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Thread: A discussion split from the giveaway thread

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    A discussion split from the giveaway thread

    Quote Originally Posted by splicer View Post
    Don't argue with dumb people - they will bring you down to their level and beat you with expirience. Ultimately, you can think what you want about me.
    You are an ignorant, insensitive clod. You know nothing of me nor my intelligence, and to reference it is beyond reproach. If you are to be considered a decent member of this community, then it is one that I have no will to associate myself with, as it will only drag my good name through the proverbial mud.

    I have reported your post and demanded that you be reprimanded for insulting my intelligence. I know for a fact that I am a more learned, erudite man than you could ever hope to be, and to be accused of the opposite is grounds for much worse than a textual thrashing. I do not tolerate such insolence in my personal life, and I refuse to tolerate it here.

    Anon, you can keep your invites. I was just trying to joke around. But since you took this guy's side, I believe that you are of the same ilk as him, and that's upsetting. You got under my radar, and now I feel as though I cannot trust anyone to be a reasonable person.

    Think what you will of me, but know that if your thoughts are of a defamatory nature, karma will serve to prove you both wrong and sorry for your actions.

  2. #2
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fingertip View Post
    Anon, you can keep your invites. I was just trying to joke around. But since you took this guy's side, I believe that you are of the same ilk as him, and that's upsetting. You got under my radar, and now I feel as though I cannot trust anyone to be a reasonable person.
    I didn't take anyone's side. I was just saying that while splicer's post may have sounded a bit sour, he wrote that not having the necessary 200 posts didn't mean you weren't a good member, and he's right.

    Unfortunately, and as you may have seen, I did have to take an action about this... so please stop discussing about it!
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

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    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    I didn't take anyone's side. I was just saying that while splicer's post may have sounded a bit sour, he wrote that not having the necessary 200 posts didn't mean you weren't a good member, and he's right.

    Unfortunately, and as you may have seen, I did have to take an action about this... so please stop discussing about it!
    His post was more than sour. It was unnecessarily condescending. As I said before, I do not tolerate people speaking to me like that in my personal life, and I take umbrage to it on here. I can't understand how you, someone who seemed to be at least moderately intelligent, could get what you did from his post. It boggles the mind.

    Take all the action you want. If being warned on a forum (and insulted in the PM, I might add, which is pretty unbecoming of someone that's supposed to moderate this joint) is what I get for being forthright, direct, and unwilling to take shit from someone I don't consider up to my level, then so be it.

    Also, discussion forums are for discussion, so that's what I'm doing. Once this matter is settled to my liking, I won't be coming back here. If ever I thought that I'd be so infuriated by the unkind words and tactics of the people here, I'd certainly not have bothered to create an account in the first place.

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    To fingertip : (sorry you got the long post)
    Don't argue with dumb people - they will bring you down to their level and beat you with expirience. Ultimately, you can think what you want about me.
    I was actually referring to myself; as in, I'm the dumb one, and you won't win. I'm going to PM anon requesting he/she remove or undo the warning from you fingertip, as it was an accidental incorrect interpretation which cause you to write the post for which you were warned. Also, having read my post over and over, I realise that I perhaps was being childish with such a post.

    unkind words and tactics of the people here
    Mate, have you heard yourself? Just because you can more intelligently insult someone doesn't make it any more right, nor mean you can get off free. The most I said, and which you mistakenly thought was an attack on yourself, is "dumb".

    And finally, I have less than 200 posts. If I had meant that users with less than 200 posts are bad members, I would have been calling myself a bad member, kind of stupid, yeh? But that's not what I said; I said those with less than 200 posts are probably less disserving, as they haven't contributed as much, yet.

    fingertip, if what you want is an apology, I will be more than happy to give one, even though I feel you misinterpreted both of my posts:
    I am sorry you felt my post was a direct attack upon your intelligence; although misinterpreted (IMO anyway), you still felt insulted, and for that, you disserve an apology. If I could, I would go back and delete my post, before it was read, and before it got deleted by anon. To re-cap, I am sorry for "insulting you", and I wish you to stay in this community, and to contribute to it. As cheaters, this is one of few havens for us on the internet, and you won't find another like SB-I. As I said, I have PMed anon requesting him to remove the warning; a sign of peace and neutrility if you will.

    To anon :
    I'm sorry for continuing this, but where else to post? Best go offtopic once, and ge it over and done quickly right? Anyway sorry for continuing the off-topicness.
    Last edited by splicer; 04.04.09 at 19:17.

  5. #5
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Moved to a separate thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fingertip View Post
    His post was more than sour. It was unnecessarily condescending. As I said before, I do not tolerate people speaking to me like that in my personal life, and I take umbrage to it on here. I can't understand how you, someone who seemed to be at least moderately intelligent, could get what you did from his post. It boggles the mind.
    As far as I remember, what I got from splicer's post was that not having 200 posts doesn't mean you are not a good member at all, which is what you've also posted - that you were doing your best to learn and be helpful, and that it's the posts' content that matters, which it totally true.

    I also added that the posts restriction wasn't but to keep my BCG account safe.

    Take all the action you want. If being warned on a forum (and insulted in the PM, I might add, which is pretty unbecoming of someone that's supposed to moderate this joint) is what I get for being forthright, direct, and unwilling to take shit from someone I don't consider up to my level, then so be it.
    Your warning has been reversed. And the text I wrote on was only an assumption made on what I thought your post meant, but yes, it wasn't particularly nice. Sorry for that.

    Also, discussion forums are for discussion, so that's what I'm doing. Once this matter is settled to my liking, I won't be coming back here. If ever I thought that I'd be so infuriated by the unkind words and tactics of the people here, I'd certainly not have bothered to create an account in the first place.
    Even though I can't force you to stay, I'd prefer that you do it, because just like splicer said, and taking these kind of discussions apart, you won't find another cheating board like SB-I.

    Quote Originally Posted by splicer View Post
    I was actually referring to myself; as in, I'm the dumb one, and you won't win. I'm going to PM anon requesting he/she remove or undo the warning from you fingertip, as it was an accidental incorrect interpretation which cause you to write the post for which you were warned. Also, having read my post over and over, I realise that I perhaps was being childish with such a post.
    After reading this, and despite that who you were addressing should have been more clear, again, I have reversed the warning.

    And finally, I have less than 200 posts. If I had meant that users with less than 200 posts are bad members, I would have been calling myself a bad member, kind of stupid, yeh? But that's not what I said; I said those with less than 200 posts are probably less disserving, as they haven't contributed as much, yet.
    This is how I interpreted your post in the Giveaway Thread as well. Having a higher post count itself doesn't mean you're contributing more than someone who doesn't yet have the needed 200 posts, which I made a requirement only for security reasons.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

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    To be honest i would like to say splicer though u r intentions were good u were misinterpreted
    and fingertip i would like to say anon is risking his account for getting one of us cheaters in so i think he has the rite to be paranoid and strict about rules
    as far as 200 post is concerned if u be little active u can get that i myself dont have 200 but its ok
    after all the inviter has everyrite to be worried for inviting one of us since we are al cheaters
    so saying

    and plz guys this is a friendly forum dont feel bad on such small matters njoy the way we are the more we fight the more we become weak against trackers

  7. Who Said Thanks:

    anon (05.04.09)

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