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Thread: Copyright reform

  1. #1
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Copyright reform

    Given the context of this forum, I expect most of us to favor liberalization to some degree, but what are your specific views?

    I think the ideal scenario would be one where everything is available "for free" and you can name your price a posteriori, if you thought the work was money-worthy and are able to spend money on it. Digital distribution would have to be left to some form of P2P filesharing (as already occurs with update patches and free games), so that publishers don't have to bear the costs of supplying to those who can't or won't want to donate, which is not unreasonable. So, basically, legalizing the current status quo... perhaps even improving upon it, by avoiding situations like having to buy a physical copy you don't need because it's the only way to purchase in your area. This scheme has been fairly successful among those who dared to try it - mostly independent game developers and musicians - and Patreon and OnlyFans (tee hee) prove it can also be extended to a subscription model. It also does not preclude profits from stuff that can't be downloaded: live performances, theater showings, physical items, etc.

    However, that would be a very drastic change from what we have now. I think an scenario that is more likely (or less unlikely) to succeed is as follows. Make copyright protection start from the moment a work is published, not the author's death, and reduce the period to 20 years. I think that's more than enough to reap reasonable compensation for the creativity and effort involved, and would not disallow continuing to sell copies or accepting donations afterwards - but it wouldn't be a crime (as far as the law is concerned) to download a movie or game from two decades ago only to find out it wasn't even good, or upload VHS rips from old series that have faded into obscurity. I believe anyone who is into abandonware, or remembers the FIFA 99 fiasco that forced Underground-Gamer to shut down, will likely be sympathetic of this view.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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    Quote Originally Posted by anon
    I think the ideal scenario would be ...
    actually, the ideal scenario is already available and working right now - here 'ideal' means: aligned with the current realistic situation, where those in power (legislative, political, lobbying) decide in what way will copyright be regulated, which is then enforced onto others who do not have the power (or do not apply what power they have) to change the situation - when those in power are corrupt and immoral, then their decisions will be likewise corrupt and exploitative, lacking a sense of justice - when the general population is corrupt and immoral, then they deserve such leaders, as in: 'The People Get the Government That They Deserve'

    what you are talking about is an 'ideal' which mostly suits your own idea of your interests, where you would want to enjoy digital media without being bothered by the copyright nuisance - but this is also wrong, because your actual interests are not 'attachment to enjoying digital media' or other kinds of enjoyment, your actual interests are spiritual advancement beyond attachment to material objects, a lesson which you are supposed to learn from world religions and apply it throughout your life

    thus we have selfish institutional or industrial interests on one side vs. selfish individual interests on the other, fighting for what they want to achieve, while both being simultaneously wrong in their endeavors

    so what is the right thing to do? actively cultivate morality in the society, guided by saintly spiritually realized people (an example would be Christians guided by the Apostles, the saintly followers of Jesus) - only then you could have a situation simultaneously favorable for spiritual advancement and material prosperity, while selfishness or corruption takes a distant back seat - this would be an ideal scenario in such circumstances, but obviously much effort and sacrifices are needed to get there - until a sufficient critical mass of people understand this and start leading by example, applying this in their own lives, things will not be moving in a significantly more positive way

    what about the copyright reform, you may ask - as expected, it would change in such a way to reflect the realistic societal situation, arriving at a related ideal scenario, just the way the people deserve

    also, the above mentioned solution works for each and every kind of reform needed in the society
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