I am no Linux Experts but I did try.
I don't think it is a good idea to report to the tracker req->leftUntilComplete
with a "No Report Leecher" mod. leftUntilComplete decreases as the download proceeds.
What you'll need to do is always report the total size, otherwise it can be sure sign of cheating when using "No Report Leecher"
I don't particularly care for the transmission 2.8x branch quark and threading model changes
so that is why I mod a port of transmission's 2.77 core. Below is what I use for always leacher
in my mod and something like this will work fine for the 2.8x core.
else if(cheatMode == TR_CHEAT_ALWLEECH) // always leecher
*up = 0;
*down = 0;
*corrupt = 0;
*left = tr_torrentInfo( tier->tor )->totalSize;
static tr_announce_request *
announce_request_new( const tr_announcer * announcer,
const tr_torrent * tor,
const tr_tier * tier,
tr_announce_event event )
letsCheat( tier, &req->up, &req->down, &req->corrupt, &req->left, &event );
I see in your mod that it is hard-coded to always announce the mod values. It's not hard to allow for other options so that's what my mod does.