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Thread: This is how it ends.

  1. #1

    This is how it ends.

    I have held a conversation tonight that may dramatically change not only my torrent activity, but also my real life.

    You cannot really imagine how much harm you can do to people that dedicate almost all their efforts and free time pushing a significant part of their lives into the background to build a nice legacy to be remembered for. I didn't, either, until tonight.

    I'm aware I will never be able to give back to the communities all I have stolen from them, but if with this post I make even just one of you quit from cheating, I'd be greatly satisfied.

    I know I'll be getting a "lol, you got caught", "create another account man" and so on from some cool people here. But that's not the point, and you all must be aware of it.

    It's the attitude we must quit from, the greed to get everything the faster the better, and especially that false feeling of being smarter than everyone else working harder with his PC on 24/7 and spending their well earned money on seedboxes. I'm talking about cheating in general as it was the world I got trapped into, but this statement can also be extended to any other way of deceiving a community, call it trading, call it selling, call it whatever you want.

    Remember, staff at most of the biggest trackers don't see a penny from donations and they are risking to get arrested just to give us a second home. They are people as us, talk to them as you would do to a friend you could sat with. Would you let a cheater talk for hours on a disabled channel, being aware of all his historial? I wouldn't. They did let me.

    It is really woth it, and there is always time to get out of the hole, even though it's so deep you can't manage to see the starting point.

    Thanks to the people that deserved to be thanked. You know who you are.

  2. Who Said Thanks:

    rudam.meredez (09.04.10) , (04.04.10) , Renk (03.04.10) , anonftw (03.04.10) , Mihai (02.04.10) , mangathala2002 (02.04.10) , GotIt (02.04.10) , shawshankraj (02.04.10) , saebrtooth (02.04.10) , Blocker (02.04.10) , desodorante (02.04.10)

  3. #2
    Advanced User Blocker's Avatar
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    nperversion ;I've been in this community for a few time and I think there's no greedy people here ,just look at threads people is offering help anytime you need it ,giving away their invites or accounts ,creating new cheating tools ,etc..

    By the way I respect your ideas and the point you made

    Good luck
    Last edited by Blocker; 02.04.10 at 04:52.

  4. #3

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    You are taking it too serious.
    Yes leeching is something I do not encourage and actually think is wrong, but here I am, using a Leecher mod without any leeching features enabled.
    There are far more important things in life than P2P, and people that cause damage way more irreparable and immoral than some selfish nerdish virgin thinking they are cool because they cheated a tracker.
    I am actually very grateful for having people that rips, uploads and share files as most of those I can not afford, and quite a few are not even available here, or even anywhere in the world.
    So I am happy you quit leeching but come on, chill out!!

  5. #4
    Advanced User saebrtooth's Avatar
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    nperversion do you mind sharing with us the dialogue you had. Copy and paste and if u feel the need (maybe better) to remove ur username.
    dont ban me just spank me

  6. #5

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    Good for you nperversion. I myself have quit cheating often long ago, with hopefully my last session a few days ago, and have been scraping the bytes from my home connection for a while now. I wanted an easy way out, which I found in this site, and I also found an awesome community here. But now I want to contribute, to return what I've taken (not to greedy corporations of course )

    Of course I still hang around here for the community, and to try and help those that need help.
    But yes, definetly, congratulations on a respectable decision !
    Last edited by GotIt; 02.04.10 at 06:28.

  7. #6

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    maybe guys who has real upload capabilities should feel bad about cheating, because that's cheating for no reason.
    I can upload in a maximum of 18.75 KBps. my maximum download rate is 180 KBps. it takes me an hour to download a 700mb movie. if I enable upload it will take me a few hours to download a movie. I just can't upload. I can't upgrade to a higher upload rate because it costs A LOT of money here, money I just can't spend on torrenting. people who has means can get themselves seedboxes and good upload rates, I can't.

    also in the bottom line I think cheating helps the torrent sites in general in these days. why? because in an era when everyone has a huge upload rate and a lot of people using seedboxes and most of the users are seeders and people are afraid to download (like it was on FTN that turned to ratioless tracker), the trackers need leechers that don't upload!
    give the users an uploading chance! I actually thought of download bots in trackers where it's hard to maintain ratio and when people are afraid to download..

    a way of giving back to the community is by being active in the forums, IRC, helping people out.
    on music trackers one could upload his own torrents.

    people cheat for a reason.. we're not bad people here..

    that's what I think.

    edit: I would also want to read the things that made you change your mind about cheating. please do post them.
    Last edited by dreamer; 02.04.10 at 12:31.

  8. Who Said Thanks:

    rudam.meredez (09.04.10) , shawshankraj (04.04.10) , ares (02.04.10)

  9. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by nperversion View Post

    Remember, staff at most of the biggest trackers don't see a penny from donations .
    Most tracker staff say that, but somehow i don't believe that. There has to be some amount($) going to them. Why would anyone spend so much time running a tracker and not get anything from it! For social-service? hobby? And not to mention the high risk of getting caught! I don't think so!

    One of my friend's whom i had to come to know of through an community online had also created a tracker. (I'm not sure if it still exists or not) So i did a little background check on this guy. Turns out he used to sell tracker invites on various forums/ebay (Bitmetv invites used to go for 25$ at that time). He made a lot of money selling invites and now he's the owner/sysop. For a guy like him i don't think he's doing it as a hobby/social service. IMO

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    Reality Check.

    Tracker sysops make a lot of money.

    Ask SCC, or yeah, better ask ScT.

    Even ask What and Waffles. I am sure you will get banned once you start asking them the details.

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    yeah, better ask ScT
    Look like someone living in past..
    .::The End of SceneTorrents::.
    SCT is dead..

  12. #10
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    I respect your decison like the others but we are not greedy people.At least me.I last used PMR 8-9 months ago.Also i don't cheat a lot with RM because i am too lazy to cheat so many torrents.Like dreamer said, we actually help trackers.Who will download a 1-2 months old torrent with only 1-2 seeders and no leechers?We.SO this way we help those who seed a lot too.

    And like dreamer said again, shame on those who have the ability to seed and cheat like fools.

    Bottom line is that real cheaters only cheat just to have a decent ratio and not those who buff TBs
    What does a scene tracker tell to a general tracker?
    You're so 5 minutes ago...


  13. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by saebrtooth View Post
    nperversion do you mind sharing with us the dialogue you had. Copy and paste and if u feel the need (maybe better) to remove ur username.
    Quote Originally Posted by dreamer View Post
    edit: I would also want to read the things that made you change your mind about cheating. please do post them.
    He won't be able to post them, I just granted his wish of disabling his account here.

    Quote Originally Posted by mangathala2002 View Post
    Why would anyone spend so much time running a tracker and not get anything from it! For social-service? hobby? And not to mention the high risk of getting caught! I don't think so!
    Providing a service to the community? Where would you get your perfect rips if you weren't a member at What or Waffles, for example? You'd have to resort to the "lower" music trackers (where you'll stumble upon either V2 Scene trance/electronic spam, or user uploads that sound like made with AudioCD-Ripper 0.1), or DDL boards where you can't be sure you're downloading a transcode or not until you have the file and know how to check spectrals.

    Quote Originally Posted by nperversion View Post
    It is really woth it, and there is always time to get out of the hole, even though it's so deep you can't manage to see the starting point.
    Yes, perhaps I should tell the staff the names of all my accounts there and their connected trackers. Perhaps they'll understand and we'll chat for hours as well.

    Good luck with your future endeavors.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  14. Who Said Thanks:

    Renk (03.04.10) , saebrtooth (03.04.10)

  15. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    Providing a service to the community? Where would you get your perfect rips if you weren't a member at What or Waffles, for example? You'd have to resort to the "lower" music trackers (where you'll stumble upon either V2 Scene trance/electronic spam, or user uploads that sound like made with AudioCD-Ripper 0.1), or DDL boards where you can't be sure you're downloading a transcode or not until you have the file and know how to check spectrals.
    Yes i agree they provide a service to the community but the point i was trying to make was

    Remember, staff at most of the biggest trackers don't see a penny from donations .
    They do make a lot of money!Not many people would do a community service for a long time and not make money off it.

    Take for eg (BREAKING: The Pirate Bay Sold For $7.8 Million) thepiratebay. They don't ask for donations like private trackers do, yet they get an offer of 7.8 million so from that you can guess how much money a tracker can make! (Btw i'm not sure tpb was sold at the amount or not! I just came across that link )

    Even Linux was originally an open source project but they had to make some money of it so they started selling red hat and fedora or even wiki when it started sure ppl were excited and started editing the pages and stuff but sooner or later people realized (Fears over future of Wikipedia as 49,000 volunteers leave site | Mail Online)

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    p2p is supposed to be free, but if your connection sucks and you cannot have a decent ratio? you buy a seedbox, and it defeats the fucking purpose of it being free.

  17. Who Said Thanks:

    rudam.meredez (09.04.10) , cheatos (03.04.10) , ares (03.04.10)

  18. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    He won't be able to post them, I just granted his wish of disabling his account here.
    maybe it's worth mentioning that we do have more than cheating stuff here so if you wanna quit cheating you don't have to close your account here therefore
    but of course each to his own.

    however i think this is going in the wrong direction anyway because if you wanna feel sorry for something it'd have to be the music and movie industry that got hurt dü to torrents ... not the trackers
    Your account has been disabled.

  19. #15

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    But what if people don't have good connection? Torrents should be free for everyone

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