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Thread: I'm getting fired.

  1. #46
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    was that a public explanation? sounds like an excuse to expand the exploitation
    No, it's an observation I made, based on the fact my household paid what amounts to $12/month for electricity and water and gas. The official words were "enough with subsidies for everyone". People with low incomes, retirees and the disabled are eligible for a discount, but those prices are still nowhere close to the previous ones.

    it would merely be the case of slowly boiled frog vs. a quickly boiled one
    Maybe, but the former would have been easier to deal with considering we have yearly salary negotiations, whereas these sudden tariff increases came way before the talks for this year even started.

    they are simply not ready for a change, they do not want to personally do something about it, they expect someone else will do it for them (which is correct, but they'll have to wait for the so-called doomsday to get there, ie. thousands upon thousands of years), even though the solution is very simple: a country-wide unity ...
    Very true, but good luck with that. Movements like that either never come to be or fall apart quickly. People get distraught over differences, even on the smallest ideas, or even worse, try to exploit these things for personal gain. Add the culture of "how can I cheat my way to the best result" or "what's in it for me" we already have in this country, and you aren't exactly boosting the odds.

    Anyway! I received a phone call from Human Resources yesterday, asking me to attend a meeting today. I did, and guess who was there. I had anticipated this possibility, though - it was unlikely that they'd call just me to see what's up. They (HR and co.) said this was the only way to get us to be in the same room and talk everything over. And indeed, the former hadn't happened since December 30th, 2015.

    Firstly, I got pwned hard over an e-mail I sent to our coordinator early this week, mentioning all the drama with the passwords and the new lock. They say I should have e-mailed her asking for a copy first. I didn't do it because the base chance of getting an answer from someone who was physically avoiding me was approximately 0%, and I didn't want to waste time. But in hindsight, I should have, if only to be able to use a potential lack of response against her. I conceded my mistake on this.

    They asked how I could possibly trust a rector that four months ago was hellbent in kicking me but is now on my side. I'm doing it because (as far as I can see) he was being played by her and is only now seeing the facts. But good luck saying that without making it sound like a feeble excuse. They also mentioned there is a chance he's playing either me or both of us to get her or us kicked from the school because of causing too much trouble. I said nothing at the time, but as I type this, a part of me thinks it could be true. I mean, he seems to be on my side now, but when he wasn't... well, just read this thread and see all the things he invented and swore by, and strings he pulled to keep me out. And he did ask me to make a small addition about her on that e-mail this week. I think I shall have to be a lot more careful with the guy from now on.

    I brought up all the lies and contradictions she's uttered against me thinking I'd never see them. According her, they were either false accusations or taken out of context. Who changed the lock? It wasn't her. Who hacked her Dropbox? It was me, and fuck the activity log screenshots that prove otherwise. Not to mention on December she was allegedly desperately asking to undo the decision, and early this month she was "so happy to hear about [my] return". There you go folks, problem solved, turns out I'm the bad guy here... not. She also threatened to resign, then later backed off saying she'll have to "think about it". As far as I'm concerned, she can walk off anytime, but I'm not stupid enough to think the threat was serious.

    They say they're getting really tired of all this stuff, which I wholeheartedly understand, but I sure won't not fight back because of that if I'm being pushed around with passive-aggressive attacks.

    They ended the meeting asking us to leave personal problems aside whenever we have to work together, and to keep all our work-related conversations over the official e-mail accounts, CC'ed to the coordinator. We both agreed. We'll see.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  2. #47

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    the former would have been easier to deal with considering we have yearly salary negotiations, whereas these sudden tariff increases came way before the talks for this year even started.
    are you saying people can get a raise simply because the price of utilities increased? also, where does the money come from?

    Movements like that either never come to be or fall apart quickly.
    they happen, for example in cases of wars/movements for independence, when the motivation reaches sufficient levels, whereas during more peaceful times or regarding more specific issues, the tendency is not to get involved, unless there's a special personal interest in the issue at hand

    other long-term active ones include religions (billions of members but rarely actively trying to understand the basics of their beliefs or their connection to other religions, as in: different ways of speaking of the same) and science (rational but lacking ethics/morals and a spiritual connection)

    as for 'luck' or 'odds', they only seem poor, luck needed for our kind of existence to happen or continue throughout the years is astronomical, thus placing coincidence/odds towards the infinitesimal, basically, we are a miracle of 'things falling into place'

    our whole earthly society is one giant movement towards unification, though that one may be hard to notice (driven to change or desiring change until we finally get what we all want) and the way it gets achieved may be somewhat unexpected (divine intervention or intention or storytelling or explanation), 'the prodigal son returns home' refers to this re-uniting with our origins

    People get distraught over differences, even on the smallest ideas, or even worse, try to exploit these things for personal gain.
    those who 'conquer' own selfishness may be considered fortunate
    the possibility of exploitation (without consequences) is an illusion

    Add the culture of "how can I cheat my way to the best result" or "what's in it for me" we already have in this country, and you aren't exactly boosting the odds.
    basically, people want the best but choose the wrong means to get there, until at some point they figure it out and get back on track

    cheating on torrents (or regarding any other thing) is no different, at some point you'll want to return the favor or it will be returned by other means unknown to you - either way, the balance gets restored

    whatever you took from the materialistic world will be returned to it
    whatever you lost in the materialistic world will be returned to you
    the balance is restored, the materialistic world in the end does not change anything, it returns back to where it originally started, completing a circle/cycle/revolution
    and you (your true self) is still the same before you joined this voyage called life and after its completion
    you're a constant currently experiencing a lesser state of non-constancy, driven towards a return to constancy (own original/ideal position)

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    anon (25.04.16)

  4. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    It's not a good idea to burn bridges and show your ass, even if you have the upper hand
    i'm not asking to show your ass.. The ass in gif belongs to her and you're triple H
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  5. #49
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    are you saying people can get a raise simply because the price of utilities increased? also, where does the money come from?
    The prices of almost everything go up each year due to inflation, we merely have to add utilities to that list now. Money comes from the state if you work for it or something subsidized by it. Private companies only have to respect minimum wage plus a few perks, and any separate agreements they make, of course.

    It's a small drama every year, when negotiations start and the government always wants to give much less than is being asked (this always happens, with any party in power), everyone (notably, teachers and truck drivers) goes on strike, and they finally budge. Of course, this perpetuates the problem because prices have to go up to make up for the higher salaries, and more money must be printed, but no one's going to sit down and do nothing while prices increase, which I find completely understandable.

    Quote Originally Posted by hellman View Post
    i'm not asking to show your ass.. The ass in gif belongs to her and you're triple H
    I think there are laws against that
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  6. Who Said Thanks:

    slikrapid (25.04.16)

  7. #50
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    So, last week I was oh so pleased to hear that twelve of the days I wasn't at the school yet are marked as absences, with the corresponding salary discount

    This is despite the fact I wasn't officially back yet, and the coordinators personally ordered me "[not to] put a single foot in the school until everything [was] solved" at the time.

    It was going to be a lot more days, but the union representative managed to talk it down to twelve after a long meeting with them. In private, he offered me a second attempt at fighting back, but warned me these people think I'm a troublemaker because of all the drama and thus chances of success were very low, while chances of a backfire were pretty high. I trusted him on it and backed off for now.

    As someone who never misses work (I have had two real absences in three years) I hate what this means for my reputation, and the money penalty isn't any fun either.

    I'm getting tired of this. I'm not quitting because 1. I fought so much to return, 2. it's what some people want and I won't give it to them. But there's a new song and dance every month...
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  8. #51
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    In another news.. Looks like my boss wants me gone. I was sick and so i wasn't able to go to office.. I send him 2 emails describing my condition . There was a 10 days communication gap after that as i didn't knew when i was gonna recover but he got the information on phone. Later i submitted all my medicals via email and last week i told him that i will be able to join from this Monday. Now he says that he will tell me the date of rejoining.I'm not even a permanent employee and i don't have any contract with the company so medical wasn't even required so what's the point of whole rejoining thing? Bastard is just trying to punish me for that 10 days communication gap. H0e was ignoring my phone calls later. Didn't talked with me directly. I will wait till the next monday. If nothing comes up i'll resign.. He is one sadistic fuck.. Now this is not the bad news. I'm afraid he won't give me the experience certificate and my 10 days pay is also pending,, Count that too coz he is a fcking pig. Lets c what lies ahead.
    Tutorials one should read\
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