettable & cheesy western, trying too hard to be funny/nonchalant, wasting a good cast to some third-rate adventures

    154. Notorious (1946)
    verdict: the only thing notorious here is the absence of a decent story/movie, acting was mediocre too

    156. Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927)
    verdict: old, unbelievable, childish, forget it

    158. The Kid (1921)
    verdict: chaplin tries his usual recipe but adds too much 'flying angels' spice and ruins the relatively decent meal

    160. The Wages of Fear (1953)
    verdict: incompetent forgettable garbage pumped up to over 2 hours for some meaningless trivial plot

    167. The Graduate (1967)
    verdict: vastly overrated exercise in futility

    168. Life of Brian (1979)
    verdict: they should stick to tv-shows and not embarrass themselves with feature-length collections of unrelated and weak sketches

    173. The Manchurian Candidate (1962)
    verdict: laughable, just like its later big-budget remake

    177. Diabolique (1955)
    verdict: cheap, inflated, unbelievable story with a few amateurish twists crammed at the end, just awful

    178. Dog Day Afternoon (1975)
    verdict: pacino as the clumsy criminal making it only worse due to the shamelessly hollow script

    179. V for Vendetta (2006)
    verdict: lame action scenes, poor storytelling, weak hero - the only thing memorable here is the mask

    182. The Wrestler (2008)
    verdict: cliche-ridden bleak drama wallowing in depression, rourke made a solid performance though

    183. My Neighbor Totoro (1988)
    verdict: the movie can't be explained, its simply daft, much like the name totoro sounds

    185. Judgment at Nuremberg (1961)
    verdict: the movie version of the trial is blatantly exaggerated & treating its audience like idiots, that shall not pass

    186. Good Will Hunting (1997)
    verdict: as if the idea of a wonder-mathematician springing out from a local janitor is not laughable enough, the rest gets stretched beyond decent movie-making and fails in the process

    189. The Night of the Hunter (1955)
    verdict: the singing preacher ready for any kind of exploitation and conveniently finding any excuse that fits his religious belief, as long as everyone else is gullible beyond belief it may very well work that way

    190. Ratatouille (2007)
    verdict: of rats, garbage & cooking with heavily stretched-out humorous-wannabe lines

    191. 8½ (1963)
    verdict: another fellini's personal fantasy of the emperor having some non-transparent clothes

    192. The Battle of Algiers (1966)
    verdict: a very weak effort, disjointed & sloppy, not recommended

    193. The 400 Blows (1959)
    verdict: redundant movie about spineless parents & unbelievably stubborn/self-sufficient children, nothing to enjoy unless one likes voyeurism

    194. The Princess Bride (1987)
    verdict: exceptionally lowly fantasy with exceptionally unimaginative characters & events

    195. Mary and Max (2009)
    verdict: dull, uninteresting, to sum it up: simply worthless waste of time

    196. The Killing (1956)
    verdict: mediocre movie, additionally burdened with forgettable dialogue

    200. La Strada (1954)
    verdict: pretentious drama, exaggerated acting, unsatisfactory entertainment level/value

    201. Persona (1966)
    verdict: dull, uninteresting, to sum it up: simply worthless waste of time

    202. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (2007)
    verdict: the only interesting thing is the camera angle, other than that and the fact it gets old real fast, its nothing to write home about

    203. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966)
    verdict: very self-indulgent movie, the two main actors being competent, however the material which is given to them is merely convoluted junk, stapled together to gain a more impressive size, masking its worthlessness

    206. Stalag 17 (1953)
    verdict: doesn't really work, its too pretentious for its own good

    208. Fanny and Alexander (1982)
    verdict: slow, boring, uninteresting, to sum it up: simply worthless waste of time

    210. The Incredibles (2004)
    verdict: add-ed neurotic superheroes served for children to absorb, not recommended (neither to adults)

    211. Barry Lyndon (1975)
    verdict: nice scenery doesn't hide gaping holes of lacking substance surrounding this movie

    212. The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928)
    verdict: pretentious (silent) drama, exaggerated acting, a waste of time

    213. Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949)
    verdict: the premise is a joke, the execution even more so

    214. In Bruges (2008)
    verdict: where some unbelievably lame characters make their inexplicably lame moves, utter nonsense

    215. All Quiet on the Western Front (1930)
    verdict: just look at the introductory school scene to realize how bad this goes on to be

    218. Sherlock Jr. (1924)
    verdict: buster didn't make anything interesting in this movie...as usual

    220. Let the Right One In (2008)
    verdict: the recent vampires seem to have acquired a nasty habit of appearing in all kinds of downright worthless movies...such as this one

    222. Nights of Cabiria (1957)
    verdict: fellini manages to be more understandable, however what he presents is simply unworthy of his supposed reputation - can someone say: yet another quite overrated & narcissistic director

    223. Howl's Moving Castle (2004)
    verdict: this is not good, its amateurish, its boring and annoying

    224. Big Fish (2003)
    verdict: the movie is a washout, a lost cause, a waste of time

    225. Rosemary's Baby (1968)
    verdict: is an arbitrary reason to concoct some inflated & lame satanic birth story & the related worshipers & victims

    226. Ed Wood (1994)
    verdict: would make an excellent movie if it had anything relevant to say, in the meantime it proved a definite failure

    227. Infernal Affairs (2002)
    verdict: completely lifeless & boring asian action/thriller movie, basically it has nothing to offer

    228. Manhattan (1979)
    verdict: neurotic-o-rama a la woody allen is definitely not recommendable

    229. The Celebration (1998)
    verdict: amateurishly shot, annoying characters & events, unworthy of viewer attention

    231. Children of Men (2006)
    verdict: the movie is a joke, a joke on the viewer and those looking at top entries

    232. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
    verdict: the depp one-man show project, getting old really fast, it has too many flaws to be considered as anything decent

    236. Patton (1970)
    verdict: a crazy ride with the delusional general, supremely outperforming the british, let alone the enemy - worthy of watching only for the pompous introductory speech, the rest is weak & unbelievable

    237. Sleuth (1972)
    verdict: endless dialogue, low attention value, extremely overrated & self-indulgent

    238. Shutter Island (2010)
    verdict: should get shuttered to pieces due to how unbelievably badly this movie had been arranged/put together

    239. Ip Man (2008)
    verdict: mediocre fighting, simple-minded story-telling, goody 2 shoes attitude, and it doesn't get any better later on

    240. His Girl Friday (1940)
    verdict: not interesting, more like irritating and repetitive annoyance

    245. Tokyo Story (1953)
    verdict: dull, uninteresting, to sum it up: simply worthless waste of time

    246. Anatomy of a Murder (1959)
    verdict: over-the-top james stewart in a serious drama, his performance is downright silly

    247. Grand Illusion (1937)
    verdict: is an apt name for this trash, endless conversation, lame prison break and overall incompetence...nice going lol

    249. Duck Soup (1933)
    verdict: the usual marx brothers nonsense, which doesn't belong in a full-length movie, but rather in some tv-show where they can beat their already lifeless jokes to death and back again


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  6. Who Said Thanks:

    sebota (07.09.11) , Instab (06.09.11) , Snitlev (05.09.11) , SBfreak (05.09.11) , yoco (05.09.11) , Extraterrestrial (05.09.11) , Blocker (04.09.11)

  7. #4
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    All I will say so far is thnx a lot for this list! Will definitely look into it. I watched some, but not all of them!
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  8. Who Said Thanks:

    slikrapid (14.05.14)

  9. #5
    Simply awesome.I wish you could have added your own rating but that takes too much time.
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    slikrapid (14.05.14)

  11. #6

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    Hey slikrapid, thanks for the list, good work, I would like to say few things,

    1st I no longer trust IMDB like before, recently I started noticing ratings that are too different from reality, yes it's a matter of personal taste in the end, but for some reason for me 8/10 at IMDB could be 5/10 for me or the opposite (less often of course), I just need to see it and judge for myself, before, the difference would have been be +/- 1.xx point between my rating and IMDB rating , 2.00 in worst case senario, but now it could be 3, this is too much, its the differnece between love and hate.

    2nd Why doesn't IMDB make the Top 250 movie for the last 5 years ? or where can I find such data, I mean if you filter by 2011 or 2010 you will find only 5 movies at most, what about the rest of the movies in 2011 or 2010 ? don't they deserve a mention ?
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    CharlesCOF (05.11.21) , slikrapid (14.05.14)

  13. #7

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    a few corrections to the list - these 2 entries should switch places, like this:

    ***** average

    232. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
    verdict: the depp one-man show project, this first movie was still fresh and decently done albeit with a stretched finale - as for the rest of this franchise: getting old really fast, repetitive & with too many flaws to be considered as anything decent

    ***** overrated

    135. The Sixth Sense (1999)
    verdict: very slow ghost story, memorable... yes, but not really satisfactory
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  14. #8
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    4. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)
    con's:, hilarious tunes to lol at
    well it was made in 66.. what else u expect.. harcore music from 300 movie
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    1. The ultimate weapon- Waffles method
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    7.SLIKRAPID ( 4th Dimensional Being)
    8.YOCO( Gamer n Movie Maniac)
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    slikrapid (16.05.14)

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    hehe, it was likely done on purpose, to accentuate the movie weirdness - also, its questionable whether they count as 'cons' at all
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  17. #10

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    The ecstasy of gold is probably the best thing to have come by way of The good, the bad...

    I just love that song. Metallica almost always opens with that intro.

    *Haven't perused through your first post. Maybe in due time with a clearer head*
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  18. Who Said Thanks:

    slikrapid (16.05.14)

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