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  1. #211

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    The Earth is flat

  2. #212

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    Evolution is a Masonic Lie Hiding Intelligent Design

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Dubay
    The popular modern scientific-materialist-atheist worldview propagated by NASA, the mainstream media and the public education system is that you are here because nothingness for no reason exploded and created everything! Before time, space, matter, consciousness, intelligence, and life, there was nothing. Then the nothingness exploded, and instead of destroying things like every other explosion ever, this explosion created things, created everything! The nothingness explosion somehow created space, time and all matter in the universe in an instant and for no reason at all. Then all the creationary explosive debris flying outwards at over 670 million miles per hour for 14 billion years culminated to create you!

    Yes, first some of the more gaseous nothing came together forming suns and stars, then solid pieces of the nothing came together forming planets and moons, then the nothing-turned-hydrogen and oxygen came together forming water on the nothing planet Earth, out of which single-celled living organisms magically appeared, got to work dividing and multiplying into multi-celled conscious organisms, which multiplied and divided and mutated into various forms of sea-life which adapted and evolved and crawled onto land, replaced gills with lungs, lost tails, grew opposable thumbs and started grasping at straws like this ridiculous nihilistic notion of Big Bang evolution.

    ISS Hoax - The International Fake Station

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Dubay
    The International Space Station, just like everything else brought to us by NASA, is a fake Freemasonic hoax, a complete fabrication done with special effects, models, pools, zero G planes, and various camera tricks. The above video exposes key points of evidence for the hoax and breaks down exactly how the illusion is created and maintained.


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    Mars Perseverance Rover Landing Debunked

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Dubay
    Last week, NASA, the biggest black budget black hole in existence, sucking in 52 million dollars of American tax-payer money every single day, just spent 2.3 billion of your dollars to allegedly land a remote control car on Mars for the fifth time. Yes, the multi-billion dollar charade of landing on Mars has been happening since 1976, and thanks to the gullible unquestioning masses enthralled and duped by these ridiculous Hollywood performances, they will most likely continue for decades to come.

    backup link:
    notice how youtube fails to find this video on this channel when the exact link (either or version) is placed in their search field, an example of hiding unwanted information on flagged channels

    The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Dubay
    The 1969 Apollo “Moon” landings, the 1976 Viking and other subsequent “Mars” landings have all been Hollywood staged hoaxes done with actornauts, models, green-screens, CGI fakery and real rockets shot into the ocean. NASA steals 52 million dollars in taxpayer money every single day giving us back nothing but science-fiction movies and bold-faced lies.

    notice how youtube intentionally suggests the next autoplay video to be a pro-moon landing one - this also happens on other controversial subjects like videos exposing the dangers of vaccination (followed by pro-vaccination videos)
    later note: youtube deleted the video, thus the bitchute link

    NASA Fail Compilation

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Dubay
    NASA Fails so hard and so often they cannot be taken seriously by earnest truth-seekers. This band of incessantly lying Freemasons and Nazis have completely deceived the world into believing their astro-nots have landed on the Moon and Mars, that space stations and satellites are constantly suspended in "geosynchronous" orbit with the Earth, an Earth which they claim is a huge spinning ball-planet revolving around the Sun and shooting through infinite space away from a Big Bang creationary sneeze at 670,000,000mph. NASA has also "confirmed" the existence of 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (one septillion) other ball planets, where many of their Masonic propagandists claim extra-terrestrial alien life MUST exist. The amount of science-fiction and fantasy peddled by this group of supposed "scientists," and believed as gospel truth by the vast majority of the population, puts all the imaginings of George Lucas and Gene Roddenberry to shame. Thanks to a bit of rocket technology, Zero G planes, wires, cranes, pools, sound studios and all the lying Freemasons they need, NASA has successfully fooled the entire world out of believing their own eyes and experience, the truth, that Earth is the flat, motionless center of the universe over and around which everything in the heavens revolves.

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    GregoryLuM (20.08.22) , H265 (25.03.21)

  6. #214

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    200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball (HD Remastered)

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Dubay
    A high-definition 2019 updated version of '200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball'.
    this documentary is the main presentation of the Flat Earth theory, explaining all key features according to the research of Eric Dubay - this is a 2h version, if 6h seems too much to handle.

    older 2h version available in these languages:

    English, Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Kurdish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Tamil, Thai and Urdu
    which can be found in The Eric Dubay Channel Playlist


    The Best Flat Earth Documentary

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Dubay
    The following 6-hour documentary is currently the most complete and comprehensive presentation of the Flat Earth truth available that I know of. Narrated by myself, Eric Dubay, this videobook covers the majority of my best-selling “The Flat Earth Conspiracy,” book and is guaranteed to awaken even the sleepiest sheeple to the global deception

    homepage: The International Flat Earth Research Society

    note: there is another fake 'Flat Earth Society', created to cause confusion and spread misinformation

  7. #215

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    Vedic Flat Earth Cosmology

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Dubay
    For thousands of years before the heliocentric spinning ball-Earth was conceived, Vedic wisdom from the world's most ancient texts long-purported a geocentric flat-Earth cosmology in which the immaterial internal worlds of consciousness are given equal consideration, and credited with the creation of the external material world itself.

    additional explanations:

    terms used below:
    'Earth' = our known area of land and sea (around 8.000 miles in diameter)
    'greater Earth' = Vedic Earth, which is much larger than what we call the Earth (up to 4 billion miles in diameter, the central island being 800.000 miles in diameter)

    - first part of the video was taken from an early presentation of the planetary display which will be located at the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium in Mayapur, India, opening in 2023.

    - the video starts with showing the bottom of the greater Earth (a huge circular island, spanning almost the whole width/breadth of our Universe, which is 4 billion miles in diameter), held by one of the numerous hoods of the Ananta Shesha incarnation (green colored snake hoods, not in scale), but doesn't display the Garbhodaka Ocean below, nor the huge transcendental Kurma turtle floating on the Ocean, holding the Shesha (shown later at 31:30)
    - the 7 subterranean planets (aka 'planetary systems') are shown symbolically, since they are actually in caves far beneath the greater Earth surface (this is a place where demonic materialists live, shown later at 30:00), just below them are 28 Hellish planets aka Hell, a place of punishment for severe crimes committed by inhabitants of the Earth
    - the green central island called Jambhudvipa (800.000 miles in diameter) is where we are located, what we call the Earth is a small isolated place at the southern most coastline 0:23-0:26
    - this golden mountain Meru is also called Sumeru or Olympus or Sion/Zion etc. in other cultures - this is actually the center of the greater Earth, the vertical center axis of our Universe (which is shaped as an egg/ball)
    - afaik the top of this mountain 0:50 or the surrounding area (called Svarga Loka, the 3rd higher planetary system, counting from the lowest) represents the Christian/Muslim Heaven
    - the wire-like rings below symbolically represent 7 circular islands and oceans surrounding this central island
    - the mountain with huge elephants on it is not in scale, it is much higher, as high as the Polestar
    - 1:30 (behind the camera) the area outside of this high mountain is dark (no sunlight), uninhabited and extends practically up to the inner shell of the Universe
    - the vertical center axis of the Universe is shown at 2:45
    - the Sun/Moon/near planets movement is shown circumambulating the axis, although also not in scale
    - the Polestar is shown at 3:04, this is the height of that aforementioned mountain with elephants
    - Brahmaloka 3:34 is the highest place in our Universe, the 7th of higher planetary systems (our greater Earth counts as the 1st higher planetary system), it is the abode of Lord Brahma, the top demigod who creates the contents of the Universe, after receiving instruction from the Supreme God Lord Krishna
    - 3:45 shows 7 coverings of the universe, like shell layers of an egg, which are not is scale - each layer/covering is 10x greater than the previous one, so the Universe has a huge layered thickness and a tiny sized inner space, measuring 4 billion miles in diameter); shown later at 12:00
    - all this is the contents of our material Universe

    - beyond that is Shivaloka, the abode of Lord Shiva, the most highly respected demigod in the Vedic pantheon
    - the axis above is only for constructional purposes of the display
    - 4:07 shows a huge plenary expansion of the Supreme God called Maha Vishnu, out of whose bodily pores innumerable Universes emanate (Creation of the Universes) and float in the surrounding Ocean of Creation (Causal Ocean) - one of these universes is the one which we are living in - they all have a similar inner structure but different sizes and similar events going on but different souls experiencing these events
    - 4:19 shows the spiritual sky with Vaikuntha planets, whoever comes here never returns (falls down) to the material planets
    - 4:42 shows the topmost spiritual planet, the abode of the Supreme God, Lord Krishna - this is the place reachable only by those who have achieved the highest level of transcendental devotional service to God

    you may notice many differences from the modern theories of the Universe:
    - (the greater) Earth is larger than the Sun, it resembles a huge island having concentric somewhat flat surfaces or a lotos flower, not a spinning ball; it is resting, not revolving
    - both Sun & Moon and other near-by planets are circling around a vertical axis at the center of the Universe, this axis is also at the center of the greater Earth
    - there are no black holes, quasars, neutron stars and similar nonsense
    - the stars or clusters of stars or galaxies if you like are all within our Universe
    - there are many other inhabitants of our Universe and of the greater Earth, ie. there is an abundance of life in the Universe outside of our known areas of the Earth
    - the Supreme God, his Incarnations, and numerous demigods are ruling over the Universe and have their abodes located all over the Universe
    - the inner size of the Universe is 4 billion miles in diameter, there are no light year distances

    - 6:45 shows guru Prabhupada, who came from India on a one-man mission (sent by his spiritual teacher), to personally start the Hare Krishna movement in the west, first in USA and later on throughout the rest of the world - the Planetarium is supposed to be constructed according to his instructions and translations of Vedic scriptures - the success of this Planetarium project depends on whether his disciples correctly understood the instructions and whether they will be able to translate all this into a working, easily understandable 3D model

    11:30 creation of the Universes explained in Vedic terms
    13:30 goes down from the 7th higher planetary system within our Universe (height of 1,87 billion miles above the Earth surface)
    14:43 shows the Polestar with orbiting stars/planets and concentric circular oceans and islands of the greater Earth below
    18:16 Einstein talks about 2 relative coordinate systems (Earth-centered, observing the movement of the Sun and vice versa), but there is a 3rd absolute coordinate system of how both the Earth and Sun fit in the Universe - obviously, there is much significance in which one is accurate, if you want to construct a proper model
    20:30 notice the circular trajectory of the Sun is far away from the small central island where we are located
    24:00 eclipses and Moon phases are not caused by Earth or Moon shadow but by another planet called Rahu which regularly comes in between the Earth and Moon or Sun, obscuring vision - these occurrences have been accurately predicted since time immemorial according to the Vedic model of planetary movement
    27:00 our part of the central island is shown as a small southern area surrounded by the salt water ocean (note: Dubay couldn't help but cut out the part which was zoomed in and had a symbolical representation of this Earth as a globe, hehe)
    28:00 the Himalaya mountains mentioned are not the same as those in northern India, these are closer to the golden mountain Meru and many times higher
    29:50 shows the 7 lower planetary systems beneath the greater Earth's surface and Hell

    32:36 shows various depictions of the central mountain Meru (Sumeru), this is the part where Dubay starts with his observations
    34:54 Dubay confuses our North Pole (located in that small area of the southern part of the central island) with the location of the Meru mountain (which is actually located at the center of the central island)
    35:30 the whirlpools mentioned may be located close to our North Pole in the Arctic region, at least according to older maps, though nowadays traveling may be restricted there as well, just like it is being done in the Antarctic region through the Antarctic Treaty
    37:00 more depictions of the central mountain Meru (Sumeru)
    40:00 the plate shown has wrong Meru height, it should be: 100.000 Y total, of those 84.000 above and 16.000 below the (greater) Earth surface [1 Y = 8 miles]

    40:45 continues with previous Vedic videos

    48:00 continues with Dubay's comments
    50:28 Dubay assumes that the Antarctic region would prove his flat Earth theory, but the Vedic view is that this region represents a limit beyond which humans cannot continue traveling in any ordinary way during the current Kali Yuga era
    - so the secret of the Antarctic may be that people cannot go beyond that area due to some kind of a barrier (firmament?)
    - of course such information would also cause problems for the spherical/ball earth theory, thus it is likely kept a secret by the globalist deep state
    - a similar problem is the information how people seem unable to fly higher than some 100 km above the Earth surface, which is far from the closest planets: Rahu (720.000 miles vertically), Sun (800.000 miles), Moon (1.600.000 miles)

    for some reason Dubay forgot to mention or link the source videos used for his presentation:

    - 'Vedic Cosmos' by Danavir Goswami
    - 'Mysteries of the Sacred Universe' by Dr. Richard L. Thompson (Sadaputa Dasa)

    full source videos can be found on the 'Temple of the Vedic Planetarium TOVP' youtube channel, under 'Vedic Cosmology' playlist:


    Temple of the Vedic Planetarium Rising in Mayapur, West Bengal

    this is a mini docu presentation of the Vedic Planetarium, which is supposed to display the Vedic version of our Universe and beyond, as far as possible given the dimensional constraints

    the project was desired by the Hare Krsna movement founder HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, who gave instructions to his disciples to build a proper representation according to Vedic scriptures, especially the 5th Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam (aka the Bhagavata Purana), which he personally translated from Sanskrit to English

    such a truthful 3D model would be able to challenge current mainstream so-called scientific imaginary theoretical models, as well as other alternative models such as the 'Flat Earth Theory'

    the Planetarium is currently scheduled to open in 2023

    note: some of the images used are 3D animations

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    H265 (03.05.21)

  9. #216

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    so i went through all my posts in this thread from the last year that contained Corona related videos and managed to find working alternative links for practically all videos taken down by youtube censorship attempts

    unfortunately, it seems no other video streaming platform currently comes close to having youtube functionality or responsiveness, looks like any serious competition could use a team of dedicated programmers, faster servers and some financial incentives to bridge this gap


    Corona: „Ich sehe wirklich keine Neuerkrankung am Horizont!“ – Dr. med. Claus Köhnlein im Gespräch (German only)
    title: Corona: I really don't see any new disease on the horizon – Interview with Dr. med. Claus Köhnlein

    Quote Originally Posted by video/info
    a summary of an interview (source in German) with Dr. med. Claus Köhnlein, author of the book Virus Craze (2009)

    Krieg gegen die Bürger: Coronavirus ein Riesenfake? Eva Herman im Gespräch mit Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (German only)
    title: War against the Citizens: Corona virus a huge Fake? Eva Herman talks with Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg

    Quote Originally Posted by video/info
    more info on several Corona related subjects, including a connection to past pandemics:


    Corona-Krise: Offener Brief an die Bundeskanzlerin von Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi (German with English subtitles)
    title: Corona Crisis: An open letter to the Chancellor by Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi

    Quote Originally Posted by video/info
    a five point letter addressing the Corona related behavior of the German government and their lack of providing well researched/founded answers to important questions regarding this crisis:

    additional info:

    full unofficial English translation, with references:

    other available translations/languages: DE, EN; EE, ES, FR, GR, HE, IT, NL, PT, RU, SK, TR


    Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD about: COVID-19 masks, pandemia, vaccines and transmitting disease.



    The World Freedom Alliance 2020 Announcement Video

    Quote Originally Posted by video/info
    This is the first meeting held by the newly founded World Freedom Alliance (WFA). The alliance would like to announce it's newly elected representatives.

    World Freedom Alliance: Stockholm

    Quote Originally Posted by video/info
    This Feature-Length documentary surrounds the establishment of the World Freedom Alliance (WFA) in Stockholm, Sweden, in November 2020.

  10. Who Said Thanks:

    Master Razor (05.08.22) , EdwardEvope (02.03.22) , coolio256 (20.11.21) , alpacino (10.05.21) , H265 (10.05.21)

  11. #217
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    We got the same thing going on where I live. We got an app called Immune here in Kuwait that shows wether if a person is vaccinated or not.

    And since yesterday all non vaccinated people were banned from entering malls, restaurants and other public spaces.
    edited 6d
    Same here in Qatar.....

    If your phone runs out of battery, guess you're not going anywhere....

    Sucks cause these apps DRAIN battery life too.

    Oh and they track you via bluetooth and have your medical info on them. EDIT: Its been pointed out that I had misunderstood tracking with contact tracing.

    Scary shit to be honest.

  12. #218
    My country calls these pandemic years as medical dictatorship, and it truly. You see, it's hard to accept a government that does everything it is told to do, having no thoughts of their own. I still don't get why they denied access to unvaccinated people to public places. Seeing as everyone can easily get infected regardless on vaxed or unvaxed. These we're made to force people to get vaccinated, nothing more. The thing is, in my country, they failed: with the restrictions in place, people still refused to get vaccinated. Now, on all waves, the goverment imposed restrictions, masks, distances, but there this wave, in October 2021, were the government imposed NOTHING: no masks, no distancing , nothing. And so, being no one to enforce, people did what they wanted: to be free. By doing so, infections increased extremely fast. Popular belief suggests this was a message from the government itself, sort-of a revenge for the people refusing to vaccinate. It might as well be true since only 40% of the country got vaccinated, if not less.

  13. #219
    Recently, I've discovered the one and only Marseille soap, the most popular French soap of all times, and of one the best soaps ever made anywhere. Hundreds of years ago, a block (not a bar) of soap used to take care of the majority of bodily and household cleaning tasks. For instance, some common uses include: body soap, shampoo, shaving soap, toothpaste, laundry detergent, stain removal, dish soap, floor cleaner, insect repellant (especially moths), antiseptic (used for small cuts), antibacterial, moisturizer and more... And all of this done naturally, no artificial substances whatsoever. I have done my research and it is absolutely true. They had to do it like this since, without automated industries and global logistics, it would have been unfeasible to get 10 products when only 1 would suffice. And not just this; these blocks used to last for years ranging between 600g to 1kg, since the soap was extremely compressed. It's not the idea that they were forced to do so, it's actually nature itself: the glycerin and olive oil is all that is required actually, and they got it right.

    What amazes me is that they are willing to shit on the entire planet, creates tones of useless cosmetics, plastics, generate substances out of thin air just for people to buy and experiment. Internet reviews never tell the truth, so people buy, they test, and throwaway, and repeat the cycle, over and over until they find something that suits their needs. Most people never find it, but the answer is always so simple: there are key ingredients - natural ingredients - that have a lot of uses. If you get that, as example the soap I mentioned, you can cut all of the middle-tier products that is being sold at high prices and low quantity.
    Returning to the example of the soaps, glycerin is the key ingredient to moisturizing the skin. However, if you look closely at most moisturizing soaps, you'll notice they contain trace amounts of glycerin and much of other substances that have no bearing over maintaining moisture.

    The examples are countless and this is their way of operating: they take that key ingredient and they reduce it to such small amounts that they barely get the job done in an effort for the common buyer to use other products from same company.
    Last edited by Master Razor; 15.04.23 at 18:23.

  14. #220
    I'm starting to think that humanity never makes any progress. I mean, new things are discovered, designed and manufactured every day but it seems to be in a planned direction. And it also seems to be a loop, we're investing more of the same for the sake of consumption. This and the fact that they create problems to sustain this model. As far as I understand, to be able to make something, you need to have a purpose, and there is no purpose without a problem. Off the top of my head, as example, i would say toothbrushes, toothpaste and all the other dental hygiene crap. First, the toothpaste never mattered - people disliked the fact to brush with water, so they made sugary paste to feel better, which of course you swallow. Second the mouthwash will cause damage if alcohol, which most are. And this crap was initially used as a floor disinfectant. Third, there is nothing better than a manual toothbrush. Those pulsating and oscillating crap will cause a lot of damage to your teeth because they are not natural and will erode the enamel in time. My parents used to use wood toothbrushes with boar bristles and they lasted a lifetime, at a time where there was no 3 month crap because guess what? It's not real. Tap water is highly chlorinated - it disinfects just by rinsing. In the USA & Canada, you have fluoridation which in combination with chloride nothing can survive. Boar bristles never wear out. On top of all this, everything is plastic, so besides the chemicals from toothpaste, you also have particles from toothbrush and its bristles because it's nylon. And that carbon infused imbecility does not help the situation..

    This is an example. The take something simple, that is finished, and leaves it .. open-ended, problems that generate other problems which generates useless solutions after another, and on and on it goes.

  15. #221
    I've implemented today the the penalty jar, which is a variation of the original swear jar used in the 1800s to abolish swearing, cursing (there's no cuss, that's idiotic) or all-around profanity. I'm using a spreadsheet because it's easier than a regular jar of cash. The idea is that you need to feel pain when either cursing or swearing, and you don't unless you apply a penalty. For years I've adopted a milder self-harm method - the rubber band on the wrist, but can't be used for children, older or people with disabilities. So, the universal solution is a a swear jar. The idea is that losing money cases pain, similar to self-harm, and it's the only thing that works nowadays since people would do just about anything to avoid effort and pain... . Thus, a spreadsheet, and each time you think, speak, act in a certain way.. you give money. The amount is left to the implementer, however, the more you do a thing, the more it should cost. So, if you swear/curse a lot, the cost should much higher than whatever it is you do less, such as cutting in line. The beauty of it is that it actually works, it works much better than trying to fix it using will power or other crap, the pain that money causes is very effective. At the end of the month, you take the balance from the spreadsheet, take it out as cash, and use it to better yourself. It's more effective than trying to save money because you do more bad/unhealthy things than good, every day.

    And while on the subject of money, I read a study on why it was implemented electronic payment methods. It was never about making it easier for people. They wanted to take the pain, as discussed above, away from the public. Paying with a card, is less transparent than cash. You don't see it as something being diminished. The pain is always increased with cash than debit/credit , that bad feeling that you spent on something should be always be preset, you should always feel bad when buying anything, it's who we are.

    In general, whatever makes your life easier, it should be avoided - at all costs. Trust me on this. iIt all comes down to cost: money, time or health. Which one do you trade for easiness?

  16. #222
    Gyms are a waste of time and money, but the icing on the cake is that it has nothing to do with weight loss and staying in shape. I've paid for 1 year membership at the my local gym - big place, all facilities, including swimming. The only I was actually interested was swimming but I also tried almost everything they had to offer and simply observing what people are doing suddenly clicked: they don't go for their health, but to socialize and make stories for facebook and instagram. There's not a single guy or girl at the gym that doesn't take a picture of themselves when taking a break in between reps. Starting with the gyms.. a gym is place where you go to workout but they are mostly crowded low-ventilated places, where there are more people than an actual space to house them. To stay in business, gyms need lots of paying members, but at the same require that not all of them come at the same time. They know they don't have the capacity, but they play a dirty trick: they are aware that most people cannot stick to their goals and come rarely or not at all.
    Classes and personal trainers are a huge waste of money. They care about nothing but to pass the time; they may seem interested in helping but only at the beginning, as time passes, they'll less concerned because you're already hooked. And lastly, loosing weight has nothing to do with exercising. I wish more people would just wake up from the misconception but there's no one to tell them, no to teach them. By changing your diet, you can lose weight by doing absolutely nothing. You can stay in bed 24/7 and still lose weight just by re-thinking your food intake. And on top of this, gyms were never needed. If you need to lift weights, just use some household heavy items such as cast-iron pot. It's much better than their kettle bells, and heavier too. Actually.. you don;t really need weights at all, all you need is body weight exercises and then you'll become independent.
    The only thing that makes a difference is sports; a sport--any sport will chew and spit those 4hrs at the gym every week. I'm doing swimming at the moment, and would recommend it you each and every one of you. I perform 1h each day every day.
    Last edited by Master Razor; 15.08.23 at 01:52.

  17. #223
    I've been reflecting on the internet because at the very core of it it is tied to every smaller conspiracy known. Conspiracies are like breadcrumbs, they are given to the population but you don't have the complete picture. Ones of the biggest ones - I think - is the idea to let other people do it for you. Everything wrong in the world today is based on this: paying someone to do it for you. However, paying someone to do anything does not mean that he will do what you want, he will do what he instructed to do. Only you can do what you want, not a paid man.
    In February I went to test the field on multiple barber shops in my area. I've noticed that the majority of people going there look the same. I mean, everyone wants something different, you hear their request while waiting for your turn, but regardless of what you ask, the outcome is very similar. It's like.. the barbers have been trained to do just one style, and from that one style create an ocean of different sub-styles that all look the same. I've had one person complain to me about this - I didn't believe him until I saw it from myself.

    Something shifted.. in the past the governing structures had less impact on the population because it was such that the people did things themselves and not rely on other so much, thus making it harder for the people, but easy for the powers at be. Now it's exactly the opposite, the hard parts have shifted from the people to the powers at be. So.. you rely on others for news, entertainment, food, supplies, repairs, healthcare, thus creating an easier life for you to enjoy. But while you're enjoying it.. what happens in behind the scenes, in the basement? This is something similar to H.G. Well's The Time Machine written published in 1895. OF course, in the book, people we're given things rather than having to work for them, but the concept is the same. No one gives you anything without gaining something. Evolution is being done with a purpose, it's a scheme.

  18. #224
    I've been thinking about that thread of mine, truth of library genesis, and never realized that thread gained so much popularity, even by outsiders. I'm afraid that we could all learn something from this, even if we don't want particularly desire to.
    Partnerships are prone for failure. People just don't get along; It's a fact. And it is exemplified to us right from the beginning. At first you don't get along with your parents, sitter. Then, you don't get along with school mates and teachers. Then colleagues and management. Eventually you'll come to the harsh truth that people we're not meant to live in communities. We were meant to live in tribes: people that have some kind of connection to the rest of the people. Not communities filled with strangers. You work, act, and think differently when you actually care about your neighbor.
    To this day I still see on reddit, various boards people trying to make partnerships for businesses. Total strangers.. It is a rare thing for a man to accomplish anything he wants on his own. And this is the problem: people know that being alone is much harder than being with someone. Which is why society is built with partnerships in mind: your parents, your teachers, your bosses,, your medical care.. everything given to you so to not be alone. This easier but is prone to failure. Whenever you make a partnership with someone, either you or him will have to back-down at some point. You need to form a team, which means, neither is smarter is smarter than the other, neither is better than the other. Which is very big problem because in any group, there is always someone better, this idea that we're all equal is a nothing but a lie. No one is equal, no one ever was equal.
    And crap like this is exactly what happened to libgen, and others. People just don't get along. I encourage the idea of being alone; try everything by yourself. You may have more success.

  19. #225
    I had the opportunity of reading the Mentality of Apes by Wolfgang Kohler, written in 1925. I won't spoil the thing but I do hope you'll read it, if you haven't already done so.

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