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Thread: The Deep Discussion Thread

  1. #166
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    Forbes - You Must Not ‘Do Your Own Research’ When It Comes To Science

    “Research both sides and make up your own mind.” It’s simple, straightforward, common sense advice. And when it comes to issues like vaccinations, climate change, and the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, it can be dangerous, destructive, and even deadly. The techniques that most of us use to navigate most of our decisions in life — gathering information, evaluating it based on what we know, and choosing a course of action — can lead to spectacular failures when it comes to a scientific matter.
    The reason is simple: most of us, even those of us who are scientists ourselves, lack the relevant scientific expertise needed to adequately evaluate that research on our own. In our own fields, we are aware of the full suite of data, of how those puzzle pieces fit together, and what the frontiers of our knowledge is. When laypersons espouse opinions on those matters, it’s immediately clear to us where the gaps in their understanding are and where they’ve misled themselves in their reasoning. When they take up the arguments of a contrarian scientist, we recognize what they’re overlooking, misinterpreting, or omitting. Unless we start valuing the actual expertise that legitimate experts have spent lifetimes developing, “doing our own research” could lead to immeasurable, unnecessary suffering.

    Let’s start with a simple, low-stakes example: fluoridated drinking water. On the one hand, fluoride is a simple ion that shows up in various concentrations, including naturally through calcium fluoride, in bodies of water all across the world. When humans ingest too little of it, particularly at a young age, it leads to weakened tooth enamel and greater rates of cavities; when humans ingest too much of it, it leads to tooth discoloration and various severities of dental fluorosis. In extreme cases, significantly too much or too little fluoride can also lead to other problems, such as osteoporosis (with too little) or skeletal fluorosis (with too much).
    In most places in the United States and Canada, our drinking water is fluoridated at a specific level that’s safe and effective for humans of all ages. In places like Colorado Springs, CO, significant amounts of fluoride are removed from the water, bringing the levels down to acceptable values; in other places, like New York City, NY, fluoride is added to bring the levels up to acceptable values. Controlling the fluoride levels of water is a safe and effective public health intervention, reducing dental caries in children by 40% where it is implemented versus places where it isn’t implemented.

    And yet, there are major cities in the world, like Portland, OR or Calgary, Alberta, where the public or city council, respectively, has voted (in the case of Portland, repeatedly) to not add fluoride to their drinking water. As expected, the typical cavity rates in children — when controlled for socioeconomic demographics — are about 40% higher than in places where the water is fluoridated, hitting those of lower economic demographics the hardest. The idea that “our water is natural” and “adding fluoride isn’t” has proven more powerful in swaying public opinion in these locations than the science supporting fluoride’s safety and effectiveness. To the voting public, a fear of chemicals and an affinity for what feels natural was more compelling than the dental health of poor children, despite near-universal support from dental health professionals.
    There’s an old saying that I’ve grown quite fond of recently: you can’t reason someone out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into. When most of us “research” an issue, what we are actually doing is:

    formulating an initial opinion the first time we hear about something,
    evaluating everything we encounter after that through that lens of our gut instinct,
    finding reasons to think positively about the portions of the narrative that support or justify our initial opinion,
    and finding reasons to discount or otherwise dismiss the portions that detract from it.

    Of course, that’s not what we think we’re doing. We think of ourselves as the heroes of our stories: cutting through misinformation and digging up the real truth on the matter. We think that, just by applying our brainpower and our critical reasoning skills, we can discern whose expert opinions are trustworthy and responsible. We think that we can see through who’s a charlatan and a fraud, and we can tell what’s safe and effective from what’s dangerous and ineffective.
    Except, for almost all of us, we can’t. Even those of us with excellent critical thinking skills and lots of experience trying to dig up the truth behind a variety of claims are lacking one important asset: the scientific expertise necessary to understand any finds or claims in the context of the full state of knowledge of your field. It’s part of why scientific consensus is so remarkably valuable: it only exists when the overwhelming majority of qualified professionals all hold the same consistent professional opinion. It truly is one of the most important and valuable types of expertise that humanity has ever developed.

    But only if we listen to it. It’s absolutely foolish to think that you, a non-expert who lacks the very scientific expertise necessary to evaluate the claims of experts, are going to do a better job than the actual, bona fide experts of separating truth from fiction or fraud. When we “do the research for ourselves,” we almost always wind up digging in deeper to our own knee-jerk positions, rather than deferring to the professional opinions of the consensus of experts.
    When it comes to fluoridated drinking water, the consequences may only be mild: cosmetic, barely visible markings on your teeth in the case of over-fluoridation or a slight weakening of your tooth enamel in the case of under-fluoridation. But in the cases of a number of public policy measures — vaccinations, climate change, or the science of the novel coronavirus and the disease it causes in humans, COVID-19 — the stakes are much higher. The consequences of getting it wrong can lead to permanent consequences and may even be a life-or-death matter for many.

    When left to their own devices, a substantial fraction of people will choose not to fully vaccinate themselves or their children. In some schools, up to 60% of children can be unvaccinated against preventable diseases such as measles, leading to a resurgence of diseases that should be eradicated. Many parents have a greater fear of adverse consequences from vaccines, despite the fact that — other than skin irritation at the injection sites — medical complications are extraordinarily rare (occurring in far less than 0.01% of patients) and occur no more frequently than random chance would indicate.
    The science overwhelmingly indicates that vaccines are one of the safest public health interventions ever undertaken by humanity. But if you “do your own research,” you can find a small percentage of online activists, and even a few medical professionals, who rail against the overwhelming science, pushing discredited claims, fear, and often unproven cures or supplements as well. This fraud-driven controversy created an enormous public health disaster that’s still ongoing today.

    Similarly, in the field of climate science, it’s overwhelmingly well-understood that:

    the Earth is warming,
    and local climate patterns are changing,
    caused by changes in the concentration of gases in our atmosphere,
    driven by human-caused emission of greenhouse gases from fossil fuels,
    and that this is having a number of adverse consequences: causing changes in food supplies, water availability, and land use all across the world.

    This has been scientifically known and accepted by the consensus of active climate scientists for more than 30 years, and yet a sustained misinformation campaign — as well as a few contrarian scientists — has sown sufficient doubt that anyone who is determined to “do their own research” can find boatloads of websites and documents confirming whatever conspiratorial line of thought they prefer. It doesn’t change the scientific truth, but it has led to unprecedented inaction in the face of a problem with long-term, negative, planet-wide consequences.

    Right now, as we enter the month of August during the year 2020, it’s a critical time for the United States and the world. We’re in the midst of a global pandemic, as the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and the disease it causes in humans, COVID-19, has claimed the lives of more than two-thirds of a million people. In the United States alone, more than 150,000 have died, with each new day adding an average of over 1,000 new deaths at present.
    Although there’s still much to learn about the science of this, from how it spreads to who is most likely to spread it to what the best treatments are to the true infection rate and so on, there’s a lot that the scientific experts have achieved a consensus about. In particular:

    the disease is airborne and easily spread from person-to-person contact,
    it’s more easily spread in indoor settings,
    older people are more likely to get critically ill and die from it,
    staying home except for essential errands,
    and the interventions of wearing masks when you go out, not touching your mask once its on, and remaining physically distant (2 meters/6 feet minimum) from others not in your household are all effective.

    But even those basic messages — for which there’s virtually no scientific doubt surrounding them — have sparked enormous amounts of controversy. Despite the safety and efficacy of masks, many are refusing to wear them, leading to spikes in new infections. Despite the importance of avoiding close contact with others not a part of your household, many people continue to visit friends and relatives, accelerating the spread of the disease. Despite the fact that over 150,000 Americans have already died from it, many continue to claim “it’s just like the flu,” even though the last time 150,000 or more Americans died from the flu was 1918: the year of the infamous Spanish flu.
    If you “do your own research,” you can no doubt find innumerable websites, social media accounts, and even a handful of medical professionals who are sharing opinions that confirm whatever your preconceived notions about COVID-19 are. However, do not fool yourself: you are not doing research. You are seeking information to confirm your own biases and discredit any contrary opinions. Each time you do this, you exemplify the problem of anti-science bias that Dr. Fauci warned about in June:
    “If you go by the evidence and by the data, you're speaking the truth and it's amazing sometimes, the denial there is. It's the same thing that gets people who are anti-vaxxers - who don't want people to get vaccinated, even though the data clearly indicate the safety of vaccines. That's really a problem.”

    There is no excuse, with all the wonderful scientists and science communicators telling the truth about a whole slew of issues in our world, for people to seek out only the opinions that confirm their own biases. The best scientists in the world — even the ones who hold contrarian beliefs of their own — all agree that we should base our policies on the scientific consensus that we’ve achieved. When that consensus changes, evolves, or moves forward because we’ve learned more than we previously knew, we should correct course to follow that novel path instead.
    But that requires a kind of transformation within yourself. It means that you need to be humble, and admit that you, yourself, lack the necessary expertise to evaluate the science before you. It means that you need to be brave enough to turn to the consensus of scientific experts and ask, legitimately, what we know at the present stage. And it means you need to be open-minded enough to understand that your preconceptions are quite likely to be wrong in some, many, or possibly even all ways. If we listen to the science, we can attempt to take the best path possible forward through the greatest challenges facing modern society. We can choose to ignore it, but if we do, the consequences will only increase in severity.

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    Quote Originally Posted by article
    doing our own research” could lead to immeasurable, unnecessary suffering.
    interestingly, one of those contrarian scientists said that medicine has throughout time caused innumerable cases of suffering due to applying faulty methods

    another statistic says that unintentional medical errors are one of the leading causes of death - if these are added to deaths caused by the course of intended treatment itself, they may easily take the leading place

    unless countered, the near future will bring even more suffering - take for example the vaccination industry, where vaccine manufacturers have no liability, no fear from producing toxic vaccines and their goal is to vaccinate every single human (incl. all pets and all cattle) on the face of the Earth - then, after getting huge profits from injecting the toxins, the pharma industry will keep on profiting from providing treatment to victims of these toxins as they appear in the form of various diseases, deficiencies and disabilities; another example may be the use of genetic manipulation for medical purposes with no idea of what kind of induced defects will be the consequence thereof; or how about the murder of millions of intentionally aborted fetuses/embryos or the murder of millions of lab animals supposedly necessary to further advance this industry of death

    it may be time to quarantine most of the medicine as we know it today and go back to the roots, to traditional natural ancient medicine systems like the Ayurveda, traditional Chinese medicine, herbal medicine and the like

    this area is only the tip of the iceberg in our so-called advanced societies, whose corporate and governmental leaders have managed to sponsor a world-wide destruction of health for the majority of humans, many animals and plants; large-scale poisoning of the environment: air, water and soil; disrespecting all natural laws as they march or rather race towards self-destruction

    In most places in the United States and Canada, our drinking water is fluoridated at a specific level that’s safe
    these so-called scientific fools do not understand that ordinary spring water is the ideal towards which all processed water should strive to, if any processing is to be applied at all - that means no industrial additives whatsoever

    It’s part of why scientific consensus is so remarkably valuable: it only exists when the overwhelming majority of qualified professionals all hold the same consistent professional opinion.
    there is an appearance of a scientific consensus, achieved artificially through:
    - top peer reviewed journals are there to keep the status quo, to discourage views opposing the mainstream from surfacing, to protect mainstream notions
    - universities are doing the same, grants and financial support goes to those scientists who keep their mouths shut and follow mainstream leaders - others are harassed, attacked, obstructed, denied advancing, marginalized and fired
    - governments, educational system keeping in line with the above, producing new generations of indoctrinated followers
    - mainstream mass media is in the hands of the globalist cabal, having the same goals
    - sponsored blogs, forums, sites disseminating the propaganda
    - globalist owned search engines steering search results towards favored content
    - paid trolls injecting poisonous comments
    - others unknowingly parroting these ideas

    this is coordinated through freemasonry, zionists and other like-minded organizations - they are attempting to shape the world in their image, according to their desires and their long term goals, which is a globalist dictatorship and mass slavery for the ordinary people (NWO, one world government, the Antichrist and the like)

    the Earth is warming,
    and local climate patterns are changing,
    caused by changes in the concentration of gases in our atmosphere,
    driven by human-caused emission of greenhouse gases from fossil fuels,
    and that this is having a number of adverse consequences: causing changes in food supplies, water availability, and land use all across the world.
    - the Earth warming & cooling patterns are called seasons
    - the unusual weather patterns are often intentionally caused by large scale geoengineering weather control experiments (chemtrails spraying, HAARP and the like) practically unknown to the public
    - driven by NATO and their corporate airline partners
    - the effects are then used to blackmail stubborn governments, local officials and ordinary people into obedience and implementation of globalist measures (Agenda 21, 2030, Common Core and the like)

    the disease is airborne and easily spread from person-to-person contact,
    it’s more easily spread in indoor settings,
    older people are more likely to get critically ill and die from it,
    staying home except for essential errands,
    and the interventions of wearing masks when you go out, not touching your mask once its on, and remaining physically distant (2 meters/6 feet minimum) from others not in your household are all effective.
    - the disease spreads through vaccination, the effects of 5G radiation are practically identical and can therefore be blamed on the virus (or cell toxicity as some call it)
    - quarantine keeps people indoors, social distancing and fear makes them more susceptible to disease
    - the elderly are getting flu vaccine shots every year, even for free just to lure them into getting it, these people are considered useless eaters by the globalist eugenicists whose plan is mass extermination of all non-desirable people
    - masks are useless and even dangerous (reinfection from own viral excretions, formation of mold and other bacteria, inhaling CO2, stress)
    - as expected, no one (including the WHO) mentioned our own well maintained, uncompromised immune system, as one of the keys to good health

    many continue to claim “it’s just like the flu,” even though the last time 150,000 or more Americans died from the flu was 1918: the year of the infamous Spanish flu.
    did you know the so-called spanish flu originated in the USA, from vaccinated soldiers?
    did you know the number of deaths from COVID are hugely overestimated, intentionally inflated (manufacturing fear) and that some hospitals are getting money to pronounce deaths as COVID caused or to place people on ventilators, which are practically certain to result in deaths?
    did you know that the majority of the elderly who were pronounced as COVID victims already had comorbidities, which were the most likely causes of death?
    did you know that the symptoms of COVID are very similar to the ordinary cold and ordinary flu?

    , for people to seek out only the opinions that confirm their own biases.
    the majority of these biases are formed through the influence of the corrupted mainstream

    It means that you need to be humble, and admit that you, yourself, lack the necessary expertise to evaluate the science before you.
    when scientists return to the path of morality, as opposed to the path of serving whoever pays the most, then they might deserve to be trusted once again - until then, it is safer for a person to steer clear from them, their concocted theories and questionable advice

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    Professor Delores Cahill and Del Bigtree on COVID-19 [36:07]

    there is a low quality youtube video still uncensored, thus the higher quality bitchute link
    First published at 03:19 UTC on May 18th, 2020. (bitchute)

    Prof. Dolores J. Cahill, Professor of Translational Science at UCD School of Medicine, University College Dublin
    Quote Originally Posted by info
    Prof. Dr Dolores Cahill has over 25 years expertise in high-throughput protein array, antibody array, proteomics technology development,automation and their biomedical applications, including in biomarker discovery, diagnostics and personalised medicine. She is Professor of Translational Science, School of Medicine and at the Conway Institute at the University College Dublin (UCD) (2005-present). With her research group & collaborators, she has achieved key breakthroughs in developing and demonstrating applications of high throughput array technology in biological, diagnostics & medical research. Prof. Cahill pioneered this research at the Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Genetics in Berlin, Germany (1996-2003) and holds several granted international patents in this vital field. Some of her activities include:
    In 1996, she co-founded Protagen AG ( in Dortmund, including with Prof. Helmut Meyer, as a spin-out of the Max-Planck-Institute to commercialise her discoveries. Protagen Protein Services ( a 2014 spin-off company of Protagen delivers expert protein, antibody, proteomics & peptide contract services to the pharmaceutical industry & health care sectors. Both companies have advanced these technologies & applications; Protagen has screened and profiled the autoantibody repertoire of over 20,000 patients ( Protagen AG and Protagen Protein Services have over 200 employees in 2018. Since 2016, Prof. Cahill is a shareholder & Advisory Board member of Atturos Ltd, Prof. Stephen Pennington’s UCD spin-out company nvolved in improved Prostate Cancer diagnosis ( and
    She received her Honours degree in Molecular Genetics from Trinity College Dublin (1989) and her PhD in Immunology from Dublin City University (1994). While studying in Trinity, she was awarded the Irish American Fellowship Prize (1988) to research at Prof. Pringle’s laboratory in the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA. During her undergraduate & PhD studies, she worked, including as Assistant Manager, in fine-dining Country Clubs in Long Island, New York (4 summers) & in Tenafly, New Jersey (4 summers). On obtaining her PhD, she obtained an EU ‘Human Capital & Mobility’ Post-doctoral Fellowship at the Technical University, Munich, Germany (1994-1995). Prof. Cahill became Group Leader of the Protein Technology Group in the Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Genetics, Berlin (1996-2003). She obtained an Associate Professor position, in the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Director of Proteomics Core, RCSI, Dublin (2000-2005). Since 2005 – present, she is Full Professor of Translational Science in the School of Medicine, University College Dublin and she has extensive management experience, including successfully obtaining funding from the European Commission (FP4, FP5, FP6, FP7 and Horizon 2020), Science Foundation Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, Health Research Board & successfully writing, project managing, publishing & reporting on all financial & regulatory aspects in academic & private sectors, in the companies she co-founded.
    She has over 100 peer reviewed publications, with over 5000 citations and a H-index is 31, which is in the top 10% globally for the Biomedicine discipline. Prof. Cahill is internationally recognised for her biomedical research, publications and patent record in life sciences, biotechnology, personalised healthcare, personalised medicine, diagnostics, biomarker discovery and validation, proteomics, biotechnology, high content protein and antibody arrays and their biomedical, diagnostic and clinical applications. Her publications have demonstrated utility and applications in the research, commercial & clinical sectors and include characterisation of antibodies specificity (including therapeutic antibodies), biomarker discovery, diagnostics, assay development, protein-interaction studies, proteomics, large scale/systems biology research, validating biomarker panels in diagnostic clinical trial, personalised medicine and assessing immune related adverse events.
    She has given over 100 Keynotes Lectures in Ireland, UK, Europe, USA, China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, South America. For example, she is invited to the ‘5th Precision Medicine and Biomarkers Leaders’ Summit’ in Munich in September 2018 & will Chair a Roundtable on Personalised Medicine and Adverse Events to discuss whether lessons can be learned from cancer immunotherapy and immune related adverse events to provide insight into understanding adverse events and personalised medicine and finding adverse event predictive biomarkers
    from the video:

    4:00 - there is absolutely no need to wear a mask for Coronaviruses (not transmitted through the air, but rather through droplets falling on surfaces)
    - due to masks people inhale less oxygen, this puts their immune system under stress, which can cause a reappearance of latent viruses from your body
    - essential: good nutrition, low stress, vitamins to keep your immune system working
    - also there is no need for social distancing
    - public officials are making policy decisions which are making the people sicker and will result in more deaths (currently lacking treatment of other diseases like cancer, heart related conditions, depression, etc.) - these politicians should be held legally responsible - this is verging on a crime against humanity
    - (relatively healthy) people under 70 should interact with the society (go back to work) and build up the herd immunity
    - current measures are entirely unnecessary

    7:29 - CDC slide shows how viruses circulate the globe for 3-4 and up to 6 weeks (Influenza A, B, COVID-19 circulated)
    - the majority of people will not have any symptoms, they will develop antibodies and clear the infection, a certain percentage will have mild flu-like symptoms and only 1 in 100 will develop a cough
    - recommends Hydroxychloroquine & Zinc as prevention for those coughing people to ever reaching a hospital - this is a well known treatment, thus the lockdowns are entirely unnecessary

    9:00 there has to be debates on national broadcasting TV for scientists with opposing views like hers (shows an image of 78 scientists/doctors sharing a similar opinion)
    - there is no need to look at (computer) models, there are many publications (thousands since the 2003 SARS outbreak) with data on these viruses and the related antibodies
    - once you recover from this virus you are immune for life [mutations excluded]
    - she had the Coronavirus, even the dry cough and a lack of breath, but it was not as difficult as a Pneumonia and it was over in about 3 weeks
    - recommends vitamin C, D, Zinc as preventive measures in the early stages of virus outbreak
    - recommends Hydroxychloroquine AZT & Zinc for people with symptoms (dry cough)
    - Hydroxychloroquine & Zinc could be even given as prevention to people over 80 years old as they are the most susceptible group regarding this virus (1 tablet every 2 weeks) - no need for them to die

    14:30 a table comparing Coronavirus and Ebola
    - now we know we have a preventive strategy and a treatment - no need for lockdowns
    - USA: attacks on Hydroxychloroquine from the leftist/liberal media, Fauchi, some governors
    - the actor Matthew McConaughey supports Hydroxychloroquine, it has been used for treating Malaria (over 60 years), Arthritis & Lupus (20 years), HIV - a study on 68k people using this for Arthritis showed that only 4 people of all of these elderly people ended up in hospital, which shows it is a very safe drug
    - the governments and the media are not informing people about these options and treatments
    - it is as if they are hoping for a 2nd wave, where there may be many people with undiagnosed cancers and cardio-vascular diseases
    - the policy is entirely wrong, the whole world should be opening up and never repeat this lockdown again

    19:40 - 120 expert opinions on Corona: High-ranking scientists, doctors, lawyers and other experts worldwide criticize the handling of the corona virus — Jens Bernert |Rubikon

    note: searching for such articles gives better results when the keywords like 'Corona' are not used, due to search engine censorship
    - people started defying lockdowns with the advent of warmer weather
    - examples of scare tactics regarding children, contrasted with publicly stated claims about them being practically unaffected by the virus
    - examples of scary media titles, while the article admits lacking evidence to support such claims
    - the owners of the media stations, the politicians and health officials should be held personally responsible for hyping up the fear and for policies that have no scientific immunological basis, because more people will become sick and die because of their policy decisions
    - she proposes to set up legal tribunals for crimes against humanity
    - she proposes 25th of May as an opening day around the world, ending the lockdowns
    - she offers a public debate against officials in her country
    - she proposes a separate regional or global Institute for vaccine safety, consisting of people with no conflicts of interests, where all of the trial results would be available and all of the adverse effects tracked and collected (these may happen 6,9 months later)
    - she offers help in legal lawsuits for damaged families from Flu vaccinations (autoimmune diseases and the like)

    - these Coronaviruses have been around since 2003 and there are no licensed vaccines available so far (in 17 years!) - the reason is because of very adverse effects on lab animals from vaccine trials - they had cytokine storms, there were some child deaths as well - the USA army paper published showed more danger when soldiers were already vaccinated for the flu
    - this paper shows a danger for humanity: that if all human population is vaccinated now, then when the next Coronavirus starts circulating the globe again, there could be 100,000s of deaths!
    - in Ireland the Irish Medical Organization did a press release in May that they are going to engage in mandatory vaccination for the whole country - she will NOT take the vaccine and she will take the legal case [against that]
    - she supports dr. Judy Mikovits
    - the Flu vaccines are contaminated with animal Coronaviruses due to preparing the vaccines on animal cell-lines (monkey kidney, dog cell tissue, etc.) - all of the latent animal Coronaviruses are thus included in the Flu vaccine, become injected and people become exposed and infected - again, this is why there is no Corona vaccine after 17 years: when they injected vaccines containing this type of material in lab animals, all of them would die - or if it was done to babies and soldiers, they would have really adverse immune reactions, which had to be treated
    - essentially, this is experimenting on the world (with vaccines)
    - the Coronavirus has circulated the world within 6 weeks, it is gone, the PCR test would be negative and the antibody test would be positive, there is no latent disease, people are immune for life, if we come across that same virus again, we won't have symptoms - if it mutates then some people will have symptoms, depending on the mutation

    - the Australian Football League - trying to give Flu shots to all football players...
    - we should really consider whether we should be making these Corona viruses, judging from those 2012 study results
    - this [mass vaccination] is an experiment and we should say NO!
    - scientists like her who studied immunology have to speak out, otherwise there could be significant unnecessary deaths

    Lockdown Protests

    The Silent Majority - The Great Awakening WorldWide 4 (Compilation August 2020)

    After 5 months some of the countries in the world still suffer with a lot of restrictions. People are waking up, the silent majority starts making noise. Protests and demonstrations are happening around the world, from a huge protest in Berlin (estimated around 1.3 million people) to The Hague, London, Montreal, Buenos Aires to Beirut.
    Save the Children protests, Back the Blue, WalkAway Rescue America in Los Angeles and Sacramento. Watch them all in this big compilation of WorldWide protests august 2020 (part 4)

    Timeline coming up!

    The Great Awakening WorldWide Protests PART 3 - Free The World (Mid-Mai Compilation)

    Protests around the world against lockdowns and governments part 3. Another huge compilation of protests everywhere in the world, fighting for Freedom!

    Protest video Timings:
    0:08 - Denver - Colorado (USA)
    0:37 - Harrisburg - Pennsylvania (USA)
    0:58 - Augusta - Maine (USA)
    1:14 - Annapolis - Maryland (USA)
    1:39 - St. Paul - Minnesota (USA)
    2:04 - Toronto - Ontario (Canada)
    2:27 - London - England (UK)
    2:41 - Köln - Germany
    3:02 - Berlin - Germany
    3:27 - Stuttgart - Germany
    4:03 - Madrid - Spain
    4:43 - Sevilla - Spain
    5:12 - Valencia - Spain
    5:38 - Sofia - Bulgaria
    6:10 - Warsaw - Poland
    6:41 - Düsseldorf - Germany
    6:57 - Rome - Italy
    7:20 - Sao Paulo - Brazil
    7:46 - Brasilia - Brazil
    8:16 - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
    8:43 - Chicago - Illinois (USA)
    9:11 - Springfield - Illinois (USA)
    9:30 - San Diego - California (USA)
    10:04 - Livermore - California (USA)
    10:23 - Huntington Beach - California (USA)
    10:52 - Huntington Beach - California (USA) opened up?
    11:31 - Allentown - Pennsylvania (USA) president Trump arrival
    11:59 - Jacksonville - Florida (USA) Trump support boats

    Lockdown Protests - The Great Awakening WorldWide PART 2 (Another Huge Compilation)

    Protests around the world against lockdowns, government and tyranny part 2. Another huge compilation of protests everywhere in the world, fighting for Freedom!

    Lockdown Protests - The Great Awakening WorldWide (Huge Compilation Mai 2020)

    Protests around the world against lockdowns, government and tyranny. Huge compilation of protests everywhere in the world, fighting for Freedom!

    0:08 - Lansing - Michigan (USA)
    0:34 - Augusta - Maine (USA)
    0:56 - Stuttgart - Germany
    1:13 - Munich - Germany
    1:29 - Berlin - Germany
    1:41 - Sacramento - California (USA)
    2:07 - Huntington Beach - California (USA)
    2:39 - San Diego - California (USA)
    3:01 - Ventura - California (USA)
    3:24 - Brasilia - Brazil
    4:06 - Ljubljana - Slovenia
    4:30 - Maribor - Slovenia
    4:55 - Poznan - Poland
    5:13 - Toronto - Ontario (CAN)
    5:32 - Vancouver - British Columbia (CAN)
    5:47 - Winnipeg - Manitoba (CAN)
    6:10 - Edmonton - Alberta (CAN)
    6:25 - Trenton - New Jersey (USA)
    6:57 - Rochester - New York (USA)
    7:17 - Carson City - Nevada (USA)
    7:38 - Concord - New Hampshire (USA)
    8:02 - Beirut - Lebanon
    8:29 - Hong Kong
    8:55 - Belgrado - Serbia
    9:28 - Kiev - Ukraine
    9:45 - Chayanda - Sakha-Yakutia - Russia
    10:00 - Plateau Residence - Nigeria
    10:21 - Sangrareddy - Hyderabad - India
    10:39 - Tel Aviv - Israel (Correct: Video shows protest against government forming)
    11:00 - Chicago - Illinois (USA)
    11:15 - Springfield - Illinois (USA)
    11:29 - Salem - Oregon (USA)
    12:00 - Raleigh - North Carolina (USA)
    12:21 - Indianapolis - Indiana (USA) (Correction)
    12:35 - Seattle - Washington State (USA)

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    You don't have anything better to talk about?

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    no one is preventing you from suggesting another topic and sharing your own deep thoughts about it

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    I think vanilla ice cream is better than chocolate one. What do you guys think? Do you like ice cream?

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    I'd take vanilla over chocolate any day of the week

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    official link (with downloads):

    from the video:

    docu starts at 4:50


    1. The Event ‘201’
    - pandemic simulation held in New York on 18.10.2019. a few weeks before the first outbreak began in Wuhan, China; 5 months prior to declaring the pandemic
    - they included several scripted news reports, as shown during this simulation - look for the on-screen notification 'a scripted simulation'
    - simulation partners: The World Economic Forum, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
    - the simulation predicts the usage of masks, fake news, compliance with public health recommendations, supposed eagerness of polled people to take the vaccine even if it is experimental
    - controlling and reducing access to information as well as penalties are advocated as viable options in the simulation
    - protests, riots, violent crackdowns, martial law, years of economic and social consequences are mentioned in the simulation

    2. The Backstory Behind The Judy Mikovits Interview
    - the media and political attacks on critics like dr. Judy Mikovits
    - the Plandemic - Part 1 short docu video mentioned, which is a precursor to this docu
    - short clips from the follow-up 'responding to criticism' interview available on the site
    - interviewed scientists/doctors/researchers for this docu briefly shown

    3. Interview With David E. Martin “Turning Coronavirus From A Pathogen To Profit”
    - this guy, a 'national intelligence analyst' with a 'linguistic genomics' platform for communication 'big? data' analysis is the actual star of the show, who explains the timelines, events, patents and motives of the people and organizations involved in the global Corona pandemic throughout the docu, with constant connections to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
    - in 1999 patents on Coronavirus started showing up
    - in 2003 the USA CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) patented the SARS virus, the disease and the detection/measurement methods
    - CDC, Anthony Fauchi, Ralph Baric and others controlled 100% of the money flow surrounding the Corona virus from 2003 to 2018
    - the CDC patent was legal if the virus was not of natural origin (lab made) or illegal if the virus was of natural origin (natural originating substances cannot be patented)
    - they had the means, the motive and the monetary gain from turning a Coronavirus from pathogen into profit

    4. Where Did The Coronavirus Originate And How Was The Media Spread It
    - how the Coronavirus research was moved from USA to Wuhan, China, USA gave million-worth grants to continue the research
    - USA suspended risky gain-of-function virus research in 2013
    - experiments were made on creating hybrid chimeric Coronavirus pathogens causing SARS, bat Coronaviruses were grown in mice cell lines and they gained the ability to infect humans
    18:18 the Coronavirus is a lab created virus, there have been 100s of leaks from high containment laboratories that research pathogenic viruses and lethal organisms
    - this appears to be a part of biological warfare

    5. How Does Google And Other Silicon Valley Companies Control The Narrative
    6. Should We Trust Our So Called ‘Fact Checkers’

    - so called Fact Checking sites control the narrative, filtering out undesirable information, blacklisting search terms (insider whistleblower info)
    - it became a network for global surveillance, data collection and social engineering
    - examples of false information by the following sites: Snopes, Politifact,
    - Facebook working with WHO to block undesirable information surrounding the pandemic
    - Wikipedia has political donors who decide what kind of information gets published
    - conclusion: most so-called independent fact checkers are neither independent nor factual, they are political spin machines
    - if some information is in line with CDC or WHO public pronouncements, it is presumed to be correct and gets ranked higher by the search machines
    - people are being fed approved information through controlled media

    7. Power Hungry People Controlling The Narrative, The So Called ‘Mocking Bird’
    - in the early 1900s J.D.Rockefeller took control of every news media of his time
    - covert CIA operation to infiltrate and control USA media, operation 'Mocking Bird'
    - over 3000 contracted and trained CIA operatives were placed in key positions within key media outlets, posing as editors and journalists, manipulating media information
    - co-opting university professors, journalists to ensure spreading of the desired narrative
    - a 1952 CIA memo says: 'controlling the individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will'
    - today a handful of corporations own and control the vast majority of everything you read, hear and watch - from the biggest movie studios, TV and radio networks, newspapers and magazines to internet news and entertainment sites

    8. How The Media Targets Whistleblowers
    - there is an industry aimed at targeting and smearing whistleblowers
    - it shows Nacy Pelosi (USA Democrats) openly talking about smearing opponents with falsehoods
    - late night talk shows owned by the same corporations, following the same script
    - the Bayh-Dole act of 1979, allowed for: research paid by the tax payers is allowed to be patented and then the tax payers are charged a premium for it once again

    9. The Out Break Of Coronavirus Was Predicted Long Before The ‘201 Event’
    - World at Risk scenario, Global Preparedness Board (part of the WHO) - according to them by September 2020 2 global pandemic preparedness exercises have to be completed and one of them has to be done on the release of a lethal respiratory pathogen, which gave rise to the Event 201 in October 2019
    - Anthony Fauchi predicted an outbreak before the end of 2020 already in January of 2017, Bill Gates talked about epidemic preparedness in 2015 TED talk
    - this table-top simulation from 2019 predicted current Corona measures, a few side-by-side examples of Simulation/Reality are shown
    - Bill Gates caught lying
    - in 2010 Rockefeller Foundation published 'Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development' which includes the Pandemic Scenario called Lock Step, which outlined current Corona and post-Corona totalitarian measures, even mentioned China and their measures

    10. Leadership Is Compromised By Merits Of Influence Rather Than Qualities
    11. Why We Will Never Be Able To Fix Our Medical Care System

    - WHO is sponsored mainly by large pharma and biotech corporations and foundations
    - the current director general of the WHO Tedross is the first one that isn't a medical doctor - while being the Ethiopian health minister he was accused for covering up 3 major health epidemics of Cholera and before that he was a member of a terrorist organization
    - he has connections to the Gates Foundation, Clinton Foundation and is supported by the Communist Party of China
    - his quote: 'we will have many body bags in front of us if we don't behave'
    - through conflicts of interest anti trust laws have been broken, these are federal crimes
    - 50 years ago pharma CEOs went to jail if they knowingly sold a bad product or concealed information about the problems with that product, but nowadays the only thing they do is pay fines
    - Rockefeller seized US media and hijacked US medicine: when it was discovered that drugs can be produced from petroleum/oil, he ordered his propagandists to invert reality - traditional medicine used for 1000s of years suddenly became classified as 'alternative medicine', whereas the new petroleum based, highly addictive and patentable drugs were declared the 'Golden Standard' - natural healing modalities were declared unscientific quackery
    - he took over the AMA (American Medical Association) and offered massive grants to top medical schools under the mandate that only his approved curriculum be taught
    - any mention of the healing power of herbs, plants and diet was erased from most medical textbooks - opposing doctors were crucified by the media, removed from the AMA and stripped of their license to teach and practice medicine, those who dared to speak out were arrested and jailed
    - when evidence emerged that petroleum based medicine was causing cancer, Rockefeller founded the American Cancer Society, through which he suppressed that information - he is credited as the founder of the pharmaceutical industry
    - medical error is the 3rd leading cause of death in USA
    - huge pharma lobbying expenditures for influencing laws, policies and public perception

    12. Who Is Bill Gates And What Erruption Has He Caused
    - Bill Gates' grandfather and great grandfather were banking moguls, his father a prominent lawyer and political lobbyist [he also worked for Planned Parenthood]
    - in 1998 the US Department of Justice sued Bill Gates for violating antitrust laws, after which he set up the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for $100 million, changing his image to the world's most charitable philanthropist [or how Bill Gates was co-opted by the deep state]
    - Gates Foundation invested $10 billion in vaccines, gaining a +20x return of investment, it has investments in 69 of the worst polluting companies in US and Canada
    - according to Gates, normalcy will return only after the entire population of the world is vaccinated [until then the New Normal is in effect]

    13. ‘The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act’
    14. From Microsoft To Creating A Vaccine, How Is Gates Involved With Epstein

    - in 1986 US president Reagan signed this act granting total legal immunity to vaccine manufacturers (just in time as they were going bankrupt after a decade of lawsuits related to vaccine injuries and death)
    - to this day, when someone is injured or killed as a result of an adverse reaction to a vaccine, it is the US taxpayers that pay for the damages
    - mass HPV vaccinations in India (sponsored by the Gates Foundation, promoted by Bollywood actors) resulted in many vaccine injuries among poor tribal people and the Gates Foundation was kicked out because of that, but later on they returned and continued their operations in India
    - a study showed how over 491k children in India developed paralysis as the result of the Gates-supported oral Polio vaccine that was administered between 2000-2017
    - Gates Foundation founded GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization), attempting to fulfill their agenda to vaccinate the world - they were sued by the governments of some of the poorest nations for causing serious harm by experimental vaccines
    - Melinda Gates said: 'healthcare workers, blacks and indigenous people should get it [the vaccine] first'
    - the population of African countries are being used as lab rats, for trials and testing of experimental vaccines
    - The Kissinger Report from 1974 explicitly states that the purpose of foreign policy in Africa was to reduce the population (slow of zero growth) because they have great mineral resources, which the USA needs - there is a concerted effort of foreign powers to control the population of Africa
    - Gates is involved in the Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment designed to block out the Sun in an effort to control global warming, releasing massive amounts of calcium-carbonate and other materials into the upper atmosphere [aka Chemtrails] - critics have called this a global genocide experiment
    - Gates has invested over $1 billion in EarthNow live global surveillance project, which will launch 100s of satellites in space, allowing for 24/7 monitoring of all people everywhere
    - in partnership with MIT Bill Gates is developing technology that allows vaccines to be injected under the skin, along with your medical records, the Quantum Dot Tattoo which can be scanned under infrared light, serving as a digital immunity and vaccination proof
    - he also funds Oxitec, a biotech company who in an effort to fight Malaria wants to release genetically modified mosquitoes whose bites would provide immunization, acting like 'flying syringes'

    15. A Vaccine Or A Population Management Story
    - the shortest time that anyone has developed a vaccine so far was around 7 years, the average time is 20 years - talking about development in mere months borders on the absurd
    - COVID 19 vaccines fall under the PREP Act which gives pharma companies virtual blanket immunity against any liabilities - if you a are injured by the vaccines, you are on your own
    - Bills allowing the police to enter a home without a warrant, snitches get rewards, people getting arrested for not wearing masks, etc.
    - acts of tyranny which will be justified by 'Remember 2020'
    - Gates says: 'the next pandemic will get attention this time'

    16. Stand Up To The Conspiring Parties To Reclaim Your Humanity!

    1:15:40 conclusions:
    - what we do has consequences
    - it is time to reclaim our humanity
    - our lives are guided by stories we are told
    - the myth of humans or humanity as a disease, parasite or a virus repeated by the media
    - the fatality of substituting natural products with industrial ones
    - we abandon love and liberty for debt and dependency
    - power of the awakened people, the story did not end yet

    the positive:
    - professionally done, competent research
    - high popularity, judging by the number of comments on the official site (youtube views unrealistically low, hard to find by using youtube search function)

    the negative:
    - suspicious national intelligence analyst advanced software explanation
    - praises humanity, but forgets spirituality
    - this may lead to a hunt for Bill Gates and his Foundation, while other high-positioned people or his controllers are barely mentioned
    - no direct mention of freemasons or zionists, only various heads of the state, organizations and individuals
    - somewhat out-of-place intro/outro speech

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    Open letter from medical doctors and health professionals to all belgian authorities and all belgian media.
    September 5th 2020

    We, Belgian doctors and health professionals, wish to express our serious concern about the evolution of the situation in the recent months surrounding the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. We call on politicians to be independently and critically informed in the decision-making process and in the compulsory implementation of corona-measures. We ask for an open debate, where all experts are represented without any form of censorship. After the initial panic surrounding covid-19, the objective facts now show a completely different picture – there is no medical justification for any emergency policy anymore.
    The current crisis management has become totally disproportionate and causes more damage than it does any good.
    We call for an end to all measures and ask for an immediate restoration of our normal democratic governance and legal structures and of all our civil liberties.
    - from the letter (references available at the end):

    A cure must not be worse than the problem
    the collateral damage now being caused to the population will have a greater impact in the short and long term on all sections of the population

    In our opinion, the current corona measures and the strict penalties for non-compliance with them are contrary to the values formulated by the Belgian Supreme Health Council, which, until recently, as the health authority, has always ensured quality medicine in our country: “Science – Expertise – Quality – Impartiality – Independence – Transparency”.

    The WHO originally predicted a pandemic that would claim 3.4% victims, in other words millions of deaths
    the objective facts showed a completely different reality

    The facts about covid-19

    The course of covid-19 followed the course of a normal wave of infection similar to a flu season.
    As every year, we see a mix of flu viruses following the curve: first the rhinoviruses, then the influenza A and B viruses, followed by the coronaviruses. There is nothing different from what we normally see.

    The use of the non-specific PCR test, which produces many false positives, showed an exponential picture. This test was rushed through with an emergency procedure and was never seriously self-tested. The creator expressly warned that this test was intended for research and not for diagnostics

    The test does not measure how many viruses are present in the sample. A real viral infection means a massive presence of viruses, the so-called virus load. If someone tests positive, this does not mean that that person is actually clinically infected, is ill or is going to become ill. Koch’s postulate was not fulfilled


    If we compare the waves of infection in countries with strict lockdown policies to countries that did not impose lockdowns (Sweden, Iceland …), we see similar curves. So there is no link between the imposed lockdown and the course of the infection. Lockdown has not led to a lower mortality rate.

    If we look at the date of application of the imposed lockdowns we see that the lockdowns were set after the peak was already over and the number of cases decreasing. The drop was therefore not the result of the taken measures.

    As every year, it seems that climatic conditions (weather, temperature and humidity) and growing immunity are more likely to reduce the wave of infection.

    Our immune system

    A strong immune system relies on normal daily exposure to these microbial influences. Overly hygienic measures have a detrimental effect on our immunity.

    Only people with a weak or faulty immune system should be protected by extensive hygiene or social distancing.

    It appears that most people already have a congenital or general immunity to e.g. influenza and other viruses.
    Most people therefore already have a congenital or cross-immunity because they were already in contact with variants of the same virus.
    The efficacy of vaccines is assessed precisely on the basis of whether or not we have these antibodies. This is a misrepresentation.

    Most people who test positive (PCR) have no complaints. Their immune system is strong enough. Strengthening natural immunity is a much more logical approach. Prevention is an important, insufficiently highlighted pillar: healthy, full-fledged nutrition, exercise in fresh air, without a mask, stress reduction and nourishing emotional and social contacts.

    Consequences of social isolation on physical and mental health

    Social isolation and economic damage led to an increase in depression, anxiety, suicides, intra-family violence and child abuse.
    It is much more likely that isolation and quarantine have fatal consequences.
    Fear, persistent stress and loneliness induced by social distancing have a proven negative influence on psychological and general health.

    A highly contagious virus with millions of deaths without any treatment?

    Mortality turned out to be many times lower than expected and close to that of a normal seasonal flu (0.2%).
    The number of registered corona deaths therefore still seems to be overestimated.
    There is a difference between death by corona and death with corona.

    Taking into account the fact that most people who developed serious symptoms suffered from additional pathology, one cannot simply conclude that the corona-infection was the cause of death. This was mostly not taken into account in the statistics.

    The most vulnerable groups can be clearly identified. The vast majority of deceased patients were 80 years of age or older.
    The majority (70%) of the deceased, younger than 70 years, had an underlying disorder, such as cardiovascular suffering, diabetes mellitus, chronic lung disease or obesity.
    The vast majority of infected persons (>98%) did not or hardly became ill or recovered spontaneously.

    Meanwhile, there is an affordable, safe and efficient therapy available for those who do show severe symptoms of disease in the form of HCQ (hydroxychloroquine), zinc and azithromycin. Rapidly applied this therapy leads to recovery and often prevents hospitalisation. Hardly anyone has to die now.
    This effective therapy has been confirmed by the clinical experience of colleagues in the field with impressive results.
    It is therefore not a killer virus, but a well-treatable condition.


    Spreading occurs by drip infection (only for patients who cough or sneeze) and aerosols in closed, unventilated rooms. Contamination is therefore not possible in the open air. Contact tracing and epidemiological studies show that healthy people (or positively tested asymptomatic carriers) are virtually unable to transmit the virus. Healthy people therefore do not put each other at risk. 24 25
    Transfer via objects (e.g. money, shopping or shopping trolleys) has not been scientifically proven.

    All this seriously calls into question the whole policy of social distancing and compulsory mouth masks for healthy people – there is no scientific basis for this.


    Oral masks belong in contexts where contacts with proven at-risk groups or people with upper respiratory complaints take place, and in a medical context/hospital-retirement home setting. They reduce the risk of droplet infection by sneezing or coughing. Oral masks in healthy individuals are ineffective against the spread of viral infections.

    Oxygen deficiency (headache, nausea, fatigue, loss of concentration) occurs fairly quickly, an effect similar to altitude sickness. Every day we now see patients complaining of headaches, sinus problems, respiratory problems and hyperventilation due to wearing masks. In addition, the accumulated CO2 leads to a toxic acidification of the organism which affects our immunity.

    After wearing a mask for one minute, this toxic limit is considerably exceeded to values that are three to four times higher than these maximum values. Anyone who wears a mask is therefore [analogous to being] in an extreme poorly ventilated room.

    A second corona wave?

    although there has been an increase in the number of infections since mid-July, there was no increase in hospital admissions or deaths at that time. It is therefore not a second wave of corona, but a so-called “case chemistry” due to an increased number of tests.

    The vast majority of the positively tested “infected” persons are in the age group of the active population, which does not develop any or merely limited symptoms, due to a well-functioning immune system.
    So nothing has changed – the peak is over.

    Strengthening a prevention policy

    The corona measures form a striking contrast to the minimal policy pursued by the government until now

    The Hippocratic Oath

    As a doctor, we took the Hippocratic Oath:
    “I will above all care for my patients, promote their health and alleviate their suffering”.

    “I will inform my patients correctly.”

    “Even under pressure, I will not use my medical knowledge for practices that are against humanity.”
    The current measures force us to act against this oath.
    Other health professionals have a similar code.

    The ‘primum non nocere’, which every doctor and health professional assumes, is also undermined by the current measures and by the prospect of the possible introduction of a generalised vaccine, which is not subject to extensive prior testing.


    Survey studies on influenza vaccinations show that in 10 years we have only succeeded three times in developing a vaccine with an efficiency rate of more than 50%. Vaccinating our elderly appears to be inefficient. Over 75 years of age, the efficacy is almost non-existent.

    An untested vaccine, which is implemented by emergency procedure and for which the manufacturers have already obtained legal immunity from possible harm, raises serious questions. 39 40 We do not wish to use our patients as guinea pigs.

    On a global scale, 700 000 cases of damage or death are expected as a result of the vaccine.41
    If 95% of people experience Covid-19 virtually symptom-free, the risk of exposure to an untested vaccine is irresponsible.

    The role of the media and the official communication plan

    Over the past few months, newspaper, radio and TV makers seemed to stand almost uncritically behind the panel of experts and the government, there, where[as] it is precisely the press that should be critical and prevent one-sided governmental communication. This has led to a public communication in our news media, that was more like propaganda than objective reporting.

    In our opinion, it is the task of journalism to bring news as objectively and neutrally as possible, aimed at finding the truth and critically controlling power, with dissenting experts also being given a forum in which to express themselves.

    This view is supported by the journalistic codes of ethics.

    The official story that a lockdown was necessary, that this was the only possible solution, and that everyone stood behind this lockdown, made it difficult for people with a different view, as well as experts, to express a different opinion.

    Alternative opinions were ignored or ridiculed. We have not seen open debates in the media, where different views could be expressed.

    We were also surprised by the many videos and articles by many scientific experts and authorities, which were and are still being removed from social media. We feel that this does not fit in with a free, democratic constitutional state, all the more so as it leads to tunnel vision. This policy also has a paralysing effect and feeds fear and concern in society. In this context, we reject the intention of censorship of dissidents in the European Union!

    The relentless bombardment with figures, that were unleashed on the population day after day, hour after hour, without interpreting those figures, without comparing them to flu deaths in other years, without comparing them to deaths from other causes, has induced a real psychosis of fear in the population. This is not information, this is manipulation.

    We deplore the role of the WHO in this, which has called for the infodemic (i.e. all divergent opinions from the official discourse, including by experts with different views) to be silenced by an unprecedented media censorship.

    We urgently call on the media to take their responsibilities here!

    We demand an open debate in which all experts are heard.

    Emergency law versus Human Rights

    There is no state of emergency.

    Immense damage caused by the current policies

    If we take this collateral damage into account, the current policy is out of all proportion, the proverbial use of a sledgehammer to crack a nut.

    We find it shocking that the government is invoking health as a reason for the emergency law.

    As doctors and health professionals, in the face of a virus which, in terms of its harmfulness, mortality and transmissibility, approaches the seasonal influenza, we can only reject these extremely disproportionate measures.

    • We therefore demand an immediate end to all measures.
    • We are questioning the legitimacy of the current advisory experts, who meet behind closed doors.
    • Following on from ACU 2020 46 ... we call for an in-depth examination of the role of the WHO and the possible influence of conflicts of interest in this organisation. It was also at the heart of the fight against the “infodemic”, i.e. the systematic censorship of all dissenting opinions in the media. This is unacceptable for a democratic state governed by the rule of law.

    With this open letter, we send out the signal that progress on the same footing does more harm than good, and call on politicians to inform themselves independently and critically about the available evidence – including that from experts with different views, as long as it is based on sound science – when rolling out a policy, with the aim of promoting optimum health.

    so far this open letter has been signed by:

    Signed by 507 medical doctors
    Signed by 1579 medically trained health professionals
    Signed by 11032 citizens

    other initiatives against the Corona dictatorship measures:

    Globally, we are seeing a massive campaign of disinformation on the main stream media that sets aside all the principles of a democratic state governed by the rule of law.
    While a great number of colleagues doctors present with different views, unprecedented censorship prevents them from making the news.
    Information from different thinking experts and professionals can currently be found almost exclusively through targeted searches on the internet or alternative news sources, but not in the mainstream media.
    The Netherlands
    - This letter aims to stimulate an open and frank debate on how to tackle the Covid-19 outbreak and was signed by more than 800 doctors.
    - an open, sharp-worded letter, written by doctors and mental health care providers, that has already been signed by more than 2500 healthcare professionals.

    United States
    America’s Frontline Doctors

    A public press conference of “Doctors for Truth” in Madrid, attended by some 400 doctors and scientists under the slogan “A world dictatorship with a sanitary excuse”.

    An international group of doctors has launched an extra-parliamentary enquiry into the “exaggerated and oppressive corona measures

    The initiative by Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize winner in medicine, and Robert F. Kennedy, lawyer,

    - A Belgian initiative, which has already been signed by more than 900 doctors and health professionals
    - An open letter on the initiative of a group of doctors from the Cliniques Universitaires St-Luc, UCLouvain

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    NWO Tool - British MP Tobias Ellwood: "A vaccine is potentially six months away. Planning must start immediately. I have suggested the PM gets the Armed Forces involved to take on this enormous task. Vaccination certificates will have to be given to allow international travel."
    Last edited by H265; 29.09.20 at 17:24.

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    Quote Originally Posted by H265 View Post
    NWO Tool - British MP Tobias Ellwood: "A vaccine is potentially six months away. Planning must start immediately. I have suggested the PM gets the Armed Forces involved to take on this enormous task. Vaccination certificates will have to be given to allow international travel."
    brand new vaccination stamp on the book, just like yellow fever

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    Google translated

    Every month prefects close illegal schools, often run by religious extremists.
    From the start of the 2021 school year, education will be compulsory for everyone from 3 years old, home education being strictly limited, in particular to health requirements.

    France moves to ban homeschooling in 2021
    10/05/2020 at 6:28 PM Posted by Kevin Edward White

    France’s president explicitly intends the move to stifle religious instruction of children.

    By LifeSite News, October 2, 2020

    French president Emmanuel Macron announced on Friday morning that he intends to outlaw homeschooling for all children except those who have a health condition that would justify staying away from school. He also intends to step up control on private independent schools that receive no public funds, in particular through inspections on the curricula taught there, by more severely implementing a recent law that requires such schools to teach a “common core” defined by a high authority for education.

    However, it seems clear that measures against civil liberties — one of the first of which is the right of parents as primary educators of their own children — are increasingly being undermined. The COVID-19 crisis has already accustomed many people to government interference with their comings and goings, wearing masks and generally feeling at fault whenever they step outside.

    The new law would come into force in the school year 2021–2022 for all children aged between 3 and 16. It was already under Macron’s presidency that education became compulsory for tots of infant school age. With a comfortable majority at the National Assembly, the ruling La République en Marche party, which Macron led to victory in 2017, is expected to validate the draft law the government will present in accordance with the president’s wishes.

    Macron’s announcements were part of a series of measures aimed at fighting what he calls “separatism,” a strange expression he uses to designate the aims of “radical Islamists” who want to substitute the laws of the French Republic with sharia law. He quoted the example of a clandestine school where young Muslims were found in a plain, almost windowless room, taught by women in niqabs and learning mostly prayers and the Koran, in order to justify his wide-ranging attack against freedom of education.

    Emmanuel Macron was speaking at a public event in Les Mureaux, one of the many suburban towns around Paris where immigrants from many countries, mostly in North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa, form the majority. Les Mureaux was the theater of ethnic riots in 2005 and has since been considered a hotspot for radical Islam, with the shooting of a police commander and his girlfriend in 2016 in an attack claimed by the Islamic State. Many of these migrants are Muslim: Muslims represent anything from 4 to 8 or 9 million souls in France, according to different sources. Repeatedly, terrorist attacks in France have been committed in the name of Allah by such migrants, legal or not.

    According to Lionel Devic, president of the “Fondation pour l’Ecole,” an association that supports the creation and functioning of independent schools in France, “it is clearly established that not a single perpetrator of terrorist attacks in France came from independent schools.” In his statement, he added that “Emmanuel Macron lucidly acknowledged that Islamist separatism can be traced back to public schools and private schools under contract with the state.”

    However, it seems clear that measures against civil liberties — one of the first of which is the right of parents as primary educators of their own children — are increasingly being undermined. The COVID-19 crisis has already accustomed many people to government interference with their comings and goings, wearing masks and generally feeling at fault whenever they step outside. This new infringement on personal rights and liberties will seem a small one to a large majority who have already handed over their educational rights to the State, which controls the vast majority of educational institutions at all levels, while “free schools” under contract with the state, which account for most of the official Catholic schools in France, are required to follow the public curriculum in exchange for having their teachers and professors paid for by public funds.

    U.S. Canada World Catholic
    In his lengthy speech, Macron set the debate by saying: “The problem is this ideology, which asserts that its own laws are superior to those of the Republic. As I have often said, I am not asking any of our citizens to believe or not to believe, to believe a little, or moderately. That is not the business of the Republic. But I am asking every citizen, whatever his religion or absence of religion, to respect absolutely all the laws of the Republic.”

    He was speaking about Islam, but the subject goes wider than that. Since the separation of Church and State in 1905, after the restoration, and in light of the anti-Catholic laws that followed the deeply secularist and anti-Catholic Revolution of 1789, there exists a dichotomy between the “secular” Republic and the natural moral laws that believers judge to be higher than laws enacted by a majority of voters or legislators.

    This is true, for instance, of laws that facilitate divorce, legalize contraception, decriminalize abortion, or establish “same-sex marriage,” to name but a few. The powers that be have repeatedly denied citizens the right to oppose these majority decisions, in particular by banning a wide range of actions aiming to prevent or discourage abortion. The demand for “absolute” respect for the laws of the Republic should be read in that light. Former president Jacques Chirac, who would later be echoed in more or less the same terms by Marine Le Pen, stated this very clearly: “No to a moral law that would supersede the civil law.”

    By using this reasoning, Macron has clearly chosen to lump very different types of believers together: instead of pledging to track down and overpower historically violent, radical Islam, which as a religious system does not distinguish between the temporal and the spiritual, and which entered into France through massive, politically uncontrolled immigration, he is targeting homeschooling and independent schools that many Catholics have turned to — as well as parents who have watched in desperation as their children spent months and years in official schools with official methods not learning to read, write, and do arithmetic. As luck would have it, it was only last Friday that an official government report showed that standards in mathematics in government and government-funded primary schools have plummeted between 2014 and 2019 in fifth grade.

    Macron complained of “illegal,” “undeclared” schools where children are receiving poor instruction and ideological programming; he denounced the parents who pull them from music or swimming classes in State schools. But he is using them as an excuse to exercise ever more control on perfectly legal homeschooling and independent education.

    Today, some 50,000 students of compulsory education age are homeschooled in France. Officially, parents are required to tell the local authorities that they are homeschooling their child or children, and they will typically be visited once a year by academic inspectors. They are allowed to homeschool only their own children; parents are not allowed to club together to give group lessons. The numbers of homeschooled children are rising every year, as Macron noted in his speech; he is therefore going against the trend that clearly indicates what French parents want.

    Roughly the same number of students go to fully independent schools, many of which are primary schools where reading and writing and other subjects are often taught in a traditional way. A number of these schools are Catholic, even though Islamic and Jewish and even secular independent schools do exist, and they often “save” children from public schools who were floundering unhappily in “whole language” schemes that one commentator, Benoît Neiss, emeritus professor at the University of Strasbourg, accused of provoking “the abortion of the mind.”

    Macron’s objective is by no means hidden. During his speech, he outlined his strategy against radical islam — by means of which and under whose pretext he is in fact attacking primary parental freedoms and rights, especially those of Catholic parents. He said:

    The third pillar of our strategy is school. It is oh, so essential, and you can see that as I move forward, I am entering, if I may say so, into the intimacy of our republican life. School is the republican melting pot. It’s what makes it possible for us to protect our children in a complete way from any religious sign, from religion. It is truly the heart of the space of secularism, and it is this place where we form consciences so that children become free, rational citizens, able to choose their own lives. The school is therefore our collective treasure. It is what allows us in our society to build this common thing that is the Republic.

    Macron said very clearly that the school of the Republic aims “to protect children from religion.” You read that correctly. This is Masonic naturalism in its most recognizable form.

    He added:

    On this subject, in the face of all these excesses that exclude thousands of children from education to citizenship, from access to culture, to our history, to our values, to the experience of otherness that is at the heart of the republican school, I have made a decision — and I realize this, and we have debated it a lot with the ministers — that is no doubt one of the most radical since the laws of 1882 and those ensuring school co-education between boys and girls in 1969. From the start of the 2021 school year, school instruction will be made compulsory for all from the age of 3. Homeschooling will be strictly limited, particularly to health reasons. We are therefore changing our paradigm, and it is vital.

    In the same vein, he said: “The Republic was built around the school, which trains more than individuals; it raises citizens, it shapes free minds. That is why I am convinced that the Republic will resist, through schools, those who want to fight or divide it, and it is through schools that we will allow all our children to access knowledge, culture, and republican civic-mindedness, and thus to fully become men and women citizens.”

    Last edited by H265; 07.10.20 at 03:56.

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    Quote Originally Posted by
    France?s president explicitly intends the move to stifle religious instruction of children.
    he is a member of the globalist occult oligarchy, preparing the arrival of the new wold order (NWO), which aims at installing an artificial religion called 'one world religion' - in order to do that, current religions and their adherents are being actively smeared, belittled or ridiculed whenever possible, their scandals are inflated and sometimes manufactured, new age ideas are being propagated and the like, all with the help of mainstream propaganda (news, entertainment industry, cultural, educational programs and curricula), implemented through political decisions; trying to weaken people's Faith, destroy the traditional building blocks of society and steer them into accepting whatever is recommended or deemed useful by the globalists

    some general examples:
    - fake news, censorship of undesired information, planted false information, owned opinion makers (reading from approved scripts)
    - fearmongering, warmongering, invading foreign countries, imposing sanctions and other means of coercion destroying economies
    - fact checking sites (providing false information), disinfo trolls infesting online comment sections
    - financially supporting documentaries expressing approved opinions, scientists expressing approved opinions, universities teaching approved opinions
    - movie characters expressing approved opinions, displaying approved behavior (usually something considered immoral)
    - creating new idols to worship or celebrate (American Idol, Celebrities, Stars, Superstars, Heroes, Superheroes)
    - introducing and supporting harmful ideologies (actively inserting LGBT, feminism, pedo ideas into the curricula, like using the Kinsey reports for sexual education; gender ideology; eugenics, population control/reduction, etc.)
    - double standards aka hypocrisy (allowing virtually any action from one side, obstructing actions from opposing sides)
    - offering false choices (all offered choices are aimed at furthering the same agenda, the mainstream Left and Right both knowingly or unknowingly working for the same goal, controlled opposition)
    - promoting dictatorial measures (mandatory masks, social distancing, domestic and international travel restrictions, mass mandatory vaccinations, ID chips/implants/tattoos, fines and punishments for failing to comply; mass surveillance, profiling and information gathering through smart phones/meters/IoT/ISP/Google/Analytics/Big Data)
    - think tanks (planning scenarios like the current Corona Dictatorship; preparing action programs for the future, like Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, 2050, Common Core, Green Agenda, global warming, climate change, carbon offsets, etc.; modes of their implementation, and so on)

    he intends to outlaw homeschooling for all children
    He also intends to step up control on private independent schools
    implementing a recent law that requires such schools to teach a ?common core?
    the right of parents as primary educators of their own children ? are increasingly being undermined
    It was already under Macron?s presidency that education became compulsory for tots of infant school age.
    Common Core = Agenda 21
    state propaganda applied practically from birth, as per by EU/UN documents/recommendations
    look out for keywords like these, also sustainability, sustainable development, equity, etc.

    Macron?s announcements were part of a series of measures aimed at fighting what he calls ?separatism,? a strange expression he uses to designate the aims of ?radical Islamists? who want to substitute the laws of the French Republic with sharia law.
    this is the 'manufactured enemy' that justifies implementing new dictatorial measures (a similar scenario like the manufactured Corona enemy or the 9/11 inside job that started the War on Terror, etc.)

    remember that it was Macron and his governmental predecessors who actively imported not only Muslims in general, but also radical Islamists (and most likely financed their foreign guerilla training camps, as well as their ISIS comrades in Syria), including radical religious teachers, as a way to insert a Trojan horse which will destabilize the country, pushing it to the brink of inter-religious wars, while at the same time obstructing moderate Islamic proponents which are interested in a peaceful coexistence and inter-religious dialogue

    there is a place for radical/fundamental religious practices, but they ought to be limited to personal or smaller congregational spiritual advancement attempts (an example would be life in secluded convents/monasteries in Christianity or the sannyasi renounced order of life in Hinduism), these are not advisable for the general public because the majority of the population is not ready or willing for a serious spiritual (self)discipline and it would be morally inappropriate to force people to accept unnecessarily stringent practices, especially in the current age of corruption (Kali-yuga) when it is naturally difficult to uphold moral integrity

    He quoted the example of a clandestine school where young Muslims were found in a plain, almost windowless room, taught by women in niqabs and learning mostly prayers and the Koran,
    Muslim societies are patriarchal, so this is probably fake
    Muslims actively learning prayers and the Koran is desirable (preferably under guidance of spiritually advanced individuals of their Faith, since they are able to properly understand, interpret the meaning of sacred scriptural verses and apply them in everyday life)

    while ?free schools? under contract with the state, which account for most of the official Catholic schools in France, are required to follow the public curriculum in exchange for having their teachers and professors paid for by public funds.
    as expected, the government doesn't just hand out money for free, it expects something in return

    In his lengthy speech, Macron set the debate by saying: ?The problem is this ideology, which asserts that its own laws are superior to those of the Republic. As I have often said, I am not asking any of our citizens to believe or not to believe, to believe a little, or moderately. That is not the business of the Republic. But I am asking every citizen, whatever his religion or absence of religion, to respect absolutely all the laws of the Republic.?
    no person, however competent, can absolutely follow a set of arbitrary laws and regulations, especially not in the current age of corruption
    obviously, God's laws are above any human laws (Res publica is a Latin phrase, loosely meaning 'public affair')

    The powers that be have repeatedly denied citizens the right to oppose these majority decisions, in particular by banning a wide range of actions aiming to prevent or discourage abortion.
    abortion = legalized murder (of unborn human children)

    Former president Jacques Chirac, who would later be echoed in more or less the same terms by Marine Le Pen, stated this very clearly: ?No to a moral law that would supersede the civil law.?
    the civil law is supposed to be compatible with moral laws and even derived from them, moral laws supersede all other laws both chronologically (more ancient) and authoritatively (divine authority)

    As luck would have it, it was only last Friday that an official government report showed that standards in mathematics in government and government-funded primary schools have plummeted between 2014 and 2019 in fifth grade.
    this is not a coincidence, people are intentionally dumbed-down - a NWO dictatorship does not want intellectually competent independent thinkers, it wants indoctrinated mindless slaves

    The numbers of homeschooled children are rising every year, as Macron noted in his speech; he is therefore going against the trend that clearly indicates what French parents want.
    thus it is not surprising that many French people are (or have been) out in the streets, protesting against governmental dictatorial measures (Yellow vests movement) and now they have yet another reason to protest (Corona Dictatorship measures)

    A number of these schools are Catholic, even though Islamic and Jewish and even secular independent schools do exist, and they often ?save? children from public schools
    this may also be seen as the result of the 'divide and conquer' tactics - public schools ought to be satisfactory for the majority of people, regardless of their political or religious views - if this is not the case, then the country is dysfunctional

    Macron said very clearly that the school of the Republic aims ?to protect children from religion.? You read that correctly. This is Masonic naturalism in its most recognizable form.
    agreed, freemasonry is at the root of such attempts

    It is truly the heart of the space of secularism, and it is this place where we form consciences so that children become free, rational citizens, able to choose their own lives.
    a rational person who bases their actions on false information will make the wrong decisions
    even irrational or ignorant persons are already able to choose their own lives (personal free will)

    secularism is misunderstood as a separation between religion and state - what it actually means can be explained with Vedic knowledge: it is the separation according to the caste or class system between the first two classes:

    - the top caste are the priestly class (brahmana) - they deal in religious/spiritual matters and knowledge, they are the teachers of the society
    - the 2nd caste are the warrior class (ksatriya) - they rule the country (kings, presidents, government, army, police, administrators, officials, etc.), according to the instructions of the priestly class
    - the 3rd caste are the merchants and farmers (vaisya), doing their respective duties according to the instructions of the priestly class
    - the 4rd caste are the workers (sudra), doing their respective duties according to the instructions of the priestly class
    - there are also others, or outcasts (out of a caste), which do not follow the caste system

    as you may notice, an equivalent of this system was somewhat functional but long degraded in Europe prior to the (masonic) French Revolution, which turned things upside down, the effects of which are visible until this day:
    - now the government is the apparent top class (although operating as puppets of the satanic deep state, which may be understood to be acting out a demonic usurpation of power, as the current state of affairs),
    - ordinary people of questionable morality are teachers of various kinds of knowledge,
    - ordinary people vote for their representatives of questionable morality (politicians),
    - the system is called a democracy (rule of the people, from Greek: demos 'people' and kratos 'rule'), or sometimes a Republic (Res publica is a Latin phrase, loosely meaning 'public affair'),
    - the main promoted ideology is secular humanism (built around arbitrary ideas by philosophers of questionable morality),
    - the tools of advancement are found in materialistic science (which can only deliver theories and is run by scientists of questionable morality) and
    - religion is shoved aside as something undesirable/anachronistic/outdated or secondary at best, even though it ought to be primary according to God's laws

    another thing to notice is that marxist/socialist/communist revolutions were all formally against class systems, however, when they came to power they established at least two classes: the rulers (Communist Party) and the ruled (everyone else, the proletariat, which factually have no private property), in addition to being atheist and fiercely opposed to religions, so much so that they often massacred members of the priestly class when having the opportunity - also, they mobilized the lowest of classes (mostly workers and some farmers, symbolized by the hammer and sickle) to achieve their goals

    freemasons are formally religious, but their higher levels are openly satanic or luciferian, which means they are adversaries to religions and the priestly class

    smaller or larger occult secret societies are usually also satanic or luciferian or deal in demonic activities, which means they are adversaries to religions and the priestly class

    zionists are openly satanic/demonic, their perverted priestly class follows the Talmud (built around arbitrary ideas by their corrupt leaders), which means they are adversaries to religions and the priestly class, and against all other people of the world (which are regarded as their slaves and cattle to be used and abused as desired)

    the deep state is composed mostly of people from the above mentioned groups and like-minded individuals, which share the common idea of wanting to establish their rule over the whole world and to destroy any opposition to their plans, with tentacles spreading all over the governmental and corporate sphere, pushing the current globalist/internationalist idea, technocracy, the NWO, the one world government, one world religion, etc.

    in other words, unworthy people are making decisions about the direction of societal development and as expected, they are destroying the societies, as well as the environment, as well as other living beings in their blind pursuit of power and control

    obviously, such people cannot give freedom, not even in the materialistic sense, let alone spiritual freedom
    Last edited by slikrapid; 10.10.20 at 14:40. Reason: txt formatting

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    Hello former members and welcome back!

    This site was created as a response to disappearing in August 2020.

    Our forum at is run as a community-project by several members of the old forum, including myself.

    The goal of this new forum is to provide a place to continue where we left off before went down. brought together like-minded people with awareness about the world we live in, and losing the community would be a tragedy.

    What happened to

    No one knows why the forum disappeared. On 8/21 the forum vanished, as the domain got redirected to the version of The redirect is still active as of now. There are some speculations as to what happened, but nothing substantial.

    After years of research and collaboration, most of the knowledge has been lost. We don't know whether will come back online, because KorbenDallas has also deleted all social media accounts and doesn't react to e-mails.

    Who is behind

    Everyone who is part of the team can be found here: Staff members

    What happens next?

    We are currently working on rescuing as much as possible from the old content on and bring it into this forum. Thanks to @KeeperOfTheKnowledge and @Maxine we have two relatively big archives to work with, in addition to the online-archive at - from these three archives we are trying to extract most of the original posts and make them available here.

    When that task is finished, we will open the forum up for discussions. Until then, you can't start any threads.

    Even though the forum is technically online, it will take some time to get everything ready and fully functional behind the scenes. We have been working on this for no more than a week, and it's an enormous amount of work.

    What's the difference between and

    We try to keep the forum experience as close as possible to the old forum.

    Some changes we are currently working on:
    We will offer regular (for example, monthly) backups of the forum content (threads, images, videos, etc.) to the community. The exact technical implementation is still up for debate, but we will keep you informed about the developments. With these backups, we will make sure that the content lives on independently of Currently, the best idea seems to be to archive the forum weekly or monthly with a tool like archivebox and provide the archive to members. That way it is in a readable format, so the archived sites can be opened in the browser and read in the same way as this website, but offline and locally.
    In addition to images we will also self-host important videos that are in danger of being deleted from youtube and other sources. These videos will probably be part of the above automated backups.
    Users can delete their own accounts. When you delete your account, your entire personal data (email-address, password, personal info) will be permanently deleted. This is already possible. If you wish to delete your account, click on your profile -> Delete Account. You will have a time period of 2 weeks in which you can re-activate your account by simply logging in. If you don't log in for two weeks, your account will be permanently deleted with no way to recover it. You will not be able to register anew with your old username. Your posts and threads will not be deleted.

    This forum is run with the goal of providing knowledge and resources in relation to the topic of the buried history of mankind. The primary purpose is to search for and re-discover our true past and bring together those who are seeking truth in this world of lies. It will stay non-commercial.

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    Quote Originally Posted by
    This forum is run with the goal of providing knowledge and resources in relation to the topic of the buried history of mankind. The primary purpose is to search for and re-discover our true past and bring together those who are seeking truth in this world of lies.
    our true ancient past has already been written in sacred scripture like the Bible, the Koran and most importantly, the Vedas, which stretch at least all the way back to the times of Creation

    unfortunately, nowadays this knowledge has been replaced with modern so-called scientific speculations and theories about ancient civilizations, the origin of the Earth, the Universe and so on - practically all our history beyond the so-called early civilizations of this current era (Sumerian, Egyptian, etc.) is vague and unknown to the established mainstream history - the current historic narrative is controlled by freemasonry roughly since the days of the French Revolution, which means practically all mainstream history and education books have been harmonized to follow what is approved by these secret societies (for example, the approved theories include the theory of evolution, Big Bang, out of Africa, cavemen, ape ancestors, etc.), while other information is being actively suppressed through censorship, lack of funding for unacceptable projects, controlled education, controlled media, controlled science; marginalized and ridiculed as conspiracy theories or religious fantasies and the like - ancient timelines have been distorted to fit current theories (for example Egyptian pyramids are falsely attributed to recent pharaoh dynasties just to fit the approved timeline) - as expected, suppressing the truth continues up to this day concerning much more recent events like WW2, 9/11, actual causes of recent wars, assassinations (like JFK), so-called moon landings and space exploration; the history of pharma, vaccinations, NWO and in many, many other areas

    other problems that plague all independent research are insufficient data, especially concerning the ancient past or regarding controversial subjects (evidence destroyed or kept away from the public, like Top Secret material, or artifacts hidden away in museum basements, like the Smithsonian) - then there is a common human tendency to speculate and manufacture theories, thus necessarily making erroneous conclusions - then there is also the problem of infiltration, manipulation, propaganda and counterintelligence efforts, where fake (like the flat earth society) or controlled sites (like Wikipedia) are being erected and maintained, where groups (like paid trolls and disinfo agents) are being formed for the sole purpose of spreading false information, to discredit the topic or any genuine researchers, to stifle interest among the general public and so on

    another major difficulty is that generally people of this era are prone to corruption and sinfulness, in all segments of the society, which is why it is called the age of quarrel and corruption - this is a predetermined predominant characteristic of this era (aka the Kali Yuga) and as such it cannot be completely cancelled (aka the devil never sleeps), however it can be avoided by individual (and group) efforts to keep a certain, high level of spiritual and moral/ethical discipline and thus create a positive atmosphere in the society which would be conductive to choosing virtuous behavior (like truthfulness) as opposed to sinful habits and actions (like lies) - this is why it is important for a society to support and maintain healthy and trustworthy religious organizations, which would continue to maintain and preserve important knowledge (sacred scriptures), guiding and inspiring people through own example in keeping morality and spirituality at the center of their daily lives, as guarantees of happy and prosperous societies, of sane and virtuous leaders, of a healthy relationship between humans in general, as well as between humans and other living beings (plants, animals) and the environment/nature


    the 'Crimes against Humanity' video posted above has been deleted (censored) by Youtube, but the spanish subbed version has the original english audio:

    Dr. Reiner Fuellmich - Crimes against Humanity

    Last edited by slikrapid; 24.10.20 at 16:13.

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