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Thread: My 20 golden rules to succeed at cheating

  1. #1

    My 20 golden rules to succeed at cheating

    I hope some of you find this kinda useful. I have successfully cheated on very well-know trackers for 6 months up to now and I would like to share the rules I have strictly followed to achieve it.


    • 1) Do not start cheating the first day you got into a tracker. Stay legit for some weeks. Instead, go for freeleechs, introduce yourself to the community, post comments, open threads, participate in polls and so on. A member with an insane ratio but 0 posts, 0 comments... is always more suspicious than an integrated an active one.
    • 2) Never cheat as a 100% seed on a tracker-exclusive torrent impossible/hardly found outside the tracker. If you do, you must be able to legitimate you got that torrent from outside. Stay away from inner realeases unless you really downloaded them beforehand and could provide proof (be careful with showing creation/modification times on screenshots, instead they can be easily edited).
    • 3) For the trackers that register not only ratio but seed time you may want to cheat (or legit) upload a pack of torrents simultaneously and not cheating always only on one. 1TB uploaded on only 1 or 2 torrents, and a seed time of 1 week will just look odd. Just grab some freeleech/low size torrents and leave them uploading at 1kb/s on your real client for some weeks to build a safe seeding time.
    • 4) Stay away from "Top10s". You don't want to appear as one of the max uploaders, leechers, highest ratios, with max seeding time... Always try to go with the flow and never stand out.
    • 5) Avoid abusing the flashing method, as most of trackers run a simple max upload script which will get you banned in a blink.
    • 6) Don't use incremental uploads as weeks go on, as it would be fishy that first week you were uploading at ~100kb/s, next at ~150kb/s, next ~200kb/s...etc (given you are not getting caught), instead see point 13)
    • 7) Never use a steady upload/download speed as a whole day uploading at 100.00 kb/s sharp is not a good idea, instead use some loosy ones (with decimals).
    • 8) Try to cheat on mostly new torrents with a high amount of peers. Be careful with partial seeders as they will been shown as leechers but they won't produce any download traffic. Also try to stay within a logical range of upload given the torrent and actual peers. Make daily a quick sum of all the download speeds from leechers and upload speeds and never produce an upload higher than, say, 110% the download sum. If a torrent is reporting the tracker a 2MB/s download traffic and the summed upload rate is 3MB/s something is failing and this can be easily cross-checked with a simple script.
    • 9) Never cheat to a torrent with 0 leechers (obviously) or even with a low amount of leechers and a high number of seeders if you are using a high upload speed. Try some client features like stopping the traffic generated when the amount of leechers is less than X (RM). This will prevent you as well from reporting upload traffic to a deleted torrent.
    • 10) Always use the memory reader option at RM or similar on other clients to fake the most accurately possible the behaviour of a real client. It is always advisable to cheat and leave the torrent client opened in case some staff member wants to connect to you. Never cheat to a tracker while real uploading a torrent to it simultaneously for obvious reasons. You can cross cheat though (cheat at tracker A, legit upload at tracker B).
    • 11) Each tracker its own method. Use the waffles method in waffles, use the low&steady in What.CD...etc.
    • 12) Deactivate DHT and never publicize your passkey or a torrent downloaded from you with it in for obvious reasons.
    • 13) When possible, try to get several accounts -at least two- to experiment methods/new clients emulated/incremental max uploads speeds... with one of them. You must be twice the cautious when browsing the site, and torrenting. It would be advisable to use different networks (wired desktop, and wifi laptop from any neighbour for example) and if possible, different ISPs, browsers and torrent clients.
    • 14) Avoid well-known proxies/VPNs/bouncers/etc (Tor, anchorfree...). Be careful with trackers that deal with bans to international IP changes (you are torrenting from Canada and you use a proxy from Russia). Never torrent/cheat from your home and brose the site at the same time under other IP.
    • 15) Always stay in the bandwith range from your ISP. Do not use higher uploads/downloads then the max ones available on your ISP. Several trackers deal with ISP bandwiths and know exactly the max upload/download you can be using. It's always a nice idea to state in a forum post/signature your "real" upload/download speed as an image from a speedtest direct link, never upload it to a image server as it would be suspicious to have been modified. You can always grab a fake one from speedtest, as long as it belongs to your real ISP and it's run from a location close to where you live, just run a test, click on direct link and go backwards some numbers from yours to check previous png tests (it will take >10 mins but it only needs to be done once).
    • 16) Never use the same string that could get you identified (nick/avatar/password/mail/signature/custom title...etc) on two different trackers. As if you eventually get caught cheating in one, you are very likely to be banned from several as staff share a lot of data (especially cheaters). Obviously, avoid using the same nick on trackers and on trading/cheating forums as staff tend to lurk those type of forums.
    • 17) Avoid browsing the tracker site/forum/chat with the same pc/browser you use for visiting sites like sb-i, moofdev, trading communities...etc. Or at least make sure you are using a cookie/history/temporaries clean browser at every time. This can be easily achieved with, for example, Firefox and its "Removing personal data on every application exit" option, using the private navigation tabs since 3.9.5, or using some HTTP blocking plugins that monitor every string sent to the site server.
    • 18) Always use the same emulated client on your cheating application as the one you use for real torrenting. Do not use an emulated client for an OS different from the one you use for site browsing. For example, if you use Windows 7 for browsing it is not a good idea to use rTorrent (you can always say you had VMWare/VirtualPC/etc running but it would be extremely odd).
    • 19) Always tend to use the latest client emulation version that matches your newest torrent client build. There are some trackers that force you to use the latest build available to date in order to avoid old well-known emulation clients. Never go back from a client/build version to a previous one. Some trackers do register your client history and it would be very fishy that you eventually downgrade from uTorrent 1.8.5 to, say, 1.8.4 just because you found a client that you know for sure it works on that site (always experiment with newer clients with dupe accounts).
    • 20) COMMON SENSE.

    All the above rules could be summed up in the last one. Go with the flow, don't do stupid/weird/improbable things and you will be done. You will be always smarter than a bunch of php scripts.

    PD: Mods please feel free to edit my post as it may contain errors (I am an ESL student)

    Have fun :)
    Last edited by nperversion; 27.12.09 at 07:46.
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  2. Who Said Thanks:

    austinpowers (28.01.15) , san203 (16.02.12) , SaintShaolin (03.03.11) , MiCRON (02.03.11) , seldom (08.08.10) , sudar02 (04.07.10) , thecoolest (03.06.10) , fakeking (03.06.10) , Extraterrestrial (02.06.10) , nextor (08.01.10) , sbiuser1 (03.01.10) , MacGyver (31.12.09) , vvtwx (31.12.09) , Mihai (29.12.09) , SealLion (29.12.09) , kelly (28.12.09) , alpacino (28.12.09) , Instab (27.12.09) , abookhalil (27.12.09) , Pacha (27.12.09) , Blocker (27.12.09) , pimphead07 (27.12.09) , SBcheater (27.12.09) , slikrapid (27.12.09) , jockey (27.12.09) , cheatos (27.12.09) , GotIt (27.12.09) , anonftw (27.12.09)

  3. #2

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    quite good, and a well thoguth out post I must say, you have really summed it up, we can actually make it a READ BEFORE YOU CHEAT sticky.
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  4. #3
    15) Always stay in the bandwith range from your ISP. Do not use higher uploads/downloads then the max ones available on your ISP
    i totally agree with all the rules but
    can't resist putting high speeds in the up speed box
    Last edited by cheatos; 27.12.09 at 10:26.

    I am cheatos

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  5. Who Said Thanks:

    SealLion (29.12.09) , Instab (27.12.09)

  6. #4

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    Sure cheating success with these rules
    But totally agree with cheatos
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  7. #5

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    Definetly my favourite rule
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  8. #6

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    Quote Originally Posted by nperversion View Post
    1) introduce yourself to the community, post comments, open threads, participate in polls and so on. A member with an insane ratio but 0 posts, 0 comments... is always more suspicious than an integrated an active one.
    actually, much activity brings more attention, more users/staffers are going to check out your profile and may find irregularities in it - imo tracker posts should be reduced to the bare minimum - also, veteran cheaters rarely go for insane ratios as this brings attention too

    2) Never cheat as a 100% seed on a tracker-exclusive torrent impossible/hardly found outside the tracker.
    i would use the term 'its not recommended' to cheat on such torrents, but sometimes it can't be avoided, especially on trackers with many non-scene releases
    3) For the trackers that register not only ratio but seed time you may want to cheat (or legit) upload a pack of torrents simultaneously and not cheating always only on one. 1TB uploaded on only 1 or 2 torrents, and a seed time of 1 week will just look odd. Just grab some freeleech/low size torrents and leave them uploading at 1kb/s on your real client for some weeks to build a safe seeding time.
    the majority of trackers register seed time in order to avoid/detect hit & runs

    it doesn't matter much whether you cheat on one or more torrents at the same time, also its not recommended to go much over 3-5 ratio per torrent, TB amounts on a single torrent regardless of the seeding time draws attention

    you mean continue to seed on cheated torrents to increase seed time

    5) Avoid abusing the flashing method, as most of trackers run a simple max upload script which will get you banned in a blink.
    when you say abusing i suppose you mean increasing uploaded amount on a torrent too much at a single flash session - also, many trackers don't detect flashing so the best practice to find out if it can be used is to check sbi forums for the specific tracker you want to cheat at

    6) Don't use incremental uploads as weeks go on, as it would be fishy that first week you were uploading at ~100kb/s, next at ~150kb/s, next ~200kb/s...etc (given you are not getting caught), instead see point 13)
    well, i can't see the point of using such incremental uploads in the first place, imo cheaters usually leave it to fluctuate between an upper & lower limit (like with the RM)

    7) Never use a steady upload/download speed as a whole day uploading at 100.00 kb/s sharp is not a good idea, instead use some loosy ones (with decimals).
    see the previous fluctuation example

    8) Also try to stay within a logical range of upload given the torrent and actual peers. Make daily a quick sum of all the download speeds from leechers and upload speeds and never produce an upload higher than, say, 110% the download sum.
    imo a waste of time as these numbers are often outdated (previous announce, disconnected users, new peers,...) and in many occasions not even accurate, it can be briefly checked to get a general idea of how much traffic the torrent is generating

    9) [b]Never cheat ...torrent with a low amount of leechers and a high number of seeders if you are using a high upload speed.
    its not a problem when using the waffles method

    10) It is always advisable to cheat and leave the torrent client opened in case some staff member wants to connect to you. Never cheat to a tracker while real uploading a torrent to it simultaneously for obvious reasons.
    It won't help when using RM as it doesn't connect to peers, as for cheating on a single torrent and seeding/uploading on other torrents from the same site i have done it on numerous occasions at various sites & with multiple active torrents without problems

    11) Each tracker its own method. Use the waffles method in waffles, use the low&steady in What.CD...etc.
    i would say this is optional, as many methods/mods may work with a certain tracker, it may be easier for the cheater (in terms of convenience) to pick a favorite method for a tracker & stick with it

    13) When possible, try to get several accounts -at least two- to experiment methods/new clients emulated/incremental max uploads speeds... with one of them. You must be twice the cautious when browsing the site, and torrenting. It would be advisable to use different networks (wired desktop, and wifi laptop from any neighbour for example) and if possible, different ISPs, browsers and torrent clients.
    imo having 2 or more accounts is just too much hassle (always checking IPs, last login dates and whatnot) - experienced cheaters usually don't need more than one account if they are certain the cheating method works - having more accounts can be useful for experimenting & giveaways though

    14) [b]Avoid well-known proxies...
    interestingly, to this date i never had the need to use one for accessing a torrent site

    15) Always stay in the bandwith range from your ISP.
    i would use the term 'its recommended', but usually the trackers don't check that as there are thousands of various ISPs that change their bandwidth offers/packages from time to time
    It's always a nice idea to state in a forum post/signature your "real" upload/download speed as an image from a speedtest direct link
    not really, as you are automatically limiting your cheating speed options and most users don't have the top ISP package, also its rarely asked for anyways

    You can always grab a fake one from speedtest, as long as it belongs to your real ISP and it's run from a location close to where you live, just run a test, click on direct link and go backwards some numbers from yours to check previous png tests (it will take >10 mins but it only needs to be done once).
    thats a gamble as it is questionable how many (if any at all) adequate speed tests from your ISP have been done when you check for them and it won't work if you need to enter a specific word on the speed test txt field

    As if you eventually get caught cheating in one, you are very likely to be banned from several as staff share a lot of data
    i wouldn't say its that likely or that they share a lot of data, but i guess its a matter of opinion or added security if you like

    17) Avoid browsing the tracker site/forum/chat with the same pc/browser you use for visiting sites like sb-i, moofdev, trading communities...etc.
    so far, this was never a problem and i use the same pc & browser, even without deleting cookies and a few double accounts so i would say to use such precautions if you want additional security, though it is a good idea to use a script blocking plugin

    19) Always tend to use the latest client emulation version that matches your newest torrent client build.
    newest build is optional unless explicitly required by the torrent site


    btw, thats a lot of rules nice effort though
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  9. Who Said Thanks:

    SealLion (29.12.09) , kelly (28.12.09) , alpacino (28.12.09) , Instab (27.12.09) , abookhalil (27.12.09) , GotIt (27.12.09) , anonftw (27.12.09) , SBcheater (27.12.09)

  10. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    actually, much activity brings more attention, more users/staffers are going to check out your profile and may find irregularities in it - imo tracker posts should be reduced to the bare minimum - also, veteran cheaters rarely go for insane ratios as this brings attention too
    I agree, I wanted to express that you should have a minimum activity better than none activity. It's not that you should become a mod but at least say hi and change your default avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    the majority of trackers register seed time in order to avoid/detect hit & runs
    Yes, but in some trackers the seed time is shown to public (and obviously staff) and in some not to public but only to staff. For example, UG. I previously had +1TB uploaded and 6 days seeding time, and applied for an invite and a veteran user denied it because of my seeding time, then I realised it was a very low amount given my upload. It's odd to use the tracker for just 1 torrent. I put the 100 torrents I previously downloaded to real seed at 1kb/s for a week and now I'm at +2 years seeding.

    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    it doesn't matter much whether you cheat on one or more torrents at the same time, also its not recommended to go much over 3-5 ratio per torrent, TB amounts on a single torrent regardless of the seeding time draws attention
    Agree, avoid the Tops :)

    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    well, i can't see the point of using such incremental uploads in the first place, imo cheaters usually leave it to fluctuate between an upper & lower limit (like with the RM)
    Yeah fluctuating is definitely the way to go, but I was referring to the fact that the first week you experiment whatever method you like at usually lower speeds, and once you get confidence you start to increase the value until you hit your "sweet spot" (every cheater has a preferred max upload for a determined tracker, and its in the human nature that we always want moar). It's nice to check it beforehand with another account and move around it since the first day.

    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    imo a waste of time as these numbers are often outdated (previous announce, disconnected users, new peers,...) and in many occasions not even accurate, it can be briefly checked to get a general idea of how much traffic the torrent is generating
    Yes, but the cross-check script could be set to an interval update of say 5 seconds, although it would highly load the server, but it will get you if you are bypassing the total dl speed by an important amount. The inaccuracy part is what leave you the 10%-15% room for cheating. If it was perfectly accurate you couldn't even upload an extra byte without being caught.

    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    interestingly, to this date i never had the need to use one for accessing a torrent site
    Zamunda :)

    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    i would use the term 'its recommended', but usually the trackers don't check that as there are thousands of various ISPs that change their bandwidth offers/packages from time to time
    Agree, but don't upload at 200kb/s with a connection that has the word dialup on it, or +2MB/s with another one with adsl as part of its domain.

    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    not really, as you are automatically limiting your cheating speed options and most users don't have the top ISP package, also its rarely asked for anyways
    That's why you can get the highest bandwith packape from speedtest. You could have 3MBps/1MBps cable with, say, Comcast. But they will never know which package you have, as they will only see 87.234.XXX.X.comcast.XXX. So you could try to make them think you have the hishest 50MBps/10MBps package (idk if it exists) by posting an speedtest of it. It is not very smart uploading at +1.3MB/s with a company that maxes out at 1.2MB/s upload in is highest package. I was asked to post an actual (from the same day) speedtest direct link once and I spent the whole morning checking the speedtest pngs to get it as I was uploading at the rate of the highest ISP package, but I have the lowest one.

    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    thats a gamble as it is questionable how many (if any at all) adequate speed tests from your ISP have been done when you check for them and it won't work if you need to enter a specific word on the speed test txt field
    You do a test, you get http://www.speedtest.net/result/6000000.png. Go back to 5999999.png, then 5999998.png... or make a batch script to download them all and see them as images on your local PC. If they ask you to enter a specific chain in the field, that means they don't want a direct link so you can host it wherever you like and therefore modify the values/fields with photoshop :)

    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    so far, this was never a problem and i use the same pc & browser, even without deleting cookies and a few double accounts so i would say to use such precautions if you want additional security, though it is a good idea to use a script blocking plugin
    What the Internet knows about you
    Safehistory+Safecache and you are done with it.
    Several bans at ScT took place for this reason.

    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    btw, thats a lot of rules nice effort though
    Thanks bro :) It was aimed more at the newbie users that are starting to cheat.
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  11. Who Said Thanks:

    kelly (28.12.09) , GotIt (27.12.09)

  12. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by nperversion View Post
    1) Do not start cheating the first day you got into a tracker. Stay legit for some weeks. Instead, go for freeleechs, introduce yourself to the community, post comments, open threads, participate in polls and so on. A member with an insane ratio but 0 posts, 0 comments... is always more suspicious than an integrated an active one.
    I'm with slikrapid on this - I never post on tracker's forums. Every post is another place where my fake upload can be spotted. As cheaters it's better not to stand out or be community guys.

    2) Never cheat as a 100% seed on a tracker-exclusive torrent impossible/hardly found outside the tracker. If you do, you must be able to legitimate you got that torrent from outside. Stay away from inner realeases unless you really downloaded them beforehand and could provide proof (be careful with showing creation/modification times on screenshots, instead they can be easily edited).
    Agreed. It's very suspicious to jump as 100% done on a tracker-exclusive torrent you can't find elsewhere. The site's scripts or even staff may not detect this right away, but I prefer to look like a non-cheater.

    3) For the trackers that register not only ratio but seed time you may want to cheat (or legit) upload a pack of torrents simultaneously and not cheating always only on one. 1TB uploaded on only 1 or 2 torrents, and a seed time of 1 week will just look odd. Just grab some freeleech/low size torrents and leave them uploading at 1kb/s on your real client for some weeks to build a safe seeding time.
    I always aim for ratios between 1 and 3, so I'd never fake 1TB on a single torrent. My style is buffering on torrents that have a lot of leechers to look realistic, then download things that have few or none without cheating, and optionally keep on seeding them for a long time to avoid looking like a hit & runner - although some trackers, or at least SCC, allow you to H&R if your ratio is above a certain value, e.g. 1.5. Anyway, it's a lot better if you don't immediately stop the torrent after snatching it, so that at least you can do some real upload.

    4) Stay away from "Top10s". You don't want to appear as one of the max uploaders, leechers, highest ratios, with max seeding time... Always try to go with the flow and never stand out.
    Most of the people on Top 10s often have gigantic amounts of traffic and fast speeds, so yes. You may also end up in the Top 10 via flashing, which will show you as having GB/s speeds. Which you don't want. Again, the rule here is "don't stand out".

    5) Avoid abusing the flashing method, as most of trackers run a simple max upload script which will get you banned in a blink.
    I don't know what you mean with "abusing" here - either flashing TBs of upload, or flashing small amounts repeteadly?

    I can agree with the former, at the time of this post no one has dedicated GB/s lines that can be maxed out in a few seconds. Some trackers don't care anyway. The latter shouldn't get you in much trouble (except maybe for the tracker hammering)

    6) Don't use incremental uploads as weeks go on, as it would be fishy that first week you were uploading at ~100kb/s, next at ~150kb/s, next ~200kb/s...etc (given you are not getting caught), instead see point 13)
    You could have been limiting your upload speed all this time, so this isn't that suspicious, but it's still better not to go above what your ISP can offer, just in case.

    7) Never use a steady upload/download speed as a whole day uploading at 100.00 kb/s sharp is not a good idea, instead use some loosy ones (with decimals).
    The Extreme Mod will only fake between the two values you set, so speeds always fluctuate. And the RM and mR have mini-randomizers to prevent you from reporting such exact speeds.

    8) Try to cheat on mostly new torrents with a high amount of peers. Be careful with partial seeders as they will been shown as leechers but they won't produce any download traffic. Also try to stay within a logical range of upload given the torrent and actual peers. Make daily a quick sum of all the download speeds from leechers and upload speeds and never produce an upload higher than, say, 110% the download sum. If a torrent is reporting the tracker a 2MB/s download traffic and the summed upload rate is 3MB/s something is failing and this can be easily cross-checked with a simple script.
    Checking the peerlist (if available) can help with both - just check who's stuck at a certain % with has a download speed of 0.00kB/s, and the speed ranges others are on, respectively.

    9) Never cheat to a torrent with 0 leechers (obviously) or even with a low amount of leechers and a high number of seeders if you are using a high upload speed. Try some client features like stopping the traffic generated when the amount of leechers is less than X (RM). This will prevent you as well from reporting upload traffic to a deleted torrent.
    If the tracker doesn't return the seeder/leecher counts in announces, you'll have to enable scraping in the RM for that function to work. The mR doesn't have that feature and never will, since The248 doesn't deem it reliable. And the Extreme Mod does have a function to stop faking when there are less than X connected peers or the peer:seed ratio is lower than X%. (Personally, I set both of those values to 0 so that it's always faking, and review whether my speeds are still realistic manually)

    10) Always use the memory reader option at RM or similar on other clients to fake the most accurately possible the behaviour of a real client. It is always advisable to cheat and leave the torrent client opened in case some staff member wants to connect to you. Never cheat to a tracker while real uploading a torrent to it simultaneously for obvious reasons. You can cross cheat though (cheat at tracker A, legit upload at tracker B).
    What slikrapid said - no ratio tools have peer connection code. If a staff wanted to connect to you, the connection would either time out (RM with TCP listener) or end up in nothing (RM+real client in the same port; unless you run the torrent in both, which you shouldn't).

    11) Each tracker its own method. Use the waffles method in waffles, use the low&steady in What.CD...etc.
    You should cheat the way you find it the best and working for you. Last year I used the slow and steady method at Waffles, and something similar to the W-M (which didn't exist at the time) on What. This year it's the opposite, since Waffles's scripts were proven not to be that "wow", while What's have advanced light years from when even the PMR worked there.

    12) Deactivate DHT and never publicize your passkey or a torrent downloaded from you with it in for obvious reasons.
    Not exposing your passkey is 100% correct, but the DHT myth... don't take it personally, but I get pissed off every time I read "disable DHT or else you'll report bad stats, bla bla bla"... let me quote myself:
    All trackers say you disable it, and that it doesn't matter if your client respects the private flag, because with DHT/PEX you can "leak" info about torrents, "upload to other people outside of tracker X", etc.

    This is FALSE. If a torrent has the private flag set to 1 (as all .torrents from ALTs do), clients won't "leak" anything about it, or upload to other people "outside" of the tracker. I really don't know why they tell you to disable both. (Anyone can of course connect and upload/download from you if they have the correct info_hash/IP/port combo. BitTorrent wasn't meant to be a secure/anonymous protocol.)

    The only good reasons to disable DHT are (in my opinion):
    • avoiding router/connection crashes created by the extra connections
    • saving bandwidth if you're using your client to download from ALTs only

    So, in short:
    If you're having router crashes when running uT, disable DHT.
    If you download from ALTs only, disable DHT.

    If you're not having any router issues, and are also using the same uT instance to download from public trackers, keep DHT enabled.

    Also, remember that despite the tracker staff being wrong regarding this, it's them that have the ability to disable accounts and not you, so if you ever send an screenshot of your uTorrent to them be it through the tracker's forum/e-mail/etc., right click "DHT: x nodes" in the status bar, and untick "Enable DHT". Re-enable it after you've taken the cap.

    13) When possible, try to get several accounts -at least two- to experiment methods/new clients emulated/incremental max uploads speeds... with one of them. You must be twice the cautious when browsing the site, and torrenting. It would be advisable to use different networks (wired desktop, and wifi laptop from any neighbour for example) and if possible, different ISPs, browsers and torrent clients.
    In my experiences I didn't have to go as far on trackers that care about multiple accounts (all of them care to some degree, but there's a difference betweem Demonoid and What.cd) - just don't use the same IP for both and optionally, browse them using a different browser.

    14) Avoid well-known proxies/VPNs/bouncers/etc (Tor, anchorfree...). Be careful with trackers that deal with bans to international IP changes (you are torrenting from Canada and you use a proxy from Russia). Never torrent/cheat from your home and brose the site at the same time under other IP.
    It's a very good idea to avoid using proxies and such in general, unless you really have to. Personally, I'd rather wait a day until my real IP changes, since a lot of trackers will ban you if you're caught using a proxy, public VPN, or any other means of hiding your real address. Most are OK with paid VPN services, but always ask, just in case.

    And before someone mentions the rule of "you can use up to 5 different IPs on the same account" a lot of trackers have... you can indeed open the same account from up to five addresses, yes - but they must be from the same country. It's not possible for you, if/as account sharing is not allowed, to travel to other country and visit the tracker in a few minutes. And most of the time, the rule only applies for browsing - announcing must still be done from a single IP only.

    15) Always stay in the bandwith range from your ISP. Do not use higher uploads/downloads then the max ones available on your ISP. Several trackers deal with ISP bandwiths and know exactly the max upload/download you can be using. It's always a nice idea to state in a forum post/signature your "real" upload/download speed as an image from a speedtest direct link ...
    This is a good tip, although the Waffles method, for example, involves using upload speeds a lot of us don't have (1MB/s).

    Also, what if you're asked to make an speedtest right now to prove you really have the speeds you say you do?

    16) Never use the same string that could get you identified (nick/avatar/password/mail/signature/custom title...etc) on two different trackers. As if you eventually get caught cheating in one, you are very likely to be banned from several as staff share a lot of data (especially cheaters). Obviously, avoid using the same nick on trackers and on trading/cheating forums as staff tend to lurk those type of forums.
    Different values are indeed a must. Use different usernames, password, e-mail addresses and everything else you mentioned for every tracker. Also, don't use the same IP for those that share them (What.cd, x264 and BCG, for example).

    17) Avoid browsing the tracker site/forum/chat with the same pc/browser you use for visiting sites like sb-i, moofdev, trading communities...etc. Or at least ...
    This shouldn't be a problem if you read the security announcement

    18) Always use the same emulated client on your cheating application as the one you use for real torrenting. ...

    19) Always tend to use the latest client emulation version that matches your newest torrent client build. There are some trackers that force you to use the latest build available to date in order to avoid old well-known emulation clients. Never go back from a client/build version to a previous one. ...

    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  13. Who Said Thanks:

    seldom (08.08.10) , sbiuser1 (03.01.10) , SealLion (29.12.09) , willful (28.12.09) , kelly (28.12.09) , slikrapid (28.12.09) , alpacino (28.12.09) , abookhalil (27.12.09) , GotIt (27.12.09) , SBcheater (27.12.09)

  14. #9

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    The last rule is the only one you realy need
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  15. Who Said Thanks:

    GotIt (29.12.09)

  16. #10
    Advanced User Mihai's Avatar
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    I like the rules.But steady and slow on what.cd....Th ewaffles method works there fine.Or maybe you mean "Steady and slow waffles method"
    Last edited by Mihai; 29.12.09 at 18:03.
    What does a scene tracker tell to a general tracker?
    You're so 5 minutes ago...

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  17. Who Said Thanks:

    Y008 (15.11.11)

  18. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mihai91 View Post
    I like the rules.But steady and slow on what.cd....Th ewaffles method works there fine.
    I fully trust you when you say the Waffles method works at What, but I'm scared of losing my account. I'm paranoid.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  19. #12
    Advanced User Mihai's Avatar
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    Just kiding.Actually i don't really care how you cheat there, just be safe.
    Last edited by Mihai; 29.12.09 at 18:05.
    What does a scene tracker tell to a general tracker?
    You're so 5 minutes ago...

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  20. #13

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    yes if we follow up these rules we will never be banned from any tracker
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