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  1. #16

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    Your Brain On Porn | Evolution has not prepared your brain for today's Internet porn
    not prepared? your body does whatever it can to handle external influence/stimulation, even in the case of an overdose/over-stimulation it still attempts repair and other emergency procedures - and brain death can be viewed as being 'prepared for the final outcome' of this lifetime, bringing joy to different kinds of worms/microbes/... that are prepared to handle the body decomposition process - in the meantime your consciousness awaits for the next moment to 'catch another ride', 'start another journey' in yet another soon-to-be-newborn body (with a brand new brain ), ie. reincarnates until the conditions for a higher level of existence are met (conditions: sufficient cleansing of ignorance regarding the true nature of existence)

    in other words, no sign of a destabilized (out-of-balance or unprepared) universe yet (everything works just fine)

    Cambridge Study: Internet porn addiction mirrors drug addiction
    so...what they are saying is: one addiction mirrors another addiction (ie. they are similar), something the ordinary human would never guess on his own?

    Drug addicts are thought to be driven to seek their drug because they want – rather than enjoy – it. This abnormal process is known as incentive motivation..
    you enjoy ice-cream?
    you buy ice-cream because you want to (enjoy ice-cream)
    this is an abnormal process? roflmao

    I was told masturbation was healthy. It cost me my dream.
    pressure builds up, what to do? release it - this comes in handy, the machine lasts longer
    keep releasing pressure excessively? lack of pressure cannot power the machine - some say you can go blind in the process: could be from all that steam being released constantly, but i'd say that blindness was a metaphor for addiction or ignorance of the aforementioned

    ok, enough of this, maybe i can go do something healthy now (for a change)?

  2. Who Said Thanks:

    JulioMal (06.03.22) , DanielFuh (10.04.21) , Master Razor (21.09.14)

  3. #17
    Polyphasic sleep - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Polyohasic sleep? It is a sleep schedule created to optimize our sleeping habbits.
    Less sleep = more productivity? Based on some patters listed above, we cauld sleep no less than 2 hours a day and feel rested. I have my doubts about this, may a bookworm could pull this off but a gymnast never.

    Any thoughts on this?
    Last edited by Master Razor; 21.09.14 at 17:31.

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    slikrapid (21.09.14)

  5. #18

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    Quote Originally Posted by Master Razor
    Any thoughts on this?
    what does common sense say?

    long term:
    ~8h sleep a day is optimum for the majority under normal circumstances, preferably used during nighttime, which can be tested by anyone
    ~6h might be the minimum for average people, less is not recommended

    short term:
    +/- deviations from the above are not too problematic unless they keep happening regularly/continuously for longer periods of time

    any other more extreme way requires special training & conditions, isn't compatible with a normal life and not really necessary anyways - in other words, you don't need more hours, you need better organization & prioritizing of your activities or more correctly: better understanding of the nature of reality in order to know what to do next and why

    remember the 5-step program? lets see how it works when the problem of sleeping or sleeping disorders arises:
    (1) try to sleep around 6-8h a day (during nighttime, noise-free)
    (2) think positively about going to bed/sleep, its good for you, thus be happy about it
    (3) don't think about your perceived daily problems while going to sleep, just relax and let 'the nature take its course'
    (4) don't worry, regardless of what happens (even when having sleepless nights or bad dreams or little sleep or other disorders or ...), it'll all go away eventually
    (5) enjoy the experience and you will start waking up rested more often than not

    more generally:
    (1) using your intelligence
    (2) optimism/positive thinking
    (3) enter a relaxed state (stress-free)
    (4) don't worry, no matter what happens
    (5) enjoy, be happy, observe the results

    which reminds me of that song title: 'don't happy' - there's more relevant truth in this simple quote (and unintentionally so!), than in thousands of commonly (intentionally!) used ones - looks like another case of failing to notice the most obvious of things, hiding in plain sight - all it takes is simply changing one's attitude/perspective to a more revealing/useful one

    Polyohasic sleep? It is a sleep schedule created to optimize our sleeping habbits.
    change your habits, optimize your own sleep according to common sense, not SF
    also, notice that wiki quote where military researchers admit to the necessity of having ~8 cumulative hours of sleep

    Less sleep = more productivity?
    extremely short term (under a day or so): yes, anything above that: no, anything mid or long term: no

    we cauld sleep no less than 2 hours a day and feel rested.
    Quote Originally Posted by wiki
    Uberman (from German 'Übermensch') 2.0 h 8.3% Six 20-minute naps (every 4 hours).

    as for 'the ubermensch' concept, it is a materialistic misinterpretation (average joe does x, ubermensch does at least 2x) of an ignorant society that does not understand adaptation to the environment (which automatically happens constantly, needing no improvement), evolution (which is not physical/mental, but spiritual) nor other basics of existence, thus having more or less silly attempts/dreams/aspirations/actions aiming towards a future of super-powerful post-humans, cyborgs, robots, mutants, indigo children and other similar nonsense, which becomes a wishful thinking image of the future where people will achieve an advanced state compared to the current one, erroneously equated with materialistic progress

    so what is the true ubermensch? that which transcends 'being human', that which doesn't need to be human anymore, that which arrives at the true end of one's human-like journey, that for which the conditions of this transcendence are met on an individual basis and finally, that which will eventually happen to any and every being in existence (incl. those perceived as the least or most important or advanced or deserving ones), that which can be called spiritual evolution or transcendence, simply becoming something more than a human while retaining the basics (the essence) of one's being

    in other words:
    - ubermensch - a being having a higher spiritual level than a human (gods/demigods, self-realized humans, all other beings that have completed their lower-level journey)
    - mensch - a human, a being having a human level of spirituality, still on the lower-level journey
    - untermensch - a being having a lower spiritual level than a human (matter, plants, animals), still on the lower-level journey
    - spiritual level - level of understanding of these concepts and the nature of existence - usually those with a lower understanding are to be found having the aforementioned journey (of enlightenment)
    - birth/death/life/reincarnation cycle - a part of this lower-level journey, like smaller cycles within a greater one

    btw. try watching a recent movie called 'transcendence' to see the hollywood idea of what transcendence is or any superhero movie to see their ubermensch misinterpretation, notice a disproportion of blue-eyed movie heroes for another hint at the same concept, etc. - might as well check out eugenics or the nazi ubermensch for historical examples of such a misinterpretation

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    tr-cht-fx-242p (24.09.14)

  7. #19
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    This is a great talk about the damages and the consequences of sugar in our bodies.

    Highly recommended


  8. Who Said Thanks:

    tr-cht-fx-242p (24.09.14) , slikrapid (24.09.14)

  9. #20

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    Quote Originally Posted by Blocker
    about the damages and the consequences of sugar in our bodies.
    correction: about the consequences of excessive amounts of sugar, accumulating from processed food(s) & beverages loaded with a variety of substances/additives containing sugar among other things, so there are at least several issues here:

    - amount/dosage: too much sugar in general, especially since it acts as a substitute for (the removed) fat; continuous usage; increased rations
    - type of sugar: economically cheap but biologically problematic (processed) fructose when appearing as HFCS, white sugar & co.
    - method of application/usage: highly concentrated, fiber-less, especially when in fluids (like soda/coke, even juice), used in a variety of products, hidden behind various labels
    - other related factors: lack of physical activity (outdoors ie. fresh air preferred), addiction
    - lack of quality information on the subject (too much fear-mongering on one side and covering-up or propaganda on the other side), governmental indifference/incompetence/corruption, corporate greed, consumer gullibility, societal ignorance/priorities, excessive dependence on industrial products,...

    basically, industrial age & modern technology changes the way humans live and what they eat, compared to naturally balanced organic meals of the past, which in effect creates new problems/issues regarding human health (new-age diseases, disorders & co.) so it is necessary to change living & eating habits in order to address these new-age conditions, thus returning one's health to a state as close as possible to that naturally balanced organic ideal

    btw. for a less technical & more personal docu released recently on the same topic see: Fed Up (2014), the main speaker here makes a few appearances in this docu too

    any reasons to worry about all this? not really, when you become ready (state of mind, level of understanding, external conditions) to eat healthier food, you will - until then, eat that which makes most sense to you and thats all there is to it (notice that you're already doing this), the future will bring improvement one way or the other, though it might take some time/patience for that event to arrive and observation skills to notice it

  10. Who Said Thanks:

    VaughnTom (19.07.21) , Blocker (24.09.14)

  11. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    basically, industrial age & modern technology changes the way humans live and what they eat, compared to naturally balanced organic meals of the past, which in effect creates new problems/issues regarding human health (new-age diseases, disorders & co.) so it is necessary to change living & eating habits in order to address these new-age conditions, thus returning one's health to a state as close as possible to that naturally balanced organic ideal
    Yeah that's pretty much what we are facing eating highly processed food. I think the only hope is more people become aware of this and we start changing our food habits and in some way if its possible but more difficult I guess start asking the government for more regulations to companies for these food, really difficult if we see this from the politicians and business/corporate point of view.

    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post

    btw. for a less technical & more personal docu released recently on the same topic see: Fed Up (2014), the main speaker here makes a few appearances in this docu too
    Thanks for the recommendation Slik , I'll check it out!
    Last edited by Blocker; 24.09.14 at 04:15.

  12. #22
    Last edited by Master Razor; 01.10.14 at 19:17.

  13. Who Said Thanks:

    slikrapid (02.10.14) , Blocker (02.10.14)

  14. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Master Razor View Post
    A quote from twitter
    Pornography does not liberate you it turns you into an addict to the diseased imagery of corporatized sexuality.

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    slikrapid (02.10.14)

  16. #24

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    Quote Originally Posted by twitter
    Pornography does not liberate you it turns you into an addict to the diseased imagery of corporatized sexuality.
    pr0n cannot liberate, but neither does its opposite - both are merely concepts/objects - however, understanding of these concepts, their deeper (existential) meaning, the reason/logic of their presence in the world, their interaction with yourself, can - liberate from what? from ignorance of the aforementioned (understanding)

    likewise, pr0n cannot turn you into an addict, your own ignorance does (otherwise you would have noticed its appeal, the consequences, the meaning of it all, and you would act accordingly, by not becoming addicted or at least dissolving the addiction early on) - if there was no pr0n, something else would serve as a substitute for pr0n and you would still become an addict in order to experience addiction and learn from the experience, overcome the addiction and move on towards new challenges - thus, pr0n is not only not to blame (!), but also beneficial (!) - however, it is likely that, as long as you do continue using pr0n or have cravings for it, you haven't really/completely learned the lesson contained therein - in other words, your own 'state of mind' determines whether you become an addict or not, regardless if it is pr0n or something else (and there's always something else), its like a magnetic effect or a piece fitting into a puzzle or a temporary compatibility that joins you with that other thing thats compatible to you at that particular moment

    diseased corporatized sexuality? which means sexuality is being turned into a business, used as a marketing tool, etc. - but so have all the other more or less appealing things in the world (food, entertainment, private & public sector/organizations,...) - and as long as these organizations are run in an extreme/greedy, non-moderate, ignorant way, their products or the results of their activity will also carry this unhealthy burden/component in some way (very addictive, unhealthy, generally exploitative or at least 2nd rate products, compared to their more wholesome counterparts)

    Quote Originally Posted by shall ye be lubin'
    The Truth about Porn
    some interesting things from the video:

    - she is too idealistic/euphoric, believing that her activities have a permanent effect like (instantly) detoxifying people from pr0n, but doesn't realize that a proper detoxification can only happen when people are truly ready for it (the level of readiness can vary a lot), not when they think they are ready, not when they say they are ready
    - she doesn't realize the extent the socially higher-level people (the judges she so admires) are involved with this industry, they are protecting each other and their addictions (not ready to let go, blackmail, etc.), pretending to be shocked by her revelations, their laws won't have the expected effects (on the contrary, instead of fixing the awful conditions in which pr0n employees work, they will end up messing-up something else, like introducing further privacy violations via monitoring what adults view or publicly labeling them as pr0n users, etc.)
    - she has an overt messiah complex (which everybody has to an extent), but doesn't realize that others must have it as well and cannot bear to think that pr0n representatives might/must also have it, not to mention the blasphemous thought of them having it via divine intervention, which she kinda unconsciously admits when saying: god loves those people too (and doesn't want to 'strike them with a lightning' even if it would be a 'piece of cake' for him to do it)
    - her 'need to save people' is blinding (lack of moderation or self-observation) & binding her (to her favorite activity)
    - she exchanged 'addiction to pr0n' with 'addiction to fight pr0n', meaning she is still addicted
    - she is very much a slave of dualistic reasoning, thus easily persuaded by or easily fits in dualistic religions (like christianity with their heavy-handed good vs. evil main theme), though everybody else is to a large extent in a similar situation due to the nature of reality - granted, if you're not ready to go beyond dualism, you won't, thus her position is natural and appropriate, aligned with her level of understanding (the same applies to the related religions and their choice of interpreting dualities)
    - she has 10 years of religious power-learning/training and a doctorate in theology, but still does not understand some of the basics of her own religion or her own behavior - things are that bad in organized religions (one could argue that things are even worse outside of it: cults, nu-pagans, numerous variations of mainstream religions, atheists, agnostics, satanists, etc.)
    - she is like a control freak, acting in an extreme and distrustful fashion, just like a dictatorial (right wing) or the communist party (left wing) regime would in their own fields of activity - dictating the terms of her familial relationship according to her interpretation of what is appropriate, spying on her family members (even the husband has to confess!), even in her family the most discussed thing is again pr0n (that which she wants to avoid!)
    - she doesn't understand pro-choice (unless its her choice) - adults are defined as being able to choose, so inform them if you like, but let them make their own choices
    - she doesn't understand 'the beast', the beast is ignorance (everybody has some until they are ready to advance) - could be why the wild animals are also called beasts

    yes, there are many good things about the video (informative, exposing, view behind the scenes, realism, criticizing the rampant/extreme industry, common sense things, parental guidance, parental agreement, energetic approach, no fear attitude, optimism,...)

    however, for an extreme industry as pr0n, it takes a likewise extreme opponent like this energetic female, in order for them to 'meet their match', as they represent dualities that work in a similar way, yet on opposite (imaginary) poles, like real world representations of the hero-antihero or hero-villain duality - they are pretty much as close as one can get to those pillars of duality, each one of them trying to cling to their own pillar (trying to be closer to the unreachable idealistic extreme), whereas moderate people remain somewhere in between, depending on their affinity to either one of the pillars, whereas more advanced beings/humans are represented by the elevated eye, meaning they are in a state above these dualities, understanding them, being free (from the involved/related ignorance), ie. being enlightened

    and yes, this last example works for any & every kind of duality (not only pr0n/anti-pr0n) and any & every being (in a materialistic existence)

  17. Who Said Thanks:

    Master Razor (04.10.14)

  18. #25
    It is still a problem and it has to be dealt with soon. It makes sense though to pollute the internet with porn, free porn, and then ask for payment for those hardcore kink movies. Naturally, you go with the flow untill some day you realize it just won't cut it and want more. This 'more' defines a limit between normal and insanity, and I should know as I've been there.
    Think of all out elders, they didn't have internet so all they could do is to get a magazine with some nude pictures. Right now, nude equals shit in this day in age. And they had an evolution such as nude -> frontal nudity -> sex. Us of the other hand start with kink as an incentive.

    Speaking of which, I found an answer to a question I've been having for 15 years.
    Why is everybody shaving their private area?

    For years I've been deluded into thinking it was unhygenic and bad taste to people performing oral. THIS IS A LOAD OF CRAP because, based on a primitive logic, if it's there it is for a purpose. To expand, while performing sex, a certain ammout of friction happens between our bodies. Hair acts like a cushion, allowing to go back and forth a longer time than without hair. It also serves purposes of keeping certain odors from getting out and keeping bacteria from getting in. For a woman, hair also prevents her from getting aroused at any time. The skin is very sensitive, so, if bald, you'll get horny more often -> conspiracy ==> porn??

    The reason for this crap, as it is conveyed within the link, is that when the bikini was invented it was way shorter than any undergarment available. Without shaving, you couldn't look good in that and society considered hair as nudity and could not be exposed.

    Now, besides all the above, hair is very sexy. Why change
    I have found a forum that offers vintage pictures of a long long time ago.
    You can read about this here When and Why ? ...did pubic hairy become BAD? - Vintage Erotica Forums and if you browse it you can also find pictures.
    Last edited by Master Razor; 05.10.14 at 19:29.

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    slikrapid (06.10.14)

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    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    ...... - thus, pr0n is not only not to blame (!), but also beneficial (!)
    Hello slik ,really interesting points in your comment like always I would like to know if you can please clarify some parts for me ,for example can you please elaborate a little bit more how can porn be beneficial ? I can't think about any learning experience , I think porn can't be considered real sex ,at the end is a movie ,right? they are just profiting with sex ,like sometimes directors profit from violence too.Porn reduces human sexuality to profit like most of Hollywood movie that are interested in creating blockbusters and always attract big audiences instead of creating "art" like the cinema was originated I guess.

    - in other words, your own 'state of mind' determines whether you become an addict or not, regardless if it is pr0n or something else (and there's always something else), its like a magnetic effect or a piece fitting into a puzzle or a temporary compatibility that joins you with that other thing thats compatible to you at that particular moment
    Is this kind of Machiavellian?, do you mean like your mind determines if you become and addict or not? So people is unable to control this ? In comparision with other drugs for example alcohol or cigarettes I know when people is really addicted their body starts reacting and the levels of anxiety increases unless they get some drug. I think this anxiety issue will apply for porn addicts too ,don't you think? .People have the control to eliminate the intoxication in their body/minds and have a new life without the consumptions of drugs,there are many stories out there about people reducing their dependence to anything.

    diseased corporatized sexuality? which means sexuality is being turned into a business, used as a marketing tool, etc. - but so have all the other more or less appealing things in the world (food, entertainment, private & public sector/organizations,...) - and as long as these organizations are run in an extreme/greedy, non-moderate, ignorant way, their products or the results of their activity will also carry this unhealthy burden/component in some way (very addictive, unhealthy, generally exploitative or at least 2nd rate products, compared to their more wholesome counterparts)
    I agree with you!

    Thanks for your comments Slikrapid ,its always nice to read your analysis.
    Last edited by Blocker; 06.10.14 at 03:45.

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    slikrapid (06.10.14)

  22. #27

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    @Master Razor:

    Us of the other hand start with kink as an incentive.
    who is us?
    most of the weird stuff is still left to the weird to deal with (curiosity trips excluded)
    as the society opens up to some forms of weirdness, 'the new stuff' eventually gets somewhat boring and retro becomes more interesting again

    Why is everybody shaving their private area?
    who is everybody?
    shaving or trimming?

    other than that, its simply a new(er) trend in the west (like fashion trends), gotta (re)invent hot water all over again

    For years I've been deluded into thinking it was unhygenic and bad taste to people performing oral. THIS IS A LOAD OF CRAP because, based on a primitive logic, if it's there it is for a purpose.
    common sense tells you oral is fine for the majority
    it is unhygienic if those body parts are dirty or infected or poorly maintained or change a number of partners
    'if it's there it is for a purpose' is accurate, but it applies to both physical parts (like pubic hair) & non-physical things: actions (like shaving) & thoughts & events and everything else (incl. that which you cannot imagine yourself doing or that which you are strongly against, say, like pr0n addiction)

    Hair acts like a cushion, allowing to go back and forth a longer time than without hair. It also serves purposes of keeping certain odors from getting out and keeping bacteria from getting in. For a woman, hair also prevents her from getting aroused at any time. The skin is very sensitive, so, if bald, you'll get horny more often -> conspiracy ==> porn??
    too much friction? move the body a bit or take a break or change positions
    odors/bacteria? washing oneself does the trick
    spontaneous arousal from lack of hair? don't think so, this is more psychological than physical
    also, what conspiracy? bikini manufacturers, pr0n producers, related industries, industrial think-tanks, political lobbying,... - their (business) goals are not really a secret

    The reason for this crap, as it is conveyed within the link, is that when the bikini was invented it was way shorter than any undergarment available.
    so lets say that the bikini is the reason for shaving pubes in the west - whats the reason for inventing the bikini? 'to boldly go where no previous swimsuit has gone before' - a novelty, a trend, a new market,... to keep things interesting (so that we can post about it on sbi, otherwise the thread dies!)

    finally, there's something for everybody in this world and further revelations await, so i don't really see the problem here, thus, still nothing to worry about!


    how can porn be beneficial ? I can't think about any learning experience , I think porn can't be considered real sex ,at the end is a movie ,right? they are just profiting with sex ,like sometimes directors profit from violence too.Porn reduces human sexuality to profit like most of Hollywood movie that are interested in creating blockbusters and always attract big audiences instead of creating "art" like the cinema was originated I guess.
    it was a generalization that attempts to go beyond dualistic reasoning:
    - everything you experience brings some kind of a lesson with it, might be a small lesson or a fundamental one, might be clearly visible or obscured, might be a direct/instant or an indirect/postponed one, might be one or several or partial, etc. - thus everything you experience is beneficial, from the best to the worst one, form the most inspiring to the least, etc. - surely pr0n fits in here somewhere, regardless of whether we are able to find some specific beneficial reason at this point or not - but lets try to find some anyways: to serve as an example of addiction and whatever lessons may be learned from the experience, or to show another side of human sexuality (+lessons), or to help with 'releasing some steam' (+lessons), or to provide simple enjoyment (+lessons), or to understand the concept of pr0n from a more practical viewpoint (+lessons), or to use the experience in your future conversations, analogies, contemplations,... that have some connection to pr0n or the related topics (+lessons) - or to keep it simple: no pr0n? no way of understanding it!
    - it doesn't matter whether its a movie or IRL experience or a dream, you learn from all of them
    - the original intention of the movie creator is one thing, what you learn from it is another, what someone else learns is yet another,...
    - and everything is art, no matter how insignificant or banal it seems - mainstream definitions of art obscure that simple fact... which means pr0n is art too (!)
    - life consists of role-playing, so does acting in a movie (or pr0n), the latter are staged, acted & directed, but to what extent does that apply to the former?
    - wow, from pr0n to existentialism! does that mean watching pr0n gets you closer to the meaning of life? it obviously isn't the most suitable way to get there, but since all roads lead there, technically, in its own petite way, it does get you closer after all! but this is not so strange at all: if pr0n happens to be a part of your life (even a brief one), it becomes a part of your life's voyage and fundamentally every part of the voyage has the same existentialist value, no mater what (events) the part contains

    Is this kind of Machiavellian?, do you mean like your mind determines if you become and addict or not? So people is unable to control this ? In comparision with other drugs for example alcohol or cigarettes I know when people is really addicted their body starts reacting and the levels of anxiety increases unless they get some drug. I think this anxiety issue will apply for porn addicts too ,don't you think? .People have the control to eliminate the intoxication in their body/minds and have a new life without the consumptions of drugs,there are many stories out there about people reducing their dependence to anything.

    addiction happens when the conditions for it (to happen) are met - external conditions lead you towards the event and internal conditions get you ready for the event - when these meet or sufficiently align, the event occurs - these internal conditions are what was meant by 'state of mind', 'state of being', a particular state that you are in, that makes you 'open' or 'ready' to become addicted, call it addiction-ready if you will
    likewise, addiction continues when the conditions for it (to continue) are met
    likewise, addiction ends when the conditions for it (to end) are met
    the same applies to any & every event

    can you control external conditions? no, you're usually not even aware of the alignment until post-factum
    can you influence or predict external conditions? yes, to an extent, by your actions & existence, since you're a part of this universe, of the whole
    can you control internal conditions? no, you're usually not even aware of the alignment until post-factum
    can you influence or predict internal conditions? yes, to an extent, by your actions & existence, since they are personal/individual

    proof of the post-factum part is gathered by observing your senses, noticing that everything they pick up has already happened and it takes a few additional moments for you to become consciously aware of their input, which means you are effectively observing past events, interpreting them as the present!

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    Blocker (08.10.14)

  24. #28
    In all honesty, hair is nasty.

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    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    - everything you experience brings some kind of a lesson with it, might be a small lesson or a fundamental one, might be clearly visible or obscured, might be a direct/instant or an indirect/postponed one, might be one or several or partial, etc. - thus everything you experience is beneficial, from the best to the worst one, form the most inspiring to the least, etc. -
    I agree with you when you mentioned that we learn from every experience ,but it doesn't need to be beneficial all the time ,I think you are generalizing. And relating this with the porn topic, I guess for a child or maybe any person watching porn will get a misconception of human sexuality , when you see porn is just fake sex ,zero realism , it is like watching a sci-fi movie and thinking that is the reality. If you analyze one of the worst or darkest side of porn for example child pornography how can this be beneficial?! ,I think probably for some people will think that is completely different subject but it is not.

    - and everything is art, no matter how insignificant or banal it seems - mainstream definitions of art obscure that simple fact... which means pr0n is art too (!)
    So how do you define art ? because if i see some mainstream definitions like you said for example this one extracted from Oxford Online Dictionary art is the following:

    [mass noun] The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power:
    Can you see any beauty or emotional power in porn? I can't

    This is kind of off topic ,but talking about art ,it reminds me this video I watched few weeks ago ,its almost 6 min ,but is worth it in my opinion.

    Last edited by Blocker; 07.10.14 at 05:10.

  26. Who Said Thanks:

    slikrapid (07.10.14)

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    I agree with you when you mentioned that we learn from every experience ,but it doesn't need to be beneficial all the time
    why not? just because you don't like something doesn't mean its not beneficial
    for example, death is beneficial too - the more you understand reality, the more you realize its place in your journey, no different than any other part of your journey and they are all beneficial
    does this mean you'll start doing all kinds of crazy things because they are all beneficial? ofc not, you'll keep doing whatever it is you're already doing, only your perspective on the things you do changes - and slowly you come closer to understanding objective reality

    I guess for a child or maybe any person watching porn will get a misconception of human sexuality , when you see porn is just fake sex ,zero realism , it is like watching a sci-fi movie and thinking that is the reality. If you analyze one of the worst or darkest side of porn for example child pornography how can this be beneficial?! ,I think probably for some people will think that is completely different subject but it is not.
    you're just theorizing on the 'what if(s)', trying to find worst case scenarios that will scare us all silly, but:
    - theory is not practice and may serve only as rough assistance - the closer it is to practice, the better
    - worst case scenarios only make it somewhat harder to notice the point
    - exceptions to the rule support the rule (which kinda hints that there are no real exceptions, just variations on the theme, form mild to extreme variations, from 'easy to notice' to 'hard to notice' ones)

    - who in their right mind shows pr0n to children or mentally impaired adults? average adults can handle it (even the addictions & co.) - and even if it somehow happens, it still provides a lesson to the parents (pay attention to what your children watch, take better care of your children) and the children (parents told you not to touch adult stuff) and others (IRL examples for you to learn from)
    - movies are meant to balance between reality & fiction (regardless of the genre)
    - criminal activities provide lessons for everyone involved too (though they may not be nice, cozy experiences for some or all of the participants) - the lubben video above is an example of the lessons she learned while subject to harsh conditions - if there were no such conditions, there would be no shelley as we know her now, there would be no discussion we're having here, etc. - so again its beneficial for everyone involved

    Quote Originally Posted by dictionary def. of art
    The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power:
    doesn't matter what definition of art you use, they are all intended to select a certain portion of activities and assign them some imaginary higher value, compared to the others, supposedly lesser ones - who decides what portion is adequate? usually mainstream authorities on the subject, thus what ends up chosen as art is in reality an authorized version of societal expert opinion on the subject, intended to be accepted by the masses regardless of what they may think about it

    so for example, regarding the above definition:
    - it limits art to human activities (no art in nature? yet humans use nature for inspiration!)
    - beauty is in the eye(s) of the beholder, ie. subjective (in other words, anything anyone perceives as beautiful)
    - emotional power is in the 'heart of the beholder', ie. subjective (in other words, anything anyone perceives as emotional)
    - unintentionally admits that everything can be viewed as art

    even so, notice that the quoted definition does include pr0n, since it takes creative skill to make pr0n (just like any movie, from anyone involved), it takes imagination as well, its available in an audio-visual form, the produced works are being appreciated (blooming industry), primarily for the emotional power (viewing, thinking, emoting, arousal) or beauty (models or bodies or 'action' or production quality involved) - well, looks like not only does pr0n fit this particular definition, but it also fits in every single element of the definition! guess i'd have to rest my case now, eh?

    Can you see any beauty or emotional power in porn? I can't
    there's (plenty of) art in a single drop of sweat or a wink of an eyelash, let alone something as complex/detailed as a (pr0n) movie

    This is kind of off topic ,but talking about art ,it reminds me this video I watched few weeks ago ,its almost 6 min ,but is worth it in my opinion.
    notice that they don't really explain anything, other than kinda admitting how nobody quite knows what art is and trying to add more psychological therapy stuff about hope, loneliness and art(ificial) balance going on - wait a minute, did you just mention how this video was... beneficial?

  28. Who Said Thanks:

    DonnaAlcow (29.03.21) , Blocker (08.10.14)

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