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  1. #61
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    It was an interesting movie to watch, nothing more, nothing less.
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  2. #62

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    yeah, this is going to be one lengthy review (3-part post)

    *** spoilers ahead ***

    - they kept reusing spaceship shots over and over again, not even nearly enough amazing shots from space/flying/wormhole/... most of these were strangely chosen, short and scarce
    - coop's batman/birdman voice infection, southern accent & cowboy attitude
    - strange dialogue alternating between generic short phrases, philosophical and scientifically loaded assertions/explanations
    - semi-amateurish editing with many cuts, felt rushed
    - awkward silence, disproportional sound levels and boring music
    - what cgi? that seemed so average (granted, it was a screener version), planetary surface & raging water were very badly modeled/rendered, far away objects looked like toys, they couldn't decide whether space has visible stars or not
    - the robot, the AI, its abilities or movement or behavior or sacrifice - all comic relief? you wish...
    - the incompetent 'aliens', rather basic time-travel (not too believable or complicated)
    - the overly dramatic & emotional people - from spoiled farmers/kids/manchildren to non-professional astronauts
    - the silly story (though it kinda works metaphorically) and almost no real excitement throughout
    - the science was weak in many places (gotta blame some of it on popular trends/theories/politics), the philosophy was unconvincing and out of place
    - love was awkwardly introduced and forced (it is quantifiable, roflmao)
    - the title, guess gravity was already used a year ago
    - 'they chose us', 'save this', 'save that' - ok, we get it, gotta believe in some kind of a savior/salvation, but cannot mention god (with all that science, even though the two aren't necessarily exclusive), so lets use aliens instead, or better yet use our future selves & evolved humans that are basically alien to us - but, damn, these scientists (incl. the robot :facepalm:) became believers fast! kinda makes sense, they were famished and in need of some kind of a salvation (quote from the movie: 'starving & suffocating')

    the good stuff:
    - scenes of the wormhole, the fly-by & black-hole close-ups were (artistically) very nice but way too short - this is exciting/cool stuff (like hubble images, even if doctored), gotta have moar of that!
    - some of the 5-dimensional place effects, optical illusions (even if nonsensical)
    - decent acting (mcconaughey was very good), professional production in general, watchable
    - some jokes (knock...knock) & references
    - deeper meaning (not necessarily intentional by the movie-makers)

    - lame opening with uninteresting documentary-style interviews about their land turning into a desert (too quickly and for no apparent reason)
    - they had working (stellar!) AI, but no way to insulate their houses, no air conditioning, no dust filters and these people are large-scale farmers (maybe their dirty/dusty/decaying houses were a metaphor for the missing female touch)
    - why is it that none of his kids actually looks like him, not even nearly - and they aren't likable either... could be their manners (more of the missing female touch)
    - 'science was about admitting what we don't know' - was it ever that way? science in general is/became about celebrating and even forcing partial/theoretical answers as if they were definitive, with mainstream authority & consequences thereof

    Quote Originally Posted by movie
    Murphy's Law means... whatever can happen... will happen
    this is ambiguous:
    - whatever can realistically happen... will happen = true (practically provable)
    - whatever has a possibility to happen... will happen = false (theoretical, not necessarily practical, can be arbitrarily stretched to include anything)

    other variations:
    - 'whatever can go wrong, will go wrong'
    - 'whatever can go right, will go right'
    - if something happens, it means it could happen and therefore did happen
    - if something does not happen, it means it couldn't happen and therefore didn't happen

    why? because the practical conditions surrounding this event at that particular time allowed only one result (that which did happen)

    - driving with a flat (tire) is pretty cozy/manageable, especially if you drive through a corn field and if you drive very fast on top of all that
    - you can hack into an Indian Air Force drone from a farmer's laptop in a few seconds, you can find & use those hacking tools like a pro even after not using them for 10 years
    - these drones are not accounted for, they just fly around aimlessly for 10 years on what fuel
    - if you find government property on someone else's land while you're trespassing, you can use it for your own purposes (pioneers & explorers style)
    - coop's daughter wants to let the drone go, as if it is some captured animal, he replies about drones needing to adapt like humans! drone rights, anyone?
    - the teachers disrespect coop by making fun of his cargo (the drone) and being suspicious of his explanations (flat tire, reason for being late)
    - somehow schools have the power to send kids wherever they see fit, not where kids want to go or apply (communism based on scientific reasoning? see the future?)
    - somehow coop acts like he is above their educational system (pressuring the teachers to change their rules)
    - somehow agriculture does not need engineers (design agricultural machines, etc.)
    - lol, now the government somehow took the position that the moon landings were faked (usually reserved for conspiratorial circles), to bankrupt the russians
    - which also means that coop does not even look at his kid's textbooks, he has no clue what they are studying in school (more of the missing female touch)
    - it is ok if your daughter gets into fistfights (more of the missing female touch), she even thinks the teachers won't make a big deal out of it (because coop fixes things & thinks for others)
    - gps, compass, books, dust clouds - how are these things connected to gravity in a special way?

    We are explorers, pioneers, not caretakers
    gotta take care of what you have, regardless of what you do for a living
    an example of what happens with ignorant pioneers & explorers: american pioneers & explorers ended up colonizing native american territories, the well known european countries did the same to a large portion of the rest of the world - is that something to be proud of? exploitation, pillaging, theft, colonization, bloodshed, greed, hypocrisy,...?

    we used to look up to the sky and wonder...at our place in the stars.
    Now we just look down, and worry about our place in the dirt.
    as above, so below - doesn't matter where you look, the story is basically the same, you just have to become accustomed at noticing the story, looking beyond the superficial (clues, as if left by that ghost from the movie)

    - they keep mentioning fighting over food, scarcity of food, needing farmers to grow food,... = fear-mongering - turns out nowadays we have an excess of food, many famines were avoidable but no one wanted to give out food for free or as charity, it is politically desirable to keep other nations hungry because they will remain dependent on your supply so you can make all kinds of demands, ignorant usage of chemicals/gmo/science makes the land barren and crops 2nd (chemicals) or 3rd (chemicals+gmo) rate, it takes more of such 2nd/3rd rate food to feed you due to lesser nutritional value, you get various new side-effects/diseases from all that,... - this is human ignorance at work, not natural scarcity

    - desert-like dust storms but their cars keep working nicely
    - also, their ghost acts from the future (future coop), a future that did not happen yet, thus an impossible event - even if the future happens, there is no way to go back into the past because it has changed since then in many ways, besides: the space you live in now is the same space that existed in the past, just with a different constellation of matter within - 'the past you' has transformed into the 'current you' and will transform into the 'future you' - they are still the same thing in another state, that 'past you' is unreachable, thus time traveling and meeting a 'past you' is nonsense!
    - coop's actions are influenced here by his future self - which may make sense only if you think of your future self as some kind of a magnet that attracts you and as time goes by you end up meeting/becoming your future self - either way, there is only one you (but you may have a false 'idea of you', a false image of yourself aka false ego)
    - hehe, that military base scene looked like something from an alien abduction scenario (lights! screaming!)
    - a robot (with ridiculously advanced/impossible AI) called TARD threatens & takes down individuals (riot control robots?)
    - so apparently nasa scientists interrogate people and take away their kids too
    - best kept secret in the world, yet they cannot afford better security than 1 robot (older unreliable model too!)?
    - the gravitational anomaly wasn't scientific?
    - coop acts like a weirdo and makes demands like he has the upper hand (didn't they take away his kid a few moments ago?)
    - these people are nasa but have no nasa insignia, kinda strange, no?
    - the conference room is right next to a rocket repair area (separated by a thin/movable but soundproof! wall), who designed these places?
    - 'killing starving people (= depopulation) was not a long term solution' - at this point the camera inexplicably shows the two females in the room, the conclusion: females are the key to depopulation (no births or controlled births, more communism?)
    - 'public opinion wouldn't allow...' - really? with all our media propaganda machinery? the public allows just about anything (knowingly or unknowingly)
    - 'We'll find a way, Professor, we always have.' - what if 'the way' finds you, whether you know it or not, whether you want it or not - it always has

    Earth's atmosphere is 80% nitrogen.
    We don't even breathe nitrogen.
    Blight does, and as it thrives, our air gets less and less oxygen.
    so what if we don't breathe nitrogen, there's plenty of oxygen to go around - if blight 'breathes' nitrogen, then the oxygen is not in danger of disappearing, especially not from less artificially grown vegetables/plants - this guy is a professor?

    We're not meant to save the world.
    We're meant to leave it.
    this is actually correct in a number of unexpected ways: the world does not need saving (humans do, from own ignorance of how the world works among other things), transcendence means leaving your physical body and this world, the end of the world (aka doomsday, an end of a cycle) cannot be avoided
    and you thought he meant going to another planet? maybe he did hehe

    the ship is called 'the endurance', interestingly, your life may be viewed as the same: you need to endure all the events on your journey in order to reach its destination
    the 'lazarus missions' - one's reincarnation may be viewed as 'coming back from the dead' (from the death of a previous incarnation), finding a new home (temporary, temporal, away from the real, original home)

    - so our farmer not only stumbles upon the base but he is also a former pilot trained exactly for this kind of missions, and the best one they ever had, but no one bothered looking for him (government has no way of finding individuals in their era?)
    - a wormhole? you mean a theoretical idea born from a desire/wish to travel long distances through the universe, ie. wishful thinking
    - 'A wormhole is not a naturally occurring phenomenon' - how would you know if humans never made one? even more interestingly, how can something that happens in nature be called unnatural in the first place (humans & their products = part of the nature)?
    - 'Someone placed it there' - scientists jumping to conclusions (maybe someone placed all the planets & stars there too, maybe someone placed the scientists there too,...)
    - so some incredibly advanced aliens are looking out for us, but they don't know for sure what an inhabitable planet for humans looks like or where you could find a useful one!
    - 'Carrying the bravest humans ever to live.' - that's called heavy-handed
    - 'So I started working on a theory and we started...building this station.' - before knowing whether it could be solved or what the solution shows? nice going
    - 'After that, with surrogacy the growth becomes exponential.' - TARD surrogacy? the perfect babysitter, diaper-changer and TARDs raiser - the exponential part is wrong too (may apply only partially, in the beginning after which it slows down and drops again - depends on the conditions which also change in cycles, and this part also smells a bit like fear-mongering on the topic of overpopulation)
    - 'Don't trust the right thing done for the wrong reason.' - lol, isn't coincidental evolution 'the wrong reason'? also, the right thing can only happen for the right reason (though you may not be aware of what that reason is or how to properly define 'right')
    - 'This world's a treasure Donald, but it's been telling us to leave for a while now.' - first pollute the environment due to ignorance & greed, then go to some other planet and repeat the same mistakes (because you did not learn the first time around) - so if we listen more closely, it 'says': the cause of all your troubles is ignorance (of what you are, of what you're supposed to do, of what your purpose is, of how this world actually works,...)
    - 'Mankind was born on Earth, it was never meant to die here.' :yawn: (skeletons/graves/... as proof that a huge number was meant to die on earth)

    Now, we're just here...to be the memories for our kids.
    Once you're a parent, you're the ghost of your children's future.
    roflmao, but hey, gotta involve that ghost again, eh? so the ghost in his timeless place and all that alien technology manage to do what? move a few objects & spell one word: 'stay' (who? where? lol)

    - 'or traveling at the speed of light' - impossible with that technology (probably impossible in general - whatever travels close to those speeds? (sub)atomic particles & light, not spaceships)
    - 'Maybe by the time I get back, you and I, we might be the same age.' - way to comfort your kid
    - now a spaceship crew needs a humorous robot? as if human speech is not ambiguous enough - and he quotes his pal HAL too
    - not only that, he is not honest all the time! but what can you do with such an unprofessional crew (they get mad at a robot? lol)
    - shouldn't docking procedure be fully automatic and the simplest possible?
    - where are the cool outer shots of the space station? where are outer space photographs? why are they withholding the most interesting part of space travel? lame

    Do not go gentle into that good night,
    old age should burn and rave at close of day,
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
    Though wise men at their end, know dark is right.
    Because their words had forked no lightning they
    Do not go gentle, into that good night
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
    try to survive or fight death?
    the 'dying of the light' is a natural process arriving at the end of every day (metaphorically also at the moment of death)
    it would be like raging against the earth for being a planet, ie. pretty nonsensical

    another interpretation, perhaps?
    do not go gentle into the approaching age of ignorance (also a natural event),
    old wise age, spiritually mature, should glow like a beacon when external darkness approaches
    rage against the 'dying' of true knowledge,
    even though wise men recognize what is natural through calmness and not wordly (nor worldly) rage,
    they still do not give in to the oncoming ignorance (which means more difficult living conditions, laws, societies,... you already felt that coming/mounting)
    they cherish true knowledge and resist all that is false (which is the purpose of your journey, becoming 'what you are', your true self, as opposed to the current, false 'idea of self')

    - when asked about edmunds, coop instantly recognizes her (brand's) feelings from only one ordinary sentence - he did a similar thing with the robot (poker face) - careful scriptwriting but lazy solutions
    - interestingly, her vote for edmunds later on, as the better solution, was guided by her love, similarly as coop's for his daughter, a common theme here: 'follow your heart' (intuition)
    - deeper meaning: what is in your heart (in your center, in your core)? 'the heart of darkness', your true self, the absolute truth, the location of true love (what she attempts to verbalize, but coop does not understand it)

    You don't think nature can be evil?
    No. Formidable, frightening. But, no, not evil.
    Is a lion evil because it rips a gazelle to shreds?
    nature does what it can or what it knows - lion acts the only way he knows or can at the moment (or any moment of his life)
    if one man rips another to shreds or does some other nasty action - it is because in his own mind he thinks it is the right thing to do, the thing which makes the most sense to him at the time - so no evil there either, just ignorance of the actual situation at hand (that perhaps could/would allow for a different action)

    This crew represents the best of humanity
    for mainstream scientific research perhaps, however:
    - the best of humanity are those who have the highest understanding of themselves and the nature of reality, ie. those who have pretty much reached the destination of their life's journey (they are most certainly not interested in physical/materialistic space travel or similar nonsense)
    - the worst are those who are still far from this goal and thus behave very ignorantly or foolishly, like spiritually immature beings, like very young/young/teen/immature children when they misbehave (an example of those would perhaps be our greedy leaders, manchildren in the spiritual sense)
    - the best part of this story is that everyone without exception reaches the destination, so eventually all beings will mature spiritually one way or the other, because all paths lead there (movie quote: 'the heart of darkness', meaning: the core or heart of things hidden from our current level of understanding - or 'the pearl of the black hole' - the heart of it, the treasure within)
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    ozymandis (08.04.15) , hellman (03.04.15) , yoco (31.03.15)

  4. #63
    Slik's posts are too long so I'm breaking them up in parts.
    Last edited by Sazzy; 01.04.15 at 17:36.
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  6. #64

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    part2 (continued)

    So a wormhole bends space like this so you...can take a shortcut through a higher dimension.
    lol, space isn't some rubber thingy you can bend whichever way you like or in the case of a wormhole: whichever way you need to fit your wishes (of faster traveling between distant galaxies)
    if you could bend space, the matter inside would have to bend or move too (it has no other place to go) - the energy needed only to move various matter between and in the vicinity of the two galaxies would be ridiculously huge, not to mention keeping the opening stable, controlling bidirectionality, bending space itself has never been proven and doesn't really make sense - we cannot even touch/access it, let alone do something with it (apart from moving matter around within it) - not even the strongest explosions made any spatial anomalies - black holes are still theoretical (remember, its only raw data that has to be understood, and no one can say whether our equations/models/theories are correct) - and finally, you expect to control such a mechanism? right...
    higher dimension? not only you bend that which is unbendable, now you also create higer dimensions by the bend! godlike!

    Okay so, to show that they've turned 3-dimensional space...
    ...into 2 dimensions, which turns a wormhole in 2 dimensions...
    ...a circle.
    you mean 3D into 4D (higher dimension), not 3D into 2D
    you cannot turn a 3D object into a 2D one, you can only view what it looks like in a 2D projection (like in a computer game, what shows on a 2D screen)
    a circle is only the wormhole opening in 2D (in 3D the opening may look like like a circle too, imagine a circular window that connects your room with an unknown galaxy, so no need for a sphere)

    What's a circle in 3 dimensions?
    A sphere.
    -Exactly. A spherical hole.
    depends what you do with the circle in that new dimension:
    - rotate around the center --> sphere
    - rotate around an external point --> torus
    - extend --> cylinder
    - some other or complex trajectory --> something else

    - pretty cool scenes of the wormhole, but short and interrupted by that which was already seen many times (ship interior, faces)
    - you can fly through the wormhole but cannot move the ship? doesn't make any sense
    - this galaxy has visible stars, how come our galaxy didn't?
    - and the best place to make a new human colony is... right in front of a black hole - makes perfect sense, after all, the big black hole eats matter & planets quickly due to her huge pull :facepalm:
    - swing around a neutron star, cowboy?

    - the star collapses into a black hole, becoming the heart of darkness - deeper meaning: a bright shining/glowing advanced spiritual person (star, a role model) becomes an inner part of the invisible whole surrounding us, going deeper and deeper into the (w)hole, which leads to the center, the heart of this dark/unknown territory, the pearl within, which is another way to speak of transcendence or finding your true self, or home after a long journey away from home

    If we could just see the collapsed star inside,
    the singularity, we'd solve gravity.
    which literally means: they wouldn't solve anything, just get more questions
    which metaphorically means: leaving behind dependence on materialistic gravity (as the materialistic body is no longer needed) and embracing spiritual gravity (that true home towards which we gravitate, which attracts us)

    - 'All the answers are there, just no way to see it.' - patience, once you become ready for the next stage in your existence, you will find those answers
    - coop acts like a cowboy again, we get huge waves from out of nowhere, they conveniently land in shallow waters, the wreckage is conveniently all in one place, doyle gets killed in the lamest way (acting confused, waiting for the wave to snatch him just before he could enter the ship), the robot was not the last to enter, he forgot about doyle, doyle is gone but their spaceship isn't, it has an hour before the next wave arrives, this wave conveniently arrives as they are barely ready to leave - very lazy stuff, cgi waves were obvious too

    [/QUOTE]The difference is that one of us was thinkin' about the mission.
    -You were thinking about getting home!![/QUOTE]

    but... that is the mission hehe (IRL too)

    - 'You eggheads have the survival skills of a boy-scout troop.' - says the guy who keeps trying to kill himself (by testing his limits), he is only alive because of the scriptwriters
    - 'if we could jump in a black hole and gain back the years?' - black hole 'destroys' matter, remember?
    - 'Time is relative, okay. It can stretch and it can squeeze, but, 'it can't run backwards! - the perception of time is relative (like having a good time and forgetting about it), time (change) encoded in a movie can move backwards (rewind) & forwards (fast-forward) and at varying speed (1x,2x,...)
    - 'The only thing that can move across dimensions, like time, is gravity.' - all of you just traveled through another dimension, no? so matter can too

    They...are beings of 5 dimensions!
    to them, time might be yet another physical dimension.
    time describes the change of a system (or parts of that system) from one state to another, a time segment is 2 snapshots (frozen-frames) of these states, the timeline is a circle representing the progression from the beginning (first state, early stages, past, home) to the end (last state, later stages, future, returning home) of a system (universe) or a journey of a being, ie. represents a dimension spanning their cycle
    imagine a movie you're watching on your computer, lets say the movie is real 3D and you can fast forward & rewind it - whatever is encoded on that movie is 4D (3D movie+ 1D time, change of the movie contents) - you, the viewer are at least 5D since you are outside of the 3D movie or the movie's playing time (interestingly, vice versa applies too - the movie would still be 5D since it is located and influenced by your dimension)
    time, when displayed using markings on a watch (circle) is a physical dimension (a straight line is another way to display the timeline) consisting of moments or segments of time

    there are more problems with this: X (3,4,5) is a location of point X in 3D space, but this doesn't tell us what is located at that point, we know nothing else about this point, not even the accurate location (3,4,5 of what units? of what coordinate axes? in what direction? (0,0,0) is located where?), so it seems 3D (or 3 coordinates) is not nearly enough to describe even spatial dimensions, let alone some other dimensions involved (of time, of the contents therein, of its other characteristics,...)

    When you become a parent, one thing becomes really clear,
    And that's you wanna make sure your children feel safe,
    and it rules out telling a 10 year old, that the world's endin'.
    lol, guess he never heard that all major religions speak of one or more doomsday events (turbulent endings of ages or cycles, one of which is the birth/death cycle of our universe)
    if you understand the process, there is nothing to worry about (also, its not like you can do something about it anyways) - thats also the meaning of the movie phrase: 'we're not meant to save the world'

    [/QUOTE]Hello Rom!
    -I've waited years.
    By now it must be, 23 years, 4 months, 8 days.[/QUOTE]

    roflmao, like something from a bad comedy, kinda shows how unconvincing/improbable this relativity stuff looks in 'practice'

    - receiving data? how, through the wormhole?
    - time heals everything? not in this movie, 20 years and the anger/grief/... is as fresh as if it happened yesterday
    - afraid of time but not of death? of getting old & weak and when the time comes, of death too - understand the purpose of this process and you won't be afraid anymore (at least not until the moment arrives hehe)

    Stepping out into the universe, we must confront the reality of interstellar travel.
    We must reach far beyond our own lifespans.
    We must think, not as individuals, but as a species.
    superficially: forget your goals, give your life for scientific pipe-dreams, like interstellar travel (and accompanying goals: ruling the galaxy and eventually the universe)
    deeper meaning:
    - the reality is that this travel is not necessary to understand the nature of reality (you could be a caveman from the past and still be able to understand it, you don't need 50th century cyber-technology, in fact, if they remain as ignorant as nowadays, no amount of centuries will help and no super AI either) - you already have what you need, like your natural abilities & the environment you live in (people included)
    - transcendence is a natural way to go beyond your current lifespan and beyond the birth/death cycle itself
    - you will eventually learn how to reach your true self - knowing 'what you really are' answers the questions of: where you belong, how exactly you fit in the whole and what kind of thoughts/desires are natural to you,... - your goal is to identify with the true self and become one with it (coming back home), upon which you will understand how the current self was an illusion born out of ignorance of your true identity (which is also the deeper meaning of those movies where the main actor has amnesia and searches for his identity)

    Accidents are the first building block of evolution
    hilarious nonsense
    evolution is an intelligent change, just like everything around us shows signs of intelligence - if something evolves, it evolves for a very good reason, not by accident/chance/possibility/probability/coincidence/dumb luck/randomness/... - it evolves because evolution is the natural next step, a perfectly logical event in line with the conditions present at the moment of its happening
    what is an accident? an event you didn't know was coming, something you weren't able to predict, something you didn't intend to happen, something you cannot explain - it is human ignorance of all the factors involved in an event that labels the result 'an accident'

    if the scriptwriters believe in accidents, why do they bother to logically connect every part of their movie - just mash it up together, its all a bunch of accidents anyways, no?

    - even their best scientist dr. mann (could be interpreted as 'a human', 'a man' in general) deceived them because he wanted to save his own skin, for personal gain, not for the truth (or mankind as the movie-makers keep suggesting)
    - 'Love is the one thing we're capable...of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space.' - your true self transcends that too, you never broke away from it, you're like a fish on a hook getting closer to it
    - and coop starts rolling his eyes, forgets to consult the old black guy (as if he was not even there) and decides for everyone else (what he usually does anyways, what his name suggests, a coup)
    - so it is enough for murph to have faith and her father does eventually return to her (ye of much faith?)
    - the ranger shuttle flies like there's no atmosphere, like a breeze, coop can even feel icy clouds and the shuttle weight doesn't scratch the surface!
    - the icy surface was very badly done (don't think its the screener's fault)
    - waking someone up from cryosleep takes a few seconds and they are barely dizzy/confused/nauseous
    - 'Pray you never learn, just how good it can be to see another face.' - there are people who willingly/intentionally go into seclusion just to avoid seeing another face
    - coop's daughter becomes dramatic again, how much time does she need to heal? must be the relativity of scriptwriter's time...

    The equation couldn't reconcile relativity with quantum mechanics
    You need more...More data. You need to see into a black hole.
    The laws of nature prohibit a naked singularity.
    sounds nonsensical, look in the black hole and you get a new equation (impossible, since nothing escapes and since there's nothing to see except extremely compressed, unrecognizable matter, including the one who went inside to take a peek) - the deeper meaning: you need special inspiration to reconcile these equations (you know, another one of their accidents)
    wouldn't (continued) evolution by accident basically be a singularity? isn't the black hole a singularity (the wormhole too)?
    the question is: would they even recognize a singularity if they saw one? (like that super-compressed dot surrounded by, umm, nothing )

    The gravity is so strong that it is always hidden...
    ...in darkness, beyond the horizon.
    deeper meaning: the gravity is so strong that eventually all enter the black (w)hole, so it never stays hidden, eventually all get to take a peek at that pearl - everything gravitates to that (w)hole

    Because he knew how hard it would be to get people...
    ...to work together to save the species instead of themselves. Or their children.
    so they need to learn more about the nature of reality and themselves in order to make informed decisions and get wholesome results (purpose of their journey)
    also, the truth is all around us, so no one needs to worry about some scientist guarding all the answers - the only way to remove the answers is to change the nature of reality, which is impossible
    how does evolution solve this? simple, you just follow your path and you'll eventually evolve, its that simple (and not accidental)

    - 'Because in his fucking arrogance, he declared their case hopeless.' - more like in his ignorance, but 'brand senior' didn't have any other data to prove him wrong, so he decided based on what he knew and believed that to be appropriate - in other words, he didn't know any better (just like coop doesn't know any better and keeps looking for someone to blame)
    - 'I'm sorry Cooper, their case is hopeless. We are the future.' - meaning: people of the future will continue to be ignorant of how no outcome, no matter how bad, is hopeless - so they will keep being depressive and scared and worried and erroneous and deluded, until they start realizing the truth (which sounds great: all paths lead to home)
    - 'Murph, don't, don't people have the right to know?' - know what? another theory?
    - 'Panic won't help. We just have to keep working, same as ever.' - exactly (don't worry, be happy), keep living, when the time comes, the answers will arrive by themselves - scientists & theories will come and go, they cannot move past the materialistic level and their materialistic views keep them from understanding their own theories/equations within the bigger picture - the next step is aimed beyond materialism, hence only your own being is the appropriate 'tool' to explore this level of experience
    - TARD can measure & relay quantum data (really?), he's equipped to transmit every form of energy that can pulse (really?) - let me guess, he (along with cowboys) is our future hope (noes!)

    I can, promise you that, that yearning...
    ...to be with other people is remarkable.
    That emotion is, at the foundation, of what makes us human.
    it is the yearning to be a part of the whole, as opposed to the current feeling of being alone/misunderstood/misplaced/confused/unsure/apart
    once you know/realize who you truly are, you'll also know how you fit in the whole and probably also that you fit like a glove

    - 'A machine doesn't improvise well, because you can't program the fear of death.' - lolwut?
    - 'Our survival instinct is our single greatest source of inspiration.' - really? what about existentialist, religious themes, love, the interplay of dualities, the mind/senses, the subconscious,...?

    What does research tell us, is the last thing you're gonna see, before you die?
    Your children. Their faces.
    obviously not normal scientific research since you cannot predict when someone's gonna die or expect them to tell you what they see at that precise moment (losing the connection) - also, wasn't it a tunnel of light?
    but this reminds me of something i read: what you see or think of at the end of one cycle 'determines' the beginning of your next cycle - so if you see children at the end, you'll incarnate as a child (ie. reincarnate), which is a 'bad' sign since your journey is still not complete

    Nothing turns out the way it's supposed to be.
    so many erroneous statements! it should be: 'Nothing' turns out the way you expect it to be.
    and why? because your expectations are based on erroneous assumptions, authorities on the subject were not really up to their task, you trusted them but forgot to verify through own experience,...

    - and more drama and more save us, save them, saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave! more ignorance causing people to use desperate measures

    The survival instinct.
    That's what drove me.
    It's what drives all of us, and it's what's gonna save us.
    it will perhaps keep you alive but it won't save you from your own ignorance (a stone is also surviving for thousands of years but look at its level of understanding, barely noticeable) - survival is an important part of your journey (can't learn unless you live while learning), but not its main purpose
    again... the 's' word! it was used ~25 times throughout the movie (interestingly, not once combined with the word god ) - the saviors here are 5-dimensional guardian angels, i mean aliens, i mean evolved humans and they barely got the job done... by moving books & watches - could be understood as: read some quality books on the 'saving' topic (one of book authors shown was doyle, ie. look for clues like holmes would), catch that moment of inspiration and 'watch' where the conclusions take you - saved? from ignorance of your own being
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    ozymandis (08.04.15) , yoco (31.03.15)

  8. #65
    Dear god man
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    part3 (final part, tired yet? )

    - so their best man mann fumbles the docking procedure and closing the door, which should be as simple as possible and automatic anyways (password protected in space? dat paranoia) - they keep telling him what not to do, but not why! and the space station is basically a little more than a house of cards, but never mind that, our cowboy coop will make a perfect docking while spinning and that perfect lock can even carry/move the entire space station, mann...
    - so the ship is being torn apart by the black hole (shouldn't it be: squashed like the tin can it is), but coop flies in there without problems (not even a torn suit)
    - are those things supposed to represent quantum strings (as in string theory), which coop plays like a harp to create gravitational anomalies in the past/present/whenever
    - if coop is personifying 'the answer' - it lies in another dimension and is giving you hints/clues as to what it is or what should be done (sound familiar? the human journey providing answers/hints/clues as you travel, the true self drawing you closer and closer to unite with you, the prodigal son returns theme)
    - STAY! who? where? why? lol - deeper meaning: stay on earth, no need to go anywhere else
    - noes! TARD is there too and he figured it out! seems he can improvise after all (wait! he must have experienced teh fear of death and evolved, dat AI! )
    - wait a minute... so THEY 'constructed' the wormhole, the black hole and the secret area behind the bookshelf, but did not leave clues as how to use any of it! remember that our crew would have probably never entered the black hole if their original attempts didn't fail (set-up to fail and go for the black (w)hole? ) - probes would probably never find that hidden area anyways
    - 'You've seen that time, is represented as a physical dimension.' - umm, we do that with clocks/timelines
    - 'you can exert a force across space-time.' - isn't that what we are doing every day?
    - 'Gravity...can cross the dimensions, including time?' - gravity is defined as happening within space-time (space being defined with dimensions, regardless of their actual number)

    - 'Every moment, it's infinitely complex. They have access to infinite time and space...' - godlike!
    - '...but they're not bound by anything!' - really? how about: bound by what they are (in essence)
    - 'They can't find, a specific place in time.' - what about placing that wormhole exactly where & when people could find it?
    - 'They can't communicate.' - how did you end up here then? by ghost communication, anomalies, wormholes,... from the 5th dimension
    - they are not bound by anything, yet they can't do stuff? doesn't make sense

    we're here to communicate, with the three dimensional world!
    We are the bridge!
    coop, a distinguished individual, the best of humanity = STAR
    the robot, a brilliant AI called TARS = an anagram for STAR
    we were witnessing a discussion/interaction between 2 STARS = interstellar
    they get divine inspiration (from 5th dimension), becoming a bridge to transmit knowledge to ordinary individuals (the transmitted equation)
    they are helping mankind (guardian angels), they are foreign to ordinary people (aliens), they are evolved humans (5th dimension)
    they cannot communicate with words (lol), they use gravity (to transmit the message) & love (to find the recipient of the encoded message and establish a connection/contact, recipient's love guides them to figure out the message, the code), creating clues for specific people to look for (accidents, eureka moments, targeted message recipients)
    their goal is to save people (from themselves, from their ignorance) and provide guidance (towards the stars literally, towards the 5th dimension metaphorically)

    deeper meaning: apply the above to spiritually evolved persons (see further above under: 'the best of humanity')
    spiritually evolved persons = the bridge (for those who aren't able to establish their own bridge) towards higher levels of spirituality/awareness/consciousness

    - eureka? yeah, she finally healed
    - 'What I've been doing for Murph, they've been doing for me!' - the gravitational anomaly that crashed his ship from the beginning of the movie
    - why is the robot still there? the idea may be that access to higher dimensions will be possible in the future with advanced AI (to help with the equations and the like) or that only the fittest stars survive/adapt (which is misunderstood: if you're existing, you're fit enough to traverse your path from beginning towards the end, you just have to realize that )
    - coop = 'reborn', robot = reprogrammed, both have a new 'life', a new mission, to get that female touch under the Brand new sun (coop alone wasn't enough, he needs advanced AI to guide/help him get that female touch/principle (intuition, as opposed to engineer's thinking) so that he can advance further in life, advanced AI may also be a metaphor for advanced inspiration or ideas, coop gathering 'interstellar knowledge' while on the journey towards the stars)
    - 'Honesty, new setting. 95%, ' - coop getting closer to the truth, the savior of mankind leaves no (wo)man behind
    - 'Is this really what it was like? It was never this clean slick.' - no dust here, dust representing decay/degradation, advanced humans, closer to the stars, closer to becoming stars (of the show)

    I don't care much for this, pretending we are back where we started.
    I want to know where we are?
    Where are we going?
    spiritual awakening? 5th dimensional experience got him thinking (about the nature of reality)
    been about time hehe
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    Holy shit, that's a lot of words

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  13. #68
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    I loved the film because it touches a very interesting subject, the great unknown which is the universe and the fact the humans are apparently the only creatures who question their existence and meaning in this world.
    it's hip to be square
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    @slik - wtf ? dude who's gonna read that
    Tutorials one should read\
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    Watched it today found it to be a good movie and I agree with alpacino's views on this just goes on to show how much of the universe is a mystery although the probability that humans are the only creatures ruminating about meaning of existence is probably low

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    Quote Originally Posted by hellman View Post
    @slik - wtf ? dude who's gonna read that
    I did and my eyes want to punch me
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  17. #71
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    a dissapointing movie with my favorite actor Matthew McConaughey :)
    one of the things that i hate most is the stupid ideea that human rase is the center of universe
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  18. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkSaibot v.1.3.10 View Post
    one of the things that i hate most is the stupid ideea that human rase is the center of universe
    i believe it just shows that other races don't care, if they even can at that point in time. I think that's not even too hard to believe. I'm not very worried about the ants in my backyard. I'm not even worried about humans living on the other side of the planet.
    So yeah, I find that quite believable.

    Anyway, a few thoughts...

    • I find it funny that actual real life physicists applaud that a lot of stuff in the movie is theoretically correct, while every average Joe is saying how unbelievable all of it is and that the creators must have been on drugs (actual quote from my facebook wall. Sit down Gunther, you're making an ass of yourself).
    • I believe anything can be over-analyzed to the point or interpreted in such a way that it seems silly or stupid.
    • I believe getting to that point takes the fun out of entertainment and life in general as you start to ponder "What's the point anyway?"
    Last edited by Sazzy; 08.04.15 at 21:05.
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  19. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sazzy View Post
    • I find it funny that actual real life physicists applaud that a lot of stuff in the movie is theoretically correct, while every average Joe is saying how unbelievable all of it is and that the creators must have been on drugs (actual quote from my facebook wall. Sit down Gunther, you're making an ass of yourself).
    If you mean the scientist who worked on movie, than it makes sense he'll say those words, since he also produced the movie, even thou they may not be accurate!
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  20. #74
    No, I meant others. There was a show about it on local tv with apparently world famous people from our university
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  21. #75
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    i think Sazzy is talking about that show on Discovery Called Discovery Channel - The Science of Interstellar (Matthew McConaughey takes viewers behind the scenes of Interstellar with a look at the real-life science that went into this out-of-this-world film.)
    i believe it just shows that other races don't care, if they even can at that point in time. I think that's not even too hard to believe. I'm not very worried about the ants in my backyard. I'm not even worried about humans living on the other side of the planet.
    So yeah, I find that quite believable.
    well i don't know...i stopped a few years back with overthinking stuff but what i did not liked it was only that thing with the messages that later in the movies you figgure out that it has been sent my himself...and all the movie it makes you believe that is send by higher beings //i mean com'om what a superrior image has the Human race about his own race ...in a way that i can say that suffer from grandomany & arrogance

    about the other races that they don't care ..i don't know : according Harvard-Smithsonian astro-physics center they have 10 hypothesis

    1. No other civilizations.

    2. There are other civilizations, but they are primitive. they do not know about us, but we would love to know.

    3. There are other civilizations, but they are about at our level. They suspect our existence and perhaps you'd like to talk to us.

    4. Are there other civilizations, they know that we are hereand would like to have an exchange of information with us, but have not managed to attract attention.

    5. There are other civilizations, but do not care our existence. Considers that they do not present any interest and do not have anything they want.

    6. Are there other civilizations and are somewhat interested in new and some of their researchers studying our patient.

    7. There are other civilizations and are very interested in us. We studied intensively, but "in secret".

    8. Aliens are involved right now in our activities.

    9. We are an experiment in a laboratory of another civilization.

    10. There is God - Affirmation that can be in agreement with any of the other options.

    i personally think that for some other races we are 5 for some 6 for some 789
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