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Thread: Razor's Linux Progress

  1. #1

    Razor's Linux Progress


    I'm opnening this thread for all my current questions and issues I'm having about the all and mighty Linux OS.

    OS Details
    NAME="openSUSE Leap"
    PRETTY_NAME="openSUSE Leap 42.3"

    My current issue:
    I'm using an NVIDIA GTX 970 graphics card. Ever since I installed suse I'm having screen tearing on everything I do: whether it is moving a window, or watching a clip in my browser, to watching a video file on video player, everything is affected by tearing. The graphics driver installed is nvidia-gfxG04-kmp-default, installed via YasT, using the default suse leap repo, full guide available here https://en.opensuse.org/SDB:NVIDIA_drivers
    I have no current knowledge whether this is open source drivers or proprietary drivers. I assume they are proprietary. I've set all the nvidia settings to maximum performance.
    Can someone help me with this issue?
    Thank you.
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  2. #2
    epistemic status: literally never even touched suse, slight confidence

    The driver you're using is most likely not the open source one as you suspected, since that one is named nouveau ( https://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/ ). nvidia stopped supporting a bunch of older cards but your video card is rather new so that won't be a problem. I'm just saying for the record that if you don't do gaming the nouveau driver is a little more convenient in the long run. ( this might be false depending on your priorities of course, i just got sick of nvidia fucking up my xorg at some point and since I don't game I view their driver with disgust) ( I'm not trying to imply that switching to the open source one will solver your problem )

    I'm having screen tearing on everything I do: whether it is moving a window, or watching a clip in my browser, to watching a video file on video player, everything is affected by tearing
    What DE ( desktop environment ) are you using ? We should find out what handles compositing. ( https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xorg#Composite )

    Links of interest:
    https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php...screen_tearing ( all section 5 )

    * don't actually change anything in your configs if you're afraid, the above links are for information and zeroing in on your issue
    * since it's linux most likely other people have had your issue

    P.S How did you set nvidia to maximum performance ? Do they provide a gui these days ?
    (longer) P.S 2
    I don't see any tearing related bug regarding the nvidia driver in their bugzilla
    There's these two:
    https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=991282 ( most likely not what you experienced )
    https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=890468 ( this might be resolved with the gentoo wiki info tho )

    P.S 3 I almost didn't see your thread since you didn't post in the spam thread :) so I responded late. Sorry for not organising my post better it's kinda late here.
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  3. Who Said Thanks:

    anon (05.01.18) , Master Razor (05.01.18)

  4. #3
    What DE ( desktop environment ) are you using ? We should find out what handles compositing. ( https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xorg#Composite )
    KDE Plasma

    P.S How did you set nvidia to maximum performance ? Do they provide a gui these days ?
    yup, the proprietary config tool is nvidia-settings . Similar to the Windows config.

    I'll check the other links and get back to you.
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  5. #4
    kde means kwin is responsible for compositing ( you're probably already aware of this I'm just posting this in case it has evaded you )
    I'm going to sleep a few hours. It's like 4 AM in the morning I don't remember you being such a robot
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  6. #5
    I'm going to sleep a few hours. It's like 4 AM in the morning I don't remember you being such a robot
    Yea, it's 4AM UTC+02.00... Well at least I'm thankful that we are at the same timezone at least.
    I'm on vacation now, until the 15th. Took it especially for learning linux, studying day and night.
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  7. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Master Razor View Post
    Took it especially for learning linux, studying day and night.
    then you should change the topic. playing with a graphics card driver doesn't teach you anything about linux or unix in general. in fact, if you wanna get into *nix, turn the desktop off
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  8. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Instab View Post
    then you should change the topic. playing with a graphics card driver doesn't teach you anything about linux or unix in general. in fact, if you wanna get into *nix, turn the desktop off
    You don't understand, Instab. I'm in the process of fully moving from Windows to Linux. And the first thing I need to do is properly set up these drivers. I actually want and need a complete linux os, not just the console.
    From my what I understand, this driver slows down my VM in VMWare, the are 200% slower than in Windows. I have no idea how to debug this.
    And I also think NVIDIA is putting the screws on linux users.

    My long-term goal is this:
    1. move from Windows to Linux (this includes finding alternate applications, automating the os via bash)
    2. setup Windows virtal machines in VMWare and hopefully get KVM/QEMU up and running. My dream is to be able to play games in Windows virtual machine natively.
    Last edited by Master Razor; 05.01.18 at 18:29.
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  9. #8
    In regards to VeraCrypt, is there any way to inbstall both console and gui? Whenever I install one, it overwrites the other.
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  10. #9
    How did you install veracrypt ? if suse has packages for both cli and gui and they conflict each other then you probably can't do anything about this.
    it seems opensuse has a single package I can't find anything else.

    Did the tearing issue get solved ?

    edit: also, may I ask why you chose opensuse ? is it work related ? Did you go through a distro hoping period and found opensuse to be the nicest ?
    Last edited by sbfretard; 05.01.18 at 20:55.
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  11. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Master Razor View Post
    I actually want and need a complete linux os, not just the console.

    the console, by which you mean the terminal i guess, is linux i.e. the main thing. the desktop is just one program running on the system. without it the system is not retrenched in any way. it's not like some other systems where you're basically crippled without it.
    anyway since you wanna move completely i guess you get along with the system stuff and usual tasks already. have fun
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  12. #11
    I installed it via their website - https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Downloads.html
    Downloaded the tar archive and just followed their GUI setup.

    Did the tearing issue get solved ?
    No, I'm still working on it. Do you think nouveau, open source driver will work better than what i'm using?

    edit: also, may I ask why you chose opensuse ? is it work related ? Did you go through a distro hoping period and found opensuse to be the nicest ?
    To tell the truth, suse was recommended to me by a colleague. I did not do distro hopping but have my fair share of exeperience with ubuntu, knoppix, suse, and archlinux. Those are distros I have used in the past, as live discs.
    I never actually liked debian, and I hated ubuntu. My opinion is that linux should not be similar to windows. ubuntu is like windows itself, everything is done via GUI and people don't actually learn anything.
    When it came down to installing it, I only had two choices: suse or archlinux. I love archlinux but I have don't have the time to tinker with it and I know how overwhelming it can become (because I've installed it before).
    So I just went with my colleague's recomandation: suse.

    Are you trying to say that I made a mistake by choiosing it?
    Last edited by Master Razor; 05.01.18 at 23:13.
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  13. #12
    You should always choose to install from you package repositories.
    pushd ./src
    make %{?_smp_mflags}
    Sadly I don't know if the opensuse package contains the cli version. There's a variable in veracrypt.spec (I used rpmextract since the source was in rpm for whatever reason) called ?_smp_mflags which doesn't appear anywhere in the source and I suspect it belongs to opensuse.
    Do you have this variable ? Type echo ${?_smp_mflags} and see if it shows something.

    Is there a specific reason why you want to have both cli and graphical ? Do you really need something as complicated as veracrypt ? What is your use case ?

    The ultimate solution to your problem would be editing the install script for the cli version in a manner that is convenient to you like changing the installation path so they don't overwrite, make sure that the installation path is not in your PATH variable and the run the cli version using the full path.
    If the last part sounds confusing and you can't figure out on your own tell me and I'll expand.

    edit: if anything sounds confusing for that matter
    Last edited by sbfretard; 05.01.18 at 23:09.
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  14. Who Said Thanks:

    Master Razor (06.01.18)

  15. #13
    I need to use a container, just for some perfonal files that will work across systems (windows and linux). I used to use TrueCrypt but since they stopped developing it, I moved to VeraCrypt.
    For some reason by default I do not have VC added to the default repositories. Wonder why is that because it is open source.

    The code
    echo ${?_smp_mflags}
    outputs bad substitution.

    Is there a specific reason why you want to have both cli and graphical ?
    The cli will be used in scripts but I also need the gui for manual mounting.

    Result when trying to install via package manager
    zypper in veracrypt
    No provider of 'veracrypt' found.
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  16. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by sbfretard View Post
    ?_smp_mflags which doesn't appear anywhere in the source
    because it's an rpm macro.

    I suspect it belongs to opensuse.
    it doesn't. see above

    echo ${?_smp_mflags} and see if it shows something.
    Quote Originally Posted by Master Razor View Post
    outputs bad substitution.
    see above. running that in the terminal won't do anything.
    well actually it might do something but not what you're looking for.
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  17. Who Said Thanks:

    Master Razor (06.01.18)

  18. #15
    What does this ?_smp_mflags do? A RPM macro is like a special type of variable for packaged installers?

    Well the veracrypt issue has been fixed. The GUI also has command line ability.

    Now let's fix that driver.
    You mentioned somewthing about compositing, KDEWin. What about it? What should I try?
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