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Thread: BiglyBT Extreme Mod by SB-Innovation Beta

  1. #1
    DigitalDJ's Avatar
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    BiglyBT Extreme Mod by SB-Innovation Beta

    SB-Innovation Presents

    BiglyBT Extreme Mod by SB-Innovation Beta

    Coded by:

    >>>>>> DigitalDJ & ghostfucker <<<<<<


    >>>>>> Butcho <<<<<<
    >>>>>> Rebound <<<<<<
    >>>>>> hitman <<<<<<
    >>>>>> Manas <<<<<<
    >>>>>> eudora <<<<<<
    >>>>>> ghostfucker <<<<<<
    >>>>>> anon <<<<<<
    >>>>>> Instab <<<<<<
    >>>>>> cloud99 <<<<<<
    >>>>>> illusive <<<<<<
    >>>>>> molosse <<<<<<

    Supplied by:

    >>>>>> SB-Innovation <<<<<<

    Original Mod by:

    >>>>>> Shu <<<<<<

    Change Log:

    + ProLeech

    + Perfect Spoof 2

    + uTorrent ID Generator

    + Modifiable Client Files

    + Ghostleech

    + LTEP Fixes

    + Multiple peerlist entries fixed

    + More No Report Options

    + Perfect Spoof 1.0 by ghostfucker

    + (Fake Upload) Stop faking when swarm speed is zero

    + Upload Kicker

    + Ratio Tool

    + Synced with latest Abuze Mod

    + (Upload Multiplier) Show as seeder

    + (SBI-Hack Torrentview) Scrollbars added

    + Fix Tracker Update Interval Divider

    + Use Swarm Peers fixed

    + Fixed Proleech Torrent Export in menu

    + Updated core to BiglyBT

    BiglyBT Change Log:
    BiglyBT Change Log
    Vuze Change Log


    1. Download and install the latest Java Runtime Environment (JRE). It must be JRE version 9 or higher. (Java SE Downloads).
    2. Download and install the latest non-beta BiglyBT release (BiglyBT - Download).
    4. Extract the hack files using 7-Zip (7-Zip Download) or equivalent to %PROGRAMFILES%\BiglyBT (C:\Program Files\BiglyBT) and overwrite ALL files.
    5. Delete the "jre" folder in %PROGRAMFILES%\BiglyBT (C:\Program Files\BiglyBT). This forces the use of the system-wide installed JRE.
    6. Run Notepad as Administrator and open %PROGRAMFILES%\BiglyBT\BiglyBT.exe.vmoptions (C:\Program Files\BiglyBT\BiglyBT.exe.vmoptions), append the following line:
    NOTE: If you want to run BiglyBT-console.exe perform step 6 but instead create file "BiglyBT-console.exe.vmoptions"
    7. Run BiglyBT and Enjoy!

    1. Download and install the latest Java Runtime Environment (JRE). It must be JRE version 9 or higher. (Java SE Downloads).
    2. Download and install the latest non-beta BiglyBT release (BiglyBT - Download).
    4. Extract the hack files within the ZIP file to /Applications/BiglyBT/.biglybt and overwrite ALL files.

    NOTE: To see the folder in Finder, you may need to perform the following steps:
    4a. Open Terminal
    4b. Run the following command:
    defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles YES
    4c. Hold the "Option/Alt" key, then right click on the Finder icon in the dock and click Relaunch
    4d. Once you have copied the files, you can revert to hiding folders with:
    defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles NO
    5. Open up a Terminal and run the following commands. This forces BiglyBT to use the system-wide JRE installed in Step 1.
    sudo rm -r "/Applications/BiglyBT/.install4j/jre.bundle/Contents/Home/jre"
    sudo ln -s "/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home" "/Applications/BiglyBT/.install4j/jre.bundle/Contents/Home/jre"
    echo -e "\n--patch-module=java.base=ghostfucker_utils.jar" | sudo tee -a "/Applications/BiglyBT/.biglybt/java.vmoptions"
    echo "--add-exports=java.base/sun.net.www.protocol=ALL-UNNAMED" | sudo tee -a "/Applications/BiglyBT/.biglybt/java.vmoptions"
    echo "--add-modules=java.xml.bind" | sudo tee -a "/Applications/BiglyBT/.biglybt/java.vmoptions"
    6. Run BiglyBT and Enjoy!

    NOTE: Based on Ubuntu 17.10
    1. Install the openjdk-9-jre, openjdk-9-jre-headless and libjna-java package using your distributions package manager.
    NOTE: Some repositories do not have OpenJDK 9 available. In which case, you will need to download and extract the tar.gz package supplied by Oracle (Java SE Downloads).
    sudo apt install openjdk-9-jre openjdk-9-jre-headless libjna-java
    2. Download the latest non-beta BiglyBT release and make it executable (BiglyBT - Download).
    wget https://files.biglybt.com/installer/BiglyBT_Installer.sh
    chmod +x BiglyBT_Installer.sh
    4. Run the installer, specifying app_java_home variable to your JRE folder. On Ubuntu, this is: /usr/lib/jvm/java-9-openjdk-amd64/
    app_java_home="/usr/lib/jvm/java-9-openjdk-amd64/" ./BiglyBT_Installer.sh
    5. Extract the hack files within the ZIP file to "~/biglybt" (/home/<username>/biglybt)
    unzip -o BiglyBT_*.zip -d "~/biglybt"
    6. Append the following VM options for Java 9 compatibility:
    echo "--patch-module=java.base=ghostfucker_utils.jar" >> "~/.biglybt/java.vmoptions"
    echo "--add-exports=java.base/sun.net.www.protocol=ALL-UNNAMED" >> "~/.biglybt/java.vmoptions"
    echo "--add-modules=java.xml.bind" >> "~/.biglybt/java.vmoptions"
    7. Run BiglyBT and Enjoy!

    Before posting problems please make sure:
    1. You have updated Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to the latest version (must be JRE 9 or higher) (Java SE Downloads).
    2. You have uninstalled BiglyBT using the uninstaller.
    3. You have removed the BiglyBT Application folder:
    C:\Program Files\BiglyBT (Windows x64)
    C:\Program Files (x86)\BiglyBT (Windows x86)
    /Applications/BiglyBT (macOS)
    ~/biglybt / /home/<username>/biglybt (Linux)
    4. You have removed the BiglyBT Settings folder:
    %APPDATA%\BiglyBT / C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\BiglyBT (Windows XP - Application Data may be Hidden)
    %APPDATA%\BiglyBT / C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\BiglyBT (Windows Vista - AppData may be Hidden)
    /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/BiglyBT (macOS)
    ~/.biglybt / /home/<username>/.biglybt (Linux)
    5. Reinstalled BiglyBT using the package from BiglyBT - Download.
    6. Re-applied the hack by following the installation instructions above.

    Portable Mode:
    Portable mode is now built into BiglyBT / Vuze. See wiki article: Portable Vuze.
    In addition to the steps in that article, you must copy the JRE (9+) to a folder named "jre" in your portable folder.

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  2. Who Said Thanks:

    pumper1985 (07.10.18) , josecarmona (23.09.18) , jade.007 (22.09.18) , yuckfou (21.09.18) , whyme (14.09.18) , illusive (21.08.18) , hotkarl (19.08.18) , dephect444 (10.08.18) , Spidtest (04.08.18) , bits (04.08.18) , RaMa (02.08.18) , Paranormal (02.08.18) , Cr@zYiNsEiN (02.08.18) , Mon (01.08.18) , anon (01.08.18) , lyric (01.08.18) , lil-fella (01.08.18)

  3. #46

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    Yes, Thanks for the advice, H265 !
    Effectively, ghostleeching mod was useful to me in this case. But so far, I only use the mode "FAKE UPLOAD" (speed ratio mode ++). Because, thus, we increase its ratio !

    By the way, on this subject I just made a huge blunder:
    a touch of the numeric keypad got stuck while I was setting the value of "FAKE UPLOAD" ... I found myself in a few seconds with a Total Upload of more than 30000 To !!!
    I managed to stop the torrent before sending the value to the private tracker ...

    Is it possible to erase this data before sending it to the Tracker ?
    Apart praying, is there a solution to avoid banishment insured (in my opinion) ?
    If I delete the file from the library list and then to re-classify it, will this clear the upload report ?
    Last edited by jade.007; 02.10.18 at 19:36.
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  4. #47
    H265's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jade.007 View Post
    By the way, on this subject I just made a huge blunder:
    a touch of the numeric keypad got stuck while I was setting the value of "FAKE UPLOAD" ... I found myself in a few seconds with a Total Upload of more than 30000 To !!!
    I managed to stop the torrent before sending the value to the private tracker ...

    Is it possible to erase this data before sending it to the Tracker ?
    Apart praying, is there a solution to avoid banishment insured (in my opinion) ?
    If I delete the file from the library list and then to re-classify it, will this clear the upload report ?
    Just don't let it send announce to the site. I usually disable my internet connection and then stop the torrent. The torrent will stop without announcing to the site.
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  5. Who Said Thanks:

    jade.007 (04.10.18)

  6. #48

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    thanks H265,

    Finnally, I have deleted the file from the library list to re-classify it and this has cleared the upload report ...
    Now, i can fake the Upload again without risk !!!
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  7. #49
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jade.007 View Post
    By the way, on this subject I just made a huge blunder:
    a touch of the numeric keypad got stuck while I was setting the value of "FAKE UPLOAD" ... I found myself in a few seconds with a Total Upload of more than 30000 To !!!

    See options 14a and 14b? They're a safety against situations like this
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  8. Who Said Thanks:

    jade.007 (12.10.18) , Cr@zYiNsEiN (05.10.18) , H265 (04.10.18)

  9. #50

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    everybody and particularly Anon !

    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    See options 14a and 14b? They're a safety against situations like this
    Already, to answer you on this subject, I saw the option but I did not find it very practical.
    Indeed, for a report of 3 on 10 GB file's size, it is correct. But for a of 100 MB file's size, it will be too little!
    And since I did not see that this option was ALSO individually configurable for each torrent that is why I did not use it still yet...
    It would be nice if there was the same option but for limit the SPEED MAX of FAKE UPLOAD .

    I think it is better to continue here the following of this post, because it is more "fitting" with this BiglyBT's topic .
    I took a little time to answer about this but I worked quite a lot on the translation.

    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post

    These are all the strings the mod uses. If you can correct the mistakes, I'll talk to DigitalDJ to update the French translation. (Diacritics and other special characters require Unicode escaping, just enter them as they are and we'll take care of that later.)

    MyTorrentsView.upfake=Fausse Upload
    MyTorrentsView.upspeedfake=Fausse vitesse upload
    MyTorrentsView.shareRatioFake=Faux Share Ratio
    MyTorrentsView.downfake=Faux Download
    PeersView.menu.noupload=Pas d'upload
    PeersView.B=No Upload
    MainWindow.menu.help.donateshu=\u00c0 propos BiglyBT Extreme Mod
    ConfigView.label.noupafterdl=Quand le t?chargement est complet arr?r le torrent (pas de partage)
    ConfigView.label.noupafterdlremove=Et retirer le de la fen?e de partage
    ConfigView.label.noupafterdlremovetorrent=Effacer aussi le fichier .torrent
    ConfigView.label.dontsendcompletedflag=Ne pas envoyer le statut "complet" au tracker lorsque le t?chargement est termin?
    ConfigView.label.noupload=No upload (Pas d'envoie)
    ConfigView.label.manpeersrc=A chaque mise ?our essayer d'ajouter x peers (clients) (100-1000):
    ConfigView.label.manpeersrctxt= = x = Nombre de peer (clients) ?jouter
    ConfigView.label.enableupdate=Toujours activer le bouton de mise ?our avec le tracker
    ConfigView.label.updatefaster=R?ire le temps entre chaque mise ?our avec le tracker (1-20):
    ConfigView.label.updatefastertxt= = 'x'.  Diviser le temps restant avant la prochaine mise ?our par 'x'
    ConfigView.label.fakeofffakeaddedtoreal=Lorsque le syst? de faux rapport est d?ctiv?utiliser le dernier faux report et l'ajouter au vrai repport en cours.
    ConfigView.label.group.fake=Syst? de faux rapport au tracker
    ConfigView.label.downloadreduc=R?ction du download (%):
    ConfigView.label.downloadreducalone="Seul" - Utiliser sans aucune option de faux rapport *( "No Upload" sera d?ctiv?
    ConfigView.label.downloadreducmix="Mix" - Utiliser avec "ratio mode" ou "multiplicateur d'envoie" ou "speed mode" ou "speed mode++"
    ConfigView.label.downloadreductxt=R?ire votre download de 
    ConfigView.label.noreport=No reporting (0 UP & 0 DL)
    ConfigView.label.noreportleech=Se montrer comme ?nt un leech (0% complet)
    ConfigView.label.noreportseed=Se montrer comme ?nt une seed (100% complet)
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadrm=Fake upload "ratio mode" (0-5):
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadrmtxt=:1 (Envoy?e? et 
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadrmmaxtxt=:1 (up:dl)
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadrmcontinue=Quand le torrent est tjrs dans la fen?e de partage continuer ?ugmenter le ratio avec taux d'envoi r? *( "No Upload" sera d?ctiv?
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadspeedratio=Fake upload "speed ratio mode++" (0-50)&(1-10000000):
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadspeedratiortxt1=Ratio: Entre 
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadspeedratiortxt=:1 (Uploaded:Downloaded) et 
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadspeedratiomaxrtxt=:1 (up:dl)
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadspeedratiostxt1=Speed: Entre 
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadspeedratiostxt=KB/s par torrent et 
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadspeedratiomaxstxt=KB/s par torrent
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadmultiplier=Fake upload "multiplicateur d'envoi" (0-20): *( "No Upload" sera d?ctiv?
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadmultipliertxt=*Envoie et 
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadmultipliermixedseedingup=Utiliser avec Fake upload "Seeding upload mode"
    ConfigView.label.fakeseeding=Fake upload "seeding mod" : *(Tracker problem : connection aux seeds - Doit ?e plus test?+
    ConfigView.label.fakeseedingup="Seeding mode envoi"  UP = Vrai taux d'envoi | DL = 0byte  *( "No Upload" devra ?e d?ctiv?
    ConfigView.label.fakeseedingdl="Seeding mode r?ption" UP = Vrai taux de r?ption | DL = 0byte
    ConfigView.label.fakeupload=Fake upload "speed mode" (remplace votre vitesse d'envoi par)(1-1250):
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadtxt=KB/s par torrent et 
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadmaxtxt=KB/s par torrent
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadadd=ajoute votre total d'envoi r? ?otre faux total d'envoi *( "No Upload" doit ?e d?ctiv?
    There are missing a lot of code's lines .
    So, I still translated but without being able to assign memory address to the concerned parties .
    This is just a first "draft", I think, because there must still be some mistakes.
    So there will be probably corrections to make once the program's changes be doing.
    It also misses the ?memory addresses? of the ?column's names displayed? RELATING TO THE ?Extreme mod? FUNCTIONS.

    The code?s lines written in RED correspond to the translated text's pieces WITHOUT HAVING assigned memory?s address.
    The code?s lines written in PURPLE apparently contain an error of addressing or to the variable's name. TO BE CHECK so.
    The code?s lines written in BLUE are those for which I didn't find a match, or more exactly trace of existence in the BiglyBT?s menu ?Extreme mod?.
    So I can?t understand what does it mean for well translate them.

    I enclose all the documents relating to the exploitation of the translation for encoding by attachment.
    Since the original file is written with Office 2016 (.docx), it will be attached as a .doc file, because .docx files do not seem to be accepting on the platform.
    However, I will try to include it in a zip archive containing all documents, including editing in Photoshop (.psd).
    All you have to do is copy/paste to transfer the text to coding lines .

    Tell me if there are any problems with the characters : "" and ""

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	CODE Extrem_Mod_sb-innovation.jpg 
Views:	120 
Size:	162.4 KB 
ID:	19308 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	CODE Couleurs Extrem_Mod_sb-innovation.jpg 
Views:	163 
Size:	158.2 KB 
ID:	19309 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	CODE Couleurs Extrem_Mod_sb-innovation+INFOS+ERREUR.jpg 
Views:	180 
Size:	139.7 KB 
ID:	19338

    MyTorrentsView.upfake=Upload Simulé (Taille)
    MyTorrentsView.upspeedfake=Upload Simulé (Vitesse)
    MyTorrentsView.shareRatioFake=TAUX Ratio Simulé (Comparatif/Taille)
    MyTorrentsView.downfake=Download Simulé (Taille)
    Vuze Plus Extreme Mod par SB-Innovation                           =BiglyBT Extreme Mod par SB-Innovation
    splash                                                            =Écran de démarrage de BiglyBT →
    Preview                                                           =Aperçu
    ProLeech                                                          =ProLeech :
    export directory                                                  =Répertoire d'exportation :
    Automatic export on torrent-startup                               =Exportation automatique au démarrage du torrent
    Export torrent with at least X peers.  X =                        =Exportation du torrent avec au moins X pairs.  X =
    Replace existing torrents                                         =Remplacement des torrents existants
    MainWindow.menu.help.donateshu=\u00c0 propos BiglyBT Extreme Mod
    PeersView.menu.noupload=Aucun Upload
    PeersView.B=Aucun Upload
    ????? ConfigView.label.noupload=Aucun Upload (Pas d'envoi)
    Disable no upload for LAN connections                             =Désactiver "Aucun Upload" pour les connexions de réseau local LAN
    Enable Logging (Console)                                          =Activer l' Enregistrement du journal des modifications (Console)
    ConfigView.label.noupafterdl=Quand le téléchargement est complet, ARRÊTER le torrent (pas de partage/seed)
    Stop torrent after                                                =Arrêtez le torrent après
    hours even if the conditions aren't met (2 décimals max)          =heures même si les conditions ne sont pas respectées (2 décimales Max)
    ConfigView.label.noupafterdlremove=Et retirer le de la fenêtre de partage (Sources)
    ConfigView.label.noupafterdlremovetorrent=Effacer aussi le fichier .torrent
    ConfigView.label.dontsendcompletedflag=Ne pas envoyer le statut "COMPLET" au tracker lorsque le téléchargement est terminé
    ConfigView.label.manpeersrc= A chaque mise à jour, essayer d'ajouter x pairs (clients) (100-1000) :
    ConfigView.label.manpeersrctxt= = x = Nombre de pairs (clients) à ajouter
    ConfigView.label.enableupdate=Toujours activer le bouton de mise à jour avec le tracker
    ConfigView.label.updatefaster=Réduire le temps entre chaque mise à jour avec le tracker (1-20) :
    .label.updatefastertxt= = "x"  → Diviser le temps restant avant la prochaine mise à jour par "x"
    Spoof any version of BiglyBT/Vuze/Azureus ; See BiglyBTSpoof.properties file (* restart BiglyBT for the change to take effect)=Émulation de toute version de BiglyBT/Vuze/Azureus ; Voir le fichier BiglyBTSpoof.properties (redémarrer BiglyBT pour que la modification soit prise en compte)
    Actived ? false Version : BiglyBT                         =Activation ? =false → Version: BiglyBT
    Perfect Spoof                                                     =Sélection Client pour Émulation Parfaite :
    Custom ID                                                         =ID Personnalisé
    Read from file                                                    =Lire depuis le fichier
    Restart BiglyBT if you have changed the Spoof !                   =Redémarrez BiglyBT si vous avez changé de client à émuler !
    Ratio Tool                                                        =Outils Ratio :
    Upload Speed Between                                              =Vitesse d' Upload Simulé entre
    kB/s per torrent and                                              =kB/s par torrent et
    kB/s per torrent                                                  =kB/s par torrent
    Download Speed Between                                            =Vitesse de Download Simulé entre
    kB/s per torrent and                                              =kB/s par torrent et
    kB/s per torrent                                                  =kB/s par torrent
    Finished                                                          =Terminé
    %                                                                 =%
    Stop after                                                        =Arrêt après
    MB uploaded                                                       =MB d' Upload
    Stop after                                                        =Arrêt après
    MB uploaded                                                       =MB de Download
    Stop uploading when number of peers is less than                  =Arrêter l' upload lorsque le nombre de pairs est inférieur à
    intelligent Mode (cheat graduelly while downloading)              =Mode Intelligent (tricher graduellement pendant le téléchargement)
    Start fake upload when the following                              =Démarrer l' Upload simulé quand le pourcentage de téléchargement (download) RÉALISÉ
    % done is reached                                                 =% est atteint
    add stopped                                                       =Ajoute le torrent comme "arrêté"
    ConfigView.label.fakeofffakeaddedtoreal=Lorsque le système de faux rapport est désactivé, utiliser le dernier faux rapport et l'ajouter au vrai en cours.
    ConfigView.label.group.fake=Systèmes de Faux rapports d' émulation de RATIO aux trackers :
    Stop increasing the fake upload when you are connected to less than=Arrêter de simuler de l' Upload si le nombre de pairs connectés est inférieur à
    .peers (0-250) OR having a peer/seed ratio lower than             =OU pour un pourcentage de ratio pairs/seed inférieur à
    % (0/250)                                                         =% (0/250)
    Use swarm peers instead of the number of connected to.            =Continu à simuler l' Upload SANS (des) PAIRS CONNECTÉS, si le total de ceux connectés dans l'essaim est supérieur à celui défini ci-dessus
    Safe Fake Upload                                                  =Limite de sécurité d' Upload simulé :
    Do not report a fake upload higher than                           =Ne pas rapporter (→ Annonce) une taille d' Upload simulé supérieur à n=
    .x file Size, but report : file Size X 'a' (a=the number set)     = ᵪ "Taille_Fichier" , mais rapporter "Taille_Fichier"ᵪn (n=nombre défini ci-avant)
    ConfigView.label.downloadreduc=Réduction du download (%) :
    ConfigView.label.downloadreducalone="Seul" → Utilisation sans aucune option de faux rapport ( → désactive automatiquement l' option "Aucun Upload")
    ConfigView.label.downloadreducmix="Mix" → Utilisation avec le "Mode Ratio" ou le mode "Multiplicateur d' Upload" ou le "Mode Vitesse" ou le "Mode Vitesse++"
    ConfigView.label.downloadreductxt=Réduire votre download de :
    ConfigView.label.noreport=Falsification des rapports (UPLOAD → 0 & DOWNLOAD → 0) :
    ConfigView.label.noreportleech=Être vu COMME un "Leecher" (0% complet → fichier en "TÉLÉCHARGEMENT")
    ConfigView.label.noreportseed=Être vu COMME un "Seeder" (100% complet → fichier en "SOURCE")
    ConfigView.label.noreport CUSTOM=Personnalisé
    ConfigView.label.noreport CUSTOM1=% éffectué
    ConfigView.label.noreport AUTO=Automatique (progression en temps réel)
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadrm="Mode Ratio" d' Upload simulé (0-5) :
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadrmtxt=:1 (Uploadé:Downloadé)
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadrmmaxtxt=:1 (Up:Dl)
    intelligent Mode (cheat graduelly while downloading)              =Mode Intelligent (tricher graduellement pendant le téléchargement)
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadrmcontinue=Continuer d' augmenter le ratio avec le taux d' UPLOAD RÉEL quand le torrent est toujours dans la fenêtre de partage (en Source/Seed) → désactive automatiquement l' option "Aucun Upload"
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadspeedratio="Mode Ratio Vitesse++" d' Upload simulé (0-50) (1-10000000) → remplace votre vitesse d'envoi par une vitesse simulée :
    Start fake upload when the following % is reached (until that, use real upload)=Démarrer l' Upload simulé quand le pourcentage de téléchargement (download) [%] suivant est atteint (jusque-là, utilisez l' Upload réel)
    intelligent Mode (cheat graduelly while downloading)              =Mode Intelligent (tricher graduellement pendant le téléchargement)
    ????? ConfigView.label.fakeuploadadd=Ajoute le total d' UPLOAD RÉEL au (faux) total d' UPLOAD SIMULÉ ( → désactive automatiquement l' option "Aucun Upload")
    Show you as a seeder (100% done and no download report)           =Être vu COMME un "Seeder" (100% complet → fichier en "SOURCE") sans aucun rapport de download
    Use the swarm's average speed as fake upload speed                =Utiliser la vitesse moyenne de l'essaim pour simuler la fausse vitesse d' Upload
    Stop faking when swarm speed is Zero                              =Arrêter de simuler de l'Upload lorsque la vitesse de l'essaim est nulle
    Stop faking when the follwing ratio is reached:                   =Arrêter de simuler de l'Upload lorsque le ratio suivant est atteint :
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadspeedratiortxt1=Ratio: Entre 
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadspeedratiortxt=:1 (Uploadé:Downloadé) et 
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadspeedratiomaxrtxt=:1 (Up:Dl)
    ????? ConfigView.label.fakeuploadtxt=KB/s par torrent et 
    ????? ConfigView.label.fakeuploadmaxtxt=KB/s par torrent
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadspeedratiostxt1=Vitesse: Entre 
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadspeedratiostxt=KB/s par torrent et 
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadspeedratiomaxstxt=KB/s par torrent
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadmultiplier="Mode multiplicateur d' Upload " (0-20) → désactive automatiquement l' option "Aucun Upload" :
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadmultipliertxt=ᵪ Upload Min.
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadmultipliermaxtxt=ᵪ Upload Max.
    Show you as a seeder (100% done and no download report)           =Être vu COMME un "Seeder" (100% complet → fichier en "SOURCE") sans aucun rapport de download
    Ghostleech                                                        =GhostLeech :
    Send only start                                                   =Signaler seulement le démarrage
    Send Start and then Stop                                          =Signaler le Démarrage puis Arrêter
    Send Start and after                                              =Signaler le Démarrage et après
    seconds Stop                                                      =secondes Arrêter
    No report (0UP / 0DL /0%DONE)                                     =Falsification des rapports (UPLOAD → 0 / DOWNLOAD → 0 / %ÉFFECTUÉ → 0))
    BiglyBT Extreme Mod by SB-Innovation - http://www.sb-innovation.de/=BiglyBT Extreme Mod par SB-Innovation - http://www.sb-innovation.de/
    ????? ConfigView.label.fakeuploadmultipliermixedseedingup=Utiliser avec le "Mode Seeding" d' Upload simulé
    ????? ConfigView.label.fakeseeding="Mode seeding" d' Upload simulé : *(Tracker problem : connection aux seeds - Doit être plus testé+
    ????? ConfigView.label.fakeseedingup="Seeding mode envoi"  UP           = Vrai taux d'envoi | DL = 0byte  *( "Aucun Upload" devra être désactivé )
    ????? ConfigView.label.fakeseedingdl="Seeding mode réception" UP          = Vrai taux de réception | DL = 0byte
    ????? ConfigView.label.fakeupload="Mode Vitesse" d' Upload simulé (remplace votre vitesse d'envoi par)(1-1250):
    ????? ConfigView.label.fakeuploadtxt1=Entre
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by jade.007; 12.10.18 at 18:29.
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  10. Who Said Thanks:

    anon (14.10.18)

  11. #51
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    Sorry for the delay, amazing work mate, looks like you're very passionate about this I'll look into it soon!
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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