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    Rockefeller document from 2010 with details on using a global pandemic to usher in global authoritarianism

    Last edited by H265; 09.04.20 at 08:38.

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  3. #152

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    Do you also believe that the earth is flat?

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    The Greatest Depression video

    we are witnessing how artificial economic crises are manufactured - use a (artificially manufactured) global pandemic to halt parts of the economy resulting with a domino effect affecting the whole economy

    Quote Originally Posted by Corbett
    FED reserve requirement ratios reduced to zero...bailout programs
    as if the previous 10% was not already a low reserve requirement - now they can lend whatever amount of money they want, expect a huge financial bubble, huge national debt and another crisis waiting to happen or to be artificially unleashed as needed

    although providing good info, Corbett once again speaks only of government and banksters being involved in what he calls the controlled demolition of the economy, however not a word is mentioned about masonry, zionists or the occult deep state

    at the end he offers some solutions for the situation, but these are all? based on alternative marginal lifestyle ideas in small local communities - the question is how are these communities going to survive when the mainstream oligarchy decides to wipe them out or forcibly move them into mega-cities; in other words, without a certain amount of control over the political decisions being made in a country (ie. political power), these communities wouldn't be safe from intrusion

    solutions mentioned:

    decentralization of everything (currencies, food production, energy)
    how about simultaneous decentralization (private production, off-grid) & centralization (public needs, grid) - if one breaks, the other can take over the supply until repairs are done; another possibility is using backup systems (normal heating with gas, backup heating using wood or vice versa)

    we already have decentralized currencies, country currencies, no need to invent new ones, which may create confusion - the problem with current currencies is that their value is variable (they can be manipulated into worthlessness), the so-called central national banks are not independent (they are dependent on international bank loans to be able to distribute new money, but always via new debt) - so the solution here is centralized monetary sovereignty with a stable currency, protected by the independent government - of course, such government has to protect its population, not exploit or enslave them - in a way, that would be like bringing back sovereignty into the hands of a particular country

    we already have decentralized food production (small/medium/large entrepreneurs, farms, gardens) - what they need is assistance and protection by their own governments

    decentralized energy panels
    good idea in general, but what kind of energy, what kind of equipment, who produces the equipment, what are the advantages/disadvantages, etc.

    for example, the globalists are pushing for solar panels, but if you don't have sovereignty over the sky above the panels, they can use chemtrails & HAARP to ruin weather conditions, affecting solar energy production of wide areas - similarly, such artificially distorted weather cycles have adverse effects on agriculture, forcing you to import agricultural goods, increasing dependence on imports, usually in the hands of multinational corporations, ready to flood the market with cheap, unhealthy, possibly GMO food

    guerilla gardening
    illegal gardening means that the government can legally destroy all their efforts, if so desired

    farmers markets
    good idea, food & water sovereignty is very important for a country, especially since there are some predictions speaking of future fighting over the ownership of water supplies; predictions of widespread famine and the like; in other words: if you can, grow your own food and dig your own well

    alternative physical currencies
    they can work locally, but there is the problem of who controls them and there is no connection to medical or pension funds

    prone to manipulation, useless waste of energy (mining), unclear encryption safety

    precious metals trading
    for example, Russia has been creating gold/silver reserves for some time now, preparing for future crises - gold can work as an alternative to money but it may also increase criminal activity

    building communities
    sure, but this does not solve the problem of a corrupt government simply seizing or destroying community property, shutting them down with force, under some invented pretext, aided by corrupt media lies

    freedom cells
    the disadvantage is that this helps the divide and conquer tactics, connected to any decentralized system; also, who controls the cells, there is a possibility of other objectives (sleeper cells)

    another important topic is morality - you can build the best system, but if people are corrupt, they will destroy it eventually - aka 'pearls before swine' problem

    another very important topic is religion/spirituality - a society whose leaders have low spiritual realization ends up in degradation and destruction, due to the disproportionate attachment to materialistic objects - an example in modern times is the destruction of communist/socialist/marxist countries established after bolshevik revolutions (marxism is basically atheistic materialism), which were financed by the globalists - furthermore, ancient civilizations as well as ancient religions (pagans, animalists,...) declined due to a decline in spirituality - in other words, for example, if a Christian country wants to avoid decline, it needs to strengthen Christianity and Christian values - interestingly, the globalists are intensely working on destroying or weakening established religions and creating an artificially concocted one world religion as the official religion of the NWO

    other solutions on a larger scale:
    - boycotting the majority of globalist-owned products (filesharing all their digital media as opposed to buying; farmer food as opposed to shopping mall food; boycotting slave labor products, boycotting holywood entertainment and the related companies), discriminating between globalist and non-globalist shareholders, not doing any business whatsoever with globalist (or globalist owned) companies, shutting down bailout programs, large peaceful protests, high level of tolerance to provocations, avoiding wars (historically, the deep state has always had great success during wartime, steering and financing both sides of a conflict)
    - creating groups or alliances of independent, sovereign countries with similar interests, helping each other when needed, thus countering the negative influence of countries or agent cells controlled by the internationalist deep state - an example would be: a sovereign Russia (paid off her debts to the banksters) with a strong leader (Putin), taking care of traditional values (orthodox Christianity), helping out another sovereign country (Syria) when facing CIA (deep state assets) funded insurgent (ISIL) cells infiltrating and occupying the country aided by the pre-Trump USA government
    - other examples would be Orban in Hungary, the Central European Visegrad alliance within the EU, the BRICS alliance, sovereignty movements in Europe (Germany, France, etc.) and to an extent even things like: Brexit in the UK and Trump's 'America first' in USA
    - a multi-polar world means less power in the hands of the globalists, unless they manage to infiltrate and take over these powerful countries or use clever moves to steer them into mutual conflicts/wars (what happened in WWI & WWII), weaken them and then dictate conditions of surrender to the emerging NWO
    - supporting trustworthy NGO's, independent alternative media, sovereign government media, patriotic political parties, honest/just courts, religious guidance (morality & spirituality), inter-religious dialogue (a way to avoid inter-religious wars); solidarity between people (rich helping the poor, shelters for the homeless, public kitchens), promoting human independence (not depending on government handouts, but still keeping a functional governmental system),...

    many of these require relevant political power to make sure no adverse laws are passed, no harassment of the population occurs, no external or internal subversion gets out of hand

    Look who's coming to the rescue video

    as a side note, the video contains a short smear campaign claim against India's prime minister Narendra Modi, calling him a dictator and showing a Guardian article claiming guilt in an incident where some Muslims got killed - looks like the people who made the video were trying to gather evidence against Bill Gates and while doing so used an article without researching its truthfulness

    anyways, Modi is a pain in the neck of the globalists due to refusing to reduce India's coal industy and replace it with solar energy solutions offered by the globalist companies, which was mentioned some time ago:

    Quote Originally Posted by slik
    such weather control can be used to blackmail and force stubborn countries into cooperation (through manufacturing disasters, famine, riots, government takeover by subversive groups) - a hint of this can be seen in the globalist sponsored documentary by Al Gore called: An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power (2017), where India has been shown to be stubborn in accepting globalist proposals, where the documentary shows superimposed images of floods conveniently appearing as needed, to convince by stick, what was not doable by carrot (carrot and stick method)
    also, India is a part of the BRICS initiative, forming economic competition to the globalist owned USA/UK

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    H265 (11.04.20)

  6. #154

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    Quote Originally Posted by gnr
    Do you also believe that the earth is flat?
    - even the mainstream scientific community cannot agree on the actual shape of the Earth: is it spherical, spheroid, like a potato or does it change shape while traveling at ridiculous speeds through space
    - all images of the Earth are either CGI or composite images or illustrations/drawings, there is no genuine photo of the entire Earth surface (the famous Blue Marble was shown to be a composite, as admitted by the author himself)
    - NASA has been caught lying so many times that their claims may be considered not trustworthy, to put it mildly
    - in other words, mainstream science does not know the shape of the Earth, so they resort to theories which the public takes for granted, as knowledge, which ends up filling educational books throughout the world
    - interestingly, there is not even a genuine photo of the whole Antarctic area, which may be connected to the Antarctic Treaty, banning free/independent expeditions deeper into Antarctic territory

    relatively recently there is a flat Earth movement going on, challenging mainstream conceptions about the shape of the Earth - even though some of their examples are quite convincing, so much so that debunking sites were erected to try to counter their claims; unfortunately, no clear Earth shape model was devised, apart from a few conceptional elements (flat, North at the center, South Antarctic round/circular ring, etc.) - the problem here is that most of these 'flat Earth' people are simply enthusiasts, lacking scientific training/experience/research/funding, unlike the mainstream machinery employing thousands of people

    however, there are other options as well - ancient civilizations have all had some idea about the shape of the Earth - interestingly, these can have numerous similarities, which shows similar understanding - also, some of these are coming from sacred/holy literature, which means they are regarded as divinely revealed knowledge, devoid of error - unlike mainstream theories or alternative challenging theories, which by definition (Popper) have to remain theories, no matter how convincing they may be

    so for example, the Christian/Abrahamic answer would be that the Earth is round, with a dome above the surface, located in a geocentric universe, having an immovable position (sacred dogma, as revealed in the OT of the Bible)

    another explanation (my personal favorite) comes from Vedic knowledge (also considered sacred/revealed), according to which what we nowadays call 'Earth' is only a small isolated part of a huge land mass shaped as a round island of around 800,000 miles in diameter, called Jambhudvipa, which then connects further into a series of concentric oceans and islands, located in an egg-shaped universe, etc.; which is much larger and more complicated than what is currently known or theorized about regarding the Earth - interestingly, this explanation is generally consistent with the Christian one, although they may differ in the details or what kind of information is mentioned

  7. Who Said Thanks:

    steklolKa (01.05.20) , H265 (11.04.20)

  8. #155
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    April 26 2020

    New Normal: Pandemic Police State

    All of the politicians and medical "experts" seem to be reading from the exact same script: "This is the new normal, and it won't end until we have a vaccine."

    Something profoundly sinister is unfolding across the entire planet, using the pandemic as justification for its fruition.

    We are being told that we must accept a "new normal" that includes drastic restrictions of our civil liberties. We are being told that we must accept this state of affairs indefinitely, until a vaccine is developed. Now they are even saying that naturally developed immunity to the virus is insufficient.

    Our consciousness and material reality are being altered, reconfigured via a matrix of fear and confusion.

    The entire world has been mind controlled by flashing images on glowing screens to not only self-police themselves into maintaining an arbitrary distance from other human beings, but to accept autonomous supervision networks that enforce this "new normal".

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    alpacino (04.05.20) , slikrapid (01.05.20)

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    Part 1 of 3

    Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD about: COVID-19 masks, pandemia, vaccines and transmitting disease.

    update1: This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines.
    update2: Alternative link found

    Quote Originally Posted by youtube, Dr Judy A Mikovits Biography
    Dr. Judy A. Mikovits earned her BA in chemistry with a specialization in biology from the University of Virginia in 1980 and her PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology from George Washington University in 1992. In her 35-year quest to understand and treat chronic diseases, she has co-authored seminal papers culminating at least a decade of research in each of four fields: immunology, natural products chemistry, epigenetics, and HIV/AIDs drug development. In 2006, she became attracted to the plight of families with neuroimmune diseases including ME/CFS and autism. Dr. Mikovits has been primarily responsible for demonstrating the relationship between environmentally acquired immune dysfunction, chronic inflammation, and these diseases.

    Dr. Mikovits has published more than 50 peer-reviewed articles, many in the world’s top medical journals and she has been profiled in Discover magazine as well as the Wall Street Journal and The New York Times. Her pioneering work during her 20-year career at the National Cancer Institute includes the discovery of the modulation of DNA methylation machinery by human retro viral infection and the development of the concept of inflammatory cytokines and chemokine signatures of infection and disease, which was first published in 1999, when she directed the Laboratory of Antiviral Drug Mechanisms in developing therapeutics and diagnostics for HIV/AIDS and AIDS associated malignancies.

    These are all therapies that are still the standard of care twenty-five years later and credited with saving millions of deaths from HIV/AIDS.

    from the video:

    - its not the genetics of a person, but the dis-regulation of gene expression that contributes to a disease
    - you can be infected with the Corona virus without getting the disease, which means you have immunity, which can be helpful to others

    - zoonosis - a virus symbiotically, comfortably living inside an animal host (eg. in bats), when they jump species, they can cause devastating disease (eg. in humans)
    - in HIV it was a monkey virus that jumped to humans
    - with Coronavirus it comes from bats, but usually the differences between bat and human immune systems are so great that the jump cannot occur directly, but rather through an intermediary animal host, like a Civet (type of monkey) in order to attenuate the virus, in order to teach it to infect an immune system that is closer to humans - thus the theory about a bat virus jumping from uncooked food from a sea food restaurant in Wuhan, China jumping into humans makes no sense
    - the intermediate in all recent pandemics was not a small animal, it was an animal cell line or animal tissue repeatedly grown in labs

    - in 1999 she worked at USAMRIID (US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases) in Fort Detrick, Maryland; right next to the National Cancer Institute - there she taught the Ebola Virus, a highly pathogenic strain, to infect human cells without killing them, because you cannot study a virus without growing a sufficient amount of virus cells - Ebola was destroying the cells very quickly, which cannot be studied if it happens too fast - her entire career was animal and human tissue culture, growing various cancers in the lab in order to study their behavior, development, effects on the immune system - you literally keep feeding the virus more cells until one day a cell doesn't die, then you can grow that cell perpetually using lab techniques - then they compared the Ebola Zaire strain (pathogenic) with the the Ebola Reston, West Virginia strain (she comments ironically: how did they have an Ebola virus strain in USA?, which is a similar situation to Wuhan where there was a lab researching Corona strains, near those aforementioned sea food markets) - so they infected human cells separately with each Ebola strain: pathogenic original (from Africa) and non-pathogenic (from cells that survived in the lab experiment) - they saw an inflammatory signature of the disease - if you, the infected individual, do not have this inflammatory signature, it means you are immune to it, no matter how much Coronavirus is in your body, you won't get sick, you have an immune response, antibodies (alpha interferon that suppresses the virus)
    - she claims that the virus jumping from one uncooked bat soup from a Chinese market to 110 countries in the world points to a non-ingested virus, it points to an injected virus

    - if you have received Flu vaccine shots (Influenza), you may be more susceptible to the Corona virus (viral interference)
    - there is a 2015 Nature magazine article where a bio-engineered bat virus steers debate over risky research

    - viral interference means that in some cases the immune response to Influenza can actually help to have a good response to other families of viruses, but in the case of 2017/18 in the military, who were mandated to get these shots, they studied viral interference, showing that it promoted Coronavirus infection by 36%, so if you had an Influenza shot in 2017/18 you were 36% more likely to get the Coronavirus as well - there are other studies with other Influenza viruses, whether inactivated or recombinant, that showed where people who got vaccines, not only Influenza vaccines, were 4.4 times more likely (especially children) to get the disease, to have the powerful immune response, that flame which cannot be controlled, that promoted the disease
    - between 2013 and 2017 it was outlawed in USA for institutions to do the 'Gain of Function studies', which is to artificially teach viruses to infect human cells, because it was too risky research - the problem is that these modified cell lines/tissue are shipped all over the world, using them in manufacturing many biological therapies, most prominently vaccines - the cell lines mentioned in the 2015 Nature article were called viral monkey kidney cells, the same cell line from which HIV/AIDS evolved from SIV - there were numerous reports on HIV sequences - you can get recombinant activity in the cell line when you infect it with another virus, when several or many different viruses are expressed, they can recombine and cause a very much more dangerous unattenuated virus in the vaccine
    - scientists grow 100s of liters of these cell lines at a time, they are saved and used to manufacture therapies but they can also be released from laboratories, thus in such a way they have acquired means to spread artificially which would not have happened naturally

    - every time you culture a virus you change it, and we don't know what these changes are, we don't know what will evolve, what dormant virus may be activated when you infect the viral monkey kidney cell line with SARS1 and allow it to Gain Function - its not really engineering because we have no idea what is going on in the lab, what will happen, which is why it was outlawed, but the ban was lifted in 2017 by Francis Collins - the NIAID [National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases] under Tony Fauchi funded these studies in Wuhan with the University of North Carolina with a Harvard researcher where cell lines were sent between labs via mail, via researchers
    - the Coronavirus is not more than a severe cough, it is implausible that it is passing from human to human by healthy humans coughing, it is far more plausible that it is being injected
    - every vaccine carrying animal cells; Pediarix with viral monkey kidney cells is given to infants; the Flu vaccine - in bird, Avian cells carry Coronaviruses and many other viruses, including retroviruses like HIV; the new Flu vaccine in Italy had 4 Influenza strains including H1N1 which was grown in Madin-Darby Canine Kidney cells (dog cells)
    - dogs carry Coronaviruses, cats have infectious transmissible Coronaviruses
    - the Coronavirus did not spread to a 110 countries from a sea food market in China starting at around Dec 2019, it is plausible and probable that it has been in every Flu vaccine since 2013-2015 when this work was illegally done - the Flu vaccines are driving the infection

    - she objects to wearing masks because if you are carrying injected viruses, you are under stress while wearing the mask, that fear that they have driven into us and things like not having a job, can activate these dormant viruses in your body, so you are actually reinfecting your body over and over again by wearing the mask, you're making yourself sick - especially those with Asthma, with COPD [Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease], those living in pollution, these are all co-factors in developing the disease, wearing a mask will kill more people
    - virus is not coughed through the air from healthy people, who are almost certainly immune as they have almost certanly been infected over the last 4-5 years

    - the 1918 Flu (aka the Spanish Flu) originated at Fort Riley military base, just after an experimental bacterial Meningitis vaccine, put together by the Rockefeller Institute
    - the Coronavirus is more contagious [infection], but not more pathogenic [causing disease], it does spread from person to person; it is not a retrovirus, it is a different RNA virus

    - Dr. Theresa Deisher talks about insertional mutagenesis, if you examine the umbilical chord blood of a child that gets later diagnosed with Autism, the mutations are not in the chord blood, they came later - that would be from the aborted fetal cell lines [used in preparing vaccines] that have DNA fragments taken up by the stem cells causing the insertional mutagenesis
    - when all that DNA is inserted into an individual, you change their susceptibility to other things because their immune system gets crippled, dysfunctional and the fire is always on, so people most likely to get a severe disease from this Coronavirus are the vaccine injured people because they are immune compromised
    - healthy people who do not get a severe disease means that they have most certainly made antibodies to the virus and they were likely infected years ago, at least within the last 3 years - they (and even people who are recovering) will make neutralizing antibodies that prevent further infections and non-neutralizing antibodies that prevent you from getting as severe a disease if infected or exposed again
    - the pandemic is being misrepresented as if the viruses float through the air - they don't float through the air, they don't survive on surfaces (Coronaviruses survive not much more than an hour) - wiping down your groceries is ridiculous - we have God given immune systems and unless we have been severely vaccine injured or crippled by toxins in our environment, we won't have a serious disease, we will develop herd immunity and anybody demonstrating antibodies right now should be allowed to go to work, we don't need a vaccine forced on our world if we are already immune
    - healthy people don't make people sick, healthy people don't express these viruses
    - she will not wear a mask because she has been infected in a lab by the Murine leukemia retrovirus causing Autism and if she would wear a mask, she would simply reinfect herself and explode her dormant, quiescent immune controlled retroviruses and then she would become ill, the last thing she would do is wear a mask


    - 4 common Cold Coronaviruses are giving the false positives in testing results

    there are 2 tests being done right now:
    - PCR test (showing false positives) - the reagents used in PCR have been contaminated worldwide - doing a nasal or throat swab does not reflect exposure - any microbial sequence can be extracted from one's throat - if you get infected by a virus, you will make antibodies, unless you are immune compromised, having an immune deficiency
    - serological test: IGG shows it is a past exposure (strong antibody, you're immune), an IGM shows a recent infection
    both tests should be used to confirm a positive infection - but infection does not equal disease - inflammatory cytokine signature from a simple blood test should also be done - in all the virology research (incl. HIV/AIDS) she has done in the last 40 years you always do confirmatory tests, at least two tests

    - none of our vaccines prevent infection, they don't contain neutralizing antibodies - the question is do they develop a strong enough immune response so that the disease is lessened, which is at the heart of vaccinology science
    - the current misrepresentation states that: IGM shows earlier infection and IGG stages of disease which is FALSE
    - the current misrepresentation states that: the Coronavirus is a super-virus, even though it is a NOTHING to healthy people
    - people get infected with viruses all the time because viruses are everywhere - every animal has Coronaviruses and more than one (family of viruses)
    - infection DOES NOT EQUAL disease
    - a chest x-ray DOES NOT SHOW infection, microbial sequences in your nose or throat DO NOT SHOW infection, walking into a clinic with a cough and dying DOES NOT SHOW a Coronavirus death
    - there is another agenda at work, namely taking away personal freedoms, making people wearing masks, why are public bathrooms/restaurants being closed
    - if you're sick, stay at home, rest, eat chicken soup, get vitamin C, zinc, hot lemon water, etc. and you'll be fine
    - this is a plague of corruption intended to take away constitutional, religious and other freedoms from people, since 1986 when all liability has been removed from vaccine manufactures

    - which vaccine to take? with live viruses (nasal spray) or inactivated? it does not matter (BOTH ARE BAD)
    - the vaccines for SARS (2001 or 2002) and MERS have not been successful and there are no successful ones 18 years later, the vaccines used have actually caused far more aggressive lung disease and lung fibrosis
    - in 40 years there is no successful, safe or efficient vaccine for HIV or retroviruses... do you think that there is going to be any better vaccine now?
    - she won't let anyone come anywhere near injecting her with anything they [the vaccine manufacturers] make
    - we don't need a vaccine, all we have to do is have a healthy immune system
    - those who are immune (healthy) have made antibodies - all we have to do is take that and give it to the susceptible, we do it all the time in medicine (therapy)
    - the reporter herself is unvaccinated and has 4 unvaccinated children

    - she and her team published in the journal 'Science' the isolation of a new family of human retroviruses called XMRV's [Xenotropic Murine Leukemia-Related Virus], related to xenotropic murine (mouse) leukemia (cancer) causing viruses, causing the disease called myalgic encephalomyelitis (inflamation of the spinal cord and brain), which the USA CDC dubbed chronic fatigue syndrome (to stigmatize the sufferers) - the paper showed the isolation of several strains of the virus and a strong associacion with the disease, but the journal 'Science' would not allow to say 'strong' even though that is what the results showed - between 2009 and 2011 the data became stronger that there were many mouse related cancer viruses, neurological disease causing viruses (like: Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Autism, Lupus, autoimmune diseases, OCD,...) - there were at least 32 diseases and many cancers associated with this family of viruses - a colleague from the HIV research published an opinion article that the most likely way mouse viruses jump via zoonosis into humans was by biological therapies and the most prominent of which in the last 30 years had been vaccination - mice are used in lab research, the blood supplies were heavily contaminated, more than 25 million Americans were infected, carrying these mouse related cancer causing viruses, being basically ticking time bombs for developing cancer and all the related diseases occurring in that patient population - this was 25 times more than HIV/AIDS in the country (1 million Americans at the time in 1991)
    - a large confirmatory or replication study was ordered at Columbia University, but they did not intend to use real patients fitting the criteria, except for one of the groups coming from Stanford, the epicenter of HIV/AIDS and myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS)
    - she was not allowed by Tony Fauchi (director of the project) to come into the lab to do that study (even though she worked there for almost 22 years) at the National Cancer Institute, or else she would be arrested, she had to agree that the study was fair - then against all odds, basically doing virology by phone, as she was giving instructions to researchers via the phone, they managed to get the right answers from that Stanford group of patients - the study was at that point forcefully stopped by Tony Fauchi and statistics were used to cover up the results, they did not want to allow results which show that vaccines cause cancer, Autism, ME/CFS, that vaccines cause the evolution of more virulent strains of cancer causing viruses, that they are directly injecting in infants and old people
    - this Coronavirus COVID-19 is a big cover-up of a bigger problem - 2000 people per day die from cancer in USA - in 2009 she and her team described infectious transmissible cancer and Tony Fauchi made it all go away

    - SV-40 (simian virus 40) was another cancer causing virus that was spreading/transmitted throughout the human population with the polio vaccine, causing Mesothelioma and lung cancers - people were told these diseases are only caused by smoking or asbestos exposure yet even non-smokers or people with no asbestos exposure were getting the cancers, dying very young
    - she has had the smallpox, polio vaccine in the 1960s - the vaccines were not nearly as dirty back then as they are now, the number of vaccinations were much lower, especially since the liability was removed from pharma companies or anyone giving vaccines - now vaccines can be made with no safety tests, no liability and still make tons of money
    - as shown by the Children's Defense Fund and ICAN organization, the government has admitted no safety tests were made on the schedule, placebo controlled tests did not happen with any of the vaccines on the vaccination schedule and won't because there is no liability (since 1986, under Reagan, when lobbies used the excuse that vaccines are inherently unsafe and that otherwise no vaccines could be made, unless the no liability law is passed) - at the time the DTP vaccine had whole cell DNA protein debris in it, literally killing children or causing lifelong seizures and disease

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    Part 2 of 3

    - with natural products, Type-1 Interferon, healthy diets, medical cannabis, energetic/magnetic therapies, etc. the virus can be kept quiet - don't eat GMO (vaccines can also be considered GMO), don't allow ever again another injection because any one can activate to the point that the immune firestorm response cannot be silenced, which causes death - elderly with additional diseases are susceptible here
    - vitamin C, whole food recommended
    - anti-malarial drugs (used against Ebola), anti retro-viral drugs can be used to recover lost functions (kids with Autism got their voice back and eye contact, but Monsanto/Bayer stopped this drug called Suramin in 2015 as soon as the Autism effects study was published)
    - USA FDA needs to be closed, it is a criminal organization, banning useful drugs, not using validated tests, they were against Trump when he had the right propositions
    - find out who is immune, transfer the antibodies to the sick, use herd immunity knowledge, no need to lock down the world or an entire nation
    - this is an agenda that goes far beyond an infection, we already have the knowledge to avoid these cancers or associated neurological diseases
    - a batch of Type-1 Interferon at a very low cost of 50 cents per dose could have protected a 1000 elderly susceptible people for a week, but go figure, the pharma company Merck stopped selling these, so millions of people are denied useful drugs, many are kept in isolation away from sunlight (no vitamin D for them) or noise for many (30) years

    - 80k people died from Influenza in 2019 according to the CDC (only 1k out of those tested as Influenza positive), in recent years there is a lot of talk about Influenza/Flu vaccines not working, many positive tests on Influenza, but nowadays there is a silence about Influenza, so they just changed Flu to Covid-19, this year its like oh, lets just call everything COVID-19
    - vaccine injury causes reactive airway disease, in an immune compromised person vaccines cause inflammatory immune response which kill them

    - the CDC's vaccine excipient lists [an inactive substance that serves as the vehicle or medium for a drug or other active substance] have been modified at the beginning of 2019, animal tissue cells have been removed from the list
    - it was shown that vaccines do not cause only local reactions [area of vaccination in the body], as previously claimed
    - for dozens of cases it was shown in detail with molecular data that these adventitious agents picked up from the tissue culture (animal tissues, human aborted fetal cells) can cause cytokine storms, the accelerated evolution of a more pathogenic strain that no one notices until it kills a lot of people - which was admitted on the RotaTeq vaccine in the excipient list of 2012-2015, where it says porcine ( Coronaviruses), retroviruses; which is given to a 2-month old
    - the CDC simply took the animal cell lines (like calf serum, cow blood, Madin-Darby Canine Kidney cells, WI-38 Aborted Fetal Cell Line tissues) out of the excipient list; these are still given as package inserts to the doctors, who rarely read those, the vaccine recipients are never given these inserts nor are they given informed consent explaining the dangers involved in vaccination - the interviewer commented the possibility that the inserts may be censored in the future

    - there is a rise, an explosion in chronic disease, 1 in 36 children are now autistic in USA
    - there was HIV/AIDS in the 20th century, now in the 21st century AIDS is driven by the bacterial and viral contaminants
    - the rise in: Lime disease, Borrelia, Babesia,... - cells are cultured in antibiotics, driving the dis-regulation of the microbiota in the gut, the excipients contain antibiotics, so you are injecting newborns with antibiotics
    - then there is rise in food allergies, Asthma,...
    - vaccine shots have more garbage in them, like Aluminum, Mercury (neurotoxic and immunotoxic agents), polysorbate-80 (detergent, breaks up the blood-brain barrier),...
    - some vaccines are administered nasally (you want to breathe in clean air, not viruses)
    - you have no idea what happens when injecting under the skin because you bypass the immune system - skin, gut, nasal cavity enzymes that normally break down microbial sequences and viruses before they get to the immune system - all that in a newborn, who cannot detox them, whose liver or kidneys are not yet developed or injecting in an old person with comorbidities (people already on heavy medication)
    - we created this explosion of chronic disease, we maimed our entire culture, cancer appearing in ever younger people and all the medical establishment says is: better methods of detection [useless], we couldn't see it before [not true] - this is a crime against humanity, this pandemic and COVID-19 fraud against humanity
    - people will wake up and see that by staying in our houses, we are able to eat healthy food, we can refuse to let anyone take away our rights anymore, our religious freedoms (to go to church), being forced to be injected (or else you don't go to school or cannot get a job) - if we as people don't stand up and say NO MORE! - it is consent, consent, consent; not mandated, not fear

    - they want mass vaccination, billions of vaccines, 50$ per vaccine, this could go on year after year (recurring pandemics)
    - the killed (not the live one) vaccine was shown in Africa to cause 5-10 fold higher risk of all-cause mortality

    - [reporter comment:] 26k scientists have signed a petition against 5G for the potential health effects
    - 5G energy can activate viruses because viruses are also electrical (charged signaling system in the body) and thus also can activate viral associated disease
    - viral infections can be driven by concentrated energy like 5G, especially with Aluminum (chem-trails also contain Aluminum particles)

    - the immune system distinguishes own from foreign biological material - this gets disrupted/dis-regulated with every single injection in a newborn, before the immune system and gut or brain cells microbiota/microbiome is fully developed, the biggest crime is injecting foreign cells at birth - why would you give Hepatitis-B vaccine with Aluminum and keep doing it to get cumulative effects - it is amazing how our bodies are functioning at all with what is being injected in a child before they are 3 years old
    - the vaccines are driving the pandemics, we have to bring back natural medicines and older medicines, combined with other natural products in order to restore health
    - 'better in this day and age to know your farmer [food] than your doctor'

    - our grandparents used to live longer, barely visited doctors, we have too much toxins in our [technological] world
    - [reporter comment:] fever reducers are used, even though fever is our friend, cough suppressors are used even though the coughed stuff needs to get out of the body
    - [reporter comment:] a drug used as COVID-19 treatment was causing cardiac arrests
    - Type-1 Interferon can be used, it is cheap, with 40 years of experience, it is your own, human made biological antiviral that is shown to work exactly against this - it is a sprayed in the mouth or eaten, essentially harmless, preventing the spread of this virus and calming the immune system

    - viruses cannot live in the air, they need host cells to survive (replicate) - Coronaviruses essentially live in all animals, different animals have different Coronaviruses
    - social distancing is stupid, viruses don't travel 2 meters (that's also why not to wear a mask), they need water droplets and cells in those droplets - if you dry them out, they don't live
    - animals live normally with their viruses, plants have retroviruses, human genome contains parts of viruses, it is an entire ecosystem

    - the vaccines are driving the pandemics; SARS, MERS, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Zika, Ebola outbreaks - every one of those was associated with a vaccine program or a chemical spraying program (eg. pesticides like Roundup)
    - Flu vaccines are grown in chicken eggs (these eggs have Coronaviruses) - everyone who had vaccines could be testing positive for Coronaviruses even if not manifesting any symptoms
    - only when you can show that the virus has clearly killed a person, whose lungs are filled with virus particles, then this is a death caused by the Coronavirus - merely testing positive for the Coronavirus is not enough
    - strengthening one's immunity is recommended: get off of all drugs, eat healthy, non GMO, if needed take anti inflammatory supplements, get off of immune suppressing steroids, stop using antibiotics, stop using all vaccination; use chicken soup, vitamin C, stay at home, use essential oils (tea tree, lemon) in a diffuser; go natural as much as you can, get sunlight, vitamin C, some exercise, use natural health medicine, get proper food, avoid pills or supplements, keep your environment clean, mold free, this works even on elderly with comorbidities, live clean, don't give away the responsibility for your health to a doctor
    - in case of allergies, people with chemical sensitivities or mast cell disorders can use Quercetin to calm the mast cells and avoid inflammatory reactions
    - you have to fight co-infections and co-sensitivities: keep out of pollution as best as possible, don't smoke, wear a protective mask only if you work with toxic chemicals; exposure to fires can drive lung disease, pneumonia

    - she ends the interview with a spiritual/religious message of hope and of a need to protect our freedoms (of free movement, visiting churches, etc.)

    for more info see:

    Dr. Suzanne Humphries - are vaccines safe ?

    from the video:

    - vaccines do not enter the body the same way as the viruses do, bodily defense systems are circumvented
    - vaccines contain many other chemicals which are not present with natural viral infections
    - there is nothing in a vaccine that the human body requires, we don't require aluminum, mercury, polisorbate-80, formaldehyde or similar common vaccine ingredients
    - there are always better ways to deal with diseases in a population than vaccinating

    vaccines eradicated smallpox? not really:
    - smallpox outbreaks and deaths were still happening in an English town called Leicester, even after high vaccination rates - when they decided to stop vaccination, to the horror of vaccination advocates, the disease rates and death rates from smallpox declined - this is an example of the benefits of stopping vaccinations
    - only 5-10% of human population was ever vaccinated for smallpox, but that doesn't stop the vaccine promoters to claim how vaccination somehow eradicated smallpox - furthermore, this happened at a time when more sanitation happened, there were less disease carrying rodents, better nutrition, child labor laws, etc.
    - at that time there was chicken pox, monkey pox, goat pox, horse pox that looked identical - some of these exist today, so they were not eradicated

    vaccines caused a drop in tetanus cases? not really:
    - if you look at the whole graph, the disease cases were already dropping, sometimes significantly, before any vaccination was introduced - then, after the vaccination was introduced, there was a sudden jump in the number of cases and then a continued drop, just like it was happening before the introduction of vaccines; both in reported cases and in deaths

    - by their definition, missing one vaccine makes you 'unvaccinated'
    - USA supreme court admitted that there is an inherent lack of safety in the vaccines, 'some' of the time
    - only a minor number of vaccine injury cases ever get compensated
    - she says nobody has proven to her that vaccines are safe, there is scientific reason to believe that the components in the vaccines have potential for cancers, autoimmune and neurological diseases
    - not even one of the vaccines can be shown to be safe, let alone the numerous vaccines in the childhood vaccination program, given earlier and earlier and more and more
    - vaccination proponents are aggressive and don't want you to hear the other side, which is by itself suspicious, they will always tell you to vaccinate for everything, which should raise a red flag for you
    - she recommends: you listen to everything and then choose, what you do is your responsibility, whereas people who support these aggressive vaccination campaigns want more and more vaccines all the time given to little babies

    - a CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] doctor literally said that fear is used in order to stimulate the masses in order to take the vaccines (using pictures of dying babies, pictures of warped limbs), the consent forms do not tell you the risks from the vaccines, they do not mention alternative treatment methods
    - there is a lot of hype and misinformation surrounding the subject, suppression of information, especially that information dealing with alternative medicine, which recommends: nutrition, hand washing, vitamin C, vitamin D, selenium, etc. which help not only with viral infections but can also help the immune system functioning properly
    - a Mayo clinic presentation is being given to doctors, which instructs the doctors how to deal with hesitant parents: it says don't give them any printed information, don't give them any emails or links - instead read and remember your CASE - persuade rather than inform
    - doctors are not being informed about problems with vaccination and some of them felt that on their own skin (eg. a doctor whose daughter had a severe HPV vaccine reaction)
    - every parent has the right to know, even if it is a small percentage of people [who had problems with the vaccines] - parents are given only highly biased [pro-vaccination] information

    - the medical system fears that if doctors start to see the big crack in one area, that that crack would spread to other areas and that they might start to doubt, the way she did, the integrity of the medical system, where the funding is coming from, how limited our knowledge has been, where things called quackery [by the mainstream] are shown to be helping the most, when patients who did not follow the system became healthier than they ever were
    - she takes really good care of her immune system, which is capable of handling diseases, it can be enhanced with nutrients; situations of exposure to diseases can be avoided; one can be prepared for the case of an infection
    - she doesn't believe in vaccines, not even a little bit

    - nutrition is one of the biggest factors in the susceptibility and the death rates of the diseases; then there was: lack of hygiene, inadequate water supplies, etc. - it was the wealthy people in the UK and USA that made such changes for the better, so that is her recommendation as to where Bill Gates and other powerful people ought to spend their money on [not on developing vaccines] - this is how they could end world hunger, lessening disease susceptibility of third world countries, making vaccination not necessary
    - the media is being coerced into censoring dissenting opinion of vaccines
    - according to her, science shows major problems with both the theory and the practice of vaccination

    for more info see:

    Quote Originally Posted by youtube user

    Scientists and doctors who said the truth about COVID-19:

    0) dr. Judy Mikovits

    1) Annie Bukacek

    2) Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

    3) Dr. Scott Jensen

    4) Walter Ricciardi

    5) Dr Joel Kettner

    6) Dr Wolfgang Wodarg

    7) Dr John Ioannidis

    8) Dr. Claus Kohnlein

    9) Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell

    10) Vernon Coleman

    12) Knutt Wittkowsky

    13) Mark Vedki

    14) Hendrik Streeck

    15) Claus Boushel

    16) Dr Pietro Vernazza

    17) Dr Yanis Roussel

    18) David Katz

    19) Michael T.Osterholm

    20) Peter Goetzsche

    21) Dr. Rowney Keld

    22) Thomas Cowan

    23) Dr. Jay Bhattacharya

    24) Dr. Andrew Kaufman

    25) Biswaroop Roy Chowdhurry

    26) American nurse:

    27) Valentine Katasonov poser=0

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    Part 3 of 3

    tldr; highlights

    Dr. Suzanne Humphries on vaccines in general:

    - there is nothing in a vaccine that the human body requires, we don't require aluminum, mercury, polisorbate-80, formaldehyde or similar common vaccine ingredients
    - there are always better ways to deal with diseases in a population than vaccinating
    - vaccines eradicated smallpox? not really
    - vaccines caused a drop in tetanus cases? not really
    - she says nobody has proven to her that vaccines are safe, there is scientific reason to believe that the components in the vaccines have potential for cancers, autoimmune and neurological diseases
    - not even one of the vaccines can be shown to be safe, let alone the numerous vaccines in the childhood vaccination program, given earlier and earlier and more and more
    - she recommends: you listen to everything and then choose, what you do is your responsibility, whereas people who support these aggressive vaccination campaigns want more and more vaccines all the time given to little babies
    - there is a lot of hype and misinformation surrounding the subject, suppression of information, especially that information dealing with alternative medicine, which recommends: nutrition, hand washing, vitamin C, vitamin D, selenium, etc. which help not only with viral infections but can also help the immune system functioning properly
    - she takes really good care of her immune system, which is capable of handling diseases, it can be enhanced with nutrients; situations of exposure to diseases can be avoided; one can be prepared for the case of an infection
    - nutrition is one of the biggest factors in the susceptibility and the death rates of the diseases; then there was: lack of hygiene, inadequate water supplies, etc. - it was the wealthy people in the UK and USA that made such changes for the better, so that is her recommendation as to where Bill Gates and other powerful people ought to spend their money on [not on developing vaccines] - this is how they could end world hunger, lessening disease susceptibility of third world countries, making vaccination not necessary
    - the media is being coerced into censoring dissenting opinion of vaccines
    - according to her, science shows major problems with both the theory and the practice of vaccination

    Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD about: COVID-19 masks, pandemia, vaccines and transmitting disease.

    - you can be infected with the Corona virus without getting the disease, which means you have immunity, which can be helpful to others
    - the theory about a bat virus jumping from uncooked food from a sea food restaurant in Wuhan, China jumping into humans makes no sense
    - the intermediate in all recent pandemics was not a small animal, it was an animal cell line or animal tissue repeatedly grown in labs

    - if you, the infected individual, do not have this inflammatory signature, it means you are immune to it, no matter how much Coronavirus is in your body, you won't get sick, you have an immune response, antibodies (alpha interferon that suppresses the virus)
    - if you have received Flu vaccine shots (Influenza), you may be more susceptible to the Corona virus (viral interference)

    - between 2013 and 2017 it was outlawed in USA for institutions to do the 'Gain of Function studies', which is to artificially teach viruses to infect human cells
    - these modified cell lines/tissue are shipped all over the world, using them in manufacturing many biological therapies, most prominently vaccines
    - every time you culture a virus you change it, and we don't know what these changes are, we don't know what will evolve, what dormant virus may be activated

    - the Coronavirus is not more than a severe cough, it is implausible that it is passing from human to human by healthy humans coughing, it is far more plausible that it is being injected
    - the Coronavirus did not spread to a 110 countries from a sea food market in China starting at around Dec 2019, it is plausible and probable that it has been in every Flu vaccine since 2013-2015 when this work was illegally done - the Flu vaccines are driving the infection

    - she objects to wearing masks...can activate these dormant viruses in your body...wearing a mask will kill more people

    - the 1918 Flu (aka the Spanish Flu) originated at Fort Riley military base, just after an experimental bacterial Meningitis vaccine, put together by the Rockefeller Institute

    - people most likely to get a severe disease from this Coronavirus are the vaccine injured people because they are immune compromised
    - healthy people who do not get a severe disease means that they have most certainly made antibodies to the virus and they were likely infected years ago, at least within the last 3 years
    - healthy people don't make people sick, healthy people don't express these viruses
    - none of our vaccines prevent infection, they don't contain neutralizing antibodies
    - the current misrepresentation states that: the Coronavirus is a super-virus, even though it is a NOTHING to healthy people
    - people get infected with viruses all the time because viruses are everywhere
    - infection DOES NOT EQUAL disease

    - there is another agenda at work, namely taking away personal freedoms
    - this is a plague of corruption intended to take away constitutional, religious and other freedoms from people

    - which vaccine to take? with live viruses (nasal spray) or inactivated? it does not matter (BOTH ARE BAD)

    - a colleague from the HIV research published an opinion article that the most likely way mouse viruses jump via zoonosis into humans was by biological therapies and the most prominent of which in the last 30 years had been vaccination - mice are used in lab research
    - they did not want to allow results which show that vaccines cause cancer, Autism, ME/CFS, that vaccines cause the evolution of more virulent strains of cancer causing viruses, that they are directly injecting in infants and old people

    - this Coronavirus COVID-19 is a big cover-up of a bigger problem - 2000 people per day die from cancer in USA - in 2009 she and her team described infectious transmissible cancer
    - SV-40 (simian virus 40) was another cancer causing virus that was spreading/transmitted throughout the human population with the polio vaccine

    - she has had the smallpox, polio vaccine in the 1960s - the vaccines were not nearly as dirty back then as they are now, the number of vaccinations were much lower, especially since the liability was removed from pharma companies or anyone giving vaccines - now vaccines can be made with no safety tests, no liability and still make tons of money
    - USA FDA needs to be closed, it is a criminal organization

    - find out who is immune, transfer the antibodies to the sick, use herd immunity knowledge, no need to lock down the world or an entire nation
    - this is an agenda that goes far beyond an infection, we already have the knowledge to avoid these cancers or associated neurological diseases
    - nowadays there is a silence about Influenza, so they just changed Flu to Covid-19, this year its like oh, lets just call everything COVID-19

    - the CDC's vaccine excipient lists have been modified at the beginning of 2019, animal tissue cells have been removed from the list
    - the CDC simply took the animal cell lines (like calf serum, cow blood, Madin-Darby Canine Kidney cells, WI-38 Aborted Fetal Cell Line tissues) out of the excipient list
    - these adventitious agents picked up from the tissue culture (animal tissues, human aborted fetal cells) can cause cytokine storms, the accelerated evolution of a more pathogenic strain that no one notices until it kills a lot of people

    - there is a rise, an explosion in chronic disease, 1 in 36 children are now autistic in USA, then there is rise in food allergies, Asthma,...
    - there was HIV/AIDS in the 20th century, now in the 21st century AIDS is driven by the bacterial and viral contaminants
    - we created this explosion of chronic disease, we maimed our entire culture, cancer appearing in ever younger people and all the medical establishment says is: better methods of detection [useless], we couldn't see it before [not true] - this is a crime against humanity, this pandemic and COVID-19 fraud against humanity

    - [reporter comment:] 26k scientists have signed a petition against 5G for the potential health effects
    - 5G energy can activate viruses because viruses are also electrical (charged signaling system in the body) and thus also can activate viral associated disease
    - viral infections can be driven by concentrated energy like 5G, especially with Aluminum (chem-trails also contain Aluminum particles)

    - the biggest crime is injecting foreign cells at birth
    - we have to bring back natural medicines and older medicines, combined with other natural products in order to restore health
    - the vaccines are driving the pandemics; SARS, MERS, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Zika, Ebola outbreaks - every one of those was associated with a vaccine program or a chemical spraying program (eg. pesticides like Roundup)

    - Coronaviruses essentially live in all animals, different animals have different Coronaviruses
    - social distancing is stupid
    - animals live normally with their viruses, plants have retroviruses, human genome contains parts of viruses, it is an entire ecosystem

    - strengthening one's immunity is recommended: get off of all drugs, eat healthy, non GMO, if needed take anti inflammatory supplements, get off of immune suppressing steroids, stop using antibiotics, stop using all vaccination; use chicken soup, vitamin C, stay at home, use essential oils (tea tree, lemon) in a diffuser; go natural as much as you can, get sunlight, vitamin C, some exercise, use natural health medicine, get proper food, avoid pills or supplements, keep your environment clean, mold free, this works even on elderly with comorbidities, live clean, don't give away the responsibility for your health to a doctor

    - you have to fight co-infections and co-sensitivities: keep out of pollution as best as possible, don't smoke, wear a protective mask only if you work with toxic chemicals; exposure to fires can drive lung disease, pneumonia

    - she ends the interview with a spiritual/religious message of hope and of a need to protect our freedoms (of free movement, visiting churches, etc.)

    - and finally a list (with links) of 28 scientists and doctors who said the truth about COVID-19, as compiled by a youtube user

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    Authored by Derrick Broze via The Last American Vagabond blog,

    The world?s largest airline trade group has called for immunity passports, thermal screening, masks, and physical distancing to be a part of the industry?s strategy for returning to ?normal? operations.

    The International Air Transport Association (IATA), which represents 299 airlines, recently issued their publication, Biosecurity for Air Transport A Roadmap for Restarting Aviation, which outlines their strategy to open up air travel as governments begin to lift travel restrictions.

    Under a section titled, ?The passenger experience? and ?Temporary biosecurity measures,? the IATA describes their vision of post-COVID-19 flights. The organization calls for contact tracing, a controversial method of tracking the civilian population to track the spread of COVID-19.

    ?We foresee the need to collect more detailed passenger contact information which can be used for tracing purposes,? the report states. ?Where possible, the data should be collected in electronic form, and in advance of the passenger arriving at the airport including through eVisa and electronic travel authorization platforms.?

    Interestingly, this call for pre-boarding check-in using ?electronic travel authorization platforms? coincides with the recent announcement of the Covi-Pass and the Health Pass from Clear, both of which call for a digital ID system using biometrics and storing travel, health, and identification data.

    Alexandre de Juniac, IATA?s CEO, told Arabian Industry that ?a layered approach? combining multiple measures which are ?globally implemented and mutually recognized by governments? are ?the way forward for biosecurity.?

    The IATA also calls for temperature screening at entry points to airport terminals. They envision the airline experience involving physical distancing of 3-6 feet throughout the airport. The group believes changes to the airport buildings to allow for physical distancing may be necessary. The IATA also recommended ?face coverings? for passengers and protective equipment for airline and airport staff.

    Although the organization acknowledged that there is not currently a fast reliable test for COVID-19, they believe that once an effective test is developed it could be applied on entry to the terminal. They call for this measure to be ?incorporated into the passenger process as soon as an effective test, validated by the medical community, has been developed.?

    On the topic of immunity passports ? an idea discussed by Anthony Fauci, the World Health Organization, and Bill Gates ? the IATA states that ?immunity passports could play an important role in further facilitating the restart of air travel.? The organization believes that if a person is shown to have recovered from COVID-19 and developed immunity they will not need protective measures. Once medical evidence supports the possibility of immunity to COVID-19, IATA believes ?it is essential that a recognized global standard be introduced, and that corresponding documents be made available electronically.?

    Finally, the IATA believes a ?general move towards greater use of touchless technology and biometrics should also be pursued.? Biometrics would include facial recognition, retina scanning, and/or thumbprints.

    This vision painted by the IATA is one where those who choose to fly are faced with invasive security measures, surveillance, biometric tracking, immunity passports, temperature screenings, and generally, less human contact due to physical distancing and less communication with actual people. Of course, this push towards a digital ID which contains an individual?s personal identifying information, health records, and other personal data is part of an agenda which predates COVID-19. The ?powers that wish they were? are taking every opportunity to expand their technocratic control grid and the panic caused by COVID-19 allows them to accelerate their plans at a rate not seen since the days after the attacks of September 11, 2001.

    The only thing stopping the roll out of this Technocratic State is the people of the world coming together, informing those who are in the dark, and unplugging from this control grid.

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    Luc Montagnier HIV Nobel Prize Winner Says Virus "Bio-engineered" in Lab

    2008 Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier says that COVID-19 coronavirus disease was artificially created in a lab by biologists working on an AIDS vaccine.

    Quote Originally Posted by youtube user comment

    What the Professor says is supported by the facts indicating that the virus was designed in the USA by Fauci’s NIAID and engineered and manufactured in China in the Wuhan Viral Laboratory as the evidence is overwhelming that it did, but what was the purpose of the research that was funded there by EcoHealth (linked to WHO and the Gates Foundation) on behalf of Fauci's NIAD and the US Dept of Defense after the gain of function on this type of virus was controlled in the US after Fauci funded research in this area at the Universities of Texas and North Carolina that included funding for the Wuhan Batwoman (Shi Li Zeng) to collect bat viruses. We also need to know what was the involvement of CSIRO where Batman Mr Zang studied bat viruses? Did the Wuhan study have anything to do with the Gates Funded Global Vaccination Initiative (GAVI) in which Fauci and other close to this event are involved?
    Robert Kennedy explains the sequence of events here and the supporting evidence follows:        

    PlanDemic, a Film about the Global Plan to Take Control of Our Lives, Liberty, Health & Freedom

    Dr. Judy Mikovits Lays Out Truth about Corona Virus, Covid-19, Bio-Weapons and their ties to Anthony Fauci, Robert Redfield, Bill Gates…

    this keeps getting deleted on youtube, therefore a bitchute link:

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    Gabriele Kuby's The Global Sexual Revolution: The Destruction of Freedom in the Name of Freedom

    The Global Sexual Revolution: The Destruction of Freedom in the Name of Freedom is a book by German author and sociologist Gabriele Kuby.

    In this interview Gabriele talks about the ideology which suggests we can choose our gender and how it is penetrating our education system even down to kindergarten. Other topics discussed include same-sex marriage, safe schools coalition in Australia and religious freedom.

    In her book titled "Die globale sexuelle Revolution," German author and pro-life activist Gabriele Kuby describes in detail how the "deregulation of sexual norms" promoted by gender ideology is "a product of communism, radical feminism and the homosexual movement" spearheaded by "Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Sigmund Freud and Wilhelm Reich, Simone de Beauvoir and the ‘Frankfurter School,’ and John Watson and Alfred Kinsey."

    Gender ideology is now "the global political strategy of the United Nations as spelled out in the Yogyakarta Principles," and the motivation behind the EU's enforcement of “new ‘values’ on her member-states which undermine marriage and family in the name of newly defined ‘human rights,’” Kuby states.

    Gender Ideology – What are we teaching our children?

    New Sexuality Education

    Many of our schools are teaching our children a new sexuality and gender ideology which has been around for some time in academia but has recently been introduced into our schools and has become more obvious because of the Same Sex Marriage debate and because of the controversy surrounding the Safe Schools Coalition Program.

    This new sexuality and gender ideology labels and condemns traditional views of sexuality and gender as binary thinking (thinking in terms of opposites) and hetero-normative (a belief that heterosexual relations are normal and natural which makes people who are same sex attracted or bi-sexual or transgender feel that they are not normal). They teach children that it is wrong to think exclusively in terms of male-female attraction and that there is no such thing as ‘normal’ sexuality.

    This ‘binary’ distinction which has been around for thousands of years and accepted by the vast majority of the human race as something which is foundational, true and real is now being categorised as a form of bigotry by this new ideology.

    They assert that people should not think of sexuality exclusively in terms of opposites attracted to each other but to see sexuality as existing on a continuum and expressing itself in a fluid and dynamic way. In other words you can be attracted to the opposite sex, to the same sex or both and your attractions can be changing all the time. Sexual attraction is not fixed nor should you assume that people are heterosexual. The strategy is to undermine hetero-normal and at the same time present same sex attraction as widespread and normal and if you do not agree or you feel uncomfortable with same sex attraction then you are homophobic.

    “Once upon a time, ‘binary’ was a mathematical term. Now it is an insult on a par with ‘racist’, ‘sexist’ or ‘homophobic’. The enemy on this particular battleground is anyone who maintains that there are men and there are women, and that the difference between them is fundamental.” Melanie Phillips, Times Columnist
    Gender Theory

    Gender Theory

    Safe Schools Pic

    The same strategy applies to gender theory. We are told that we do not need to see people in terms of male and female because even if someone is biologically a male he may identify as a female and vice-a versa and this should be accepted and considered normal.

    New teaching resources strongly encourage us to affirm and encourage someone when they desire to cross dress or use the toilet and dressing room facilities of the opposite sex, begin hormone treatment or make a decision to do sex re-assignment surgery.

    The resources tell our children that biological sex is not significant because what is more important is your identity and your gender identity does not need to match up with your biological sex and its more about what you feel inside rather than what the reality is. People should not ask, “is it a boy or a girl”, you should not assume he or she, classes should not be divided into boys and girls when doing activities, people should not use the pronouns he or she when addressing transgender people, instead they are to learn to use the pronouns that transgender children prefer to be used for them, like ‘ze’ or ‘they’ or ‘ey’.

    The gay, lesbian and transgender community insist that all of us should change the way we view male and female and are forcing us to think in a gender-less way so that transgender people don’t feel uncomfortable or disadvantaged. “Only you know whether you are a boy or a girl. No one else can tell you says the Gender Fairy in a children’s book designed to be read to Infants classes.

    Gender Fairy

    The resources used by our schools present gender theory and sexuality theory as a fact of life, an unchallengeable truth. The tone and expression is dogmatic. Laura McNally, psychologist and author writes, “in academia – where theories are readily criticised and deconstructed – gender theory has become universally accepted doctrine. Those who so much as question it are liable to be banned, petitioned against or publicly condemned. Peter Tatchell – a lifelong pioneer of gay rights – was recently barred from speaking at a university after daring to support free speech around gender.”

    The intention of Gender theory is to break down children’s sense of what sex they are and also wipe from their minds any notion of gender norms. Melanie Phillips columnist for the Times tells us how in American schools, last November’s Transgender Awareness Month was a festival of this kind of indoctrination. Children were handed out ‘pronoun buttons’, badges which identified their own preferred personal pronouns as specific to any gender they chose or none’.

    Schools that affirm gender theory and gender transitioning in reality are not only indoctrinating children but misleading those who have genuine gender dysphoria and their families. Paul McHugh, MD, is University Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins Medical School and the former psychiatrist in chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital says, “The idea that one’s sex is a feeling, not a fact, has permeated our culture and is leaving casualties in its wake. The most thorough follow-up of sex-reassigned people—extending over thirty years and conducted in Sweden, where the culture is strongly supportive of the transgendered—documents their lifelong mental unrest. Ten to fifteen years after surgical reassignment, the suicide rate of those who had undergone sex-reassignment surgery rose to twenty times that of comparable peers”. The problem is that if a child presents with gender dysphoria the only professionals that parents will be able to consult are gender counsellors who will recommend hormone treatment and medical re-assignment. This is astonishing and an example of the fundamentalism of the transgender ideology. Parents and children should be offered both options.

    Parents need to know that the science behind transgender behaviour is contested and there are other options apart from the affirmation of the transgender feelings and behaviour. Gender politics is all about subjective feelings. It has nothing to do with fairness or equality, truth or reality. Experience and wisdom tells us that in life what is more important is not so much what we feel but what is right and true, reasonable and fair. I may feel like being miserable but it is more helpful to view things in a positive manner; I may feel like eating everything that is delicious but it is healthier to exercise restraint, I may feel like exploding with anger but it is fairer to try to see the situation from the other person’s viewpoint as well. In the same way a child who is experiencing gender dysphoria needs to be gently but firmly reminded of what is real and what is true.

    Promoting gender fluidity is likely to make most children confused or distressed. If a girl prefers to climb trees rather than play with dolls or a boy likes ballet, this is within the parameters of normal but now these children will wonder, ‘am I a really a boy or am I really a girl?

    “My children go to Dulwich Hill High and I found out by chance that our school is a part of the Safe School Coalition. No one from the school informed me of this change. I am really concerned about the changes to the sex education program which this program has introduced. How can I find out more without causing any problems for my children? “

    “I am shocked that my child’s primary school Marrickville West Public School has joined the Safe School Coalition! Our school is full of minority communities. Why should the LGBTI community have an anti – bullying program exclusively aimed at their needs? I am disappointed that I was not informed of this drastic change in my child’s school. I have a right to know what my child is being taught! “


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    Ivette C. Lozano, m.d Shares her experience with Covid-19.

    backup link:

    - 29 years of medical experience, gives her personal experience
    - manipulation of COVID numbers
    - COVID symptoms
    - erroneous mainstream quarantine recommendations to patients and doctors
    - USA president Trump actually personally gave good advice for treatment based on what the heard from experience collected in countries
    - she had success treating her patients applying this advice, using Hydroxychloroquine (a cheap medication used to prevent and treat malaria, etc.), sometimes within only 48 hours

    Quote Originally Posted by wiki
    Hydroxychloroquine was approved for medical use in the United States in 1955.[2] It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the safest and most effective medicines needed in a health system.
    - corruption at FDA, unethical behavior from pharmacies (denying filling prescriptions, violating patient privacy,...), medical workarounds
    - stress/fear/mainstream propaganda as a main factor influencing COVID seriousness

    - COVID virus is 98% treatable with NO medication (the patients recover), the rest can be treated as recommended above

    - corrupt media and politicians
    - improving one's personal immunity system through: exposure to the sun, gatherings (uplifting the mood)
    - conclusion: its time to open Texas (as opposed to limiting population movement)

    Quote Originally Posted by
    Covid 19 Protocol at Lozano Medical Clinic:

    Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg twice daily X 5days

    Zithromax 250 mg twice daily X 5days

    Zinc 50 mg twice daily X 5days

    Aspirin 325 mg once per day X 5days

    For stomach upset / reflux: Prilosec 20mg twice daily X 7days

    more info:

    Perspectives on the Pandemic | The (Undercover) Epicenter Nurse | Episode Nine

    backup link:

    - corruption and patient mistreatment regarding the COVID crisis at Elmhurst Hospital in New York, resulting in unnecessary deaths of many patients
    - info against using ventilators/vents: 60-90% of people on the ventilators do not survive, it is literally a death sentence
    - clustering of COVID and non-COVID patients (approx. 50:50 ratio)
    - mislabeling of non-COVID patients as COVID confirmed patients regardless of negative testing results
    - incompetent doctors and corrupt hospital management, no accountability, unnecessary invasive procedures being used for COVID treatment (over-medication)
    - mostly poor hispanic, black, asian patients are being murdered in such hospitals
    - several doctors recommended this treatment protocol: Hydroxychloroquine & Zinc (39:00-47:00), they had NO death results, a perfect recovery rate!
    - for more advanced illness stages: high dose intravenous vitamin C (50:20)

    Quote Originally Posted by info
    Erin Marie Olszewski is a Nurse-turned-investigative journalist, who has spent the last few months on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic, on the inside in two radically different settings. Two hospitals. One private, the other public. One in Florida, the other in New York.

    And not just any New York public hospital, but the "epicenter of the epicenter" itself, the infamous Elmhurst in Donald Trump's Queens. As a result of these diametrically opposed experiences, she has the ultimate "perspective on the pandemic". She has been where there have been the most deaths attributed to Covid-19 and where there have been the least.

    Erin enlisted in the Army when she was 17. She deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003. Part of her duties involved overseeing aid disbursement and improvements to hospital facilities. While in country she received the Army Commendation Medal for meritorious service, and was wounded in combat. Erin eventually retired as a sergeant, and became a civilian nurse in 2012.
    Erin is a medical freedom and informed consent advocate. She co-founded the Florida Freedom Alliance but no longer has any connection with the organization.

    Flatten the Fear

    Together we’ve flattened the curve, now it’s time to flatten the fear. Doctors from around the country are saying it’s okay to get back to work and reopen America.

    The time has come to ‘Flatten the Fear,’ when it comes to Covid-19. And we don’t have any time to waste. We have the highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression – more than 42 million Americans jobless and that number grows every day. The purpose of our campaign is to reduce fear through education – basic facts about Covid-19 – and we are putting a microphone in front of doctors who know more about the disease than anyone else. In the past three months, countless Americans have missed out on key preventative and routine treatments because hospitals have been largely closed to non-coronavirus patients. The mental health effects of the lockdown have been equally devastating – measured by a 33% increase in anti-anxiety drug prescriptions, a 75% increase in hard liquor sales, and a 338% increase in calls to the national Disaster Distress Helpline. We can isolate the few and protect the many instead of isolating the many to protect the few. If we don’t, sadly we will have more victims of Covid who never have the virus.”

    COVID-19 Facts That Flatten the Fear

    • The CDC recently revised its death rate estimate down to just 0.4 percent.
    • One percent of counties in the country account for more than half of all Covid-19 deaths nationally.
    • Ten percent of counties account for more than 90 percent of all deaths.
    • Roughly 40 percent of the counties in the country haven’t experienced a single coronavirus death.
    • 42 percent of all coronavirus deaths have come in nursing homes.
    • In many states, nursing homes and assisted living facilities account for far more than half of all deaths—81 percent in Minnesota and 70 percent in Ohio.
    • More than 80 percent of all Covid-19 deaths are among those over 65 years old.
    • Those aged under 55 account for just seven percent of all Covid-19 deaths.
    • If you are 34 years old or younger, your probability of dying from Covid-19 as of June 3rd was 0.0005 percent.
    • The overwhelming majority of deaths are among those with at least one other underlying medical condition. For 7% of the deaths, Covid-19 was the only cause mentioned.
    • Daily Florida deaths continue to fall—dropping from 51 per day to 34 per day over the last month, according to the 7-day moving average
    • A sizeable portion of Arizona cases have occurred on Indian reservations.
    • Most ICU admissions—in some cases 75 percent or more—aren’t Covid-related.
    • The resumption of elective—yet vital—surgeries is contributing to increased ICU-utilization rates around the country.
    more info:

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    Perspectives on the Pandemic | Professor Knut Wittkowski | Episode 2 (41:31)


    note: there is an episode 2 of this interview (labeled as episode 5 of the whole series), but the information is very similar to this one
    as expected, the globalist youtube deleted both of these videos, therefore the dailymotion link

    Quote Originally Posted by info
    Perspectives on the Pandemic Episode 2: In this explosive second edition of Perspectives on the Pandemic, Knut Wittkowski, for twenty years head of The Rockefeller University's Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design, says that social distancing and lockdown is the absolutely worst way to deal with an airborne respiratory virus.

    Further, he offers data to show that China and South Korea had already reached their peak number of cases when they instituted their containment measures. In other words, nature had already achieved, or nearly achieved, herd immunity.

    - 35 years of experience in epidemiology and epidemics modelling at top notch institutes
    - see why 'flattening the curve', social distancing and complete lock-downs are nonsense
    - see why most of the countries in the world have chosen a (partially) wrong approach to the Corona crisis
    - he is not paid by the government (therefore free to do science)

    - 0:40 diagram shows his recommendation based on researching respiratory diseases (target goal: herd immunity, ~80% of the population)
    - basically the recipe is: protect the elderly, keep business and especially schools working as usual and in about 4 weeks return everything to normal, no need for any special measures beyond that
    - this is not the first Corona virus and it won't be the last - all other respiratory diseases behave in the same way, if you leave it alone, it comes for 2 weeks, it peaks, it goes for 2 weeks and then it is gone
    - if there had been no intervention, the epidemic/pandemic would have been over
    - his scenario estimates: expected death rate: 2% of all symptomatic cases
    - example for USA: 2% out of 25k cases per day for about 4 weeks: 500 per (working) day times 20 = 10k total cases during the epidemic period, which is comparable to a 'normal' flu season (~35k)
    - the flu statistic is currently at 10-12k
    - shortages can be viewed as the result of media/politics induced panic
    - there have been unrealistic estimates circulated by the media/politics (which were reduced later on)
    - data was available from China and South Korea [to develop proper national strategies], which indicated this was no different than a flu, maybe somewhat worse
    - spending time outdoors is recommended because the virus cannot survive well there [drying out surfaces], as opposed to staying indoors like being publicly recommended
    - 13:17 shows a paper of his analysis
    - both in China and South Korea social distancing started only long after the number of infections had already started to decline and therefore had little impact on the epidemic, which means they were already close to reaching herd immunity, but by installing social distancing they prevented it to actually reach proper herd immunity, which is why there are new cases in South Korea several weeks after the peak
    - contact tracing with an airborne/respiratory disease is impossible (thousands of human contacts when traveling in the subway)
    - you cannot stop the spread of a respiratory disease within a family, let alone a wider social group

    - we don't have a vaccine against the common cold, we don't have very effective vaccines against the flu, those that do have the vaccine are already immune [remember the 4 weeks period] and those that do not have the vaccine simply need to be exposed to the virus [reaching herd immunity]
    - human kind has survived all sorts of respiratory diseases - nature has a way of making sure that we survive [btw. this can be confirmed with religious scriptural evidence]
    - the data shows that this virus is not more contagious or more dangerous than the flu
    - the daily worldwide data can be downloaded from the European CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)
    - he analyzed that data
    - 20:00 explains statistical graphs regarding Europe, France, Germany,...
    - even if the death rate rises to 3%, nothing is fundamentally different from other flus, every few years some are worse than others, the Corona behaves exactly the same
    - the epidemic has ended in China and South Korea (at least in the provinces where it was going on), in Europe it is declining (but prolonged due to the containment measures), prolonging/flattening is happening in USA as well

    - there were some changes in the reporting system in Germany (increasing the numbers) but it had no effect on the dynamic of the epidemic and it has been declining ever since
    - during the AIDS epidemic, the reporting and diagnosing had a day of difference between them, which 'for whatever reason' is not being employed here - thus some data gets convoluted
    - spikes or rapid changes being occasionally reported are not to be of concern because 'nature doesn't jump', the course of an epidemic is always smooth, there is never a 10-fold increase in the number of cases from one day to another
    - there is nothing to be scared about, this is a flu epidemic like every other flu, maybe a bit more sever, but nothing that is fundamentally different than flus that we saw in previous years
    - the internet is a factor in increasing fear due to fast spreading of the news throughout the world (before that, epidemics were already over when news about them arrived in a distant part of the world)

    - we will see more death because of the social distancing
    - the 2nd wave will happen because of social distancing, the 2nd wave is a direct consequence of social distancing
    - if we had herd immunity now, there couldn't be a 2nd wave in autumn, herd immunity lasts a couple of years typically (last SARS epidemic was in 2003)
    - cross-immunity - if exposed to one SARS virus, you're less likely to fall ill of another SARS virus
    - if we are preventing herd immunity, it is almost guaranteed to have a 2nd wave when social distancing is stopped or when seasons change (like: the winter is coming)

    - the western countries started social distancing too early (before reaching herd immunity)
    - social distancing already cost the USA $2 trillion, then there are severe consequences to our social life (expected surges of depression, etc.)

    - we should be resisting these measures and at least hold the politicians responsible
    - the fastest way to create herd immunity is to let the virus circulate among school children (while separating the elderly from the population where the virus is circulating), this is a necessity in creating herd immunity
    - if 80% of people have had contact with the virus and are therefore immune (and that contact is just a form of immunization - there is no disease happening and there is immunity available) - it would be very difficult for an infectious person to find someone in the population that is susceptible (not immune), thus the disease won't be spreading - that is herd immunity
    - the virus is thus destroyed - but if, for example, the dry cleaners aren't working (due to counterproductive governmental policies), then my clothes cannot be cleaned of viruses
    - should there be a major testing regime? NO! testing doesn't stop anything by itself - if we do antibody testing (unlike merely testing for the presence of the virus as it is being done for counting infections), we could get an estimate of how close we are to herd immunity
    - testing for a respiratory disease is neither necessary nor effective

    - he has asthma
    - we don't die from the virus, we die of pneumonia
    - once the immune system has created antibodies, it starts killing all the infected cells, which destroys much of the mucosa and bacteria can settle on that area, causing pneumonia, which is killing people if it is not treated (with antibiotics)
    - many people have had a mild flu or had no symptoms whatsoever - that is a normal thing happening to 70-75% of people - the remaining people get ill and need treatment as soon as possible
    - he recommends health insurance - people without it are hesitant to see a doctor and later on it may be too late if pneumonia has progressed beyond the point when antibiotics are effective as a treatment - old and fragile people should be more agile to check with their doctor

    - currently, we may be at 50% herd immunity - wide antibody testing could confirm the actual percentage
    - we should not think that we are more intelligent than Mother Nature - Mother Nature was pretty good at making sure that we are a good match for the diseases coming every year
    - is it a pandemic? it is a pandemic like every flu every year

    - people in the USA and in other countries are more docile than they should be - people should talk with their politicians, question them, ask them to explain, because if people don't stand up for their rights, their rights will be forgotten
    - it is a pleasure to have the ability to help people to understand, but it is a struggle to get heard

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    Dr Brian Clowes, PhD - The Population Control Agenda

    Quote Originally Posted by info
    Dr Brian Clowes, PhD, Research and Education Director for Human Life International, gives a presentation on the Population Control Agenda at Family Life International's conference in Auckland October 2018.

    - neocolonialism through drugs and bad ideas
    - compulsory sex education & birth control
    - encouraging sterilization, contraception, abortion
    - the culture of death treats people like cattle
    - examples of eugenics in official policy (recommendations of John Holdren, 'science czar' under USA president Obama)
    - US-AID funded a safe motherhood program in the Philippines, where all women between 15-44 had a pelvic examination, where they put IUD's (intrauterine contraceptive device or coil) in their bodies, without their knowledge or consent - the Dominican nuns helped with removing them
    - pro DDT (safe to use?)
    - in northern Africa Islamic communities do not use condoms, their HIV infection rate is 1 out of 1000
    - in southern Africa 1 out of 3 adults has HIV AIDS because they use condoms constantly for protection, thinking these things work
    - wars/conflicts and selling weapons used as population control methods
    - genetically modified corn with contraceptive effects acquired by Monsanto, used in Africa
    - suction machines used for illegal abortions
    - corruption in Africa (cops, officials) supported by their governmental systems, exploited by foreign organizations
    - population control aimed mostly at indigenous people (Maori,...), largest expenditures per person in Oceania, Africa, the Caribbean
    - the long-term goal: world-wide sterility for as long as possible
    - the population controllers want to achieve a 97% decrease in world population (from 7 billion to 250 million) [remember the Georgia guide-stones]
    - they want to eliminate 32 out of every 33 people in the world
    - thousands of NGO's are currently active worldwide supporting these goals
    - declassified USA documents show advisory policies of population control aimed at developing countries by the likes of H. Kissinger in order to control their natural resources
    - the effect: large poor families are turned into small poor families
    - the largest population control donors are the same countries profiting from these developing countries
    - the money flows through big NGO's
    - using the UN (not USA directly) or local people (hired to promote or head population control efforts and NGO's) to ensure success of these measures
    - almost all birth control and abortion clinics are located in minority neighborhoods in USA
    - western developed countries use the most natural resources, produce the most waste, etc.
    - 'we have to stop these 3rd world countries right where they are' - official USA policy admitted by their representatives - the objective is to keep them poor while keeping ourselves rich

    Brian Clowes: Abortion Myths

    Myth #1 - Overpopulation: The world is overpopulated so we must have abortion and birth control

    - world population will reach its peak at around 2050 and then it will start to decline [this may be a reason why the agenda 2050 is forced upon the world, because later on the population increase argument disappears and cannot be used as it can nowadays]
    - the whole population of the Earth could fit in a single country like Chile or France or in a state like Texas with 100 m^2 per person
    - media headlines: in 1975 fearmongering about global cooling and ice ages; in 1992 fearmongering about global warming gained momentum

    Myth #2 - 70k women die each year from unsafe abortion

    - the number claimed before was 1 million, manufactured through assumptions

    Illegal = Unsafe
    Legal = Safe

    - abortionists are often actual criminals
    - summary of killings 1973-2010: pro-choice murders (853) vs. pro-life murders (8)
    - hiding the truth: and sites are not available at the moment

    Myth #3 - Abortions are necessary for rape, incest, birth defects and to safe the life and health of the mother

    - 97% of abortions are due to inconvenience (tight money, don't want the responsibility), only 3% are due to rape/fetal deformity/health, yet the media makes it seem the other way around

    Myth #4 - Its her body so she can do with it as she pleases

    - the child has a different DNA, therefore a different body

    Myth #5 - We really don't know when life begins

    - life begins at fertilization - this is recognized even by zoologists

    Myth #6 - 3rd trimester abortions are rare or nonexistent

    - most of these are done due to lack of money or health insurance, social-psychological crises and lack of knowledge
    - there are even 4th trimester abortions: a healthy baby is delivered and then killed by severing its spinal cord, some of these were known to the pro-choice oriented officials

    Myth #7 - Americans are pro-choice

    - Gallup polls show a steady increase in pro-life supporters and they are currently leading in every polled section of the society except the atheist section of the population
    - if there was a nation-wide referendum, Americans would vote to ban 97% of all abortions

    Myth #8 - Men have no right to speak out about abortion

    - free speech

    Myth #9 - You can't legislate morality

    - all laws legislate morality
    - most laws are derived from sacred scriptures (like the Ten Commandments)

    Myth #10 - Every child must be a wanted child

    - so if an already born child is not wanted, then...
    - the murder of newborn children and infants also increased drastically since abortion was legalized in 1973
    - the child abuse rate doubled in 2 years after that and has been rising since

    Brian Clowes: Media myths of homosexuality

    Myth #1 - 10% of the population is homosexual

    - 22 studies on 250k people show the number is around 1,7%

    Myth #2 - We were born this way

    - experts on the topic admitted this was largely a matter of conditioning (learned behavior)
    - most common reasons for becoming homosexual: they had sexual experiences as children or with their parents, or had such friends
    - gender subversion aka gender agenda aka genderism - choosing a gender based on a feeling, as opposed to biology

    Myth #3 - Homosexuality is a perfectly healthy and acceptable lifestyle

    - 25 year lower life expectancy due to increased rates of suicide, murder, cancer, infections, drinking, smoking, drug addiction; HIV not included
    - animal homosexuality practically occurs only when there are no heterosexual partners around

    Myth #4 - All we want to do is to live our life in peace, there is no such thing as a gay agenda

    - extremist views common among homosexual group leaders and activists
    - demanding special rights for themselves, denying rights to people of opposing views

    Myth #5 - Gays are targets of violence, there is an epidemic of gay bashing

    - hate crime hoaxes
    - most violence happens among homosexuals

    Myth #6 - Equal rights have to include gay marriage

    - ideas taken from Marxists
    - not beneficial for children

    Myth #7 - Most child sexual abusers were straight

    - studies show most child sexual abusers were homosexuals

    Myth #8 - Anyone who opposes us or disagrees with us is a homophobe

    - opposition does not equal hatred

    a few additional comments:

    Quote Originally Posted by Clowes
    the dog does not have an eternal soul
    this is incorrect, every living being does, even the plants do
    or more precisely: the dog's soul is situated within the dog's body - the soul is the actual person experiencing a life(time) in the body of a dog - the same is true when replacing the word 'dog' with the word 'human'
    (source: Vedic knowledge)

    Stephen Hawking, called the most educated idiot by some, should stick to the Cosmos
    better not, he is just manufacturing nonsense with his concoctions about black holes and similar theoretical constructs
    Last edited by slikrapid; 04.07.20 at 18:21. Reason: typo

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    Holy moly. First thanks for sharing that COVID-19 medicine information with this great video. I'll start asking about it. Second, I don't believe some still fighting sexuality derivation behavior in this generation like Dr. Brian Clowes does. This is completely surprising to me. But non the less, gives me a bit positively feeling and assurance about the world that there are people still got a fucking common sense.

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