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Thread: Tixati

  1. #31

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    Tixati version 2.25 is now available. This update brings several important improvements and fixes:

    - magnet links for extremely large torrents can now be resolved much more quickly
    - greatly improved meta-data poison block detection and recovery
    - meta-data gathering block-selection algorithms have been completely redesigned
    - meta-data block status is now displayed in details tab while gathering from peers
    - updated bEncode parser to handle strings up to 67MB long, allowing extremely large .torrent files to be loaded
    - transfer or file force-checking can now override the "Existing file with incorrect size" error when file is too small
    - several fixes for SOCKS4/5 proxy connections, now fully compatible with TOR and SSH tunnels
    - IP Filter blocklist parsing supports additional formats (see IP Filter Format support page)
    - minimum IP Filter refresh time reduced to 3 hours
    - fixed tree/list view sort ordering of names containing numbers on Windows systems
    - local address settings on Network > Connections page now also accept interface names
    - local address settings have a browse button for quickly selecting any local IP or interface
    - fixed an extremely rare crash caused by a specific UPNP failure condition
    - fixed a minor thread-pool desyncronization issue that was delaying DNS lookups under certain conditions
    - treeviews and listviews on Windows systems have had numerous minor performance improvements
    - fixed a problem preventing incoming connection reception when set to 'Encrypted Only'
    - minor tweaks to event logging throughout the program
    - new diagnostic stress-test available in the help menu
    - updated IP address location tables

    More improvements and fixes are on the way. Please stay tuned...

    Thanks for using Tixati!
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  2. #32

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    June 2, 2016

    Tixati version 2.42 is now available. This is a minor update to yesterday's 2.41 release that fixes a few small problems:

    eliminated occasional channel member permission rapid-toggling during download of cached messages
    applied optimizations to channel configuration loading routines to prevent slowdowns when loading channels with many members
    minor adjustments to peer message timing routines for transfers
    fine-tuning of channel shared data syncronization algorithms and protocol to improve efficiency
    a few other minor fixes to improve compatibility with systems that have file-scanning utilities such as auto-backup or AV

    Thanks for using Tixati!

    June 1, 2016

    Tixati version 2.41 is now available.

    This is a major release that includes a new sound-notification feature, a major overhaul of the channels system, and many refinements and optimizations to the recently upgraded local file-handling core. There have also been many other improvements throughout the program:

    new Notification settings window accessible via Settings > User Interface > Behavior
    new channel shared data fast syncronization protocol that synchronizes all member shared links within minutes
    numerous optimizations in the handling of shared data in channels, especially for large collections
    auto-segmenting of channel info and member shared data, so minor changes or additions do not invalidate all data
    fixed problems with manual editing of channel shared data on Windows systems
    file/folder moves and renames will be retried after temporary errors such as file-access locking by other processes
    rigid sequencing of per-file move on complete, whole-transfer move on complete, file shell commands, and transfer shell commands
    final rename of incomplete-named files is better-incorporated into move on complete logic
    final rename of incomplete-named files will be retried after temporary errors, unless manually cancelled
    file open-linger times extended slightly when less than 20 handles are open (better compatibility with some AV scanners)
    fixed transfer startup grey-file problem when not using "error on missing files" setting
    checking now excludes freshly-allocated files or freshly-extended sections
    minor fix in piece prioritization to avoid selection of allocating yet existing pieces under rare conditions (eg. extending files)
    differentiated handling between Linux EACCESS error (hard-stop) and Windows (temporary error/soft-stop)
    additional checking and delays for seed ratio stop and seed count stop features, to prevent stopping in middle of move on complete
    minor fixes to file/xfer status while waiting to move
    a file complete, delete, reallocate cycle will now use incomplete naming correctly
    inner file-only move can be cancelled from transfer main menu
    better handling of inter-device moves when interrupted by a file rename
    fixed crash when loading corrupted configuration .dat files
    a few minor fixes in configuration .dat saving routines
    a multi-file transfer that has only a single file selected will now correctly open the file by right-click or double-click main transfer
    double-click on transfer now initially defaults to Open File/Folder instead of Start/Stop
    other minor GUI fixes have been made in several areas of the program
    updated IP-location tables

    We are working on more new features for the channels and expect to have something very interesting ready soon.

    Thanks for using Tixati!

    April 28, 2016

    Tixati version 2.38 is now available. This is a last-minute update to the 2.37 release from yesterday that fixes a few minor problems:

    fixed crashing problems caused by invalid initial configuration and/or missing incoming files path
    fixed rare crashes when changing location in preload window and transfer has invalid path setting
    minor fixes in initial configuration dialog relating to incoming path selection
    a few other very minor GUI adjustments
    updated IP-Location tables

    Thanks for using Tixati!

    April 27, 2016

    Tixati version 2.37 is now available. This is a major update with massive performance improvements over the previous version, a completely re-engineered local file system interface, and several other new features and improvements.

    new incomplete file name formatting feature in Settings > Transfers > Files
    new automatic file selection feature that only downloads larger file(s) in a torrent
    switched local file system to an asynchronous API, greatly improving performance
    all local file system functions are now merge-aware and correctly detect symlinks/shortcuts and alternate paths
    major improvements to moving and renaming local files, including better prompting for conflicts
    moving a folder's location will also move any internal files that have a custom location within the outer location
    new option for Move on Complete to always work at the individual file level in Settings > Transfers > Files
    major improvements to the transfer pre-load prompt
    completely redesigned piece prioritization, checking, verification, and repair routines
    hashing functions now make use of extra CPU cores
    all config files are now compiled and saved asynchronously, eliminating occasional pauses when large .dat files are written
    individual file completion shell commands can now be prepended with xfer@ to delay them until the entire transfer completes
    several improvements to the sequencing of initial file checks and scans, duplicate checking, and category capture
    improved event log rendering performance and raised maximum backscroll size to 50,000 lines
    updated IP location tables
    fixed problems with internal HTTP universal client, improving tracker and RSS connection reliability
    fixed problems with tracker merging
    fixed problems when saving multiple .torrent files
    several DHT performance improvements and remote query rate-limiting adjustments
    numerous other minor GUI fixes and improvements

    Thanks for using Tixati!

    February 15, 2016

    Tixati version 2.34 is now available. This is a minor update that addresses a few last-minute problems with the recent 2.33 release:

    fixed problems with UDP-only / TCP-only outgoing connection mode not being strictly enforced
    ordered priority can now be overridden by high and ultra-high priorities
    fixed crash when trackers match IP Filter
    fixed crash under rare conditions when files are renamed
    eliminated premature directory creation from preload window
    fixed packaging problems with .deb installers
    a few other minor GUI layout adjustments

    Thanks for using Tixati!

    February 12, 2016

    Tixati version 2.33 is now available.

    Since the last release, several new features have been added, and there have been many important internal changes to core components that have greatly improved overall reliability and performance.

    A new bandwidth quota management system has been added. This is accessible from the Bandwidth view under the Advanced button menu. Quotas can be managed with an hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly cycle. Quota reset times, hours of effectiveness, and actions to take upon reaching limit are all fully configurable.

    The system that manages transfer local file locations, moving, and renaming has been completely re-engineered. Managing naming conflicts and merging of local files is much simpler, and confirmation prompts are used in a few key places.

    The Individual Tracker Settings system has had major upgrades and fixes. It is now much simpler for common uses, such as adding or removing trackers in newly loaded transfers.

    Files within a transfer can be prioritized in a numbered order. Select multiple files, right-click, and then select "Ordered" from the Priority sub-menu to use this new feature.

    Several other fixes and improvements have been made since the v2.31 release:

    can now add multiple magnet links from the Add window
    fixed problems copying multiple magnet links from transfers window
    added support for ws attribute when parsing magnet links
    added support for webseed placeholder when generating magnet links
    added option to watch a directory for .desktop and .url files in addition to .torrent files
    in Settings>Transfers>Meta-Info added option to auto-delete torrent file when manually loading from specific directory
    file completion shell commands support additional placeholders $path $basepath $name $ext
    multiple file completion shell commands for same extension/type now supported
    file handles are kept closed for a 6 second window after completion if using file completion shell commands
    file completion shell commands will execute even if transfer is immediately stopped by ratio/seed limit
    other minor fixes to prevent file completion shell commands from running when checking or moving
    prevent file name conflicts when saving multiple .torrent files from transfer view
    the incomplete piece / dnd file crust cache file purging system has been completely re-engineered and should use much less filesystem resources
    several fixes to the file checking system to prevent excessive hash-checking of partial downloads upon session startup and moves
    the main internal procedure scheduler has been completely replaced with a much better system that provides complex prioritization control
    extensive improvements to the win32 message loop idle bypass system and timer system
    the connection pacer has been completely replaced with a more reliable and much more performant system
    the internal precision timer component has been replaced with a more granular system that helps avoid processing holdups and backlogs
    numerous performance optimizations in peer connections and peer management
    several important performance optimizations in transfer local file handling routines
    more graceful error handling when too many files are open
    time limits for transfer local file open-lingering have been lowered to reduce average open handle count
    fixed problems with merging trackers that would cause groups to be erroneously merged
    added advanced individual tracker option "xfer_peerid:" that will change peer-id of transfers containing matching trackers
    added advanced individual tracker option "xfer_created_by:" that changes the "created by" field in saved .torrent files
    directly embedded tracker URL peerid/headers/cookie flags will have priority over settings in tracker individual options
    improved UDP tracker connection key caching
    overhaul of internal traffic counting system, now also includes headers, DHT and HTTP from RSS, trackers, etc.
    updated WebUI to support ordered priority
    other minor WebUI fixes, including file sort order
    fixed problems with upload ratio calculation for locally-sourced seeds
    fixed minor bugs in incoming connection handling when set to single protocol mode
    peer-id randomization every 6-36 hours (synced to local IP change if possible)
    deselecting all files in preload dialog will no longer trigger category capture
    fixed minor display updating problems when switching transfers between categories
    fixed minor clipboard text line-ending problems in Windows build
    raised text length limits in Windows multi-line text entry controls
    fixed minor logging problems in transfer objects
    partial custom peer IDs entered from Options property tab will be internally padded with characters from full 1-255 range
    improved file diagnostic logging
    fixed problems with peer ignore causing crash under certain rare conditions
    IP-location tables updated
    many other minor performance optimizations throughout the program

    There are many more improvements and upgrades on the way. Please stay tuned.

    Thanks for using Tixati!

    December 19, 2015

    Tixati version 2.31 is now available. This is a minor update that addresses a few last-minute problems with yesterday's 2.29 release:

    custom peer IDs from individual tracker options are now properly URL-decoded
    trackers now always use last announced peer ID unless announcing status=started
    fixed a few additional GUI problems related to windows treeview controls, including sort highlight position
    when renaming file, extension is excluded from initial text selection
    a few other minor corrections to the GUI layout
    updated internal IP location database

    Thanks for using Tixati!

    December 18, 2015

    Tixati version 2.29 is now available. This update includes a few new features as well as several minor improvements and bug-fixes:

    individual tracker options can be adjusted based upon URL-matching from within Settings > Transfers > Trackers
    separate seeding/download default peer connection limits in Settings > Network > Connections
    peer connection limits can now be adjusted as low as 5
    sparse file allocation is now much faster, making for quicker torrent startup on supporting filesystems
    GUI changes to allow for better compatibility with systems with very large default fonts and/or low resolution displays
    file completion shell commands moved to separate window for easier editing
    fixes to HTTP client in RSS/Trackers to work around incomplete server responses
    transfer view ordering problems with offline transfers have been fixed
    auto-shutdown minimum delay problems eliminated
    fixed minor problems with sort column highlighting in tree views
    file dialog extension filtering is now case-insensitive
    loading from a watched folder is now done in exact order of notification from OS
    channel topic on never-visited (grey) channels is now preserved between sessions
    files tab completion percentages now show correctly in nested folders
    fixed problems with watched folder loading magnet links from .url and .desktop files
    category capture options (tracker/files) now save between sessions
    category meta-info / magnet-link filesystem paths are now moving correctly in portable mode
    several other very minor GUI fixes

    For upcoming versions, we are currently working on several major improvements to the channel system, a bandwidth quota manager, and several usability improvements and performance optimizations for the transfer system.

    Thanks for using Tixati!

    December 5, 2015

    Tixati version 2.28 is now available. This release contains several important bug-fixes and minor improvements throughout the program:

    category capture can now also compare file names and tracker URLs
    .url and .desktop files that contain magnet links are now also processed in folders that are being watched for .torrent files
    fixed HTTP "server overflow" error when processing chunked encoding with zero-length initial segment
    transfer preload window is no longer blocked by the presence of other modal dialogs
    web UI can now optionally be run without a login
    some improvements to the way RSS feed link refresh and item download errors are displayed
    RSS feed link error status and retry counts now persist between sessions
    fixed RSS feed item URL formatting problem when sourced from feed links with custom headers or cookies
    time span display formatting tweaks
    GUI tabbed views in Transfers and RSS will remember last tab between sessions
    locations chosen when moving individual files within a transfer will now also be added to the recently-used list
    check for missing download folder or missing incomplete piece folder will tolerate transient errors for up to 10 seconds
    improvements to the Windows system shutdown config-saving process
    config file saving sequence on program close has been slightly altered for more overally reliability
    preload window option "Apply to All" now also applies trackers and category selection
    fixed problems with using "Updated" torrents that overwrite files, force-check now overrides all errors when file is too small
    seeding problems due to interaction of super-seeding algorithm with upload_only protocol extension have been solved
    super-seeding will announce upload_only when no more useful pieces are available to upload
    auto-shutdown will now wait for all moving/allocating activity plus a small additional delay to make sure all operations are complete
    added some work-arounds for some extremely rare Windows bugs that cause a disabled main window
    fixed a rare crash upon startup involving transfers that are in an indeterminant state when closing program
    several minor fixes and tweaks to the Windows pop-up menu widgets, now using dynamically-created popups
    minor URL formatting fixes affecting trackers that use username:password@ format in URL
    minor tweaks to startup window positioning code on Windows platforms

    We are now working toward major upgrades to the channel system, a new bandwidth quota manager, and several other minor improvements.

    Thanks for using Tixati!

    November 18, 2015

    Tixati version 2.27 is now available. This is a last-minute update to yesterday's release, and includes a few important fixes to prevent a crash under heavy file-checking activity, as well as a few minor tweaks to the peer connection management algorithms.

    The next release should be a ready in a few weeks with some new features and several other minor improvements.

    Thanks for using Tixati!

    November 17, 2015

    Tixati version 2.26 is now available. This version has many new features as well as numerous other minor improvements and bug fixes:

    several new tabs have been added to the category properties window
    categories can auto-capture transfers that match a user-configured title filter, upon transfer loading and/or completion
    categories can each watch their own file system folder for .torrent files to load
    categories have individual settings to save .torrent or magnet link upon transfer loading and/or completion
    file-checking routines re-worked to be much more CPU friendly and more efficient, especially with large pieces
    added two new pages in Settings > Transfers, one for magnet links, another for file locations
    option to save .torrent or magnet link upon transfer completion
    option in Settings > Transfers > Files to run shell command(s) upon completion of transfer, file, or specific file extension
    new optional column in transfer view, "Last Activity", records the time of last block upload or download
    Add Transfer and Preload windows now display free disk space on location tooltips
    when program starts up, peer connections will wait for any pending IP filter refresh/reload operations to complete
    new checks to make sure popup windows do not show offscreen, even with previously-visible saved positions
    fixed URL parsing to work better with username:password@ after protocol and before address section
    when binding a local network interface, check for interface changes is done more often, every 10-15s, down from 30s
    new workarounds for tray icon problems in some Linux distros
    eliminated problems with incomplete piece storage between sessions
    new transfer tracker adjustment now also applies to created transfers
    better system shutdown handling in the Windows build
    improved GUI input-focus processing in Windows systems
    eliminated a minor category-jump (which would cause selection loss) when new downloads start up
    adding a peer manually can now change the port of an existing offline peer with the same address
    fixed some display issues in the 'Tree View' transfer layout
    updated IP-location tables

    We are working on more new features and another release should be ready within a few weeks.

    Thanks for using Tixati!



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  3. #33

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    July 7, 2018

    Tixati version 2.58 is now available. This release contains several very important updates:

    download piece handling, caching, and hashing completely re-engineered
    long-running incomplete pieces are cached on-disk, giving drastic RAM reduction with many downloads
    all pieces are cached in separate files, within per-transfer folders
    initial full loading from piece cache upon program start has been eliminated, greatly improving load times
    final incomplete piece saving has been greatly simplified, which has improved final shutdown time
    much more efficient scattered hashing of multi-source pieces, can now handle thousands of source peers per piece
    piece repair algorithm thoroughly searches all multi-source permutations in the most efficient order
    throttled, multi-threaded piece repair hashing for stability in torrents under heavy attack
    peer piece assignment algorithm has been greatly improved and now prioritizes repair of long-running pieces
    fixed rare crash originating in UPNP port-mapping client when receiving unexpected responses from router
    new diagnostic charts in help menu that show memory allocation rate and level
    all diagnostic charts now have full range of separate detail charts for all 15 sub-categories
    added workarounds to deal with remote clients that continuously reply to block requests with lt_donthave messages
    numerous fixes to tree/list view controls throughout the program, including faster text rendering
    fixed display defects relating to progress-bar controls within tree/list view on some GTK themes
    global disk operation queuing engine has had several improvements to it's task prioritization algorithms
    file/folder names are now correctly incremented when creating duplicate files
    better support for control label pass-through when working with 3rd-party screen-readers
    support for clickable fopnu: links in channels, share profiles, and private messages
    magnet/dsc links with invalid characters in the title field are handled more gracefully
    fixed display problems with font-fallback when rendering text via Windows Uniscribe (channels/share/messages)
    fixed font-fallback installed font enumeration problems, improved registry reader for better compatibility
    text views now show correct disabled background color when embedded in a tab
    lines in text views are now clipped to prevent aggressive unicode diacritic stacking from bleeding upward
    fixed problems with numeric spin-box notification mechanism that would prevent update upon Settings window close
    peer event logging has had many readability fixes
    more efficient directory change notification monitor used for optionally watching folders for .torrent files
    several other minor GUI fixes
    updated IP-Location tables

    Thanks for using Tixati!

    March 14, 2018

    Tixati version 2.57 is now available. There have been several important updates:

    much faster peer quick-reconnect selection algorithm, for rapid recovery after stop-start cycle
    faster connection recovery after long file-allocation
    added proxy presets feature that allows quick switching
    re-engineered background config-file saving, now has much smoother operation
    several improvements to number/bytes formatting throughout program
    completely revised UPNP client, now with much faster startup, and better compatibility
    WebUI now supports direct download of files in the Transfers > Files view by clicking file name
    fixed crash in WebUI when using host names
    WebUI option in settings to map port via UPNP/NAT-PMP
    fixed minor problems when creating WebUI template folder
    improved WebUI templates, now with better chart sizing when javascript is not available
    fixed problems with GTK tray balloon notifications causing DBus abort upon bad UTF8 titles
    better first-run main window sizing
    several improvements to the channel stream HTTP feed-client, including more aggressive recovery
    improved support for ICY-metadata protocol in channel stream local playback HTTP server
    updated IP location tables
    several other minor GUI fixes and tweaks throughout the program

    Thanks for using Tixati!

    January 4, 2018

    Tixati version 2.56 is now available. There have been several important updates:

    major improvements to SSDP local peer discovery, especially on Windows platforms
    WebUI SSL engine has been fully updated
    support protocol extension lt_donthave, which may improve speed from memory-constrained peers
    fixed several minor problems with text views when displaying lines with mixed LTR and RTL text
    incomplete piece folder management has been streamlined, should have much less polling overhead
    several fixes to Universal Plug and Play port forwarding
    NAT-PMP port-forwarding is now much more reliable
    major internal optimizations and improvements to tree/list controls for both Windows/GTK platforms
    GTK tree/list control expanders re-engineered
    GTK tree/list control smooth indent reduction when viewing deep folder structures
    all text views have been revised to allow proper display of tab-stops
    channel info, messages, and private messages no longer filter tab characters
    improvements to Secure Local Resource Discovery so that local channel connection discovery is more reliable
    fixed problems with download completion notification sound failing to play in some circumstances
    several optimizations to channel stream encoder/decoders to reduce CPU usage when hash-checking segments
    fixed problems with display of time remaining while seeding to a ratio limit
    fixed problems with optional display of base-1024 units
    fixed sorting problems with the time left column and recently stopped transfers
    increasing/decreasing the font size via the tray menu should now work correctly on all platforms
    numerous other minor GUI tweaks and adjustments, including some icon refinements
    updated the IP-Location tables

    Thanks for using Tixati!

    August 10, 2017

    Tixati version 2.55 is now available. This release contains many important bug-fixes and improvements:

    GUI dynamic control positioning framework has been overhauled for less flicker and jitter during resizing, and more flexible layouts
    ctrl-v in transfers window will open magnet links from clipboard
    Windows Uniscribe rendering now supports FontFallback specification, so all Unicode code points will now render on any system
    seeding ratio limit at lowest setting (0.01) immediately stops seeding
    numerous compatibility updates to HTTP client that supports trackers and RSS
    major overhaul of Linux treeview controls to fix several issues with column sizing, rendering, and expander lockout
    added work-around for crash in Uniscribe when it attempts to process UTF-16 surrogate pairs with unknown script type
    optimized DNS resolver to handle more simultaneous outgoing requests and process timeouts more gracefully
    several protocol updates to channel peer-peer connections to consume less bandwidth and synchronize quicker
    better file error/corruption detection throughout the program
    overhaul of directory watch layer (inotify/ReadDirectoryChangesW) for more efficient and reliable operation
    further adjustment of DHT rate-limits to better filter requests from poorly implemented remote clients that cause request flooding
    updated IP location tables from 2017/08/09 delegation lists
    several other minor GUI fixes and adjustments

    Thanks for using Tixati!

    February 22, 2017

    Version 2.53 is now available. This is a major upgrade with several important fixes and improvements.

    All channels now have a fully decentralized forum that is available next to the Chat tab. Messages are organized into a threaded view, numerous layout options are available, and a full set of moderation controls allow the channel's operators to maintain their forum. Private messages between users can also be posted and are encrypted against the recipient's public key.

    Other aspects of channel operation have been greatly improved as well. Shared user data, such as links, text, and forum messages, are now automatically segmented with a much more intelligent algorithm, which minimizes the bandwidth used to propagate changes when a small amount of content is added to a large shared collection. We have also spent a lot of time and effort working on the channel connection to connection protocol so that synchronization of user data is much more reliable and efficient.

    There have also been numerous improvements throughout the core framework that underpins the entire program. We have made several fixes and improvements to our cross-platform native GUI toolkit, and have also made performance-critical optimizations in some of the core string-processing and encoding routines that are relied upon throughout the app.

    More improvements are on the way.

    Thanks for using Tixati!

    December 21, 2016

    Tixati version 2.51 is now available. This release contains several very important bug-fixes:

    fixed multiple problems with tracker connection header formatting
    sequencing of config file saving and overwriting is now handling orphaned temp files properly
    fixed problems overwriting temp config files during load error recovery
    download completion commands should now work correctly
    minor issues with peer selection have been fixed
    numerous other minor problems throughout the program due to an issue with a recent build-chain upgrade have been fixed

    We will begin alpha-testing some new features within days. Please keep an eye on the forum if you want to participate.

    Thanks for using Tixati!

    December 5, 2016

    Tixati version 2.49 is now available. This update includes several important fixes and improvements:

    fixed problems with Linux kernel 4.8.10 and newer causing unexpected socket closure
    new setting for maximum simultaneous DHT searches
    default maximum simultaneous DHT searches raised to 20 (from 12)
    several minor compatibility updates and fixes to the internal URI parser
    added new scheduler action that exports configuration file backups
    added new scheduler action that randomizes incoming port
    several minor internal framework updates to leverage newest C++17 features
    added new GUI box classes to support better layout positioning methods
    minor updates to GUI buttons, checkboxes, and radio boxes in preparation for new platforms
    improvements to internal QoS prioritization for outgoing UDP message queues
    several optimizations in transfer piece handling and hash-checking routines to save CPU time
    redesign of DHT query processor soft-throttle system for much smoother engagement under high load
    updated IP-location tables

    Work continues on long-term improvements. We will be ready to test an important new addition to the Channels within weeks. Please keep an eye on the forum for upcoming announcements if you want to help alpha-test the latest updates.

    Thanks for using Tixati!

    November 2, 2016

    Tixati version 2.48 is now available. This release contains several important fixes and improvements:

    complete re-write of thread scheduling core to improve performance and reliability
    fixed crash upon DNS resolve failure when bootstrapping DHT
    trackers now report per-session UL/DL statistics instead of all-time
    added stats_report:all_time to Individual Tracker Options in Settings > Transfers > Trackers
    fixed minor problems in config .dat file saving routines that would cause slightly inflated file sizes
    fixed problems with menu tooltips on Windows builds
    revised font-selection routines in text-view, rich-view, and code-view controls
    additional guarding around several Windows GDI functions to better handle resource allocation failures
    several optimizations to internal settings registry, which should slightly improve performance
    streaming in channels from an HTTP live source now supports more formats, including full ICY headers
    several minor adjustments to the DHT rate-limiters to deal with excessive requests from certain clients
    updated IP-Location tables

    Thanks for using Tixati!

    September 27, 2016

    Tixati version 2.47 is now available. This is a quick update to the 2.46 release from earlier today that fixes several minor issues with tooltip display in Windows build treeviews, listviews, and text controls.

    Thanks for using Tixati!

    September 27, 2016

    Tixati version 2.46 is now available. This minor update fixes a few last-minute problems with the recent 2.45 release:

    all double-click settings from previous versions are now being recognized
    several minor cursor-tracking fixes in Windows tree/list view controls
    minor adjustments to DHT rate-limits
    fine-tuning of the config-file loading routines to further improve startup speed

    Thanks for using Tixati!

    September 25, 2016

    Tixati v2.45 is now available. This release contains several important fixes and improvements throughout the program:

    faster and more memory-efficient config loading on startup
    support for config files over 4GB
    fixed problems with channel share recursive mirroring, added loop prevention
    update channel share mirrors on channel startup
    Linux/GTK build now supports drag-dropping .torrent files and text with magnet links from shell
    several fixes in Windows drag-drop shell interface
    outgoing stream window now supports drag-dropping media files on list
    outgoing stream window can now load .pls and .m3u playlist files along with the usual .ts and .mp3 media files
    outgoing stream window can now save .pls and .m3u files by right-clicking two or more selected entries
    trackers now report all-time upload/download statistics (same as seen in transfer details tab) instead of re-zeroing on every run
    font size is now adjustable directly from the tray menu under the Layout submenu
    on Windows systems, if directory watch notification fails on a network drive, polling method will automatically be tried
    fixed problems with file replacement confirmation dialogs
    fixed several problems with moving newly-created seeds while initial hash-checking was still underway
    several URL decoding fixes when parsing file:// links from the Linux shell (command line, drag-drop, IPC, etc.)
    fixed crash in bandwidth quota actions when a referenced bandwidth preset no longer exists
    fixed rare crash caused by loading very old configuration files that contain files with a null path
    additional per-file validity-checks when creating new torrents from local files
    updated transfer-initiation routines to prevent needless file allocation under certain error conditions
    better handling of broken symbolic links in Linux file systems
    transfer preload window "Apply to All" option will not override category-capture paths for subsequent transfers
    moving a newly-created seed to another device during initial checking will no longer clear the bitfield
    out of memory termination is handled more gracefully, leaves a log file on desktop
    improvements to channel search algorithms
    core UDP/TCP socket wrappers have improved closedown/lingering semantics
    stream playback pacing algorithms completely re-engineered and re-written, resulting in much smoother playback
    option to launch streams directly with ffplay is now off by default (vlc is still on by default)
    added charts in stream properties window to show validation rate and playback rate
    new PNG rendering engine (for icons and graphics) that is much faster and less error-prone
    fixed several problems with various tree sorting modes in main transfer view layout menu
    better text positioning inside progress bars
    the color of checkboxes in treeviews can now be altered in Settings > User Interface > Custom Colors
    help-handling (F1 key) context subsystem has been replaced
    resource storage tokenization/compression improvements
    major updates to GUI settings and color storage (this will allow future addition of columns without disturbing custom order)
    added several advanced positioning directives to GUI layout engine
    implemented notifications for online contacts
    implemented notifications for private messages from contacts
    several minor fixes in the DHT
    minor fixes in the GUI for channels classic layout
    updated IP-location tables
    fixed temporary allocation errors when a transfer file is forced through download - delete - download cycle
    minor fixes to tray icon / menu and balloon notification system
    seeding auto-stop on ratio/seeds now waits for file-touching upon transfer startup
    move-on-complete paths are now properly cleared after completion, instead of falling back to default
    several other internal upgrades to our GUI layout engine and framework have been made
    fixed errors when creating directories upon transfer move-on-complete and simultaneous incomplete-rename

    We are working on several new features and will resume testing soon.

    Thanks for using Tixati!

    June 22, 2016

    Tixati v2.43 is now available. This release contains new features, performance improvements, and several fixes:

    new Share sub-menu for transfer categories allows easy mirroring in Channels
    upgraded DHT core, now with 50% more simultaneous searches, increased startup speed
    much faster SHA1 hashing routines, providing faster file checking, lower CPU while downloading, and faster peak throughput
    option in Settings > Transfers > Files for alternate polling method of watching folders for .torrent files, works with NFS/Samba drives
    delete key while hovering on a recently-used location in a Transfer context menu will remove it
    several optimizations to piece verification logic, resulting in lower CPU usage while downloading and higher speeds
    optional Auto-Shutdown persistence after restart
    optimizations in program startup routines for faster GUI loading
    eliminated directory-creation errors when using Move on Complete with incomplete file naming in transfers with deep folders
    fixed problems applying custom tracker headers parsed from URLs or from individual tracker options
    option in Settings > Transfers > Files to allow file deletion of locally-created transfers
    notification sound for channel activity can now be rate-limited in Settings > User Interface > Behavior > Notifications
    several optimizations to the WebUI server to make it operate more efficiently with large numbers of transfers in list
    fixed problems with copying text from chat windows
    minor GUI fixes in Settings > User Interface > Behavior > Notifications window
    corrected minor number formatting problems when using non-default Output Formatting settings
    optimized main Settings window to load faster on systems with many thousands of fonts installed
    fixed minor startup sorting and updating problems in main transfer list
    problems in the transfer preload window with editable full-path locations have been fixed
    minor fixes in channel synchronization routines to avoid excessive notifications for offline users
    default refresh interval for mirrored transfers in Share window is now 15 minutes instead of previous 30
    updated IP-location tables
    numerous other minor fixes throughout the program

    We are still working on another major improvement to the Channels system and hope to start testing soon.

    Thanks for using Tixati!


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  4. #34

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    March 17, 2019

    Tixati version 2.59 is now available. This update contains several important fixes and improvements:

    new internal GUI framework that properly scales on high-DPI displays like 2K and 4K
    bandwidth throttle re-engineered for much more CPU-efficient operation
    search algorithms and RSS filter updated to better support international character equivalencies
    word-breaking code in search algorithms and RSS filter updated to support all Unicode word-break sequences
    RSS-XML parser major updates, better compatibility with non-conforming feeds
    now support tracker/RSS/IPFilter authenticated URLs that contain a user name with an @ symbol
    several UPNP / NAT-PMP problems fixed, including one that could cause a crash
    HTTP server that runs the WebUI has been fully rewritten
    WebUI HTTPS certificate parsing and management routines fully rewritten
    several optimizations in WebUI chart rendering routines
    fixed WebUI outgoing bandwidth chart mime type
    updated SHA1 and SHA3 hashers for improved performance
    updated RC4 encryption routines for better throughput
    several improvements to treeview controls used throughout the program, less RAM usage, faster sorting
    new file system access and bandwidth charts in Help > Diagnostics menu
    several minor fixes and optimizations when saving .dat program config-files
    all GUI icons now scale correctly with font-size changes
    GUI frame thickness and control spacing now scales proportionally to configured font-size
    default max units now set to T everywhere
    charts now have correct layout and spacing in high-DPI modes
    charts now fully support 64-bit data sets without visual overflow
    fixed problems with chart display accuracy when using base-2 units
    several math fixes and optimizations in chart painting routines, more accurate and faster output
    fixed problems with auto-scroll in chat rooms
    fixed label ellipsizing problems in several areas
    improved color-text drawing routines, much lower CPU usage
    fixed minor problems with clipboard copy operations in chat rooms and private messages
    color-selector in settings fully re-engineered, now renders correctly in high-DPI modes, uses less CPU
    fixed font size setting desynchonization problem when adjusting from tray menu
    memory state diagnostic chart is now more accurate when dealing with large numbers of small allocations
    updated linked OpenSSL libraries to most recent
    updated IP-Country location tables
    several minor fixes to RPM and DEB file packages for Linux systems
    many other minor adjustments and tweaks throughout the program


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  5. #35
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    This is a decent client, but the interface is awful.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  6. #36

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    May 3, 2019

    Tixati version 2.61 is now available. This update contains several important fixes and improvements:

    individual per-channel tray activity notification options in right-click menu in channel list
    individual per-contact tray online notification options in right-click menu in contact list
    incoming peer connection encryption negotiation has more intelligent rate-limiting algorithm, less CPU load under extreme conditions
    fixed problems with file/directory links (reparse points) in Windows
    new compiler and build system for both Windows and Linux platforms, which produces more compact and efficient program executables
    much better startup behavior when previous instance is still saving configuration .dat files
    fixed several compatibility problems with older Windows systems like XP and Vista
    fixed problems with excessive file/link association prompting in Linux
    UPNP client implementation completely re-written, now operates much more reliably with more router models
    fixed problems with Bandwidth Auto-Limiter IPv6 traceroute operation in Windows build
    column widths now save correctly on GTK build
    fixed force-polling option in Settings > Transfers > Files
    fixed problems with Home view event log settings persisting between sessions
    delay options for Auto-Startup now go up to 30 minutes
    prevent Auto-Shutdown in first 2 minutes of program running or first 2 minutes since feature activated
    tweaked DHT port confirmation timings, status indication is now more accurate
    fixed several DHT warning dialogs that were not showing reliably under certain error conditions
    spread out post-stop piece flushing interval randomization, for less stress on disk cache when many transfers are stopped
    better memory fault tracking, differentiates failures due to true lack of system memory vs malformed allocation requests
    fixed rare crashes during UPNP port mapping negotiation on Linux build
    icon rendering routines fully re-worked for more accurate and faster display in very high DPI modes
    fixed several display problems in Bandwidth Auto-Limiter advanced view
    tracker timing system fully revised, now uses combination of uptime and clock so that system suspend/pause does not cause disruptions
    extended tracker soft-start interval after system resume, allowing previously connected trackers to assert priority over others
    UPNP and NAT-PMP timings now based on combination of system uptime and clock, preventing mapping disruptions after suspend/pause
    more responsive DHT search transfer/channel selection algorithms, to give better recovery after network disruptions
    channel gather/announce operations are slightly more aggressive now, giving quicker results especially for firewalled users
    updated IP location tables
    several other minor fixes and tweaks in the GUI


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  7. #37

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    July 21, 2019

    Tixati version 2.62 is now available. There have been several important updates:

    completely revised webseed support
    magnet links now fully support HTTP/HTTPS webseeds via the ws= and as= attributes
    webseed TLS connections now forward proper host names through Server Name Indication
    fixed problems with webseed HTTP request path compilation in multi-file downloads, now always caches original names
    better response overflow protection for webseeds to avoid wasted bandwidth
    magnet links support meta-info HTTP/HTTPS download via the xs= attribute
    consecutive piece selection for webseed connections allows for more efficient pipelining and higher speeds
    better connection timing algorithm for webseeds, support for request pipelining on keep-alive connections
    template for copying magnet links in Settings > Transfers > Magnet-Links now also supports [webmeta] tag
    support magnet links from web-based video platforms like PeerTube and BitChute
    fixed several problems with HTTP redirect handling and loop detection in trackers / webseeds / RSS
    raised asynchronous piece-saving queue maximum length to avoid slowdowns in downloads with very small piece size
    fully revised peer connection and choke/unchoke timing algorithms
    much faster peer connection upon initial download startup
    fixed problems with temporary peer lockout when restarting transfers
    better error handling when creating directories for new multi-file downloads
    several minor protocol-level fixes in the HTTP server that powers the WebUI system
    fixed crash during move operations on multi-file transfers containing zero-length files
    better cleanup in TLS adapter, prevents rare crash when using HTTPS trackers / webseeds / RSS
    named-host SSL SOCKS or HTTPS proxy connections now correctly forward host name via Server Name Indication
    improved memory allocation error handling, can now better detect erroneous allocations vs true out-of-memory conditions
    other minor improvements in the GUI


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    September 6, 2019

    Tixati version 2.63 is now available. The following changes have been made:

    new Settings section Transfers > Peers
    more advanced handling of bad data from download peers
    peers that send bad blocks have bandwidth priority lowered automatically before full auto-ignore
    adjustable bad data auto-ignore threshold in Settings > Transfers > Peers
    adjustable bad data auto-deprioritize threshold in Settings > Transfers > Peers
    more efficient piece repair procedures, less hashing rounds needed when there are several source peers
    seed ratio/count stop is no longer delayed by a pending or running location move or file completion shell commands
    completely re-wrote channel user shared data syncing algorithm, fixed previous failures to detect minor changes near segment boundaries
    channel user shared data message cache now recycles old messages much better after segmentation changes, reducing sync bandwidth
    after channel user unbanned, full internal re-compile and re-signing of shared data, allowing a more rapid re-sync with other channel users
    added /clear command to channels, in addition to shift-escape hotkey on Windows and ctrl-escape on Linux
    channel user purge now properly takes into account users that were previously sharing and cleared profile
    channel user purge / re-sync cycling eliminated
    fixed problems in channel forum activity notifications, no longer firing during minor user re-syncs
    show last seen time in user offline tooltip, which is time of last seen locally or last cached broadcast message timestamp
    when right-clicking unresolved hash links, location in menu is now correct
    many other minor improvements to the GUI
    updated IP-Location tables


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  9. Who Said Thanks:

    H265 (08.09.19)

  10. #39

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    October 18, 2019

    Tixati version 2.64 is now available. There have been many improvements:

    advanced file auto-select options, applied when a transfer is started, available from Settings > Transfers > Files
    can auto-select using wildcard filters applied against file names
    better options for auto-select based on file size
    individual transfer and file completion notifications can be enabled in Settings > User Interface > Behavior > Notifications
    transfer completion notifications can be set by the transfer right-click menu > Local Files > Notify On Complete
    file or folder completion notification can be set by the file/folder right-click menu > Notify On Complete
    RSS feeds can have a completion notification for all created transfers, set by using the feed right-click menu
    categories can have a default completion notification for their transfers, set by using the category right-click menu
    show category non-default bandwidth settings in tooltip
    updated piece size checking upon meta-info loading, allow 16K - 64M
    allow local creation of transfers with piece size up to 64M
    updated IP location tables
    a few other minor fixes in the GUI


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  11. #40

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    February 12, 2020

    Tixati version 2.67 is now available. This release contains important fixes and improvements:

    new client filtering feature available from Settings > Transfers > Peers
    peers can be ignored by wildcard matching against client-ID and/or peer-ID
    fixed startup crash and icon-rendering problems caused by a recent Windows 7 update
    tooltip on peer Client column also shows peer-ID
    fixed problems with chart history clear option
    better display update synchronization in Bandwidth view
    numerous RSS/Atom feed compatibility improvements
    updated IP-Location tables

    December 19, 2019

    Tixati version 2.66 is now available. The following changes have been made:

    new find function when browsing users
    fixed problems with automatic bandwidth limiter having too low a gate limit
    auto-limiter now uses longer average to control gate limit reduction
    fixed problem with download slot auto-management that was preventing automatic slot increases
    improved RSS/Atom feed compatibility, now supports items with multiple enclosure links
    program startup sequencing has been refined so ports, auto-limiter, SLRD, and LPD standby until loading fully complete
    better synchronization of some bandwidth charts

    December 17, 2019

    Tixati version 2.65 is now available. There have been several improvements:

    fixed problems when loading torrents that have odd piece sizes
    bandwidth graphs can be zoomed out to show several weeks of history
    time labels for bandwidth graphs
    time lines for bandwidth graphs
    time tooltips for bandwidth graphs
    history persists between sessions for main bandwidth graphs, DHT, and auto-limit ping
    right-clicking a bandwidth graph shows menus which can be used to fully customize appearance
    added several new colors to Settings > User Interface > Custom Colors for time lines
    updated default Dark / Light color schemes
    averaging algorithms for graphs are now much more accurate, especially with level-based data
    fixed zoom buttons in peer properties view
    fixed WebUI graph rendering when using system default colors
    updated WebUI graph rendering to support zoom out by prefixing zoom level with letter 'o' in image file name
    fixed several minor display problems when using very high resolution displays with large fonts
    new button in search allows multiple floating search windows
    search windows now show results as they are discovered, no waiting for search to complete
    updated crash reporter to help identify any sort-ordering issues that could cause problems
    updated IP-Location tables to latest registry records
    minor adjustments to control placement and layout in a few other areas of the program


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  12. #41

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    March 3, 2020

    Tixati version 2.71 is now available. The following changes have been made:

    file Auto-Select system has been completely re-written
    updated configuration window at Settings > Transfers > Files > Auto-Select
    new option to sequentially download matching files
    new option to ordered-download matching file groups
    new option to set file priority level by matching filter
    improved sequential download piece selection algorithms
    channel user name change rate limiting is now more permissive at higher user levels
    fixed problems with icon display on some Windows systems
    updated IP location tables

    March 2, 2020

    Tixati version 2.69 is now available. The following changes have been made:

    fixed problem with icon display on some Windows 7 systems caused by bad Windows updates
    transfer pre-load window now has customizable priority buttons (click the Settings button at bottom)
    transfer pre-load window default buttons now include an Ordered button and a Sequential button
    added option to set minimum seeds needed for sequential file download in Settings > Transfers > Files
    added option in Auto-Select configuration to not move single files out of containing folder
    combined options for sequential file download with head + tail download
    several other minor changes throughout the GUI

    February 28, 2020

    Tixati version 2.68 is now available. The following changes have been made:

    separate proxy settings for trackers/peers/other in Settings > Network > Proxy
    fixed problems with bandwidth throttle seeding/trading/channels priority balancing
    adjusted bandwidth throttle ratios imposed by priority options in Settings > Channels
    faster auto-throttle response speed after sharp latency increases
    fixed problems with web-seed peers that were slowing transfer speeds
    wildcard string processing used in client filters and file auto-select is now fully Unicode compliant
    eliminated spurious channel forum activity notifications that would happen on incremental user profile updates
    rate-limited channel user name change notifications
    channel users that are at Silent level will not show user name change notifications
    fixed channel connection user profile syncing problems when dealing with nearly-empty profiles
    added a new smoothing factor to bandwidth chart rendering routines, so that low-quantity charts display as accurately as possible
    other minor tweaks and adjustments in the GUI for both Linux / Windows platforms
    recompiled IP location tables with 2020-02-28 delegations



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