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Thread: Ghostleeching+

  1. #31
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CorpseBlade View Post
    Is this "Add Peer" thing supported anywhere that's not Utorrent? Like Transmission, Qbitorrent or something similiar?
    Only one way to know.

    I know this is super old but i have like a few ip's on TorrentLeech that i'd like to try it on but my system doesn't work with the latest utorrent app XD.
    You need to think bigger, nya. Build a list of IP ranges containing potential seedboxes, based on the prefixes announced by the AS numbers of the most popular hosting providers. Then use Zmap to scan TCP ports above 1024 on all of them. You will end up with thousands of results, which are impossible to add by hand, or even through the Peer Injector plugin; at this point you can write a local HTTP server that reads them from a file and serves them as a regular bencoded tracker response... hint: clients will accept a non-compact peers/peers6 even when they asked otherwise. Repeat the scanning procedure periodically and/or whenever your current list dries up. (There's another argument in favor of IPv6: the vast immensity of its address space makes port scanning effectively infeasible.)

    Note that even if you had the IP and port of every BitTorrent peer in the world, that won't do much for you without the info_hash for the torrent(s) you want to download. Obtaining such information in a way that can't be traced by tracker staff is a complex task, but I can think of at least two workarounds, and one way to abuse server-side logging to frame an innocent account for facilitating ghostleeching, but that's beyond the scope of this discussion.

    It's also noteworthy that BiglyBT's Fast Resume feature will cache known peers on a per-torrent basis, up to 512 by default (can be set to unlimited), and with no expiration date. This would allow building peer lists for ghostleeching as part of regular client usage.

    After typing all this I almost want to start writing the "local peer injector tracker", but I'm not sure there's a lot of demand for that. I think most people either use the "remove tracker URL" method or manually build customized peer lists for the trackers they belong to.
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  2. Who Said Thanks:

    tsarOW (19.01.22)

  3. #32
    Well... I looked and didn't find anything except utorrent
    Well... that sucks XD
    anyways... What u said is rather confusing yes
    but I find the finding info hash thing without alerting staff particularly interesting
    I'm sure stuff like this isn't going to fly on anything other than mostly general trackers but I'd like to know and possibly also help
    Since afaik info hash is only gathered from the .torrent file
    And in some trackers downloading the .torrent file counts as a snatch
    So that could be a bit troublesome.
    as for building an ip swarm....
    I guess one of the best options would be to get the ip's of the most proficient uploaders could help
    for example a person with 500 ebook uploads is sure likely to seed most of his stuff...
    and grabbing his ip from 4-5 of his common releases would most probably grant you access for downloading the rest of the remaining 390 something files.
    the issue is still... downloading the .torrent file for the info hash and it ending up as being seen by tracker staff of anyone else who's probably paying attention
    this says something about making a magnet link out of the info hash...
    there's also still the issue of manually adding peers which doesn't seem to be possible from anything other than utorrent as of this moment.
    or perhaps I'm not paying enough attention.
    Anyhoo... any further insight is appreciated
    Cause that tech talk above fried my puny brain XD
    Good day
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  4. #33
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CorpseBlade View Post
    but I find the finding info hash thing without alerting staff particularly interesting
    I'm sure stuff like this isn't going to fly on anything other than mostly general trackers but I'd like to know and possibly also help
    Since afaik info hash is only gathered from the .torrent file
    the issue is still... downloading the .torrent file for the info hash and it ending up as being seen by tracker staff of anyone else who's probably paying attention
    this says something about making a magnet link out of the info hash...
    Looks like you understand the chicken-or-egg scenario we have here. For very active torrents, you can work in collusion with an existing member, and indeed this is the method described in the first post. The swarm's sheer size will protect you, and if they notice the ghostleeching at all, it will be virtually impossible to know who the "supplier" is by checking server logs. However, for smaller swarms neither thing will hold true anymore, making the risk much bigger. It won't be hard to notice a few seeders uploading to no one just around the time someone grabbed the .torrent file.

    there's also still the issue of manually adding peers which doesn't seem to be possible from anything other than utorrent as of this moment.
    Are you sure?
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  5. #34
    well I tried qbitorrent and transmission and they don't seem to work
    That utorrent serenity works yeah but it's a rather old application. And ig someone could end up noticing this if they know what utorrent version it runs on.
    However working in collusion with an existing member is interesting. Unless you don't have a friend to help with that XD
    My basic idea was to use it on a tracker that would actually have some stuff worth collecting... Maybe red? idk
    but I feel like that would be a tad too risky XD
    so I guess it's best to stick with simple stuff and trackers for this lmfao
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  6. #35
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CorpseBlade View Post
    My basic idea was to use it on a tracker that would actually have some stuff worth collecting... Maybe red? idk
    Well, in RED's case you can just wait until they hand out 100 freeleech tokens to celebrate the invention of the metric system (or some other similarly vague reason), which largely negates the need for cheating.

    Anyway, other options include being your own supplier with a dupe (but on some trackers it's already hard enough to obtain one account), or simply going kamikaze by grabbing all the torrents you're interested on, injecting peers and never looking back (but the amount of daily .torrent grabs may be capped). Fortunately for trackers, the need for the info_hash prevents this trick from turning their swarms into a free-for-all.
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