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Thread: The Rant Thread

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    The Rant Thread

    This the I hate everything thread, the I'm so screwed thread, the I'm going to insert a stick up my ass and fly... . The title is self-explanatory so I'll start.

    I hate my life. I have a great job, very good pay, good people to work with and possibilities are endless. Needless to say I hate it so much. I wanna crawl under some rock and die, but that's just me. I have a great family, good people, understanding and literate and I hate that too. Buying stuff depresses me, I mostly think of the time spent on going to the store and buying that crap that will eventually fail and time I'll spend suing their ass in court (currently involved in one lawsuit against zalman). Seeing commercials depresses me, seeing short-skirted girls on the street trying to convince to buy crap that I know I don't need and I know that it will not work/or fail, seeing porn also get's me down as I see a lot of whores, doing it for the money, their moaning, and screaming, and with their facial expressions tries to convince you they are having a big time when in fact they either don't feel a thing or are just high high in the sky.
    There are too many people ion the world, far too many morons that produce nothing but consume our last breath of air, last drop of water and other planetary resources. I have to pay someone to do my groceries since it's gotten worse over here. Public transportation has gotten worse every year and now not only can you not find an empty seat but can't even board the vehicle because of the ammount of people. Our subway trains support 1200 people but they fill it with 1500.
    Poeple are frustared of high prices, congested streets, sideways, transportation, schools and they start to take it out on each other. I would so love to live a Sodom and Gomorrah. Staying home, sipping a glass of whiskey on your balcony while balls of fire crashes down upon the world. Destroying every peice of existence against all authorities implement by man. See all those government agents, hookers, pimps, rapists, die in pain. Factories burning to the ground, man-made system crashing down like it's very soul.
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    slikrapid (26.12.15)

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    My rant:
    People like you piss me off.
    You should go live in isolation where the only thing you can hate is your own sad depressed ass and like make your own Sodom
    shove a dildo up yo ass and light yoself on fire but leave everybody else out of it.
    Yea them cheap sluts try to sell you some shit or their vagi or whatever, personally I think they are cute dressed up
    all slutty rather than old fashioned frigid scared of the dick hysterical freaks.
    Personally I don't watch a much porn and when I do I turn the sound of cause I don't like headphones and ...anyway those
    porn "actors" they rub their privates for your own entertainment and all you can do is bitch about it.
    They become desensitized down there , i think it's work and if you don't like it don't watch it , it's not like they steal yo money when you ghostleech from emp.

    People like you know exactly how many limited the resources are vs the population but you don't, all you know is that you have a thirst for other people's death.
    Just like the hypocrite green party when it makes statements like: we must reduce co2 and the only solution is reduce the population not plant trees.(green party hello?)
    It's not good enough you have a great job and people that teat you nice naah you need some other unlucky poor fucks dead , that's what cheers you up, that's what makes your dick rise in the morning.
    And then you act like it's everybody's fault but yours , like you're the VICTIM !Whaaat? WTF?!
    Little pampered protected cosy shit like you that has money to buy but acts like a little bitch cause sellers try to SELL ?!
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    slikrapid (26.12.15)

  5. #3
    Listen to me, you can't cure the world and certainly can't make it better.

    Yea them cheap sluts try to sell you some shit or their vagi or whatever, personally I think they are cute dressed up all slutty rather than old fashioned frigid scared of the dick hysterical freaks.
    That's not the point. Every chain store has 90% of all spokesman, salesman, cashiers women. Why? Simple because they need to sell, and what better way to do it than by having people like you that like pretty girls. A theory is that pretty girls/men sell more than ugly ones. The point is that we are being talked into buying shit we do not need. We know this and yet we allow it to continnue.

    Personally I don't watch a much porn and when I do I turn the sound of cause I don't like headphones and ...anyway those
    porn "actors" they rub their privates for your own entertainment and all you can do is bitch about it.
    They do it for the money, not for you, not for me. When something will be explicitly done for the wellfare of this planet then I'll be grateful.

    They become desensitized down there , i think it's work and if you don't like it don't watch it , it's not like they steal yo money when you ghostleech from emp.
    Of course they are desensitized.

    People like you know exactly how many limited the resources are vs the population but you don't, all you know is that you have a thirst for other people's death.
    I don't anyone to die. But we also do not have sollutions to this great world population, now do we? People have children and then they bitch about not having room in schools to educate them. In my country, hospitals kill you, doctors are nothing more than students that exercise. They fail, a lot. All of our politicians, high-authority people like our president, preime-minister, celebrities all treat them selves EVERYWHERE ESE but Romania. Regular folk bitch that people get diseses from hospitals, that we do not have enough apartments in the city to rent or buy, we do not have enoughj room in schools.
    Everything is crashing whether I say it or not.

    Limited resources? Why is that, because people wanted mass-manufacturing, FOR THE MONEY. If items you buy would last you a lifetime, think of the resources we would save. But no, people like you are happy that we always buy stuff to replace our broken ones. Resources have always been enough but it's because of these imbecils and their planned obsolecence that has brough us to this.
    Last edited by Master Razor; 14.06.15 at 17:08.
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    (13.03.22) , slikrapid (26.12.15)

  7. #4
    I am loosing my mind, what's left of it.
    And as always I IZ A PIRATE, I HAZ PEG LEG.
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  8. #5
    I so love the weeks before Christmas time because everybody wants to cheat you, everyone wants to shove their piece of crap products down your throat. During this period the streets are filled with beggars, religious cults try to convince you to believe in nothing, drunk and stoned people appear in public more than usual, and as usual lots of crippled people. For you see, they use the celebration of Christmas to pledge for money, money that they would otherwise NOT receive.
    Our beggars are not like any other beggars around the world, our beggars are very wealthy, have billion dollar houses and cars. Everyon asking for money is rich, do some research.

    Today in the public transportation system, I have met a drunk guy that tanting everyone on the fact that 1. they are stupid and forgot why/what are they doing here on earth, 2. women are hot and that's what they are good for
    People laughed at him, then he become violent. He got off the bus, starting heckling some girls that later on maced him. As always, only around christmas you get to see this. Poverty levels are so high here, people just want to forget and be left alone.
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    (13.03.22) , slikrapid (26.12.15)

  10. #6

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    @ Master Razor:

    I hate my life
    you hate not understanding your life
    your life is a way to reach your answers, thus you should actually like you life!

    There are too many people ion the world, far too many morons that produce nothing but consume our last breath of air, last drop of water and other planetary resources.
    the number of people is just right (as it has always been and always will be, no matter the era!), the question is can they agree on how to improve their living conditions without wanting to exploit each other in the process

    I would so love to live a Sodom and Gomorrah. Staying home, sipping a glass of whiskey on your balcony while balls of fire crashes down upon the world. Destroying every peice of existence against all authorities implement by man. See all those government agents, hookers, pimps, rapists, die in pain.
    what makes you think you wouldn't die in pain (with them) too? seems you are already in pain from thinking about all those things
    also, isn't this scenario already happening? examples: effects from excessive pollution, inadequate lifestyle, failed ideologies, ignorance of deeper truths, etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by koel
    You should go live in isolation ...
    wishing things onto others is wishing it on yourself (thus it is wise to follow that one: do unto others as you would have others do unto you)

    @ Master Razor:

    Listen to me, you can't cure the world and certainly can't make it better.
    sure you can, but not alone
    ready for a major mindf*ck?

    all of human activity is actually aimed at making the world a better place, believe it or not! even when their actions are damaging or destructive! what we are witnessing is like watching a drunkard stumbling around until he sobers up and his walk becomes straight again, but the night is long and the drinks are many and the sobering technique a strange and mysterious one

    it may seem that pollution is bad, but it will make people aware of the problem, wanting to avoid or reduce it in the future - the same applies to wars or intolerance or whatever else - the negative things only seem bad at first, they actually slowly but surely improve the overall situation - the moral of the story is that no matter how bad the world situation gets, there will always be a solution to improve it and get out of the seemingly impossible scenarios - even the supremely grim 'end of the world' scenario is said to be divinely restored to perfect order, thus there is no reason to fear for humanity at any point in their history - however, humanity is not aware of this, thus they worry, fear loneliness/abandonment, fight each other constantly even though there are no real enemies out there, there are only lessons for the ignorant until no ignorance is left within

    people just want to forget and be left alone.
    the more they forget their problems, the more the problems return with a vengeance
    the more they fight their problems in ignorant ways, the more the problems return with a vengeance
    however, regardless of the way they fight their problems, the problems will eventually be solved in every single case, all it takes is patience & endurance

    you don't live alone in the world, thus you cannot expect to be left alone
    the solution is in facing the world and dealing with it, while trying to understand what exactly is going on and reading between the lines, oh and a fair dosage of optimism comes real handy

    Today in the public transportation system, I have met a drunk guy that tanting everyone on the fact that 1. they are stupid and forgot why/what are they doing here on earth, 2. women are hot and that's what they are good for
    People laughed at him
    1. many did forget, they have no higher goals or do not (actively) deal with such issues - as usual, eventually such topics will arrive sooner or later even to the most forgetful ones (cannot avoid the purpose of life)
    2. hotness is a part of the attraction, no?

    seems the drunkard was not that wrong afterall, even if his way of expression was probably silly or crude to other people around him
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  11. #7
    you hate not understanding your life
    your life is a way to reach your answers, thus you should actually like you life!
    If I had control over my surrounding I would love life. I'm frustrated that I must depend on others, who are not stable-minded enough to make good decisions. It is not my subjective thinking, when you make a decision in which thousads or millions of people die or get hurt or go insane, it is not just me. I cannot enjoy living a lie, and posing for others as they see fit.

    the number of people is just right (as it has always been and always will be, no matter the era!), the question is can they agree on how to improve their living conditions without wanting to exploit each other in the process
    Oh yeah? Come down here in my city and check if you have room to breathe. You cannot even walk the street.
    In our whole country we have lack of space to build anything thus we cut down forrests to do make room.

    what makes you think you wouldn't die in pain (with them) too? seems you are already in pain from thinking about all those things
    also, isn't this scenario already happening? examples: effects from excessive pollution, inadequate lifestyle, failed ideologies, ignorance of deeper truths, etc.
    Of course I will die. But instead of begging and screaming for help I'd be totally relaxed and see it all fall. I don't have a problem with dying, I'm already dead for years now.

    wishing things onto others is wishing it on yourself (thus it is wise to follow that one: do unto others as you would have others do unto you)
    I wish only the best to everyone. In real life as well as in virtual life, I help many people. Always give to charity, always help those who cannot help themselves. I do many good deeds all year and I always have to follow some idiot's rules whether it is government, hierarchical boss, building administrator. You cannot change anything if you do not go againt the power at be.

    the more they forget their problems, the more the problems return with a vengeance
    the more they fight their problems in ignorant ways, the more the problems return with a vengeance
    however, regardless of the way they fight their problems, the problems will eventually be solved in every single case, all it takes is patience & endurance
    Yes... people are dying because of the foods they eat. I do not think we have soo much time in solving problems caused by others.

    you don't live alone in the world, thus you cannot expect to be left alone
    the solution is in facing the world and dealing with it, while trying to understand what exactly is going on and reading between the lines, oh and a fair dosage of optimism comes real handy
    understand what? that money drives people to do irrational and destructive things? What are you goiing to do? Sit in the corner, do yoga and let the world die? This is a selfish way of thinking, sit, think, try to understand while governments to everything to make life hard and controlls us with every breath. It is because of them the goddamned wheather is fucked up. And they say --'we have to adapt'. Are they adapting? AFAIK the whole antarctica region is sealed off, you cannot visit it without permission. Even though it is AFAIK uncharted teritory, owend by no one. However owns that gets to live, everyone else bye bye.

    hotness is a part of the attraction, no?
    And that's my second point. Women ca change the world using their looks -- in which they take advantage every day. Many wars in history were started because of women and perhaps women could also set the world straight if they wanted to. men are idiots and would go for anything in a skirt. I;ve met a lot of those in my day.
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    slikrapid (27.12.15)

  13. #8

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    so lets rant a little more, eh?

    @ Master Razor:

    If I had control over my surrounding I would love life.
    you wouldn't be the first to entertain this illusion - however, the more control you (think you) have, the more these things control you instead - true power rests in releasing all control or desires of control, it rests in embracing only the core essence of what you are - that essence has no material elements and does not need them, it is spiritual, and that is what life will teach you in the end, whether you currently want it or not, whether you currently know it or not

    I'm frustrated that I must depend on others,
    yet it does not bother you to exercise control over others? (via your control over the surroundings, influencing those others directly & indirectly beyond your comprehension)

    those others, regardless of how ignorant or incompetent they may seem are actually a way to correct your own path - whenever you go too far in one direction, they serve as automatic correction (just like you serve as a correction for them), so your path returns towards that what you always subconsciously aim at (that aforementioned essence) - in other words, you need them, they are good for you!

    Come down here in my city and check if you have room to breathe.
    lets put it this way: the number of people is just right in order for them to start realizing how they need to do something to restore their living conditions, to achieve something more decent than they have today - what they decide (even if it is something foolish) will again be just right to start realizing how they need to do something else or better to restore their living conditions,... and so on and so forth until they either manage to finally do it or they sink so low that the only way out is external help to restore those conditions (that divine intervention as mentioned above) - either way, success is the final result, though the path may be very demanding (it gets more demanding the more they entertain own selfishness, as mentioned above regarding 'control over others')

    But instead of begging and screaming for help I'd be totally relaxed and see it all fall.
    that remains to be seen, since it is currently unknown whether you'll die 'in sleep' or 'in pain' - it is said that even the toughest motherf*ckers end up crying like babies when death comes a-knocking hehe

    You cannot change anything if you do not go againt the power at be.
    you do what you must, what you think is right (for you), same as everyone else - but the only personally important thing that changes is own perception of yourself and that which surrounds you - essentially, you live this life to change yourself (towards what you truly are)

    people are dying because of the foods they eat.
    (very) rich people can supposedly afford the most healthy food in the world, yet it did not save them from disease, nor from mental or spiritual inadequacies, nor has it made them into symbols of spiritual enlightenment, on the contrary, they are symbols of corruption, profiting from disease and the suffering of others - currently they are viewed as symbols of materialistic success

    I do not think we have soo much time
    it is impossible to run out of time! we have just the right amount of time for what needs to be done! ye of little faith, hehe

    Sit in the corner, do yoga and let the world die?
    we need to relax and clear our head somehow, meditation is the perfect choice (prayer works too, if you're religiously/spiritually inclined)
    wanna change the world? start from yourself and let others do the same if they want to, without blaming them if they cannot make it happen

    It is because of them the goddamned wheather is fucked up.
    and it is because of (passive) people that this is allowed to continue, in other words, a perfectly logical outcome

    Are they adapting?
    of course, what other option do they have? they have no real control, they only appear to have (playing the role of confident overlords, yet worried sick about the future, about a mob that could cut them to pieces)

    AFAIK the whole antarctica region is sealed off, you cannot visit it without permission. Even though it is AFAIK uncharted teritory, owend by no one. However owns that gets to live, everyone else bye bye.
    so? you don't need antarctica to solve your problems, its just another conspiratorial or mainstream exaggeration

    Women ca change the world
    so can men, they are (both) just too busy with own materialistic goals

    Many wars in history were started because of women
    you mean: they were started by men for whatever reasons, some of which happen to be over women (with no women, they would find some other reason anyways)

    men are idiots and would go for anything in a skirt. I;ve met a lot of those in my day.
    so? all of those men simply need a few more lessons to grow out of it, which their lives will provide in a timely fashion (which was so from the beginning of times, and naturally before that as well, since the beginning of one cycle is simply the end of a previous one... into infinity)

    moral of the story:
    - the more, the deeper you enter the material realm, the harder will it be to get out of it or to comprehend it
    - the more you worry, the less you'll think clearly
    - have faith in your life, it will guide you towards your true destination, your 'place' of eternal happiness
    - none of this is really new (there are no 'new' things under the sun, yeah?), we have the same old questions and same old answers, just new situations/variations and new people arriving at the scene, slowly getting ready for their own answers
    - too much to bear or understand? no problem, just live your life (the way you think you should) and see for yourself!
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  14. #9

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    Sounds to me like effeminate pessimist ramble.
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    Sazzy (31.12.15)

  16. #10

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    which may be interpreted as a strange (borderline insulting) way of trying to help Master Razor to snap out of his pessimism
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  17. #11
    Dedication to Koel: This is what remained of the human spirit.

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  18. #12

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    Quote Originally Posted by Master Razor
    This is what remained of the human spirit.
    your point is?

    what can be seen from the video is that the human spirit is still alive (and will always be so, until it finds that which it is searching for, when things go to another level) - the money-giver was motivated (by curiosity or impulsiveness or some other idea or intent) to give out some money and observe (to experience!) their reaction, whereas the rest of (the conscious) people in the room were motivated to grab that money and use it to accomplish whatever goals they had in mind (to experience results of those goals!)

    what does the spirit want? to experience existence, its current desires and itself (own fundamental nature) and it will cross oceans and move mountains, endure difficulties and go through reincarnations/lifetimes until it reaches its final goal (the true self) - moral of the story: there is no stopping the spirit in its endeavour, this material world was made for the fulfilment of this endeavour for all spiritual entities that are a part of it (in terms of experiencing its contents)

    if you compare the video to a swamp, think of the human spirit as moving across/through the swamp, even if often in circles, even if often backwards, even if slow, even if ignorant, even if often covered in filth,... until it finds a way out of it and succeeds in its endeavour
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  19. #13
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    Initially, Jesse was just a small-time drug dealer. His life was going nowhere, but at least it had the goal of surviving to the next day, every day. When he and Walter started making big money (season 3 onwards), he went from that to having enough to wipe those worries, buy a house and anything else he wanted, but he had no one to share all of this with. He had already alienated his family with his drug habits, then lost his girlfriend when she had that overdose and choked to death, and was at a loss about how to handle this. A part of him was desperate to have some social contact, that's why he had parties at his house all the time and did the money throwing in the video - so that those people wouldn't abandon him too.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  23. #15
    Everything is so screwed up that I just does not matter talking about it anymore.
    For the past 2 weeks, I've spend day and night reading all sorts of books about interviews, interview questions, hidden requirements behind them and their purpose. Now, all of this depresses me even more because now I actually realize that I've been mostly interviewed by inadequate recruiters. I have to admit that I have also met some trully professional recruiters out there but these people are very rare. You realize the incompetency of a recruiter by the time in which he asks a question, as most questions are usually related to one another. For instance, you cannot ask question 10 without asking first question 1. There's a certain pattern to them, as well as some hidden agendas that few are aware of.
    All of my research accomplishes that:
    1. The more you know about something, the more you can detect the incompetents, and when you see there are many, it gets you down.
    2. If you beat them at their game, they will find some way to reject you.

    Of course, the above is only true for countries with very low standards, like my current one.
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