For those of you who are not quite familiar with the site:, it's a clearing-house of published material that contains censored documents, papers, books, etc...etc... that comes from people that work in such organizations who 'blow the whistle' on that particular organization because of their conscious to do so and inform the general public about what they feel is wrong, either morally or ethically.

WEll, as it turns out, Wikileaks recently had its offices raided by the cops in Germany and Austria.

Here's a short news brief:

.............Wikileaks related buildings in Dresden and Jena, were raided by ...... German police.


Over the last two years, Wikileaks has exposed detailed secret government censorship lists or plans for over eight countries, including Thailand, the United Arab Emirates, Australia, and Germany.

Australia and Germany are the only liberal democracies proposing a mandatory internet censorship regime.....

12 hours after the police raid, on Wednesday the 25th of March, the German Cabinet announced the completion of a proposed law for a nationwide, mandatory censorship system--to be pushed through before national elections in September, 2009.

opportunists.......stand ready to exploit these feelings for their own power and position

Unfortunately, this is the same reason why the Australian government has wanted to ban Wikileaks from their country and blacklist it.

Because Wikilieaks exposes sensitive information about those governments and its officials that they don't want their own people to know about.

Basically, to ensure the survival of their own position while in power or to ensure that damaging information doesn't reach the average consumer of news.

Pretty sad.

anyways....since internet censorship is now here, you might as well read the article if your interested.

Here's the link: