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Thread: Feedback for changes part I

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    Feedback for changes part I

    Here you can leave feedback for the announcement.


  2. #61
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    every new user should prove himself in some way before getting access to mods

    So how do you prove yourself as a new member here before getting access to new mods??

    I didn't have to prove myself when I first joined.
    Why should someone else??
    Why should you have to prove yourself to have access to anything here??

    I mean, maybe we've all got to prove ourselves to get access to new mods then.
    I don't use that many, anyways.

    I just use what I want and even then, that's a small number. Sometimes even the ones I do download I dont even bother using as I find that I don't like them.

    maybe every new mod should have a hidden ID number that can be linked directly to the member who downloaded it so when his mod leaks in the public and you get it from some other site, perform an ID check and see exactly who is the member responsible for the leak.

    That isn't such a bad idea.

    It'll take a lot of work I imagine but then if staff and coders are concerned about leaks, I guess you'll have to do what's necessary then.

    And about the invite thing again.

    Here's what I was thinking yesterday.

    Some guy want's to get in, he PM's a dozen or so guys to improve his chances.

    He gets in b/c he PM'd lots of people to increase his chances.

    Well, that doesn't work.

    That's why I was suggesting that new people PM the SYSTEM, not the people.
    The system is the controlling factor.
    It'll have a record of his IP ( and even hopefull his MAC address too, though I'm not familiar with the 'how-to's " of that. Leave that to others, I guess )and inform him that he's already PM'd the System to apply.
    Staff will answer the request and send out an application form.

    It could be one of a few questionairres...say from 3-4 with, like I mentioned earlier...well thought out questions.
    Intelligent questions.

    Not useless questions like "What trackers have you cheated at?"...Who cares about that, yes??

    I think that you'll agree with me there, that useless questions like the above are made for the garbage.

    .....if you can't positively identify the leaker then all this discussion doesn't matter much and the results won't be adequate enough
    That I agree with.
    If the leaker can't be identified correctly, then we might as well call it a day.

    - .....application form: works only on noobs, experienced users/admins/leakers will give smart enough answers and will get inside
    Ya. I think I can see your point there.

    Though again, I'd like to see it in a more positive light.
    I'd like to think that it's questionairre conditional with respect to the quality of the question.

    Maybe there could be a time limit on completion of the questionairre/ application form. Let's say......2 hours. I don't know. I'm just throwing some figure up in the air.

    ....deleting old, 0-10 posts after 2 weeks after activation
    I don't think that, that would be entirely fair.

    What if the guy goes on holiday??
    Has an accident??
    Gets pregnant??
    Has a baby??
    Has IRL issues to solve??

    The idea that you've brought up is worthy of discussion, for sure.
    How about incorporating your idea like this?:

    UPon signing up, have the new user be made aware that after 30 days ( of signing up), new and inactive accounts are inactivated or deleted.

    How about that??
    It shares and incorporates your idea.

    maybe: not allow IPs for one user to go outside of his ISP range, at least for registration & downloading mods
    This isn't such a bad idea either. Prevents use of proxies by user.
    Last edited by SealLion; 22.05.09 at 04:21.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
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    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
    Oh, oh. Better use LINUX.

  3. Who Said Thanks:

    anonftw (22.05.09)

  4. #62

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    i'm really sorry , but i dont understand exactly the reason for this change in the politics of this site... please can somebody tell me ?

  5. #63

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    No problem, the whole situation is not as simple as it could be explained in a few words.

    Basically it was a measure to stop the leaking of our mods on several other websites and stopping people who weren't participating in the board's life but just signed up to be able to download/ use the mods.

    You can read about it here:

  6. Who Said Thanks:

    gianuzio (24.05.09)

  7. #64

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    Quote Originally Posted by SealLion View Post
    So how do you prove yourself as a new member here before getting access to new mods??
    by using and commenting on already leaked mods, or those that at the time don't have a brand new version
    by making meaningful/decent posts on other forum sections
    by being fair traders of accounts/invites even though this could be restricted too

    using the maximum points available for a day their progress can be balanced to avoid overposting

    and remember the longer new users have to wait for brand new mods --> the wider the time period until new possible leaks occur, provided that during closed doors time all leakers have been detected

    Quote Originally Posted by SealLion View Post
    Maybe there could be a time limit on completion of the questionairre/ application form. Let's say......2 hours.
    and when the questions leak (even if more versions are made) no time limit will matter

    Quote Originally Posted by SealLion View Post
    I don't think that (deleting old, 0-10 posts after 2 weeks after activation), that would be entirely fair.
    ok, i was just throwing figures there

    Quote Originally Posted by SealLion View Post
    UPon signing up, have the new user be made aware that after 30 days ( of signing up), new and inactive accounts are inactivated or deleted.
    i can agree with that with the addition of a defined inactivity (1 post in 30 days, or 10 posts or something else)
    Last edited by slikrapid; 22.05.09 at 18:35.

  8. Who Said Thanks:

    anonftw (22.05.09)

  9. #65
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    im surprised about all the great ideas. keep the good work guys

    cheaten - wieso kompliziert wenn's auch einfach geht.!

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  10. #66
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    OK, some decent ideas there. One thing I would also like to touch upon of which I just thought of was a new user-level name for new invitees/ new users, regardless of what method is employed for granting them access to the forum.

    I was thinking of a new user-level name such as 'Invitee'....or something like that. It's just an idea, of course.

    The reason for such a new user-level title is for the simple observation of that new invitee by the regular members of his/her posts, behavior, etc...etc...

    Basically, one infraction and the person is out. Or maybe 2 infractions...what-ever....those are just some numbers too. see, I'd hate to see another 'fingertip' here on the board. And I think other's wouldn't take so kindly to an arrival of his sorts again, even one who's attitude and behavior goes off the board.

    His attitude was beyond asinine.
    What a demented, malevolent, socially-retarded fool.

    You see, if the new user to the board should behave as 'it' did in the short time that, that new invitee has been here, then at least there's a quicker, if not more so a real legit reason for moderators to act appropriately.

    Th e new user would retain that new title for lets say.....30 days or so....a kind of probationary period, yes??
    Or maybe 45 days....

    But I do have to comment on the method of access to this board.

    That I believe, is still a matter of discussion. Regardless of whether it's Elite, regular staff, what-ever....t hat does the actual permission-to-access- the-board thing.

    I mean, there still has to a be a method. It's not just a simple matter of giving it to the responsibility of a select few to determine how, yes??

    So your suggesting that application process is flawed.

    So is the regular invite method.
    Handing out invites to a select few or everyone.

    All of a sudden, you, me, and half a dozen other people will find their PM boxes full with a request from the same person.

    I think that the following idea was touched upon before:

    New users, would have access to a limited board.
    Very limited in fact.

    After a probationary period has come and gone, then access to the regular board.
    This could be accomplished by having open registration again.

    Allowing free access to a limited board.

    [B]For both posting and viewing[/B]

    Maybe even disallow access to the invites section until lets say .....50 posts or 75 posts.
    Agian, just some ideas and numbers.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
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    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
    Oh, oh. Better use LINUX.

  11. Who Said Thanks:

    rom08 (26.05.09) , anonftw (23.05.09)

  12. #67

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    Yeah,, good,, thanks to all Moderator here and in any other staff's here,, cause you didn't delete my account here on SB-I,, lol,

    Ive been inactive for a month cause my ***damn mother CUT OUR INTERNET CONNECTION!!!! >.<,,,

    yeah by the way,, its good now,,, and more power to SB-I!! ,,, thanks

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    Irrespective of whether this becomes an invite only community or making the registration process more stringent there will always be the risk of mod theft. Im sure we can all agree on that. The thing that we need to work out is how to minimise this risk.

    Looking at it another way, if there was a way of uniquely tagging each mod/tool with an id and logged with the ip of the downloader perhaps this behaviour can be curbed.
    Linking the stolen mods/tools id with the corresponding ip via logs would finger the public releaser.
    Whether or not this is possible or even feasible is another matter. And even if possible it still doesn't eliminate the risk of theft, it just makes it alot more hazardous for the thief!

  14. Who Said Thanks:

    anonftw (23.05.09)

  15. #69

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    maybe every new mod should have a hidden ID number that can be linked directly to the member who downloaded it so when his mod leaks in the public and you get it from some other site, perform an ID check and see exactly who is the member responsible for the leak.
    This idea is awesome. I hope this gets implemented

    I still think it's great we have closed registrations. I mean agreed they are still ppl there who are committed to leaking the mods but as anon said we can get them one by one. This way over time we might finally become the community with all trusted members.

    Also the invite system is awesome. Very very few invites handed out to elite members and vip members only and they should decide carefully who to invite.. other members can post in a thread requesting invites from them.

    As I said before if u want to invite ur friend to this forums u NEED to have a DIFFERENT level of trust with him. Nobody in the whole internet knows I cheat. Not even some of my real life friends (who use sbs )

    And regarding inactivity.. I think the obvious reasons are

    1. The most VALID reason PPL don't want to be active here coz of fear of getting caught. Some lurkers might notice a pattern of talk of a member here and the tracker forums. This is justifiable and we can't expect much activity here UNLESS we make a separate section for members only and make it private/unreadable by outsiders.. In fact the whole forums shud be unreadable IMHO

    2. Language barrier.. Most of the forums is german language. Maybe this is a deterrent?

    3. People by nature are lazy and selfish and greedy? they don't care abt these forums that much and are only here for the mods..

    I personally am not active here coz I am not active on any forums
    Last edited by piratepiggy; 25.05.09 at 20:08.

  16. Who Said Thanks:

    anonftw (26.05.09)

  17. #70
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    2. Language barrier.. Most of the forums is german language. Maybe this is a deterrent?
    I think that was a problem in the past, but currently the english area is currently growing at a fearsome rate.

    3. People by nature are lazy and selfish and greedy? they don't care abt these forums that much and are only here for the mods..
    That's indeed the case for some users - we have pruned about 9000 zero-poster accounts.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

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    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    I think that was a problem in the past, but currently the english area is currently growing at a fearsome rate.

    That's indeed the case for some users - we have pruned about 9000 zero-poster accounts.
    Yes. The english forums are really growing in size.

    A request to the staff to consider all the brilliant ideas in this thread.. Mainly

    1) Making forums private or at least a section private

    2) Implementing the hidden key thing to catch leakers.

    3) A Rigid invite system

    ALL very good ideas IMHO

  19. #72

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    So far I think this is a good way to go.

  20. #73
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    I noticed that some of you guys are mentioning about the German part of the forum.

    I really, really believe that it's important to always recognize that it was originally a German-based forum and quite honestly, I hope that it remains a very strong and integral part of the forum.

    Yes, the English language forum is growing....monstrously in fact.

    A lot of my internet friends here on this forum are from either Germany or Austria.

    And this should not be seen as a deterrent.

    The chief moderator here is German and so are the majority of the other moderators.

    Though I don't believe that any of you were suggesting that it remains a deterrent, most likely just thinking that it may have been in the beginning for some of you.

    A request to the staff to consider all the brilliant ideas in this thread....

    This'll be obvious. Since the thread was started.

    So when is 'decision-day", then??
    Last edited by SealLion; 26.05.09 at 05:06.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
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    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

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  21. #74

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    I would say that the international appeal of this mod is what keeps it unique. I like seeing people from other parts of the world participate in the threads!

    As for the hidden key proposed, I think that Mike said it best is to make it more dangerous for thefts.

    I think all that is purposed is good and will have to be tested before it goes official though as there are bound to be hiccups.

  22. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by SealLion View Post
    I noticed that some of you guys are mentioning about the German part of the forum.

    I really, really believe that it's important to always recognize that it was originally a German-based forum and quite honestly, I hope that it remains a very strong and integral part of the forum.

    Yes, the English language forum is growing....monstrously in fact.

    A lot of my internet friends here on this forum are from either Germany or Austria.

    And this should not be seen as a deterrent.

    The chief moderator here is German and so are the majority of the other moderators.

    Though I don't believe that any of you were suggesting that it remains a deterrent, most likely just thinking that it may have been in the beginning for some of you.


    This'll be obvious. Since the thread was started.

    So when is 'decision-day", then??
    we started with the intention to have an equal german/englisch part but in the beginning the german part had compared to the english part more active members. but well things changed and now both are well visited.

    we still dont have any decisions at the momet we have to think carefully about it but this thread contains a lot of usefull input that could be used.

    cheaten - wieso kompliziert wenn's auch einfach geht.!

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  23. Who Said Thanks:

    Grambo (28.05.09) , SealLion (27.05.09) , anonftw (27.05.09)

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