Speculation about a possible spin-off of Sun's hardware business by Oracle may not be so wide of the mark after all. The reason: Oracle's initial acquisition interest only extended to some of Sun's software assets.

Also, HP spent months doing due diligence over a possible bid of its own but backed out at the last minute without ever submitting an offer, so there's a chance of it emerging as a buyer should Oracle opt to shed any parts of Sun in future.

Those are some of the things to be gleaned from Sun's detailed disclosure to the SEC today of the events leading up to its deal with Oracle (HP's identity is not disclosed - it is mentioned in the filing only as "Party B". But one person who had a ringside seat to the action has told us that HP was actively engaged for months, and that despite widespread speculation, Cisco never showed any serious interest.)
FT.com | Tech Blog | Larry Ellison’s Plan A: Buy only Sun’s software assets