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    I finally watched it! It's an ok movie, I didn't love it as I do Man of Steel, but maybe directors cut version (30 min longer) will change my mind in cupel of months!
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  3. #18
    DarkSaibot v.1.3.10's Avatar
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    didn't watch it yet , but i think that batman vs superman should stay only in comics...it's another movie that was made hopping to grab as much money like avengers did since it's kinda the same niche with a lot of effects and fighting i think....but also opens the door for silly movies like robin vs supergirl,ms frezee vs pinguin, spiderman vs batman and so on ..from the kids fantasy list

    ben affleck in the role of batman it was a poor choice...hope not to ruin batman character like he did with daredevil and stay only in this movie..not also on the future batman movies..if they still will make some...

    like adam west said..what's an affleck ?

    for me the best role fitted to michael keaton , bale added something to the batman character just because the voice

    also..what's the point...superman (alien) vs batman(human) ..it like godzilla vs jerry ..rigged match
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    I liked this movie.. Could've been better. Wish the fight between bat n supes was longer.. Critics are idiots for saying movie is humorless and dark.. I liked this dark theme. The hidden meanings and various hidden plots for future and multiple stories of the movie was far too great for simple minds.

    Nobody notices things that were shown in the movie...
    Now lets take the comment the batman was too violent. Movie showed why he was. Did anybody noticed the dress of dead robin in the bat cave and what was written over it? "hahahaha the joke's on you batman" . There u go. 1st reason. joker killed the robin in the past and batman couldn't save him due to being soft changed his mentality and his actions. 2nd reason was gave by his butler "fear of powerlessness tunes good men evil" plus it was shown how batman lost his colleagues n friends when supes was fighting zod.

    And the audience lost it when they saw superman died. he ain't dead dullards. The movie was a base for the justice league.. wonder woman was fcking amazing and jesse eisenberg delivered outstanding performance. ben afflect as bruce wayne was great too.

    a little more fighting scenes and a post credit scene was required.or an alternative ending like all of other meta human arrived to fight doomsday .
    and people also misunderstood the batman's dream where he was in desert. those flying creeps in the dream were darseid's minions. The flash gave him a glimse of darseid's arrival.

    overall i enjoyed this movie.
    Last edited by hellman; 03.04.16 at 13:03.
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  6. #20

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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkSaibot v.1.3.10
    but i think that batman vs superman should stay only in comics...
    i'd say its not a problem when the topic is handled by competent writers, unlike those we currently see working on major movie projects

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkSaibot v.1.3.10
    for me the best role fitted to michael keaton , bale added something to the batman character just because the voice
    yeah, keaton was the best version - bale's role came too late (when the batman character got perverted into what was known as 'the dark knight', in addition to the 'poor writers' problem)

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkSaibot v.1.3.10
    what's the point...superman (alien) vs batman(human) ..it like godzilla vs jerry ..rigged match
    its the 'david vs. goliath' theme, which essentially boils down to: every problem, no matter how immense it may seem, has a solution (another version: that which cannot be overcome by pure force may need clever tactics for success)

    also, superman is a play on the super-man hidden in every one of us (it refers to our transcendental true self, which is super/above/beyond/superordinate to the currently perceived/imagined/experienced/temporal/temporary/changing idea of self), the ignorant interpretation of the superman idea leads towards eugenics/conquests/ubermensch theories and the like, as already witnessed throughout history

    possible spoilers ahead (didn't watch the movie yet):

    @ hellman:

    The hidden meanings and various hidden plots for future and multiple stories of the movie was far too great for simple minds.
    some called it: a movie made to sell other, future movies - full of advertisements for upcoming projects

    the batman was too violent. Movie showed why he was.
    so if the movie shows something, it must be right?
    the batman of old was using violence but was also aware of its magnitude and impact on others, thus choosing the level of violence appropriately (a common theme for other superheroes of the era), whereas nowadays dark nu-superheroes don't give a thought regarding such things

    Did anybody noticed the dress of dead robin in the bat cave and what was written over it? "hahahaha the joke's on you batman" . There u go.
    another example of going too far, this time involving supervillains, regarding both the nastiness of the mockery involved and the death of a superhero (normally, they never die)

    batman couldn't save him due to being soft changed his mentality and his actions
    which is a silly reason, because:
    - a change of his actions now still won't bring robin back
    - if he had the change earlier, it is unknown what would happen (no way to test it an no way to predict all the new changes/effects resulting therefrom)

    "fear of powerlessness tunes good men evil"
    - fear of poverty turns good men into evil seekers of profit?
    - powerful people of this world are mostly good men?
    - absolute (materialistic) power doesn't corrupt absolutely?
    - fun-fact: that typo 'tunes' can also be a substitute for 'turns'

    proper interpretation: not knowing the (essential) nature of fear/powerlessness/men/good/evil/reality/... makes one's choices ill-informed, in other words: ignorance is the source of what we call evil - a personal example: ignorance of our true self is 'the evil' in all of us

    so in this case: knowing our essential nature would make us throw away any kind of fear (for a spiritual being, there is 'nothing' and 'no-thing' to fear in the materialistic realm of experience) or any kind of desire for power (we already have more than enough power and we're never really without it or apart from it, otherwise we'd simply stop existing/being altogether) or any kind of materialistic negativity (available only in the materialistic realm of experience)

    plus it was shown how batman lost his colleagues n friends when supes was fighting zod.
    - which is out-of-character for superman (keeping the fight in populated areas)
    - where batman ought to know about collateral damage
    - and incidentally, reviewers mention how in this movie batman also didn't care about (human) collaterals, thus making him a hypocrite too (also fine with his dark nu-character?)

    jesse eisenberg delivered outstanding performance.
    this good?

    Quote Originally Posted by imdb reviewer
    the lex luthor/jesse eisenberg had to be the worst acting job i've sent in any comic book related movie ever. Every time he was on screen was like someone throwing AIDS into my face.
    ben afflect as bruce wayne was great too.
    somehow i just can't see this happening

    and people also misunderstood the batman's dream where he was in desert. those flying creeps in the dream were darseid's minions. The flash gave him a glimse of darseid's arrival.
    hmm, temptations/visions in the desert (desert=empty materialistic world as some call it), minions as evil thoughts, darkseid/darkside/dark seed arriving, dark-themed batman, planet Apokolips/apocalypse, intent on conquering the universe, eliminating all free will - same old, same old, eh?

    also, there was some talk about 'simple minds', 'not noticing', 'misunderstanding' and the like?
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    ozymandis (04.04.16) , DarkSaibot v.1.3.10 (04.04.16)

  8. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    i'd say its not a problem when the topic is handled by competent writers, unlike those we currently see working on major movie projects

    yeah, keaton was the best version - bale's role came too late (when the batman character got perverted into what was known as 'the dark knight', in addition to the 'poor writers' problem)

    its the 'david vs. goliath' theme, which essentially boils down to: every problem, no matter how immense it may seem, has a solution (another version: that which cannot be overcome by pure force may need clever tactics for success)

    also, superman is a play on the super-man hidden in every one of us (it refers to our transcendental true self, which is super/above/beyond/superordinate to the currently perceived/imagined/experienced/temporal/temporary/changing idea of self), the ignorant interpretation of the superman idea leads towards eugenics/conquests/ubermensch theories and the like, as already witnessed throughout history

    possible spoilers ahead (didn't watch the movie yet):

    @ hellman:

    some called it: a movie made to sell other, future movies - full of advertisements for upcoming projects

    so if the movie shows something, it must be right?
    the batman of old was using violence but was also aware of its magnitude and impact on others, thus choosing the level of violence appropriately (a common theme for other superheroes of the era), whereas nowadays dark nu-superheroes don't give a thought regarding such things

    another example of going too far, this time involving supervillains, regarding both the nastiness of the mockery involved and the death of a superhero (normally, they never die)

    which is a silly reason, because:
    - a change of his actions now still won't bring robin back
    - if he had the change earlier, it is unknown what would happen (no way to test it an no way to predict all the new changes/effects resulting therefrom)

    - fear of poverty turns good men into evil seekers of profit?
    - powerful people of this world are mostly good men?
    - absolute (materialistic) power doesn't corrupt absolutely?
    - fun-fact: that typo 'tunes' can also be a substitute for 'turns'

    proper interpretation: not knowing the (essential) nature of fear/powerlessness/men/good/evil/reality/... makes one's choices ill-informed, in other words: ignorance is the source of what we call evil - a personal example: ignorance of our true self is 'the evil' in all of us

    so in this case: knowing our essential nature would make us throw away any kind of fear (for a spiritual being, there is 'nothing' and 'no-thing' to fear in the materialistic realm of experience) or any kind of desire for power (we already have more than enough power and we're never really without it or apart from it, otherwise we'd simply stop existing/being altogether) or any kind of materialistic negativity (available only in the materialistic realm of experience)

    - which is out-of-character for superman (keeping the fight in populated areas)
    - where batman ought to know about collateral damage
    - and incidentally, reviewers mention how in this movie batman also didn't care about (human) collaterals, thus making him a hypocrite too (also fine with his dark nu-character?)

    this good?

    somehow i just can't see this happening

    hmm, temptations/visions in the desert (desert=empty materialistic world as some call it), minions as evil thoughts, darkseid/darkside/dark seed arriving, dark-themed batman, planet Apokolips/apocalypse, intent on conquering the universe, eliminating all free will - same old, same old, eh?

    also, there was some talk about 'simple minds', 'not noticing', 'misunderstanding' and the like?
    m not even gonna argue with u coz m lazy.. i'll just wait 4 sazzy to bash u
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  9. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by hellman View Post
    m not even gonna argue with u coz m lazy.. i'll just wait 4 sazzy to bash u
    Nah, I've had enough bashing for a while lol
    Haven't watched it yet, but affleck is really not that good of an actor and def not a batman. It makes me sad.
    Last edited by Sazzy; 03.04.16 at 20:20.
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  10. #23
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    Batman and WW are two things that actually save this movie. They're both great in it. You can check reviews, yes they say movie isn't that good, but nobody is saying Affleck is bad as batman. In fact many agree he's best Batman we ever got, and I tend to agree.
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkSaibot v.1.3.10 View Post
    didn't watch it yet , but i think that batman vs superman should stay only in comics...it's another movie that was made hopping to grab as much money like avengers did since it's kinda the same niche with a lot of effects and fighting i think....but also opens the door for silly movies like robin vs supergirl,ms frezee vs pinguin, spiderman vs batman and so on ..from the kids fantasy list

    also..what's the point...superman (alien) vs batman(human) ..it like godzilla vs jerry ..rigged match

    Believe me this it's not Avengers "show me the money" type of movie, Warner Bros wanted for years to bring Batman and Superman in the same movie, watch "The Death of "Superman Lives": What Happened?" documentary and you'll see what I am talking.

    About this movie...critics really screwed this up, they went to the movie and waited for one liners and over the top action, but this movie had a deep philosophical story about the world view on god-like heroes. The fights and the imagery are very suitable to be seen in cinema, especially in IMAX.

    Quote Originally Posted by hellman View Post

    And the audience lost it when they saw superman died. he ain't dead dullards. The movie was a base for the justice league.. wonder woman was fcking amazing and jesse eisenberg delivered outstanding performance. ben afflect as bruce wayne was great too.

    a little more fighting scenes and a post credit scene was required.or an alternative ending like all of other meta human arrived to fight doomsday .
    and people also misunderstood the batman's dream where he was in desert. those flying creeps in the dream were darseid's minions. The flash gave him a glimse of darseid's arrival.

    I think the cameos were well used to show batman's detective skills and Lex's obsession with meta-humans.
    About public reaction to MOS's death, give them benefit of doubt... many of them didn't read the comics or search the internet for info and the scene was very emotional. Cool thing: All the people on my cinema stayed to see the end credits in hope he is resurrected, on marvel ones few people stay to end credits.

    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    some called it: a movie made to sell other, future movies - full of advertisements for upcoming projects
    Same people say it's bad because's not a marvel movie and to dark.
    Go see the movie and convince yourself.
    Last edited by techsupport; 04.04.16 at 07:54.
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  12. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    i'd say its not a problem when the topic is handled by competent writers, unlike those we currently see working on major movie projects
    i don't think that very competent writers get involved in this type of movies or directors , only Michael Bay done that with transformers and TMNT but he is smart and chose project very carefully

    keaton was the best version for us maybe also he was our childhood batman , now the new kids .knows only bale and "im batman voice " after 3 packs of smokes per day tone , and back then special effects was not so easy to make like today , but even so movies was masterpieces , with Jack Nicholson as joker ,Danny DeVito as pinguin and so on

    its the 'david vs. goliath' theme, which essentially boils down to: every problem, no matter how immense it may seem, has a solution (another version: that which cannot be overcome by pure force may need clever tactics for success)

    also, superman is a play on the super-man hidden in every one of us (it refers to our transcendental true self, which is super/above/beyond/superordinate to the currently perceived/imagined/experienced/temporal/temporary/changing idea of self), the ignorant interpretation of the superman idea leads towards eugenics/conquests/ubermensch theories and the like, as already witnessed throughout history
    i'm not sure that they tought about this type of deeper meanning , but i didn't watch the movie yet to figure things out..what i'm sure is that in the today world to many bloggers that reviews movies or movies critics has shown up and tend to transmit a better review for a movie than the movie itself has just because everybody is especting the "X" movie ,,or is in trend ...like it happend before ..with shades of gray , twilight and so on...that was so praised by the general public..but bashed to hard by the real movie critics with real background..getting to conclusion that most movies today has more advertising , special effects and marketing but actually after i have seen to movie...you get the felling...i don't understand what was the fuss about this one
    Believe me this it's not Avengers "show me the money" type of movie, Warner Bros wanted for years to bring Batman and Superman in the same movie, watch "The Death of "Superman Lives": What Happened?" documentary and you'll see what I am talking.

    About this movie...critics really screwed this up, they went to the movie and waited for one liners and over the top action, but this movie had a deep philosophical story about the world view on god-like heroes. The fights and the imagery are very suitable to be seen in cinema, especially in IMAX.
    i hope so ..especially for this line
    movie had a deep philosophical story about the world view on god-like heroes
    even if i'm sceptic about comercial movies at first
    Last edited by DarkSaibot v.1.3.10; 04.04.16 at 12:35.
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    spoilers ahead, yeah?

    Quote Originally Posted by movie
    How things fall.
    Things on Earth.
    And what falls...
    ... is fallen.
    the 'fallen from grace' theme, done by so-called 'monkey scriptwriters'?

    then we get the 'death of batman's parents' shown for the 1000th time, though this time their deaths are pretty pointless, as the robber didn't even get their valuables, he shot them because the lazy script said so

    the batkid is then lifted by the swarm of bats forming a cyclone, with him in the middle, yet science says the middle is a calm area with no uplifting forces like that

    'mankind is introduced to the superman' scene features superman fighting some alien ships, whereas batboy affleck arrives late to the party, maybe because its metropolis, not gotham

    bruce affleck orders that his building is to be evacuated, the question is why are they waiting for his order? the aliens are already crushing down the city

    bruce affleck still searches for his employee upstairs even though he ordered him to evacuate?

    then bruce affleck saves a little girl just before she is crushed by a concrete pillar - now we are supposed to like batbruce affleck according to scriptwriting theories

    the kid thinks her mother is upstairs, but how can that be if everyone was getting evacuated

    then batbruce looks angrily upwards, towards superman who is fighting in the sky: how could he do that to this little girl (while batbruce didn't even arrive in time to do anything about the aliens, yeah?)

    now batbruce hates superman for it

    lois lane gets rescued from an african village by superman, the village people (!) are saved too since superman destroys the missile heading towards them, but then the movie switches to a female usa senator presiding over a hearing in which a wealthy african woman bears false testimony about what happened in that village, blaming superman for deaths of the local people - no other witnesses are questioned even though there were plenty of them - lois lane was there, but somehow she doesn't even know about this hearing - this reminds of that (false) testimony that, among other reasons, lead to the war in iraq

    The world has been so caught up with what Superman can do
    that no one has asked what he should do.
    the world (the government) wants to control superman

    He answers to no one.
    Not even, I think, to God.
    think again

    batman saves some people from oppressors but they don't perceive batman as friendly, they won't even get out of their subterranean cages because, well, the lazy script said so

    police fires shots at batman, because he helps them?

    batman now tortures people (!) and brands criminals with batsymbols (!), these batsymbols get them killed in prison for no apparent reason

    batman thinks of himself and alfred as criminals (!)

    alfred says: 'everything's changed' and he is correct: snyder, nolan & co. turned them upside down

    so powerlessness turns good men cruel? are the world's dictators known for lacking power?

    then we get a nerdy lex luthor which is just too silly to be believable


    they need zod's body to test the effects of kryptonite on his cells? what happened to testing on a simple blood sample?

    now wealthy people need import licenses from the government? don't they just lobby for it?

    meta-human thesis? what thesis, didn't they see them in action, fighting against superman in the previous movie?

    gods among men? kindness of monsters? the ignorant human is the monster, for he knows not what he does

    then lex feeds the defense minister some candy implying his power over the government, however it is more likely they are feeding each other some candy, as in: working together to achieve common goals (and preparing backup plans to destroy each other in case one of them bails out on an agreement)

    To look him in his eye and ask him how he decides
    which lives count.
    And which ones do not.
    silly question, he does that what he thinks should be done, same as anyone else - the result is what counts, that which does not happen, does not count

    I think that the US government is arming the rebels
    while claiming to support the elected government.
    nice one, lois

    "Maybe one day Dad'll come back if I just keep everything the same."
    (CHUCKLES) That is silly.
    its not about merely doing stuff in the same way, its about understanding what it is supposed to do, why it is done that way in the first place

    The devils don't come from Hell beneath us. No.
    No, they come from the sky.
    everything comes from the proverbial sky, however, these so-called devils like to dwell far away from the sky, in the proverbial Hell below

    alfred is so cynical in this movie, whats up with that?

    The Bat interrogated six people and came away with nothing.
    It was Bruce Wayne that got the information.
    the message would be that it is better not to work anonymously or through a false persona/role?

    Prometheus went with us.
    And he ruined Zeus' plan to destroy mankind,
    isn't mankind destroying itself regardless of whether they have ordinary or godly abilities?
    its not about how advanced your abilities are, its what you do with the abilities you have

    Books are knowledge, and knowledge is power,
    The bittersweet pain among men is having knowledge with no power, because...
    Because that is paradoxical!
    hehe, could be because knowledge alone does not guarantee power, just like knowing all ingredients of a recipe does not make you a good cook or does not guarantee a tasty meal

    another interesting thing is how all the characters in this movie are very dependent on watching the media/news to get their information on what is going out there, no one seems to doubt the media take on things, whereas we know that they can be very biased in what they report or how they present it to the public

    so far, superman looks very positive, while batman seems consumed by envy/anger

    The fact is, maybe he's not some sort of devil or Jesus character.
    Maybe he's just a guy trying to do the right thing.
    which is what all humans are trying to do, what they, in their own mind, think is the right thing to do - the motivation in this sense, of lex, the government, batman, superman or anyone else are no different, they are all trying to do the right thing

    and you find out we're not special on this Earth,
    we're just one among other lifeforms.
    silly, your mere existence means you're special enough - why would the number of special beings diminish their particular value? is being special another one of those supposedly limited resources?

    There he is. An alien among us.
    We're not alone.
    common sense tells you you're not alone
    major religions tell you you are/were never alone
    science cannot decide what to think (cannot compute?)
    my sig tells you you're not alone, hehe

    Are you, as a United States senator, personally comfortable saying to a grieving parent,
    Superman could have saved your child
    its simple: if the child was not saved, it couldn't have been saved, with or without superman

    Just wish it was more simple.
    says superman while looking towards the sky, hehe - superman has many doubts here, a god has no doubts (why would he?)

    Maybe they gave them out to the rebels to test in theater.
    Using live soldiers as guinea pigs?
    nice one, lois


    It's the Sword of Alexander.
    It's the blade that cut the Gordian knot.
    just typical, isn't it?
    its not about the sword itself, its about inventing another way to solve a problem (the knot)

    He has the power to wipe out the entire human race,
    and if we believe there's even a 1 % chance that he is our enemy,
    we have to take it as an absolute certainty.
    And we have to destroy him.
    batman's ignorance at max levels, snyder was a bad boi here

    more nonsense:
    - superman sabotages batman's effort to recover that kryptonite, didn't even ask what he was trying to do
    - lois gives evidence back to the secretary even though he did nothing to investigate - later on he does provide useful information but still does no public investigation (he likes his job, but not making sure it is done in an exemplary way)

    How far will he take his power?
    Does he act by our will or by his own?
    does any human act by his own will or that of the government?

    You don't owe this world a thing.
    You never did.
    really? yet he uses this world to live in
    on the other hand, the government does not represent this world, yeah?

    Do you know the oldest lie in America, Senator?
    It's that power can be innocent.
    you live in this world, do you? that alone already means you're not innocent
    to be innocent means not having any experience in the world

    then that african woman gets killed after admitting that her false testimony was prepared by lex - the message? people with conscience get killed?
    then everyone at the new hearing gets killed - the message? people inquiring into high-level crime get killed?

    whats up with superman's sonic booms?
    luthor's security overrides are accepted on a kryptonian ship?
    if the kryptonian council is destroyed, their rules do not apply anymore?
    mixing luthor's and zod's genes creates a monster? lol
    the media keeps claiming or implying superman had something to do with the attack at the hearing?

    She gave me faith that there's good in this world.
    just like lois (lo) gives faith to superman? sweet

    Criminals are like weeds, Alfred.
    Pull one up, another grows in its place.
    they grow only where there is fertile ground for them to grow, not anywhere

    My father sat me down right here. Told me what Wayne Manor was built on.
    Railroads, real estates, and oil.

    The first generation made their fortune trading with the French. Pelts and skins. They were hunters.
    one of those responsible for almost exterminating animals like the buffalo or profiting from such events?

    I figured out way back,
    if God is all-powerful, he cannot be all-good.
    And if he is all-good, then he cannot be all-powerful.
    why not? he can be whatever he wants to be, it is called omnipotence (having all potencies)

    no one asked luthor where did he get his definition of good? where did anyone get their definition of good? well?
    another question is: if all was good, how would you know the bad?

    And now God bends to my will.
    and superman kneels before lex luthor - someone's wet dreams come true? at least in the movies, hehe
    interestingly, i don't recall kryptonians discussing the topic of God in any of the movies about superman, though maybe i wasn't paying attention before...

    No one stays good in this world.
    not if you still have weak spots, superman
    its not necessarily his mother, its his dealings with the materialistic world in general, its his lack of spirituality, those are his weak spots


    then batman almost defeats superman, but it makes sense since superman was too worried about his mom to fully focus on the battle and batman's tricks - additionally, batman goes back to normal by thinking of his own mom, so that is where they connect again, not to mention lois who intervenes too - it is a bit strange plot device that many have criticized, but who's to deny the effectiveness of the triple mom attack, eh?

    I don't deserve you, Alfred
    No, sir. You don't.
    incorrect, if you're together, then you deserve each other (well, at least today you do - tomorrow is another day)

    batman fights kinda lame, the fans won't be pleased... did he kill too? must be the dark knight's fault...

    It's okay. I'm a friend of your son's.
    (PANTING) I figured...The cape.
    see, thats the missing humor

    So, if man won't kill God...
    ...the devil will do it!
    lol, nice try

    then superman actually saves lex luthor from the monster, as expected from this superhero

    God have mercy on us all.
    lol, the president thinks superman as collateral damage is fine too

    Did you find the spear?
    I've been a little busy.
    Is she with you?
    I thought she was with you.
    see, thats the missing humor

    and then superman dies (sacrifices himself), which is again a lame plot device (he'll probably come back in the next sequel), though we get some convincing tears and emotions from lois and martha at the wake

    We have to stand together.
    Man made a world where standing together is impossible.
    Men are still good.

    We can do better. We will. We have to.
    no complaints there

    The others like me.
    Why did you say they'll have to fight?
    Just a feeling.
    the sequel!

    in conclusion:

    the good?
    - the chemistry between superman and lois lane
    - superman was depicted close to the ideal version of the past (much less humorous though)
    - lois was different than the early versions (not quite the smoker, prima donna or egoist) but she fits well in the movie
    - media/government/philanthropist deceptiveness and desire for power

    the not so good?
    - disfigured jealous/mean/confused batman, i mean, the dark knight - i guess he took the fall in the making of this movie
    - lex lol luthor (though it wasn't so bad like that reviewer who thought of vomiting every time jesse luthor was on screen) - well played at insane (the tics), but not really menacing (like hackman)
    - weak arguments, plotholes & lazy scriptwriting
    - perhaps some veiled messages as mentioned before, including the exploitation of current t3rr0rist topics
    - why so serious? the tone of these dark knight movies, trying to be realistic, forgetting to be fun

    the ugly?
    - the bat-tank (affleck on steroids? i thought the aspect-ratio of the video was wrong)
    - cynical alfred
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    holly fuck , a whole page , slikrapid is crazy like me

    happy hollidays mothefuckers and happy new year with health , happiness,money,pussy and TB of ratio
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