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Thread: [Announcement] Azureus/Vuze Extreme Mod [ARCHIVED]

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    [Announcement] Azureus/Vuze Extreme Mod [ARCHIVED]

    German translation see below!

    We have remained quiet avoid the next update of the SB-I Azureus/Vuze mod, but with good reasons. With pride, we now present you the new Azureus mod - which is an SB-Innovation itself.
    As Shu is no longer actively coding and is a part of the past, he's never added a perfect spoof for other clients apart from Azureus - this has been implemented by our coders DigitalDJ and ghostfucker, who took the matter into their own hands to create something unique.
    The result is the best leecher mod ever produced. With this release, featured at SB-Innovation, our mod can now be used on every tracker, with countless variations and completely undetectable cheating. SB-I bows to our coders and their wonderful mod.

    Here's a little insight into our latest innovation.

    Perfect Spoof (to tracker and peers!):

    The following clients are able to be spoofed:

    - Azureus
    - BitTornado
    - Deluge
    - Halite
    - Mainline
    - uTorrent

    More No Report options:

    We've expanded the No Report option with two very useful options.

    Furthermore, the Hack is of course updated to the latest Vuze core.

    Thx to shoulder for the screenshots and anon for the english translation!


    Lange Zeit ist es ruhig geblieben um unseren SBI Azureus/Vuze Mod, doch das hatte seine Gründe. Mit Stolz präsentieren wir euch nun den neuen Azureus Mod, welcher tatsächlich eine SB-Innovation ist.
    Da Shu selber aktiv nicht mehr coded, und er es in der Vergangenheit nie geschafft hat einen Perfect Spoof auch für andere Clients zu implementieren, haben es unsere Coder, DigitalDJ und ghostfucker, selbst in die Hand genommen und etwas einzigartiges erschaffen. Heraus gekommen ist dabei, der beste Leecher Mod der jemals produziert wurde.
    Mit dieser Version, eigens hergestellt von SB-Innovation, kann man auf jedem Tracker, mit unzähligen Variationen cheaten und das komplett undetectable! SB-I verneigt sich vor unseren Codern und wird demnächst auch alle an diesem genialen Mod teilhaben lassen.

    Hier ein kleiner Einblick in die neuste Innovation von uns:

    Perfekter Spoof (zum Tracker, sowie zu den Peers!):

    Unterstützt werden derzeit Spoofs von folgenden Clienten:

    - Azureus
    - BitTornado
    - Deluge
    - Halite
    - Mainline
    - uTorrent

    Mehr No Report Optionen:

    Wir haben den No Report etwas erweitert und mit zwei äusserst brauchbaren Funktionen aufgerüstet.

    Desweiteren haben wir natürlich auf den aktuellsten Vuze Core aktualisiert und auch in Zukunft werden in regelmäßigen abständen Core Updates bereit gestellt werden.

    Thx to shoulder for the screenshots!


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  3. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by czullo View Post
    i dont think so that change 1.8 to 1.8.2 will take more than month for sure
    And i think it's enough now, stop discussing about that!


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    anon (31.01.09)

  5. #47
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    just be patient...............

    cheaten - wieso kompliziert wenn's auch einfach geht.!

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    Will this have a fake download option? It's not the most required feature, but it was something that was missing from Shu Mod, and Shu Mod by DDj.
    Last edited by splicer; 31.01.09 at 20:16.

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    Mr.unknown (02.02.09)

  8. #49
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    It won't. But the former "download reduction" setting will work as the % of download you want to report, rather than the % of DL you want to take away.
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    Es wäre mal schön wenn sich jemand bereit erklären würde das ganze auch mal auf Deutsch evtl. parallel zu posten, denn ich verstehe das ganze techn. nicht auf Engl. ;-)

    mfg best regards ;-P

    Wer versucht zu rennen, bevor er laufen kann, kommt meistens zu Fall

    stop animal experiments, take child molesters - they like pain!

    Besser man bereut was man getan hat, anstatt zu bereuen das man es unterlassen hat

  10. #51
    Retired Staff hitman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snitlev View Post
    Es wäre mal schön wenn sich jemand bereit erklären würde das ganze auch mal auf Deutsch evtl. parallel zu posten, denn ich verstehe das ganze techn. nicht auf Engl. ;-)

    mfg best regards ;-P
    du verpasst nichts der ein oder andere will noch mehr utorrent versionen drin haben und einer will download auf sein account faken.

    cheaten - wieso kompliziert wenn's auch einfach geht.!

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    Snitlev (31.01.09)

  12. #52

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    though this may be early to ask about this bt i would like to know is there a method being implemented to show peers tht u are a seeder
    sicne shu the earlier coder was always unsucessful in doing so though he found method to show tracker as seeder bt to show peers as seeder with 100% download as spoof is tht being implemented
    since i mean if thts done i think it would be practically diff to identify spoof
    though i know this is too much to expect hehehe bt i mean its SB-I here i always find things which r unusual innovative and yes most importantly awesum
    Last edited by Tinkle; 01.02.09 at 10:18.

  13. #53

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    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    Why would you want to spoof 1.9 Alpha? It's banned in 99% of trackers, that's why I made my 1.9 LP emulate 1.8 instead.

    Okay !! Bro Got U r Point


  14. #54

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    Ich hab noch ne frage zu
    Bei den No Report Optionen, "auto" wenn da der echte Fortschritt angezeigt wird, ist die Funktion doch unbrauchbar oder?

    ne, es wird nur der echte fortschritt angezeigt, aber weiterhin 0 upload und 0 download gesendet.
    klar man sollte es mit bedacht nutzen, aber auf mittel-sicheren trackern ist das aus meiner sicht die unauffälligste noreport option.
    *danke dafür an Ghostfucker

    wird der echte Fortschritt den peers/anderen clienten gesendet oder auch dem tracker?

    wenn die zahlen dem tracker übermittelt werden, aber kein up und down gesendet wird, das kann doch gar nicht gehen. oder ist es so das nur der status z.b.70% fertig übertragen wird, aber keine down und upload werte.

    also ich blick da noch nicht so ganz durch, hab da nen denkfehler

    * ab welchem trackerlevel(von unserer list) kann man den auto denn gut benutzen?
    Last edited by Codeman; 01.02.09 at 15:21.

  15. #55
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    this is very intresting, i hope many will use this on high lvl trackers ang give us feedback before we "deadly" users start using it when time will come :)

  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by Codeman View Post
    wird der echte Fortschritt den peers/anderen clienten gesendet oder auch dem tracker?
    die peers sehen immer den echten fortschritt, da shu den peer-fake nie fertig gemacht hat.

    oder ist es so das nur der status z.b.70% fertig übertragen wird, aber keine down und upload werte.

    ab welchem trackerlevel(von unserer list) kann man den auto denn gut benutzen?
    kp, ich glaub nicht das es dagegen überhaupt scripte gibt. aber gemacht habe ichs für den bf^^
    auf höheren tracker würd ich es auch net einsetzen.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Codeman View Post
    wird der echte Fortschritt den peers/anderen clienten gesendet oder auch dem tracker?
    Unless you have no upload enabled, the real % will be shown both to the tracker and peers.

    wenn die zahlen dem tracker übermittelt werden, aber kein up und down gesendet wird, das kann doch gar nicht gehen. oder ist es so das nur der status z.b.70% fertig übertragen wird, aber keine down und upload werte.

    also ich blick da noch nicht so ganz durch, hab da nen denkfehler
    You may be right, but in practice this works very well at lower level trackers (like TB).

    @austin414: that's a good idea.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  18. #58

    Smile Information

    I am new to this whole thing, and all I know now is that the Vuze/Azureus mode/shu mode is the best there is.

    Could you please, if it is not asking too much and taking too much of your time, explain what this extreme mode, as the latest vuze mode, does in totality? I have missed out on a lot by being new, so there are a lot of things assumed that I know that I do not know.

    What I am guessing is that the extreme mod is a modification of vuze that makes you able to download torrents normally but report different statistics to the tracker, is that correct? What else is good about this vuze mod?
    Another guess, because in this paradigm I do not see any usefulness whatsoever to faking peerid. Maybe this mod makes you able to download some torrents normally while reporting fake upload/download stats, and at the same time choose some torrents that you download and upload nothing in them, but still report downloads/uploads the same fashion as ratiomaster?

    I wish there was a guide to this with screenshots explaining what it can do, how we can do it, or even better a video podcast

    It is azeureus, so I am guessing it also works on OSx, is this true?

    Sorry for sounding too much like a noob, I just am

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  20. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by RatioMisterMister View Post
    Could you please, if it is not asking too much and taking too much of your time, explain what this extreme mode, as the latest vuze mode, does in totality? I have missed out on a lot by being new, so there are a lot of things assumed that I know that I do not know.
    The Azureus Hack is a modification of the original Azureus that essentially enables you to cheat at private trackers, by giving you different ways to send fake reports to the tracker (speed mode++, no report, upload multiplier, etc.). SB-I's Hack also has 0-upload always available.

    Another guess, because in this paradigm I do not see any usefulness whatsoever to faking peerid. Maybe this mod makes you able to download some torrents normally while reporting fake upload/download stats, and at the same time choose some torrents that you download and upload nothing in them, but still report downloads/uploads the same fashion as ratiomaster?
    One of the Hack's biggest weaknesses is that it has to identify itself as Azureus, and can perfectly spoof only other versions of it so far. Because of this, tracker admins can keep an eye on everyone using "Azureus", which means you'd have to be more careful, or even ban that client, and make it harder for you to use it there.

    With the Extreme Mod, this limitation is gone - you have a bunch of other clients and versions you can 100% undetectably spoof, both to tracker and peers. After it's released to the public, any peer on a torrent could be a Hack user, as you'll be able to emulate BitTornado, Deluge, Halite, the Mainline client, and one of the biggest archievements of this Mod - uTorrent, which was thought to be impossible to spoof, apart from of course Azureus itself.

    Regarding RM-like faking, you're able to be shown as a seeder and fake upload without the actual files, but you're not able to fake download. There'll be an option to report a download that's actually a % of your real one, though.

    I wish there was a guide to this with screenshots explaining what it can do, how we can do it, or even better a video podcast

    It is azeureus, so I am guessing it also works on OSx, is this true?
    It should.
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  21. Who Said Thanks:

    RatioMisterMister (01.02.09)

  22. #60

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    thx@ anon and ghostducker

    aber wenns dagegen kein script gibt, warum sollte man das denn nicht auch mal bei höheren trackern versuchen?
    wie kann man denn dabei erwischt werden?

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