Sad things are happening in the world.

On April 9th 2009, the internet domain registration for the investigative journalism site was suspended without notice by Germany's registration authority DENIC........ Police documentation shows that the March 24, 2009 raid was triggered by WikiLeaks' publication of Australia's proposed secret internet censorship list........The publication of the Australian list exposed the blacklisting of many harmless or political sites and changed the nature of the censorship debate in Australia..........The Australian government's mandatory internet censorship proposal is now not expected to pass the Australian senate.............

A sign of Big Brother nevertheless, yes??

............The situation is similar to the legal dispute between WikiLeaks and the Swiss bank Julius Baer last year. WikiLeaks had published documents exposing hundreds of millions dollars hidden by Baer under Cayman Islands trusts. That case saw the "" domain temporarily disabled by a California judge..........

Did Swiss bank Julius Baer pay someone off??

YOu know what I mean??

I mean, there obviously was a lot of money involved, yes??

Here's the link:

Sad. Real Sad.