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Thread: Diablo 4

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    Diablo 4

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    Every Blizzard cinematic is awesome, though I don't like most of their games, they're just not my type. And also Blizzard might have hurted their reputation and sales with their latest Hearthstone censoring fiasco with Blitzchung professional player.
    it's hip to be square
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    Yea, they just had to show something, even if it's cinematic. Game won't be out at least 2 years.
    They kinda apologized for that, but then again apology was really meh, so....
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    Quote Originally Posted by pcgamer.com
    The "shared open world" essentially gives Diablo 4 the form of an MMO, so it's not surprising that it will require an always-on internet connection in order to populate the world with other players. You'll be able to play solo, but not offline...Diablo 4 will feature world events, towns that act as social hubs, PvP zones, and a persistently populated open world.
    in other words, if you support this game with your money, they will keep producing this kind of always-online games, which can be very easily used for profiling gamers, recording their habits and selling the data to the ever-growing governmental spying machine, exploiting your gaming desire/addiction (read: lack of control over your own senses) to collect big data for the purpose of preparing the announced one world government dystopian system

    another thing to notice from the trailer is that they are pushing the globalist agenda: satanic topics, promoting sorcery & violence, aligning with other entertainment media by choosing identical motifs, for example: the white characters seem to be shown as corrupt white trash (they're after gold/money/power), while the black one appears more noble and learned (though foolishly searching after forbidden knowledge), on a path to unwittingly or intentionally open the gates of hell in order to summon or contact demonic entities, under whose influence or guidance the earth turns into a den of debauchery and destruction on a massive scale

    Quote Originally Posted by wiki
    Lilith is a figure in Jewish mythology, developed earliest in the Babylonian Talmud. Lilith is often envisioned as a dangerous demon of the night, who is sexually wanton, and who steals babies in the darkness. Lilith may be linked in part to a historically earlier class of female demons in ancient Mesopotamian religion, found in cuneiform texts of Sumer, the Akkadian Empire, Assyria, and Babylonia.
    and the connection to the usual zionist suspects is as expected also there

    Quote Originally Posted by trailer
    blood is the key
    this may represent corrupt bloodlines and families (as leaders), brainwashed/indoctrinated/corrupt personnel (as followers), occult human sacrifices, death and bloodshed (as their actions)
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    (03.02.20) , alpacino (09.11.19) , anon (06.11.19)

  7. #5
    I'm pretty sure the main goal for always-online games is to fight piracy as it's the easiest and most effective way to do so as of yet. I'm sure big data is a part of it, but I'm also positive that's mostly an added benefit they get on top. Also not to mention that the biggest demographic actually wants to play online most of the time so for every player that's annoyed about it they have 10 players that are excited about it.

    as for pushing globalist agenda; I'm not sure if you played the older games but as far as I'm concerned the only thing they're doing is going back to their roots. Exactly the thing _everyone_ has asked for since Diablo 3 as that game was really not what the fans were asking for. This dark setting is exactly what the older games brought us and I really think you're looking way too deep into it. Also if they made the black dude the bad one they'd probably get a shitstorm on their hands because it's 2019 and it's illegal to say anything bad about anyone that isn't a white male.
    Last edited by Sazzy; 03.11.19 at 19:30.
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    (10.01.20) , anon (06.11.19)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sazzy
    I'm pretty sure the main goal for always-online games is to fight piracy as it's the easiest and most effective way to do so as of yet.
    piracy and filesharing aren't affecting their profits much (a file downloaded doesn't equal money lost) and there is a strong addictive effect to it, a tendency to keep exploring the available games - it was once revealed that microsoft actually let their products be exploited just so they could get a large user base, a larger market share, becoming a well known brand

    I'm sure big data is a part of it, but I'm also positive that's mostly an added benefit they get on top.
    the major gaming companies are most certainly in the hands of the deep state, just like the mainstream media, so i'd say surveillance or big data as well as propaganda will have priority over just about anything else, even profit (money can be printed at will when you control the printing/distribution process)

    as for pushing globalist agenda; I'm not sure if you played the older games but as far as I'm concerned the only thing they're doing is going back to their roots.
    generally speaking, globalist agendas go far back in the past - in more recent times, at least as far as the (masonic) french revolution - this means not only a long history of influencing the culture but also probing all new movements (like the phenomenon of gaming) for usefulness in furthering globalist goals

    Also if they made the black dude the bad one they'd probably get a shitstorm on their hands because it's 2019 and it's illegal to say anything bad about anyone that isn't a white male.
    that is intentional divide and conquer tactics: let one side keep getting a free pass (those considered less dangerous), but create all kinds of obstacles for the other side; then they will fight each other until they are too weak to resist those that have constructed this situation in the first place
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  11. #7
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    MMO games are designed from the ground up to be addictive and make people keep coming back. The profit model has long ago changed from subscription fees to microtransactions and DLC, but the underlying principle is the same. And when you consider that Blizzard has shown Nintendo levels of greed in the past by targeting fan patches for Warcraft (not WoW, the older games) and fan art, I have little hope this will be different.

    Also, always online? They did that with Diablo 3 on 2012 and the servers collapsed on release day, let's see if they've at least learned from that mistake.

    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    it was once revealed that microsoft actually let their products be exploited just so they could get a large user base, a larger market share, becoming a well known brand
    That was less "revealed" and more confessed by Bill himself

    "About 3 million computers get sold every year in China, but people don't pay for the software. Someday they will, though. As long as they are going to steal it, we want them to steal ours. They'll get sort of addicted, and then we'll somehow figure out how to collect sometime in the next decade."
    * Speech at the University of Washington, as reported in "Gates, Buffett a bit bearish" CNET News (2 July 1998)

    "It's easier for our software to compete with Linux when there's piracy than when there's not."
    * Fortune Magazine, July 17 2007
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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    (09.01.20) , slikrapid (06.11.19)

  13. #8

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    Quote Originally Posted by anon
    That was less "revealed" and more confessed by Bill himself
    revealed by Bill himself

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill himself
    They'll get sort of addicted, and then we'll somehow figure out how to collect sometime in the next decade."
    similarly, now they want you to get addicted to 'always online' games and then 'always online' machines/appliances/vehicles and then 'always online' implanted microchips... 'and then they'll somehow figure out how to collect sometime in the next decade' - in this case it will be a massive continuous global collection of personal data & profiling of users or people in general - which is why there is a push for 5G, bigger bandwidth, IoT (internet of things), mass surveillance involving cameras, gps data, software (this app needs access to your data) and analytically (Snowden) through big data databases - the expected huge amount of data needs a larger internet infrastructure (throughput, not enough IPs) and the globalist project needs willing (addicted, clueless) participants, lured into playing along with deep state plans (later on mandatory usage by laws)

    its like a spiders web tightening around the victims, while the victims cheer 'we want more, bring it on'

    later on, when a certain amount of control is achieved, the next wave of global 'red terror' begins, a taste of which has already been experienced under Stalin and other communist dictators

    interestingly, Bill himself also unwittingly? admitted about their depopulation plans:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill himself
    "The world today has 6.8 billion people... that's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent."
    * TED presentation (Feb 2010)
    which means vaccines, health care (medication, examination, treatment,...), reproductive health services (protection, abortion,...), among others, are currently being developed with the intention to reduce the population, not to promote health

    10-15% translates to the killing of around 1 billion people worldwide - for comparison, look at the growing murderous appetites of the corrupt globalist elite:

    Quote Originally Posted by wiki
    World War II was the deadliest military conflict in history. An estimated total of 70–85 million people perished, which was about 3% of the 1940 world population (est. 2.3 billion).[1]
    not to mention the actual masonic goal of global depopulation 'set in stone' on the georgia guidestones in 1980, which speaks of keeping the population under 500 million, while at the time the total world population was around 4,5 billion (a 90% reduction, or 4 billion people to be murdered)

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    anon (07.11.19)

  15. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    similarly, now they want you to get addicted to 'always online' games and then 'always online' machines/appliances/vehicles and then 'always online' implanted microchips... 'and then they'll somehow figure out how to collect sometime in the next decade' - in this case it will be a massive continuous global collection of personal data & profiling of users or people in general - which is why there is a push for 5G, bigger bandwidth, IoT (internet of things), mass surveillance involving cameras, gps data, software (this app needs access to your data) and analytically (Snowden) through big data databases - the expected huge amount of data needs a larger internet infrastructure (throughput, not enough IPs) and the globalist project needs willing (addicted, clueless) participants, lured into playing along with deep state plans (later on mandatory usage by laws)

    its like a spiders web tightening around the victims, while the victims cheer 'we want more, bring it on'

    later on, when a certain amount of control is achieved, the next wave of global 'red terror' begins, a taste of which has already been experienced under Stalin and other communist dictators
    Not sure about the red terror, but everything else is spot on. Data is money, and surveillance and control are the key words here. Terrorism and "national security" provide quasi-legitimate reasons, but Snowden proved us intelligence gathering methods and activities go far beyond what would be deemed necessary or reasonable. And those leaks were six years ago, these things don't get better with time.

    The IoT sector in particular has had so many security fiascos it makes you wonder whether they did it on purpose or simply don't test what they release. I don't have to leave my apartment to have full access to one of my neighbor's new Philips Hue lamps

    interestingly, Bill himself also unwittingly? admitted about their depopulation plans:
    I hadn't noticed this one, even though it was listed on the same page I got the other quotes from. Freudian slip or just not realizing the unfortunate implications of what he said?
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  16. #10

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    Quote Originally Posted by anon
    Not sure about the red terror,
    red represents the new communists aka globalists aka NWO - there is one capitalist party at the top in control of everything else and they are applying marxist/socialist/communist ideology (just like in the former USSR or current China or the future one world government, or less obvious in the rest of the world)

    terror and bloodshed is what they do, terrorizing the population (orchestrated mass murder/executions/rape/slavery, starvation/famine, concentration camps, seizing property, experimenting on people) or their neighbors (occupation) and even own party members (internal spies, surveillance, executions) - traditional values are destroyed and substituted by all kinds of immoral concoctions - this is done covertly through entertainment, media, education, science, laws, etc. (false history, fake news, propaganda, indoctrination) and overtly through orchestrated local or global wars (WWI and WWII) and revolutions, like the recent so-called Color revolutions or continuously throughout the last few hundred years:

    Quote Originally Posted by wiki
    Notable revolutions during later centuries include the creation of the United States through the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783), the French Revolution (1789–1799), the 1848 European Revolutions, the Russian Revolution in 1917, the Chinese Revolution of the 1940s, and the Cuban Revolution in 1959.
    the people leading such activities (incl. freemasons, zionists, international bankers, etc.) are knowingly or unknowingly followers of what Christ called 'the synagogue of satan', they are basically representatives of evil in this world, trying to bring about global domination/rule/tyranny; while the blind & sinful world population foolishly accepts these perverted values and essentially becomes a tool of their own enslavement and destruction, both in the materialistic and spiritual sense
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  18. #11
    Advanced User alpacino's Avatar
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    @Sazzy: the always online thing in Diablo 3 was actually made to fight cheating, which destroyed online gaming in Diablo 2 halfway through. Before being always online, cheaters could create rare items with ultra stats and so on, which some cheaters also sold these items illegally online, so as you can see this pissed blizzard a lot.
    it's hip to be square
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