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Thread: Chernobyl

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    DarkSaibot v.1.3.10's Avatar
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    TV-MA | 1h 4min | Drama, History | TV Mini-Series (2019)

    In April 1986, an explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics becomes one of the world's worst man-made catastrophes.

    a mini-series that is on fire right now when it comes to hbo viewers or tv-shows enthusiasts
    for me it was like i was watching again the documentary movies created by N.G. or History or others about the Chernobyl incident since i was fascinated by Chernobyl since the first Stalker Video Game was released - if not before..
    Last edited by DarkSaibot v.1.3.10; 03.06.19 at 08:15.
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  3. #16
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    Don't be harsh, I was busy with Black Mirror season 5 and Real Life season 26
    i forgive you for Real Life season 26 reason and wish you many seasons ahead - i'm no forgive you for black mirror since it had only 3 episodes - even lovemaking last longer with the right preparations

    however, the duty of the documentary author or researcher is to present the subject matter as truthfully as possible, especially avoiding any intentional distortion of his findings - this way the viewer can form a fairly accurate opinion on the topic, which is expected of the documentary genre
    i doubt that when it comes to findings that real mather at least in the last 2000 years or how they call them since year 0 till now - history looks manipulated . occidental bible the same

    i don't doubt about the real 100% truth by achieving the spiritually or sacred religious scriptures wich by the way they are not so accesible for an ordinary human being -or not so accesible like the bible or ordinary history wich is imposed even in schools
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkSaibot v.1.3.10
    history looks manipulated
    there is a systematic effort to manipulate historical findings by the globalist powers for the last few hundred years, from scientific research to education and the mass media - regardless of that it is still the duty of the researcher to try his best to obtain truthful information

    occidental bible the same
    if you mean the different versions of the bible, their differences are not too much of an obstacle for conveying the intended message

    wich by the way they are not so accesible for an ordinary human being -or not so accesible like the bible
    most relevant scriptures are widely available in communities where they are being used or preached or maintained, either as originals or translated to local languages or in english and in more recent times on the internet as well
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  6. #18
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    researcher to try his best to obtain truthful information
    just that researching cost money - and unless the researching are made for them - is a hard lack of money in researching for the people

    if you mean the different versions of the bible, their differences are not too much of an obstacle for conveying the intended message
    i don't believe that has any benevolent message - and if does- look who's preaching - the most wealthy and worst and oldest mass murderers on earth -even the The Book of Satan is more decent than the killing fairy tales misinterpreted events from bible - i believe the oldest meaning of bible is to subdue consciousness to do what the State or higher people says is good and what is bad and don't you dare to do bad thing because God will strike you down - besides that - i hated always the intermediary when it comes to me and my GOD - i think is something intimate , i don't need any intermediary to talk with God or have a good relathionship with HIM or to follow the imposed rulles created by people in GOD's Name to be closer to GOD but until than in their own benefits

    most relevant scriptures are widely available in communities where they are being used or preached or maintained, either as originals or translated to local languages or in english and in more recent times on the internet as well
    yes but you have to take an interest on it ,search for it ,study on your own choice - meanwhile the default occidental religion is imposed since the youngest age without the free will to chose - in my country they don't even bury you in the cemetery with a priest if they found out you don't follow their religion ,or you have other sexual orientations and so on
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkSaibot v.1.3.10
    just that researching cost money
    every business activity costs money, thats no excuse for (researcher) dishonesty or laziness

    look who's preaching - the most wealthy and oldest mass murderers on earth
    the international bank(st)ers are certainly not supporting religion, the top murderous dictators neither, on the contrary

    even the The Book of Satan is more decent
    deception is strong with such books, which is why it may seem alluring at first glance

    the killing fairy tales misinterpreted events from bible
    where is the misinterpretation in these stories, why would they not be truthful?

    i believe the oldest meaning of bible is to subdue consciousness to do what the State or higher people says is good and what is bad and don't you dare to do bad thing because God will strike you down
    the holy scriptures are the main authority on what is good and what is considered bad - if people who may be working for the state or who occupy higher positions in the society are properly quoting or interpreting or applying the scriptures, then they are acting admirably

    subduing one's own improper desires is recommended and beneficial, otherwise it is easy to degrade in morality towards the animalistic level

    'God will strike you down' means that there are consequences to one's actions, ie. you will be forced to experience the results of your actions (karma), subjected to the laws of nature

    i hated always the intermediary when it comes to me and my GOD... i don't need any intermediary...or to follow the imposed rulles
    you cannot contact God on your own because you're not worthy (at this point in your spiritual development) - the worthy intermediary (a saintly person of the present or of the past) can and he acts as a bridge between you and God, if you become worthy of his attention (the intermediary) - in Christianity this means you have to please/satisfy Jesus with your actions/thoughts/words and faithfully follow His teachings, rules and recommendations, which is why He is called 'The Way'

    the default occidental religion is imposed since the youngest age without the free will to chose
    how can a child choose something it does not understand yet? therefore, as a part of education, the parents make the necessary decisions for their children
    the choice of religion is still available later on once they reach the age of majority (18+)
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  8. #20
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    every business activity costs money, thats no excuse for (researcher) dishonesty or laziness
    when they are porly funded dishonesty or laziness are present and dishonesty only when it comes to public disclosure not for the one financiers

    the international bank(st)ers are certainly not supporting religion, the top murderous dictators neither, on the contrary
    international bank is not rulled by the supreme rullers -even them are puppets - plus - they are different branches - religion one- banking finance another - politics another one

    the holy scriptures are the main authority on what is good and what is considered bad
    the revised versions or the original / for the masses only the revised is present

    if people who may be working for the state or who occupy higher positions in the society are properly quoting or interpreting or applying the scriptures, then they are acting admirably
    yes- but they mostly act in self interest or in the interest of other people *curch bosses'

    'God will strike you down' means that there are consequences to one's actions, ie. you will be forced to experience the results of your actions (karma), subjected to the laws of nature
    some of the actions are regulated by legal laws - i wanted to say moslty that religion was made for the most of the people just to keep them in check and submissive inventing an imaginary force that will strike you down if you don't obey their rulles - like the penal code or civil code and human laws - but it dosen't apply for everyone in day to day life

    you cannot contact God on your own because you're not worthy (at this point in your spiritual development) - the worthy intermediary
    and who decided that - about me -you - other people if they are worthy or not -basically working in a church or being a priest has nothing to do with a caling in this day (even if they are some priests that are real priests) it's a job- you go to school - learn the teachings - take an exam -after that you will be assigned to a church or working in this branch - in my country you are assigned to be a priest with a church only if you give the settled amount of money first and as much as you manage to achive the quota of income for higher priests tat hired you

    also when the priests are worthy to act as intermediary etween GOD and you - after or before they have sex with little boys? since The Catholic Church is the largest pedophile ring/crime syndicate in world history

    how can a child choose something it does not understand yet? therefore, as a part of education, the parents make the necessary decisions for their children
    the choice of religion is still available later on once they reach the age of majority (18+)
    i agree the choice of religion to be taken uppon you reach 18+

    how can a child choose something it does not understand yet? therefore, as a part of education, the parents make the necessary decisions for their children
    is not that a necessary decision + as i said before the choice of religions is not so a free choice without
    repercussions- for ex : in the countries where most of the population are orthodox and you are for example a Catholic you will encounter some difficulties to follow the religious path when it comes to marriage,christening,funeral close to home - since the orthodox priests will refuse you -catholics are more open o this things

    More examples why new age religion sucks egal to the old age one back when heretics have been burned on the stake - heretics meaning anybody that hasen't been submissive enough to the church

    overhere they have spend 110 mil euro's on a big ugly church -meanwhile the hospitals are poor funded and full with cockroaches - like cernobyl

    another story was with a Rich man who visited the graves of his parents just to find out that the
    coffins are swimming mud and water - he bought a land and arranged it as a more decent cemetery for his parents and other people who where too poor to have money to bury the dead or buy a piece of land from the cemetery to have where to bury their dead - when church found out the priests decided no to do any funeral ceremonies to the dead wich where supposed to be buried overthere until the rich man will donate the land and the new cemetery to the church om the first place

    religion is just a big bussines over EUROPE AND U.S.
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkSaibot v.1.3.10
    international bank is not rulled by the supreme rullers -even them are puppets
    the international bankers are servants of demonic forces (aka the synagogue of satan), rather than just puppets

    the revised versions or the original / for the masses only the revised is present
    what we have right now is as good as it gets, no one is out there hiding some mysterious ancient original version

    i wanted to say moslty that religion was made for the most of the people just to keep them in check and submissive inventing an imaginary force that will strike you down if you don't obey their rulles - like the penal code or civil code and human laws - but it dosen't apply for everyone in day to day life
    religion is a way to keep people in check, but that is for their own good, so they wouldn't become even more foolish in their (already very sinful) actions
    but it was not invented by some shadowy group, it was revealed to saintly people who were leading by example (their own life)
    the human laws are meant to be a practical application of divine laws, thats why they are similar, at least theoretically
    divine laws apply always, without exception, although their results are not too obvious or easy to observe, especially to fallen people

    and who decided that
    God decides on the rules, of course, and saints carry the message, as trustworthy followers

    it's a job- you go to school - learn the teachings ...
    it is supposed to be a way of life, not merely a job - not only for priests, but for the entire human population, so that everyone may benefit from such wisdom and prepare to go back to their true, divine home

    after or before they have sex with little boys?
    they are supposed to be celibate, just like you are supposed to stay away from pr0n - but people of this age/era are often weak and succumb to personal desires

    since The Catholic Church is the largest pedophile ring/crime syndicate in world history
    masonic propaganda - obviously, such rings or crime syndicates are a part of the usual criminal underground, undoubtedly connected to those aforementioned forces

    is not that a necessary decision
    proper education is necessary, the same applies to proper instruction in religious matters, if people want to live in a civilized world

    you will encounter some difficulties to follow the religious path when it comes to marriage,christening,funeral close to home - since the orthodox priests will refuse you -catholics are more open o this things
    afaik this has been resolved and sacraments made in either church are mutually accepted

    back when heretics have been burned on the stake... heretics meaning anybody that hasen't been submissive enough to the church
    this story has also been exaggerated, apparently about 3000 people went to the stake in a 300 years period, whereas it was the state that did the executions - the church may be blamed for not raising their voice against this practice of the state, as it was commanded 'thou shalt not kill'

    meanwhile the hospitals are poor funded and full with cockroaches
    the results of an immoral and atheist so-called civilization, which eventually destroys itself, unless it returns to proper values, as preached by all genuine religions

    religion is just a big bussines over EUROPE AND U.S.
    examples of misuse or a descent into corruption are not a proof of flawed religious concepts, but rather of flawed practical application and poor faith of persons involved
    on the other hand, if this or any other big or small business is not operating outside of moral codes, it may be considered acceptable
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  11. #22
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    story says that after 10 years we are still here debating this ))
    you have the abbility to see the purest concept in any religion and the real reason why it was created at the bases - i see mostly the negative part or how they've used religion as tool for their own agenda wich i hate is not used in the purest concept -but when people involved in religion - higher priests and so on are not taking drastic measures against Foul Play and mostly cover up things , politicians use different religious groups to radicalize them for their own gain to start wars,vatican library is kept closed to the public,The Crusades was part of their history and in the new age era they have Religious frauds wich stage false miracles with actors and the world is full of propaganda against church is hard for the normal people to get closer to the church and church owners -but still they have god in their heart- so they don't have religion just the speakers of it - strange enough or not so strange everybody considers religions and spiritual traditions on East Asian religions Indic religions ,religions practiced in their purest form - problems are with some of the Middle Eastern religions
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkSaibot v.1.3.10
    the purest concept in any religion and the real reason why it was created
    genuine religions are arranged by God and delivered by his (pure) messenger saints all over the world, therefore it is only logical that they are essentially pure and interrelated

    problems are with some of the Middle Eastern religions
    problems arise when impure people create their own theories about what it all means, whereas all they need to do is faithfully learn what was already revealed in holy scriptures and live their lives according to such teachings, which applies to all religions - our societies are corrupt simply because people don't bother to properly follow these teachings or they follow something else, some flawed ideology or theory or their own imaginary ideas

    but still they have god in their heart
    interestingly, this is not just a phrase, but literally so - vedic knowledge speaks of God in his form of Paramatman as situated in the heart of every living being
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  14. #24
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    problems arise when impure people create their own theories about what it all means, whereas all they need to do is faithfully learn what was already revealed in holy scriptures and live their lives according to such teachings, which applies to all religions - our societies are corrupt simply because people don't bother to properly follow these teachings or they follow something else, some flawed ideology or theory or their own imaginary ideas
    this could wok for both ways preachers and followers

    interestingly, this is not just a phrase, but literally so - vedic knowledge speaks of God in his form of Paramatman as situated in the heart of every living being
    i don't doubt this altough i haven't studied much old knowledge,it just feels inside
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