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Thread: Too many trackers with stat related problems.

  1. #1
    Retired Seal
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    Too many trackers with stat related problems.

    Is it just me or is it just about every tracker on this planet that I've come across that seems to have stats related problems.

    Here's an example or two:

    ExDesi and Electronic.ro {or .ru...IDK which it is again. I don;'t know and I don't care right about now}.

    These places all had some kind of update to thier server or so; they come back and say" hey everybody! Our tracker is much better, now!"...
    ....Ya right. Its actually turned to shit. believe it or not.

    Some of these places with their so called 'server-upgrade' don't even record the stats correctly.

    Which leaves one to complain in the forums about the whole damn thing. {thumbs down to server upgrades}

    One can't even have thier ratio respectably spoofed on the torrent site without having to bitch and whine about these 'server upgrades'.

    Call it whatever you want: bugs in the system; "tracker is working fine. Its not our problem, the problem is on your end"; and whatever else kind of excuse there is.....

    I"m gett'in tired of this crap, man.

    Am I the only one or is there others who are experiencing the same problem??

    In the forums on ExDesi, for example, lots of pple there are complaining about the problem. And the problem is either fixed with a new 1:1 ratio fix, instead of looking into thier data banks to see what or where the problem occured and checking to see what the latest report to the tracker was so that one gets a better deal instead of getting back to 1:1, or some other fix that only 'mildly' satisfies the member.
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    I remember this, when Torrentbytes was offline some time ago, the Filelist was as well
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  3. #3
    Retired Seal
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    What the frak is 'the filelist'??

    You mean the torrents???

    wEll, thats frak'in dumbed down, eh??

    ADMIN: "Thats right. We got a new server now and everything should be soooo'honky-doery' now"

    MEMBER: Er, 'scuze me Mr. DumbAss Admin. But you upgraded the server to such a fine point, that you left the torrents out!!....DoucheBag!!!

    Hey everybody. We got a brand spank'in new server and we're all gay and happy now. This'll make life 10X easier for the whole lot of you lowly maggots downloading torrents.

    MEMBER: Er, scuze me Mr. DoucheBag Torrent Admin. But the tracker didn't have its stats correctly retrieved from the torrent that I downloaded from the site. I seeded it back 2-1 to the site for over 1.5 days now.

    Could you tell me when your frak'in cheap-ass server will actually do the job that its supposed to do??......Moron!!!

    seriously folks. I'm tired of this crap from torrent sites that upgrade for no real reason. What the hell was wrong with the old server??

    What???.....Was it doing a better job than the useless, new one that they've got now??.....They just decided to get some new server cuz everyone else is gett'in shitty ones too and the admin felt that he needed to get a shitty one as well???

    Do the admins from torrent sites like agravating pple, or something??

    I can't even cheat respectively without having my stats from within the client itself have its stats to the site recorded properly either.

    Like what the F&%# ???
    Last edited by SealLion; 12.09.08 at 01:22.
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  4. #4
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Heh, SealLion, I think that's pretty much how a normal user that just wants to download stuff and keep a good ratio sees the situation.

    Regarding why admins update their servers, it's most likely to speed things up and add security.

    But sometimes it brings some "small" drawbacks along...
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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    Retired Seal
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    Anon. The only thing that I can see server upgrades and the like of such ball-bagging is speed up pple's frustrations.

    MOst of these Admins are just ball-baggers and weasels who collect as much money as they can from thier 'donations'. PLace it all into their respective bank accounts, and collect it for their 'beer-honey's' while they sip a cool one on a Sunday afternoon, thinking all along: "Ah, ya. Free beer. Thats the BEST kind of beer"....didn't have to pay a dime for it. Courtesy of my members.
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    hey Sea,did they mention anything related to that server bug issue on the forums ?? or maybe announcement ?? coz if they didn't it's not a good point for them doing that upgrade without informing members prior to it !! But I think that you don't have to worry about stats (I mean ratio in words of pimping it) as long as you know what tool to use,you know
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    Retired Seal
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    Aurion, I haven't the slightest clue if Exdesi mentioned it in the forums or as a general announcement. Thats because I joined the place just a couple of days ago.

    I was cheat'in like I always do and wasn't in the least bit worried about getting caught. I was using GT which I have found has never, ever caused me a problem at all.

    I noticed that my up and download amounts weren't changing at all. Neither was my ratio while using GT. I thougt to myself: "What the Frak!!???"

    I checked out the forums about this issue. Turns out I wasn't the only guy with this stats not recording problem because of some 'server upgrade' .

    I thought to myself: 'Well, well, well. Mr Douche-Bag Admin. Seems like your server upgrade wasn't upgraded at all. Seems more to have fallen into prehistoric times, I'd say.

    Exdesi wasn''t the only place. So was electronic.ro

    Stats didn't update at all. And that was since last week that they haven't updated.

    I can't help but think what douche-bags do this upgrade and have all these problems reported and after hearing all of them say. For instance, like the following:

    ADMIN"OUr trackers fine with the upgrade. Its you who has the problem."

    ME: Er, scuze me Mr. Cement-Head Tracker Admin. But has it occurred to you, in your amoeba-sized brain, that after having all these problems being reported that the tracker's server upgrade may have actually screwed up???

    Ah...ya. I think so.

    Maybe you should check your brain's electrical current and output, Mr. Douche-Bag Admin.....Idiot!!!

    Last edited by SealLion; 12.09.08 at 05:39.
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  8. #8

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    Maybe you should try to join a quality tracker instead of the ones you are complaining about.
    There's lot's and lot's of shitty trackers around. And you correct that a lot of tracker admins start-up a new tracker expecting it to get them rich.

    Sad, but true.
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  9. #9
    Retired Seal
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    So your suggesting that the following are shitty trackers, then:

    secret-cinema {CO};

    and a whole lot of other good trackers, then??

    ....I don't know what to think of your idea of 'shiity trackers, then, other than different brain wave lengths, I guess.

    I'm done with my rant anyways.

    Last edited by SealLion; 13.09.08 at 00:34.
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  10. #10

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    @SeaLion: Well,if there wasn't any old announcement about that,still a major problem happening to all users there,then I guess you don't have to panic but yet to be pissed off since this is LAME IMO being in a good place working your ass up on new added torrents (especially in What & Waffles) just to build a decent buffer even with fakers,anyway,I guess you just let go this shit dude,just don't mind it till it's gone or fixed at least....

    @Cindy: LOL nah,he's not in any shitty trackers according to his posted list dude,most of them are vaulable tho...
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