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Thread: Subliminal messages in entertainment, what do you think?

  1. #1
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Subliminal messages in entertainment, what do you think?

    I think backmasked vocals are bullshit. Imagine all the work it would take for singers, mixers and producers to carefully craft songs so that they say something different when played backwards (and more often than not, listened to very carefully). Also, the "messages" are often generic evil stuff and grammatically incorrect; wouldn't it make more sense to advertise products to get more sales or something?

    There are some coincidences that are staggering, amusing or both... a decade or so ago this Spanish Christian rock band had a verse in one of their songs said "search for the devil, look in the sect" in reverse... but they're just that, coincidences.

    As for movies, that one may be possible. But Tyler Durden-style frame splicing never took off, and the other, more subtle methods are also subject to not being noticed in the first place. Did you see the starry sky spelling "sex" in The Lion King? Likely not until seeing it in a YouTube video that pointed it out... and more importantly, did you feel like doing sexy things after watching the movie?

    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

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    slikrapid (12.10.19)

  3. #2
    Advanced User alpacino's Avatar
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    Interesting subject. While I think those messages in entertainment are pure coincidence and/or made for fun, or just by introducing something original, the ones used in commercials and propagandas are not always detectable and could have been being used for years now to keep the consumer buying stuff. Remember that big companies invest a large amount of money and resources in their advertising sectors.

    I remember how people in my country exaustingly discussed a backmasked vocal inserted in a children's music album by a famous brazilian artist named Xuxa that ran a TV show in the eighties for kids for several years. Back in the day, with no cable and internet the TV was monopolized by one channel that had the "best" content. The audio, when reversed, contained demoniacal phrases and chants and kept us on our feet for years.

    The frame splicing thing on Fight Club wasn't the first one ever made, I remember having seen this on The Exorcist (1973), and boy was that thing scary.
    Last edited by alpacino; 10.10.19 at 13:04.
    it's hip to be square

  4. #3
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    I firmly recall the ordeal with Xuxa; you may remember that Pinón Fijo went through the very same (though to a lesser extent), despite the fact he must be the most wholesome entertainer to come out of this country in the last 30 years or so. Actually, I think most famous singers in this region have been accused of being satanic at some point.

    Quote Originally Posted by alpacino View Post
    The frame splicing thing on Fight Club wasn't the first one ever made, I remember having seen this on The Exorcist (1973), and boy was that thing scary.
    Interestingly, I watched the Mr. Robot season 4 premiere some hours after making this thread, and let's guess what I saw about 20 minutes in
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  5. #4

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    Quote Originally Posted by anon
    Imagine all the work it would take for singers, mixers and producers to carefully craft songs so that they say something different when played backwards
    its not that difficult to do, although it may be difficult to do it convincingly: record what you want to say, play it backwards, try to arrange lyrics to resemble these sounds

    wouldn't it make more sense to advertise products to get more sales or something?
    who would want to buy things that are advertised as having something like subliminal messages embedded within?

    but they're just that, coincidences.
    some may be coincidences, others may be intentional (fun or more sinister)

    But Tyler Durden-style frame splicing never took off, and the other, more subtle methods are also subject to not being noticed in the first place.
    tv & movies are sometimes referred to as 'programming' - what kind of programming is used may be debatable, but since they are suitable for spreading propaganda and since we live in an age where there is heavy use of propaganda, they are undoubtedly used for these purposes - even if subliminal messages may have questionable usefulness, the less subliminal ones are certainly thought of as useful and different companies are paying 'top dollar' to get advertisements & messages spread via the entertainment media

    a top hollywood executive once said that they are out to 'create a culture' - whether this is made through subliminals or liminals is secondary, however it may be concluded that they would not hesitate to use anything suitable to accomplish their goals

    its not only about 'buying products', but also about 'creating a culture', shaping your worldview through entertainment media and ultimately it is about global control of the world (pushing globalist agendas) - apparently it is working very well, as to an extent proven by our immoral societies

    Actually, I think most famous singers in this region have been accused of being satanic at some point.
    the major companies & labels that they work for are very interested in using satanic themes and the artists often go along with it

    Quote Originally Posted by wiki
    The original Hebrew term sâtan (Hebrew: שָּׂטָן‎) is a generic noun meaning "accuser" or "adversary",[7][8] which is used throughout the Hebrew Bible to refer to ordinary human adversaries,[9][8] as well as a specific supernatural entity.[9][8] The word is derived from a verb meaning primarily "to obstruct, oppose".[10] When it is used without the definite article (simply satan), the word can refer to any accuser,[9] but when it is used with the definite article (ha-satan), it usually refers specifically to the heavenly accuser: the satan.[9]
    which means that whenever you do something that may be considered as obstructing or opposing God's will or His instructions/commands/recommendations, you're acting in a satanic way, which means your actions are creating disturbance in the world - spreading immorality (pretty much a key feature of the entertainment industry) is such a disturbance

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    anon (13.10.19)

  7. #5
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    who would want to buy things that are advertised as having something like subliminal messages embedded within?
    If it's done well, no one would know there's a subliminal message there in the first place. That's the whole idea
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

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