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Thread: I'm getting fired v2

  1. #16
    I just wrote about my absences in the chat/spam thread and asked whether you were doing fine, apparently not.

    Job cuts are always sad to hear, I hope your union reps met again already and achieved something positive.

    I was part of the job search grind up until recently, it's exhausting but I'm sure someone as knowledgeable as you will manage just fine.

    I am cheatos


  2. #17
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    How the hell did I forget about this thread?

    Anyway, the union reps had three meetings with the government since my last post, but basically nothing came out of them. They wouldn't budge when it came to firing us, and they did promise to keep an "open dialogue" with regards to relocation on other areas, which never materialized. Later on, we learned they were calling some of us from an anonymous cell phone to ask if they were also part of the union and make a (horrible) job offer if the answer was no... the nerve.

    We're all going for the recurso de amparo, it's already signed and on its way. The union lawyer told us we have a decent chance of succeeding, depending on if the judge in charge is cool and the "defense" we prepare is understandable and well-explained for him (and we worked hard to make it so, obviously, not to mention several laws and decrees favor us). There should be an answer within twenty days.

    In the meantime, I've officially joined the ranks of the unemployed after five years. Thanks to everyone saying I'm talented and could find something else easily, I hope I can live up to your expectations if this measure doesn't work out
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  3. Who Said Thanks:

    cheatos (01.04.18)

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