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  1. #16

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sazzy
    Please don't try to ruin fight club :(
    don't watch the video then

    Quote Originally Posted by anon
    I've always thought the movie takes the concept of an unreliable narrator and stretches it to huge extents. The video merely points some of that out. But ultimately, it can be forgiven because it is very well-directed.
    i'm not holding it against them: the movie (excellent, very entertaining), the video (funny, for one time viewing though)
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  2. #17
    Elite hellman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    Aim higher!
    whey protein factory
    Tutorials one should read\
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  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellman View Post
    whey protein factory
    That's the spirit

    This week, with your donation money I bought a new power supply...

    ...a 4G mobile phone...

    ...a wireless router to use WhatsApp at home...

    ...and a videogame console.

    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  4. Who Said Thanks:

    ozymandis (19.04.15) , slikrapid (18.04.15)

  5. #19

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    deja vu or hellman's factory has distribution issues (hence my whey proteins are too low to think of a purebred reply)?
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  6. #20
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    Did somebody say deja vu? That must be a glitch in the Matrix.

    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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    slikrapid (21.04.15)

  8. #21

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    I refuse to watch the glitch in the matrix oh wait I just did some its of it are funny like the boner bit
    Last edited by ozymandis; 21.04.15 at 14:17.
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  9. #22
    I'm interfering with the OP's original to discussion to say: what if it is real? The matrix I mean.
    Or at least if some bits and pieces of it are real?
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  10. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by ozymandis View Post
    I refuse to watch the glitch in the matrix oh wait I just did
    Some time ago, I did an analysis of my own: https://www.sb-innovation.de/showthread.php?p=315785

    Great movie nonetheless.

    Quote Originally Posted by Master Razor View Post
    what if it is real? The matrix I mean.
    Or at least if some bits and pieces of it are real?
    Every time someone says this or mentions parallel universes, I keep thinking on what kind of computer power would be required to run either. I mean, emulating just a single human brain at real-time speed is currently way out of the reach of present-day science and computer systems, but in movie, the titular Matrix was already operative circa 2199.

    Morpheus also says artificial intelligence was invented "early in the twenty-first century". We do have AI, although our definitions of it vary. Technically, things like YouTube's video suggestions qualify - the code learns from the data you give it, thinks to show you what you may like, and remembers your search history. But it's not what most people would think of when hearing "artificial intelligence".

    Anyway, just some random thoughts.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  11. Who Said Thanks:

    ozymandis (22.04.15) , slikrapid (21.04.15)

  12. #24

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    Quote Originally Posted by Master Razor
    what if it is real? The matrix I mean.
    Or at least if some bits and pieces of it are real?
    it is a metaphor for the matrix of our senses (cannot see things as they really are) and the materialistic world (which is known as the illusory world, since it does not represent the ultimate reality as it is) - thats how they got this idea in the first place, this has been known for thousands of years (in the east at least)

    Quote Originally Posted by anon
    emulating just a single human brain at real-time speed
    that would be hardware emulating only the speed or amount of impulses that traverse the brain
    which still says nothing about the nature of these impulses or what exactly do they carry
    lets also not forget the software component (which would have to 'know' what a brain actually does or what a single cell in the brain actually does)
    and before any programming begins, the theory ought to be proven first:

    Quote Originally Posted by wiki, artificial cell
    So far, no completely artificial cell capable of self-reproduction has been synthesized using the molecules of life, and this objective is still in a distant future although various groups are currently working towards this goal.

    and i'll have to bash that video above:

    i know its deja-vu induced, but this video and the sins were weak
    also, it seemed like the guy(s) making it were actually trying to be mean and not funny (in addition to their likely goal of needing 50+ sins per movie)

    some of the many facepalm-worthy moments:
    - 'why is the light swinging'? (1:19)
    - failing to notice obvious? metaphorical meanings (7:13)
    - lolfail explanation of the deja-vu effect (7:23)
    '...why is he talking about mammals...we know that no mammals can survive...'
    'that was racist' comments coming from these guys...
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  13. Who Said Thanks:

    ozymandis (22.04.15)

  14. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    deja vu or hellman's factory has distribution issues (hence my whey proteins are too low to think of a purebred reply)?
    I'll provide vest quality whey if i had a factory. I'm against nitrogen spiking and mixing anabol in whey .
    Tutorials one should read\
    1. The ultimate weapon- Waffles method
    2. Categorized tutorial list

    My buddies
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    7.SLIKRAPID ( 4th Dimensional Being)
    8.YOCO( Gamer n Movie Maniac)
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  15. Who Said Thanks:

    slikrapid (23.04.15)

  16. #26
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    that would be hardware emulating only the speed or amount of impulses that traverse the brain
    which still says nothing about the nature of these impulses or what exactly do they carry
    This is also true of many other (man-made) reverse engineered systems and protocols. Messages are generated or relayed with little understanding of their specific function. For something as complex and largely unknown as the brain, it may be the best we can do for a long time.

    i know its deja-vu induced, but this video and the sins were weak
    also, it seemed like the guy(s) making it were actually trying to be mean and not funny (in addition to their likely goal of needing 50+ sins per movie)
    Some of them are jokes. Other are indeed stupid ("lift" and "authorised" are two sins? It is never stated at any point that the city in the matrix is supposed to be in the USA1. For the record, the movie was filmed in Australia). I'll do a play-by-play analysis tomorrow2, and in the meantime leave you with an even sillier video, this time for what's almost the worst movie ever (yet so bad it's good).

    Quote Originally Posted by hellman View Post
    I'll provide vest quality whey if i had a factory. I'm against nitrogen spiking and mixing anabol in whey .
    Speaking of which, it's been a bit more than a month since I gave up drinking stuff with artificial sweeteners, aspartame, sodium cyclamate and all that crap. Now it's either water, orange juice or regular Pepsi (which contains enough sugar to kill a dinosaur, but at least it's healthier).

    1 = I think the only thing indicating that at least some parts are based in the real world is a newspaper title in Neo's computer saying "Morpheus evades police at Heathrow airport"
    2 = and also show you the latest item I bought with your donation money
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  17. Who Said Thanks:

    ozymandis (06.05.15)

  18. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    I'll do a play-by-play analysis tomorrow
    Well, that took longer than expected

    1. "Later when they find out the call was traced, it somehow doesn't occur to Morpheus or Trinity that Cypher is either bad at his job, or just a dick."

    Agreed, they could have at least made offhand mention of it.

    2. "Why does Trinity—or anyone, for that matter, from the Nebuchadnezzar— need to physically jack into the Matrix to keep an eye on Neo? Doesn't Morpheus watch him and see & guide his every move in the office building in just a few minutes? I love this opening scene as much as ANYONE, but it's still pretty unnecessary in the grand scheme of 'keeping an eye on Neo.'"

    Agreed, if observing Neo was the only thing Trinity was doing in the Matrix at the time. The movie doesn't state it is.

    3. "Hey, how come the agents don't already know it's Trinity? How come they didn't leap into one of the cops in room 303 with Trinity at gunpoint the second they burst into the room and saw her? Or once she started kicking ass?"


    4. "I'm guessing Agent Smith and his two partners go around with the Men in Black memory eraser after these missions? Doing impossible stunts, JUMPING INTO OTHER PEOPLE AND TAKING OVER THEIR BODIES... this gives away the idea of The Matrix to normal people, right?"

    Most people would dismiss this since (as the cop says when Trinity and Smith make that jump) "that's impossible", and the agents can always pay a visit to anyone getting serious about discovering the Matrix's secret, just like they do with Neo later on.

    5. "Agent sees Trinity running, but instead of shooting her or chasing after her, decides to watch her run away as if he's never seen running before."

    The movie never shows there's a clear line of sight between the agent and her after she hides, or that she's running through such a spot.

    6. "Why is the light swinging? I admit it's a cool shot, but it wasn't hit by debris or even the wind when she dove through the window. And it stops swinging in the next shot, as evidenced by the light... not moving."

    Agreed. It seems they forgot to make something move the light when she crashed through.

    7. "The Agents have to visually confirm someone like Trinity in order to know exactly where she is, so how did the Agents know to morph into this truck driver? How did they know which phone booth she would be heading for?"

    He obviously saw her running first, then transformed into an agent.

    8. "Trinity's a dead woman if Agent Smith doesn't stop and wait here a few seconds to give the movie's plot a chance to even happen. Come to think of it, why did he even feel compelled to turn the vehicle? Couldn't he just have smashed the phone booth on his way down the street?"

    See above.

    9. "Truck does a Fred Flintstone tire spin to buy Trinity even more time to barely escape."

    Agreed; it lasts a second or so in the movie (it's slowed down in the video), but even then, this feels unnecessary.

    10. "Truck is always further away than it was the last time we saw it so that this escape is possible."

    Common movie trope, this is not a particularly egregious example.

    11. "Why? Are the humans able to use computers inside your computer program to find a person by his alias faster than... well, computers are? How do you not know who and where Neo is instantly?"

    No one said who or what would run the search. Also, searching a huge database can take time, and "Neo" may not be a name the Matrix directly knows Thomas Anderson by.

    12. "Neo is somehow awakened by online chat."

    Agreed, always found this weird.

    13. "What is this bullsh*t on Neo's computer monitor?"


    14. "Movie hits the Jesus metaphor a little square on the head."

    Only in hindsight.

    15. "That's racist."

    Obviously a joke.

    16. "Movie promptly dates itself 9 minutes in with a reference to mescaline, of all drugs. Why not Angel Dust, or speedballs?"

    This doesn't seem to be a problem with the beige box Neo uses at work, or the Nokia phone that gets delivered to him.

    17. "I know Morpheus could probably tell these assholes were coming to Neo's apartment, but how the f*ck did he know the girl with the white rabbit tattoo would turn her shoulder to expose the tattoo? And how did he know Neo would see it? Isn't this 'follow the white rabbit' sh*t just a bit too coy when the fate of the world is in the balance?"

    The guy Neo sells the program says they were later because of the girl's fault, which in turn may be because Morpheus asked her to do all this.

    The subtlety is necessary for point no. 19.

    18. "As in Father, Son & Holy Ghost? Wait, does this movie have religious symbolism?"

    See no. 14.

    19. "Why was it so important to have Neo go to the club just to tell him the Matrix is real and it will find him? I mean, couldn't you have typed that on the computer instead of 'follow the white rabbit?'"

    It somehow seems more believable to hear it in person from someone Neo knows in some form ("the Trinity that hacked the IRS d-base?"), rather than reading an anonymous message in a computer screen.

    20. "Computer software company has no mechanisms in place to determine when flakey employees are just sitting in their cubicle meditating instead of doing actual work."

    In other words, pretty realistic.

    21. "It seems like Trinity could have given him this phone last night at the club, but Morpheus relies on FedEx to send it to him. Hell, they could have even been talking well before Neo went to work today and he could have avoided this altogether."

    It may have been lost or misplaced by Neo in between these two events. He did wake up late for work, after all.

    Morpheus probably pulled this whole ordeal of escaping from the agents so that Neo could see them and know they're serious.

    22. "Also, this phone is conveniently delivered just before the Agents show up."

    See above.

    23. "How is Morpheus able to see Neo's location and guide him through the building but the agents, who are connected to this entire computer system called The Matrix, have no idea where Neo is?"

    The agents are the visual representation of programs, which may not be privileged enough to have full visibility, whereas we later find out Morpheus broadcasts a "pirate signal" and can read the matrix code in real time.

    24. "Computer hacker & illegal software salesman asks 'Why me?' as FBI people chase him around his workplace."


    25. "I know we're in The Matrix right now, but... why doesn't this thing carving its way into Neo's belly button leave any blood anywhere?"

    Not a big deal, but agreed.

    26. "Morpheus gives Neo a meet location on a tapped phone and, miraculously, no agents are there waiting for him when he arrives."


    27. "Not that it's mattered from the time you left your apartment to go to the Adams Street Bridge to getting in a mysterious car."

    Well, they had to tell him and get him "debugged" at some point.

    28. "Also, why bug Neo in the first place? Can't you just track his movements through the Matrix itself?"

    See no. 23.

    29. "That statement actually couldn't be less true."

    The truth hurts.

    30. "Dramatic thunder and lightning is dramatic."

    See no. 10.

    31. "Dramatic thunder and lightning is repetitive."

    See above.

    32. "Here's that guy Morpheus was interested in! Better disconnect him and totally forget why he woke up in the first place!"

    Uh, Neo would have totally drowned if Morpheus and co. hadn't pinpointed his location and arrived to pull him out from the water avoiding getting caught by the machines in the process.

    33. "Neo pulls out this IV without knowing what it does or whether it keeps him alive."

    The crew would have taken measures against this if it had been of critical importance.

    34. "So all the stuff that doesn't make sense, we'll just chalk up to that."

    It is something that may result from a post-apocalyptic world where the machines you relied on turned against you, though.

    35. "Well, you're a hacker... so yeah, you know what AI means."

    The non-hacker audience needs to know!

    36. "What!? How!? And how does that keep the sun out? Did they blow up the sun? How was that accomplished? How do you know about this very specific detail and nothing else?"

    By blocking the sun, the machines cannot use solar power, which is what Morpheus just said.

    How it was accomplished is a good question.

    They would know about this since it's a pretty visible effect, and the humans did it.

    37. "'Prophecy that one man will save us all' cliché."

    See no. 10.

    38. "What is it that made Morpheus think Neo was The One? He's a computer hacker who works at a software company, no skills in the area of badassery, nothing incredibly notable accomplished in his life... What was the one thing that said, 'Yep, this dude is totally worth going through lots of trouble to unplug from the Matrix.'?"

    Agreed. He does end up being right, of course, but the movie doesn't elaborate much as to why he chose Neo in the first place.

    39. "Oh come on. It's probably a lot more than 'warm,' right? The sun doesn't have anything to do with the core temperature--that sh*t is hot because of a variety of factors... including radioactive decay and awesome science stuff. Even if he's talking about the mantle, that sh*t is too hot. People would be burned alive going to Zion."

    I'm not a geologist, but this seems accurate.

    40. (Neo's "wow" after Morpheus makes his jump in the jumping program, apparently counts as a sin.)

    Even if you've just learned the reality you lived on was a computer simulation, seeing someone leap from building to building across a huge chasm is still pretty damn impressive.

    41. "Why do the human ships have the radar-like ability to detect squiddies at greater distances than the squiddies can detect human ships?"

    Better technology, possibly.

    42. "Why are the squiddies programmed ONLY to look for electrical signatures of the human ships instead of biological signs of life, or hell... large metal things that are hovercraft-shapped?"


    43. "Wait, so when Morpheus was guiding Neo through the office cubicles, was he actually looking at falling green lines of code? Is this movie actually saying these people learn how to see real images in this code?"

    That is not too far-fetched, don't software crackers see operations in sequences of Assembler code?

    44. "Isn't Cypher jacked into some machine back at the ship? Is everyone asleep? There's not one person who could just happen to walk by and see Cypher hooked into the Matrix and see him talking with an Agent? And how does Cypher get back? I thought it required someone back at the ship to wake you up and get you out of the Matrix with a hard line."

    Cypher had been part of the crew for a while, so he'd know their timetable and when it was safe to meet with Smith.

    How he manages to return is a plot hole, yes. It was later explained as him having coded a timeout that automatically disconnects him from the Matrix without manual intervention.

    45. "Is this the first time he's eaten since he got here? After all that training and sh*t? He should be well aware of the awful non-Matrix food."

    If I remember correctly, Neo doesn't manage to sleep after learning what the Matrix is, a moment in which by the way he pukes on the ship's floor due to how shocking all this new information is. It is possible he didn't feel like eating either.

    46. "It's very cool, but... how do they make a connection on this call if there's no one on the other end to pick it up? Like... Neo will be racing for a ringing phone by the end of the movie, and if could just pick it up instead of getting shot, he'd establish the connection and transport back out. But leaping into the Matrix... they still use 'real' phone lines, but it's apparently just for show? I honestly don't know. F*ck it."

    What do you mean there's no one on the other end? Tank is, he's the operator.

    Related discussion: Why can't they get out of The Matrix on cellular phones? - Everything2.com

    47. "Wait... they went back into the Matrix to see the Oracle? So is the Oracle a part of the Matrix, or is she plugged in somewhere? Don't even bring up the sequels when you defend this sh*t, either."

    It was always clear to me that she's a sufficiently-privileged program.

    48. "What an asshole."

    This is obviously symbolism, not Morpheus saying "I can totally help you, but won't".

    49. "Which is why I told you what the Oracle told me while we were on the elevator."

    Neo is obviously an exceptional case.

    50. "This has kind of always bothered me, even though it's actually really cool and I accept it as a fantastic idea. But, this is not déjà vu as we humans normally experience it. You don't see something, then see an absolute repeat of it 2 seconds later, and go, 'Wow! Déjà vu and sh*t!' You usually experience something and feel like you've done it before, but it feels like you did it long ago. Chalk this up to plot convenience even though it's awesome."

    Agreed with that being how deja vu works in real life, as it's happened to myself. Doesn't mean it has to be the same exact way in the Matrix, though, and people would use the same term (despite the inaccuracy) since it's the fastest way to describe it.

    51. "The hole wasn't there when they opened the door. So they basically kicked a hole in the wall without anyone hearing it. Amazing!"


    52. "Neo should definitely be dead from these bullets, but... it's not time for this movie's bad guys to have good aim yet."

    See no. 10.

    53. "Damn, Smith is taking this like he's a mannequin or some sh*t."

    Agreed, I'm surprised he gave Morpheus time to hold him back and tell the others to escape.

    54. "Yeah, no... still not time for good aim."

    See no. 10.

    55. "Why are there like, no agents down here? Stopping these guys from going back to the ship is an important part of the plan. In fact, why don't they send 20, or a hundred agents for a mission like this?"

    The movie never shows agents having the ability "be" more than three at a time. The sequels do, but those were upgrades.

    56. "That's racist."

    See no. 15.

    57. "Tank takes two hits from the electricity gun but lives and is basically fine, even while only brief shot from the same gun later takes out Cypher completely."

    He's hardly "basically fine", he ends up with a huge open wound and dies from that between the events of this movie and Matrix Reloaded (the actor actually got kicked for demanding too much money to show up in the latter, but that was the in-universe explanation).

    58. "You can see Morpheus blink at the wind power of Cypher's 'P' in 'pill.'"

    Could be flinching from what he was going through in the matrix at the time.

    59. "Murderous traitor conveniently kills good guys in the order of their importance to the remainder of the story."

    He had to vent about how the real world sucks so much first.

    60. "I don't believe it either!"

    See no. 55.

    61. "So... you can't just send a message to Zion and say, 'Yo, change the codes. They got Morpheus, and they're going to make him talk. Peace.'"

    Agreed in principle, though the movie does not elaborate how complicated such a call or password changing may be.

    62. "I know, I can't believe it's not more, either."

    See no. 55.

    63. "Neo stops short of explaining himself twice in a row so that Trinity and Tank have to ask what the hell he's talking about."

    Not a big deal, but agreed.

    64. "What mammals? Are there still other mammals out there? Are they hooked up to the Matrix, too? Dreaming about being in fields and getting taken down by mountain lions? Why are you talking about all the planet's other now-dead mammals in the present tense, you ass?"

    I'll say, those are all excellent questions.

    65. "Still not time for good aim."

    See no. 10.

    66. "Using 'lift' instead of 'elevator' proves we're not in an American city."

    The movie doesn't say nor imply we are at any point.

    67. "So, these guys with radios heard the call for backup in the lobby, but didn't deem it an important matter until all the backup SWAT guys died too? Why are they bursting in to tell Smith about it instead of leaping into the SWAT guys 30 seconds ago and killing Neo?"


    68. "What the hell is this agent waiting for? THEY DON'T SEE YOU."

    Agreed. Based on the behavior we've seen so far, this doesn't seem like something they'd do, especially since this one wasn't Smith, who was overriding (or had intentions to override) his programming.

    69. "Oh, NOW he pulls out the gun. And as you can see, pulling it out now has terrible disadvantages, like Neo being able to dodge the bullets."


    70. "Even agents with artificial intelligence have to say some bullsh*t just before they kill someone so that the hero can be saved at the last second."

    See no. 68.

    71. "However, when the roles are reversed, and the good guy has to say some bullsh*t, apparently there is not enough time for the bad guy to get saved."

    Well, it was just Neo, Trinity and the agent on that rooftop.

    I'm surprised they didn't point out how the last one was first facing Neo, then Trinity at the same of getting his head blown off.

    72. "Honestly, I know he's 'The One' and everything, but even The One would have a hard time seeing the agents he wants to kill and the Morpheus he doesn't want to kill from this perspective, especially with the sprinklers going crazy on the inside."

    Agreed, always thought the same.

    73. "I guess Morpheus finally realized... there are no handcuffs."


    74. "THIS--THIS is the one and only moment in the movie when the bad guy has good aim. When he's being rained on by sprinklers, firing blind from behind a wall."

    It's hardly good aim, as he doesn't manage to kill or incapacitate Morpheus.

    Surprised they didn't point out Smith was firing downwards at the vertical center of the wall, yet on the other side, bullets travel much lower and in a straight line.

    75. "OK, fine... we're going with that Star Wars stuff where Obiwan said Anakin Skywalker was dead and then later, we find out, 'Oh, it was just a perspective I had that wasn't misleading in any way whatsoever.' But, did Neo really need to hear the Oracle's prophecy about Morpheus sacrificing his life for him, and he'd have to make a choice? Wouldn't he have made the choice to try to save Morpheus anyway?"

    Without said prophecy, he might have agreed to the others' decision to pull Morpheus' cable instead of rescuing him (and even then, he stopped Tank at the last second), which was the "logical" thing to do.

    76. "Also, why did she literally spell out the future for everyone else that saw her, and only get all reverse-psychology on Neo?"

    See no. 49.

    77. "This spelling of 'authorized' proves we're not in an American city."

    See no. 66.

    78. "I guarantee you there are a hundred other homeless people reacting to things like pedestrians, air, the sky, the traffic lights with just as much enthusiasm as this guy does, and it didn't send off any alarms in the Matrix. How does the information from this f*cker's just-woke-up vision stand out to the machines as 'important' from all of the other sh*t homeless people are seeing and getting excited about all over the city?"

    He saw someone vanish through a payphone, i.e. escaping from the Matrix, in the relative proximity of the building Morpheus had just escaped from. That ought to fire a red flag.

    79. "Something that can wait until after we're back on the ship, but feel the need to delay you with right now."

    Emotions are complicated like that.

    80. "'Train drives through an empty station and never stops because it only comes during dramatic moments' cliché."

    It is a subway station.

    81. "The One can't find a door in plain view, which was his only option."

    Being cornered by three agents that want to kill you can make thinking straight a little tough.

    82. "How is it possible that NONE of the Nebuchadnezzar crew remember this building from the opening scene like Agent Smith does, especially Trinity, who was f*cking there!"

    It is the same hotel, and that has a good "coming full circle" ring to it, but otherwise no in-universe relevance.

    83. "Even though Neo's mind believed himself to be dead, the power of boners is far stronger."

    Fair point!

    84. "For instance, the two sequels to this movie."

    Personally, I don't think the sequels were horrible as most people seem to believe. They just didn't live up to the original.

    85. "Also, the two sequels to this movie."

    See above.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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    Last week was pretty busy for me, so I didn't have much time to go shopping. But with your donations I bought an Internet-ready computer...

    ...and several high-performance processors.

    (The Compaq was among the many things we brought from another school. Everything on it works fine. It has a 200 MHz AMD processor, 32 MB of RAM upgradeable to a maximum of 48, 2 GB Seagate hard disk, a 20x CD-ROM drive, 2 ISA slots and one PCI.)
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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    1. "critic(s) quotes regarding that matrix video"

    anon's comments @1.

    slik's comments @1.

    the video:

    1. "Later when they find out the call was traced, it somehow doesn't occur to Morpheus or Trinity that Cypher is either bad at his job, or just a dick."

    Agreed, they could have at least made offhand mention of it.

    maybe he is the best they got, maybe the matrix started applying tougher counter-measures lately, maybe he is actually a cool guy that got tired of waiting and reached his limit (of steak-less existence )

    2. "Why does Trinity—or anyone, for that matter, from the Nebuchadnezzar— need to physically jack into the Matrix to keep an eye on Neo? Doesn't Morpheus watch him and see & guide his every move in the office building in just a few minutes? I love this opening scene as much as ANYONE, but it's still pretty unnecessary in the grand scheme of 'keeping an eye on Neo.'"

    Agreed, if observing Neo was the only thing Trinity was doing in the Matrix at the time. The movie doesn't state it is.

    maybe some areas are easier to observe that way, maybe they need confirmation from inside of the matrix (to verify the on-screen data), that scene was pretty cool so 'not necessary' cannot possibly apply (losing coolness is not an option in this movie)

    3. "Hey, how come the agents don't already know it's Trinity? How come they didn't leap into one of the cops in room 303 with Trinity at gunpoint the second they burst into the room and saw her? Or once she started kicking ass?"


    maybe she is not the only girl-troublemaker around, maybe she doesn't use here real nickname (lol), maybe they cannot be everywhere or check every single lead or spear-head every raid, maybe they were amused by police officers getting their ass kicked, maybe they like girls in black showing off their skillz

    4. "I'm guessing Agent Smith and his two partners go around with the Men in Black memory eraser after these missions? Doing impossible stunts, JUMPING INTO OTHER PEOPLE AND TAKING OVER THEIR BODIES... this gives away the idea of The Matrix to normal people, right?"

    Most people would dismiss this since (as the cop says when Trinity and Smith make that jump) "that's impossible", and the agents can always pay a visit to anyone getting serious about discovering the Matrix's secret, just like they do with Neo later on.

    lets say... 'shoes/masks/robots with alien technology inside', that would work in this era

    5. "Agent sees Trinity running, but instead of shooting her or chasing after her, decides to watch her run away as if he's never seen running before."

    The movie never shows there's a clear line of sight between the agent and her after she hides, or that she's running through such a spot.

    maybe they like watching girls in black run (away) and then chase them?

    6. "Why is the light swinging? I admit it's a cool shot, but it wasn't hit by debris or even the wind when she dove through the window. And it stops swinging in the next shot, as evidenced by the light... not moving."

    Agreed. It seems they forgot to make something move the light when she crashed through.

    really? a lot of things could have happened between her entering the area and landing below to cause the swinging (earthquake, bullet, train, a wachowski,...), and if i recall correctly, she was there for a while, like petrified, unable to move and in the meantime the light stopped moving?
    also, who cares about swinging lights? :facepalm:

    7. "The Agents have to visually confirm someone like Trinity in order to know exactly where she is, so how did the Agents know to morph into this truck driver? How did they know which phone booth she would be heading for?"

    He obviously saw her running first, then transformed into an agent.

    maybe, maybe it was simply 'suspicious activity', the closest phone booth around, watching all booths in the area

    8. "Trinity's a dead woman if Agent Smith doesn't stop and wait here a few seconds to give the movie's plot a chance to even happen. Come to think of it, why did he even feel compelled to turn the vehicle? Couldn't he just have smashed the phone booth on his way down the street?"

    See above.

    maybe the idea was to kill several flies with one smash: eliminate her as she makes the call and trace the call, the agent was not trained for advanced truck driving but got pretty close (for another cool scene?)

    9. "Truck does a Fred Flintstone tire spin to buy Trinity even more time to barely escape."

    Agreed; it lasts a second or so in the movie (it's slowed down in the video), but even then, this feels unnecessary.

    really? seems to me this violates the coolness imperative - the rest from 8. applies

    10. "Truck is always further away than it was the last time we saw it so that this escape is possible."

    Common movie trope, this is not a particularly egregious example.

    probably doesn't apply here at all

    11. "Why? Are the humans able to use computers inside your computer program to find a person by his alias faster than... well, computers are? How do you not know who and where Neo is instantly?"

    No one said who or what would run the search. Also, searching a huge database can take time, and "Neo" may not be a name the Matrix directly knows Thomas Anderson by.

    humans have an idea of where to look for him and what to look for (only morpheus seems to have the most accurate idea of whom they are looking for) - the machines are necessarily one step behind, the agents are still only programs subordinated to other programs/procedures of higher priority, i guess agent smith may be viewed as a dirty detective version of the machine world

    12. "Neo is somehow awakened by online chat."

    Agreed, always found this weird.

    lol, maybe it was a gut feeling, his destiny calling or whatever else

    13. "What is this bullsh*t on Neo's computer monitor?"


    y u no liek l33t hax0r graphix?

    14. "Movie hits the Jesus metaphor a little square on the head."

    Only in hindsight.

    his personal savior? can be counted on? don't see the problem
    drugs? surely he was forgiven later on, right?
    and he did save everyone in a way, sacrificing his previous lifestyle for what he thought was the right thing to do

    15. "That's racist."

    Obviously a joke.

    you wish (it got counted, it felt mean, it smelled of PC)

    16. "Movie promptly dates itself 9 minutes in with a reference to mescaline, of all drugs. Why not Angel Dust, or speedballs?"

    This doesn't seem to be a problem with the beige box Neo uses at work, or the Nokia phone that gets delivered to him.

    because mescaline offers spiritual-like experiences (used by shamans, 'only way to fly' quote), unlike the synthetic? rest - its not something these critics would register in their square materialism

    17. "I know Morpheus could probably tell these assholes were coming to Neo's apartment, but how the f*ck did he know the girl with the white rabbit tattoo would turn her shoulder to expose the tattoo? And how did he know Neo would see it? Isn't this 'follow the white rabbit' sh*t just a bit too coy when the fate of the world is in the balance?"

    The guy Neo sells the program says they were later because of the girl's fault, which in turn may be because Morpheus asked her to do all this.

    The subtlety is necessary for point no. 19.

    who cares? maybe its a code the machines cannot follow
    anyways, they were speaking of the rabbit from alice in wonderland, neo playing the role of alice, going deeper through the rabbit hole, towards advanced spiritual answers, yeah?

    18. "As in Father, Son & Holy Ghost? Wait, does this movie have religious symbolism?"

    See no. 14.

    every movie has spiritual symbolism (just like any other thing in this world), some may be more overt than others, it is their connection to the nature of reality (which is spiritual), though such symbolism is not necessarily intentional by the movie-makers
    here we might have something (intentional) like:
    - morpheus, as the father, morphs his appearance to different nations/people
    - neo as the son, the new one (jesus metaphor was already used relating to him), found by morpheus
    - trinity as the holy spirit, which may be understood as feminine, to complete this trinity of characters

    19. "Why was it so important to have Neo go to the club just to tell him the Matrix is real and it will find him? I mean, couldn't you have typed that on the computer instead of 'follow the white rabbit?'"

    It somehow seems more believable to hear it in person from someone Neo knows in some form ("the Trinity that hacked the IRS d-base?"), rather than reading an anonymous message in a computer screen.

    additionally, 'the matrix is real' may speak of our own reality (the matrix of our senses is real), as well as 'it will find him', where your path finds you to eventually exit this matrix, and it connects nicely to the alice in wonderland idea too (since they speak of similar things, just in different ways)

    20. "Computer software company has no mechanisms in place to determine when flakey employees are just sitting in their cubicle meditating instead of doing actual work."

    In other words, pretty realistic.

    which the matrix is supposed to be

    21. "It seems like Trinity could have given him this phone last night at the club, but Morpheus relies on FedEx to send it to him. Hell, they could have even been talking well before Neo went to work today and he could have avoided this altogether."

    It may have been lost or misplaced by Neo in between these two events. He did wake up late for work, after all.

    Morpheus probably pulled this whole ordeal of escaping from the agents so that Neo could see them and know they're serious.

    to diversify their assets, as a commercial for fedex (they deliver!), to avoid long intervals where the phone is unaccounted for,...
    interesting idea on the morpheus plan!

    22. "Also, this phone is conveniently delivered just before the Agents show up."

    See above.

    dat fedex!

    23. "How is Morpheus able to see Neo's location and guide him through the building but the agents, who are connected to this entire computer system called The Matrix, have no idea where Neo is?"

    The agents are the visual representation of programs, which may not be privileged enough to have full visibility, whereas we later find out Morpheus broadcasts a "pirate signal" and can read the matrix code in real time.

    pirates, eh?

    24. "Computer hacker & illegal software salesman asks 'Why me?' as FBI people chase him around his workplace."


    i think we tend to ask the same questions regardless of how logical the events happening in our lives are, especially if they get scary like this one was for neo
    additionally, that was not quite what he asked ('why is this happening to me' and 'what did i do')
    don't they usually prefer the offenders home/apartment so they can search it at the same time?

    25. "I know we're in The Matrix right now, but... why doesn't this thing carving its way into Neo's belly button leave any blood anywhere?"

    Not a big deal, but agreed.

    neo's mouth provides the answer

    26. "Morpheus gives Neo a meet location on a tapped phone and, miraculously, no agents are there waiting for him when he arrives."


    was it tapped? is there such a location as the 'Adams Street Bridge' or is it a code?
    maybe they wanted the whole crew, did not expect a bug remover, maybe its standard procedure to bug 'em first,...

    27. "Not that it's mattered from the time you left your apartment to go to the Adams Street Bridge to getting in a mysterious car."

    Well, they had to tell him and get him "debugged" at some point.

    see above

    28. "Also, why bug Neo in the first place? Can't you just track his movements through the Matrix itself?"

    See no. 23.

    see above

    29. "That statement actually couldn't be less true."

    The truth hurts.

    why is it not true, didn't neo learn the truth of the matrix? and the truth of himself: being ready to face the truth (from there onwards)

    30. "Dramatic thunder and lightning is dramatic."

    See no. 10.

    lol, whats wrong with dramatic? besides, this is an important moment in the movie, as neo goes beyond the matrix (as is our own exit from our own matrix)

    31. "Dramatic thunder and lightning is repetitive."

    See above.

    lol, obviously not dramatic enough to complain about the dorothy/kansas comment

    32. "Here's that guy Morpheus was interested in! Better disconnect him and totally forget why he woke up in the first place!"

    Uh, Neo would have totally drowned if Morpheus and co. hadn't pinpointed his location and arrived to pull him out from the water avoiding getting caught by the machines in the process.

    standard procedure with malfunctioning human specimens? catch the whole crew later on?

    33. "Neo pulls out this IV without knowing what it does or whether it keeps him alive."

    The crew would have taken measures against this if it had been of critical importance.

    lol, if you're strong enough to pull it out like that, its not there to keep you alive

    34. "So all the stuff that doesn't make sense, we'll just chalk up to that."

    It is something that may result from a post-apocalyptic world where the machines you relied on turned against you, though.

    or its simply: look, neo, we don't quite know what exactly happened, but we were able to piece those bits into this i'm trying to tell you now

    35. "Well, you're a hacker... so yeah, you know what AI means."

    The non-hacker audience needs to know!

    he is still confused by all this, so it can happen
    AI is a common term, not limited to hackers

    36. "What!? How!? And how does that keep the sun out? Did they blow up the sun? How was that accomplished? How do you know about this very specific detail and nothing else?"

    By blocking the sun, the machines cannot use solar power, which is what Morpheus just said.

    How it was accomplished is a good question.

    They would know about this since it's a pretty visible effect, and the humans did it.

    a roflmao moment here with: 'Did they blow up the sun? ' - pretty much shows how little they know of the sun
    and its not really a specific detail either (what/how would be specific)

    37. "'Prophecy that one man will save us all' cliché."

    See no. 10.

    'the one will return' was the prophecy mentioned in the movie, which represents your return home from where you originated (the soul, the true self is 'the one', get it?)
    what they mention here is somewhat related: 'died on the cross to save us all from our sins' and similar 'superheroes/heroes/flash that save us all' theme - on one hand these represent the human journey (returning home after cleansing of ignorance) and enlightened individuals that show the way (how this process works, what its all about, what is this ignorance, what is this matrix,...) towards our salvation or destination (that home mentioned above)

    38. "What is it that made Morpheus think Neo was The One? He's a computer hacker who works at a software company, no skills in the area of badassery, nothing incredibly notable accomplished in his life... What was the one thing that said, 'Yep, this dude is totally worth going through lots of trouble to unplug from the Matrix.'?"

    Agreed. He does end up being right, of course, but the movie doesn't elaborate much as to why he chose Neo in the first place.

    anyone able to elaborate on destiny? it was morpheus's gut feeling combined with his belief in the prophecy
    could also represent how anyone with a sufficient determination/understanding/belief could be 'the one'

    39. "Oh come on. It's probably a lot more than 'warm,' right? The sun doesn't have anything to do with the core temperature--that sh*t is hot because of a variety of factors... including radioactive decay and awesome science stuff. Even if he's talking about the mantle, that sh*t is too hot. People would be burned alive going to Zion."

    I'm not a geologist, but this seems accurate.

    are they talking geology or metaphors (sun, core, zion, warmth) or both at the same time?

    40. (Neo's "wow" after Morpheus makes his jump in the jumping program, apparently counts as a sin.)

    Even if you've just learned the reality you lived on was a computer simulation, seeing someone leap from building to building across a huge chasm is still pretty damn impressive.

    maybe he mispronounced it, keanu style, an automatic acting sin in the eyes of every mainstream critic hehe

    41. "Why do the human ships have the radar-like ability to detect squiddies at greater distances than the squiddies can detect human ships?"

    Better technology, possibly.

    large ship, large equipment with greater coverage?

    42. "Why are the squiddies programmed ONLY to look for electrical signatures of the human ships instead of biological signs of life, or hell... large metal things that are hovercraft-shapped?"


    are they really?
    also, you don't detect simply by programming them to detect, you need various sensors and other equipment - squiddies need to be fast ad deadly too mkay?

    43. "Wait, so when Morpheus was guiding Neo through the office cubicles, was he actually looking at falling green lines of code? Is this movie actually saying these people learn how to see real images in this code?"

    That is not too far-fetched, don't software crackers see operations in sequences of Assembler code?

    my thoughts exactly regarding the latter
    but it is an exaggerated ability (at least in the movie), the critics assume morpheus was doing the same as cypher

    44. "Isn't Cypher jacked into some machine back at the ship? Is everyone asleep? There's not one person who could just happen to walk by and see Cypher hooked into the Matrix and see him talking with an Agent? And how does Cypher get back? I thought it required someone back at the ship to wake you up and get you out of the Matrix with a hard line."

    Cypher had been part of the crew for a while, so he'd know their timetable and when it was safe to meet with Smith.

    How he manages to return is a plot hole, yes. It was later explained as him having coded a timeout that automatically disconnects him from the Matrix without manual intervention.

    so cypher does have skillz?

    45. "Is this the first time he's eaten since he got here? After all that training and sh*t? He should be well aware of the awful non-Matrix food."

    If I remember correctly, Neo doesn't manage to sleep after learning what the Matrix is, a moment in which by the way he pukes on the ship's floor due to how shocking all this new information is. It is possible he didn't feel like eating either.

    maybe its not all awful, maybe they gave him the best they had, him being 'the one' and all, maybe its hard to adapt to this food, maybe he contemplated the food
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    part2 (final part):

    46. "It's very cool, but... how do they make a connection on this call if there's no one on the other end to pick it up? Like... Neo will be racing for a ringing phone by the end of the movie, and if could just pick it up instead of getting shot, he'd establish the connection and transport back out. But leaping into the Matrix... they still use 'real' phone lines, but it's apparently just for show? I honestly don't know. F*ck it."

    What do you mean there's no one on the other end? Tank is, he's the operator.

    Related discussion: Why can't they get out of The Matrix on cellular phones? - Everything2.com

    there may be others?

    47. "Wait... they went back into the Matrix to see the Oracle? So is the Oracle a part of the Matrix, or is she plugged in somewhere? Don't even bring up the sequels when you defend this sh*t, either."

    It was always clear to me that she's a sufficiently-privileged program.

    all they see in the matrix is a part of the matrix?

    48. "What an asshole."

    This is obviously symbolism, not Morpheus saying "I can totally help you, but won't".

    not obvious enough for them and this doesn't look like a joke either

    49. "Which is why I told you what the Oracle told me while we were on the elevator."

    Neo is obviously an exceptional case.

    he can still decide what to do with that information, besides such decisions cannot alter real prophecies hehe

    50. "This has kind of always bothered me, even though it's actually really cool and I accept it as a fantastic idea. But, this is not déjà vu as we humans normally experience it. You don't see something, then see an absolute repeat of it 2 seconds later, and go, 'Wow! Déjà vu and sh*t!' You usually experience something and feel like you've done it before, but it feels like you did it long ago. Chalk this up to plot convenience even though it's awesome."

    Agreed with that being how deja vu works in real life, as it's happened to myself. Doesn't mean it has to be the same exact way in the Matrix, though, and people would use the same term (despite the inaccuracy) since it's the fastest way to describe it.

    we humans normally experience only dictionary versions of deja vu?
    only long ago? really?
    besides, it was a glitch in the matrix, how should they normally work?
    like said before, lolfail

    51. "The hole wasn't there when they opened the door. So they basically kicked a hole in the wall without anyone hearing it. Amazing!"


    was it the same room?

    52. "Neo should definitely be dead from these bullets, but... it's not time for this movie's bad guys to have good aim yet."

    See no. 10.

    was he really in the middle? the prophecy does not allow them to have a good aim hehe

    53. "Damn, Smith is taking this like he's a mannequin or some sh*t."

    Agreed, I'm surprised he gave Morpheus time to hold him back and tell the others to escape.

    maybe smith is gay, maybe he is enjoying himself by letting morpheus think he can handle him

    54. "Yeah, no... still not time for good aim."

    See no. 10.

    isn't there a lot of dust and debris flying around?

    55. "Why are there like, no agents down here? Stopping these guys from going back to the ship is an important part of the plan. In fact, why don't they send 20, or a hundred agents for a mission like this?"

    The movie never shows agents having the ability "be" more than three at a time. The sequels do, but those were upgrades.

    oh, ok

    56. "That's racist."

    See no. 15.

    yeah, lets

    57. "Tank takes two hits from the electricity gun but lives and is basically fine, even while only brief shot from the same gun later takes out Cypher completely."

    He's hardly "basically fine", he ends up with a huge open wound and dies from that between the events of this movie and Matrix Reloaded (the actor actually got kicked for demanding too much money to show up in the latter, but that was the in-universe explanation).

    his name is tank, mkay?

    58. "You can see Morpheus blink at the wind power of Cypher's 'P' in 'pill.'"

    Could be flinching from what he was going through in the matrix at the time.

    in other words, whatever

    59. "Murderous traitor conveniently kills good guys in the order of their importance to the remainder of the story."

    He had to vent about how the real world sucks so much first.

    so? he thinks he is in control, playing a game, saving the best for last

    60. "I don't believe it either!"

    See no. 55.

    belive this: zap!

    61. "So... you can't just send a message to Zion and say, 'Yo, change the codes. They got Morpheus, and they're going to make him talk. Peace.'"

    Agreed in principle, though the movie does not elaborate how complicated such a call or password changing may be.

    morpheus has a lot of other information, no?

    62. "I know, I can't believe it's not more, either."

    See no. 55.


    63. "Neo stops short of explaining himself twice in a row so that Trinity and Tank have to ask what the hell he's talking about."

    Not a big deal, but agreed.

    don't see the problem

    64. "What mammals? Are there still other mammals out there? Are they hooked up to the Matrix, too? Dreaming about being in fields and getting taken down by mountain lions? Why are you talking about all the planet's other now-dead mammals in the present tense, you ass?"

    I'll say, those are all excellent questions.

    these questions are not important for the movie, what smith did was giving an example to morpheus, using the terms that are most familiar to morpheus, hence speaking of mammals
    btw. missed a line where our critics claim how there are surely no mammals in the scorched real world, as if they would know how mammals survive in such conditions
    but more importantly, our own animals, including mammals, are all hooked in our own matrix (of the senses)

    65. "Still not time for good aim."

    See no. 10.

    didn't pay attention from all that coolness

    66. "Using 'lift' instead of 'elevator' proves we're not in an American city."

    The movie doesn't say nor imply we are at any point.

    he may have guessed so from other external/internal locations used in the movie
    maybe the company installing the lift didn't realize the mistake or certain amount of mistakes are needed to make the matrix seem more real

    67. "So, these guys with radios heard the call for backup in the lobby, but didn't deem it an important matter until all the backup SWAT guys died too? Why are they bursting in to tell Smith about it instead of leaping into the SWAT guys 30 seconds ago and killing Neo?"


    you no mess with smith while he interrogates! they did not expect neo coming (on) so strong, smith is in charge here, they were following orders

    68. "What the hell is this agent waiting for? THEY DON'T SEE YOU."

    Agreed. Based on the behavior we've seen so far, this doesn't seem like something they'd do, especially since this one wasn't Smith, who was overriding (or had intentions to override) his programming.

    we saw them looking and waiting before (the beginning)
    we didn't see what exactly was the agent doing (like, enjoying himself)

    69. "Oh, NOW he pulls out the gun. And as you can see, pulling it out now has terrible disadvantages, like Neo being able to dodge the bullets."


    the agent didn't know about this ability

    70. "Even agents with artificial intelligence have to say some bullsh*t just before they kill someone so that the hero can be saved at the last second."

    See no. 68.

    lol, like he wouldn't be saved otherwise
    and even agents like them one-liners hehe

    71. "However, when the roles are reversed, and the good guy has to say some bullsh*t, apparently there is not enough time for the bad guy to get saved."

    Well, it was just Neo, Trinity and the agent on that rooftop.

    I'm surprised they didn't point out how the last one was first facing Neo, then Trinity at the same of getting his head blown off.

    @critic: admit it, you were rooting for the bad guys the whole time
    the agent tried to turn, then stopped to say some BS?

    72. "Honestly, I know he's 'The One' and everything, but even The One would have a hard time seeing the agents he wants to kill and the Morpheus he doesn't want to kill from this perspective, especially with the sprinklers going crazy on the inside."

    Agreed, always thought the same.

    :yawn: he instinctively knows where to shoot, 'the one' does what no one else can

    73. "I guess Morpheus finally realized... there are no handcuffs."


    hehe, got inspired by 'the one' to do some magic of his own

    74. "THIS--THIS is the one and only moment in the movie when the bad guy has good aim. When he's being rained on by sprinklers, firing blind from behind a wall."

    It's hardly good aim, as he doesn't manage to kill or incapacitate Morpheus.

    Surprised they didn't point out Smith was firing downwards at the vertical center of the wall, yet on the other side, bullets travel much lower and in a straight line.

    its pretty good aim regarding the obstacles (wait a minute, even smith got inspired? )
    they did not show every angle of every shot

    75. "OK, fine... we're going with that Star Wars stuff where Obiwan said Anakin Skywalker was dead and then later, we find out, 'Oh, it was just a perspective I had that wasn't misleading in any way whatsoever.' But, did Neo really need to hear the Oracle's prophecy about Morpheus sacrificing his life for him, and he'd have to make a choice? Wouldn't he have made the choice to try to save Morpheus anyway?"

    Without said prophecy, he might have agreed to the others' decision to pull Morpheus' cable instead of rescuing him (and even then, he stopped Tank at the last second), which was the "logical" thing to do.

    the critics simply do not understand prophecies - prophecies happen regardless of what anyone does in the meantime

    76. "Also, why did she literally spell out the future for everyone else that saw her, and only get all reverse-psychology on Neo?"

    See no. 49.

    :yawn: because that was exactly what he needed (to hear)

    77. "This spelling of 'authorized' proves we're not in an American city."

    See no. 66.

    yeah, lets do that

    78. "I guarantee you there are a hundred other homeless people reacting to things like pedestrians, air, the sky, the traffic lights with just as much enthusiasm as this guy does, and it didn't send off any alarms in the Matrix. How does the information from this f*cker's just-woke-up vision stand out to the machines as 'important' from all of the other sh*t homeless people are seeing and getting excited about all over the city?"

    He saw someone vanish through a payphone, i.e. escaping from the Matrix, in the relative proximity of the building Morpheus had just escaped from. That ought to fire a red flag.

    i think the critic realized the bad guys are really going down in the movie, hence the extra swearing mile hehe

    79. "Something that can wait until after we're back on the ship, but feel the need to delay you with right now."

    Emotions are complicated like that.

    wasn't there a cool fight after that?
    as for emotions, its not that complicated: you feel it needs to be done, you do it

    80. "'Train drives through an empty station and never stops because it only comes during dramatic moments' cliché."

    It is a subway station.

    do they have to stop at every single station?

    81. "The One can't find a door in plain view, which was his only option."

    Being cornered by three agents that want to kill you can make thinking straight a little tough.

    was it really the only option?

    82. "How is it possible that NONE of the Nebuchadnezzar crew remember this building from the opening scene like Agent Smith does, especially Trinity, who was f*cking there!"

    It is the same hotel, and that has a good "coming full circle" ring to it, but otherwise no in-universe relevance.

    and its called 'heart of the city', hinting at the heart, the core, the love (after completing the circle/cycle of human journey)

    83. "Even though Neo's mind believed himself to be dead, the power of boners is far stronger."

    Fair point!

    hehe, lame point! its called love

    84. "For instance, the two sequels to this movie."

    Personally, I don't think the sequels were horrible as most people seem to believe. They just didn't live up to the original.

    what most people? i liked them nevertheless
    in our world, neo's quote 'and then i'm gonna show these people what you don't want them to see' would translate to: 'and then i'm gonna tell them what they weren't aware of'

    85. "Also, the two sequels to this movie."

    See above.

    i thought this did not count as deja vu

    note: the majority of the comments are aimed at the critic's comments, some at anon's, some are general observations
    beyond all the nit-picking, there was an explanation in the sequel how these scenarios happened before, as monitored and anticipated by the architect, so a lot of these comments could be explained simply by: 'it matched the architect's plans so he let it happen'
    remember how smith mentioned feeling like he was getting infected by the humans/matrix - can explain why agents occasionally hesitated or seemed like enjoying themselves a little too much to be very effective
    and whatever comment violates the coolness imperative may be considered void
    as said before, 'twas weak!
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