Here's an update to the news on this ridiculous law enabling (er....allowing???) Shiite men in Afghanistan to have forced sexual contact with their wives at will.

Regardless if the wife wants to or not.

......the law states that a woman is bound to preen for her husband as and when he desires
To preen means to spend a lot of time in making yourself look attractive, for those of you who are not familiar with the word's meaning.

Anyways....this law is absolutely stunning to say the least. Here's some news briefs:

.........lawmakers in Kabul are reviewing legislation that critics say legalizes rape within a marriage. Human rights groups and some Afghan politicians have said the 263-page legislative document would make it illegal for Shiite women to refuse sex from their husbands

That is barbaric to say the least.

A law that states that a woman HAS TO have sexual intercourse when the husband say's so???!!!

Check this out:

Afghan Lawmaker Safia Sidiqi said that she couldn't recall if the law was ever debated in the country's parliament....
wEll. Ain't that nice......some newly formed democracy that is!!

Here's why this ridiculous law is desired:

Some critics have interpreted the legislation as an attempt to secure political support from Afghanistan's minority Shiite population ahead of presidential elections.........Karzai is hoping to win the critical swing votes of conservative Shiite men with this law
What a sell-out, eh???

Though there is light at the end of the tunnel:

....if the initial international reaction is any indication, the law will likely collapse

Anyways.....Here's the link:

I'd click the link to read it if your interested in it.

Other than that, what the hell is NATO doing fighting the Taliban, then??

NATO might as well let the TAliban into goverment again. No use fighting them when the Shiites are doing the job for them right in the midst of that country's parliament, yes??