Allowing employees to work from home and telecommute poses security and privacy risks that are not being addressed adequately by business or government, according to a study released Tuesday by consulting firm Ernst & Young in partnership with the Washington-based advocacy group Center for Democracy and Technology.

The report, "Risk at Home: Privacy and Security Risks in Telecommuting," surveyed 73 corporate and government organizations to find out whether they had formal telecommuting security policies implemented in practice, and whether employees working from home were trained in protecting data. The report concludes this was too often not the case, putting business and government data at far higher risk than if appropriate security best practices were used in the home telecommuting environment.

"We identified some disconnects about recognizing risk areas and addressing it," said Sagi Leizerov, senior manager with Ernst & Young's advisory services group, about the findings in the report.
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PC World - Business Center: Telecommuting Poses Security, Privacy Risks