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Thread: Star Trek Into Darkness

  1. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by czullo View Post
    I like first "new" start trek movie from J J Abrams but the new trailer looks like this:

    "You liked the Batman films right?"
    "This has the word "dark" in the title too!"
    "And those blaring horns that Nolan uses!"
    "Who cares if it looks nothing like a Star Trek movie, you like dark stuff, and horns!"
    damn straight. they're just harvesting the brand
    i wish there was a real star trek again.
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    hah, well i enjoyed Star Trek, maybe this won't be too bad as well :)
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    I've consumed may fair share of Star Trek episodes in my time and I don't have an issue with the J.J. Abrams remakes. I find it quite sad that people still go on about how the old movies/shows were way better than what's coming out now. I find it even sadder when people tell me than the new remakes are better that the original ones. Both are usually equally as good, it's just a matter of different day and age. So I'm going to watch the sequel to the 2009 movie and I'm probably going to enjoy it, and not care about what any side says about it.
    Btw, equally as good, way too much on my part. There have been some awful remakes or sequels lately, the 2009 Star Trek being one of the better ones, that I really enjoyed and thought that it did the franchise justice in some small part.
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  7. #22
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    Saw this film with a couple of friends from work. It was pretty decent. I really liked it. There were a couple of things that I did like and one of them was the special effects. Really cool. I liked the cloud / mist or what-ever it was that is left over from the Enterprise going into Warp Drive. Actually, we saw it in 3D which made that much more entertaining to watch. The humor expressed by the doctor should not surprise you. That character still follows the humor catalogue of the original series character.

    There were some things that I didn't care for and it occured near the beginning of the film. The film was drawing a similiarity or parallel between a civiliazation on the lower end of technological advancement and it now worshipping a space ship (read Enterprise) it briefly came into contact with, and some of the crazy ideas flying around the Internet on the same ideas, which in my opinon, is horse-hockey.

    The acting was not too bad. Khan was definitly a mysterious fellow at the beginning of the film and the suspense his character helps to build for the film as a whole does do some advantage.

    In my opinion, it's worth watching. Even more so in 3D. Go get 'em!!
    Last edited by SealLion; 19.06.13 at 04:10.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
    whose grey top shall tremble,
    He descending, will Himself,
    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
    Oh, oh. Better use LINUX.
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    slikrapid (20.06.13) , yoco (19.06.13)

  9. #23

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    (watch out for minor spoilers)


    I liked the cloud / mist or what-ever it was that is left over from the Enterprise going into Warp Drive. Actually, we saw it in 3D which made that much more entertaining to watch.
    cloud / mist particles spreading towards the viewers (3D)? just don't ask for a relatively plausible explanation of the physics involved, eh?

    The film was drawing a similiarity or parallel between a civiliazation on the lower end of technological advancement and it now worshipping a space ship (read Enterprise) it briefly came into contact with, and some of the crazy ideas flying around the Internet on the same ideas, which in my opinon, is horse-hockey.
    yeah, i read they broke the prime directive or smth like that (not that the concept itself is worth much but it is a big deal to keep continuity within the star trek universe intact)

    as for worshiping 'a magical object' (which may be anything rare/uncommon or anything declared as such by an authority or anything that becomes an obsession), it is definitely a possibility (some rough examples: islam & the 'black stone(s)', judaism/christianity & the 'holy land', technocrats & their superior post-human/cyborg/machine, tom cruise & the placenta, satanists & their own ego/power, scientists & their theories, mathematicians & their numbers/equations, devs & their code/software, etc.) or take a look at the enduring craze about aliens (gods or god-like mkay?), ufo's, mass suicides, etc. or take a look at the numerous religious cults/groups/organizations attracting people all over the world (which implies unfulfillment in this sense)

    in other words, civilizations, groups of people or individuals regardless of their technological/cultural level may start worshiping objects/persons/ideas/organizations and a number of other things, especially when their spiritual health is compromised/lacking/unfulfilled, their distorted perception of the world & themselves results in various aforementioned deviations or simply in a passive life of ignorance/avoidance regarding such 'mysterious' themes

    The acting was not too bad.
    what about the bratty kirk, emotional spock, their gay-ish relationship, i noticed people were complaining about these character errors

    Khan was definitly a mysterious fellow
    what about all that 'resurrecting blood' stuff, what was that all about?

    In my opinion, it's worth watching. Even more so in 3D.
    you mean the other way around? can't imagine a current so-called 3D version of any movie being better than the proven 2D concept,
    ie. movie + 3D gimmicks < movie
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  10. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post

    what about the bratty kirk, emotional spock, their gay-ish relationship, i noticed people were complaining about these character errors

    what about all that 'resurrecting blood' stuff, what was that all about?

    Well, by all means. Be my guest then. Theatres near you await your arrival.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
    whose grey top shall tremble,
    He descending, will Himself,
    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
    Oh, oh. Better use LINUX.
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  12. #25

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    Quote Originally Posted by SealLion
    Theatres near you await your arrival.
    true, they are just begging me (and others) to go in there and fill their pockets, however they will have to settle with such occasions being (very) rare...come to think about it, this goes for the whole entertainment industry as well

    as for those unanswered questions, unless someone else addresses them in the meantime, the dvd/bd-rip will in due time

    also, a small addition to the worshiping topic: as long as any kind of worship is geared/aimed towards (and in practice: a step towards) aligning oneself with the fundamentals of one's existence, it may be called successful/useful/worthwhile/meaningful and it will be accompanied with the most profound of results (in terms of personal insight, personal growth, dealing with current & future obstacles/situations, spiritual health, interpreting events/signs/hints, recognizing the necessary actions, discovering/choosing suitable options, confidence, clarity, certainty, sensing, attunement, awareness,...) - every other direction taken will have either limited or unsatisfactory or counterproductive results, comparable to amateurish/superficial/improper usage, 'dabbling in the dark', confused wandering, midlife crisis, dwelling in/on the past and the like - in the broadest sense this applies not only to worship but to any other activity one may do or partake in
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    SealLion (21.06.13)

  14. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    also, a small addition to the worshiping topic: as long as any kind of worship is geared/aimed towards (and in practice: a step towards) aligning oneself with the fundamentals of one's existence, it may be called successful/useful/worthwhile/meaningful and it will be accompanied with the most profound of results (in terms of personal insight, personal growth, dealing with current & future obstacles/situations, spiritual health, interpreting events/signs/hints, recognizing the necessary actions, discovering/choosing suitable options, confidence, clarity, certainty, sensing, attunement, awareness,...) - every other direction taken will have either limited or unsatisfactory or counterproductive results, comparable to amateurish/superficial/improper usage, 'dabbling in the dark', confused wandering, midlife crisis, dwelling in/on the past and the like .........
    100 % on target. Completely agree with you there.
    Last edited by SealLion; 21.06.13 at 02:23.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
    whose grey top shall tremble,
    He descending, will Himself,
    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
    Oh, oh. Better use LINUX.
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    slikrapid (21.06.13)

  16. #27
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    Watched it today! I neither liked it or disliked it. Somewhere in the middle. But I do think it's better than Iron Man 3.

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  17. #28

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    i had high expectations for this one, but it was just a waste of time. the story was nonsense, illogical and the acting was bad. 2/10
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  18. #29

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    it had nice cgi, but was a disaster otherwise, didn't expect it to be that messy

    (watch out for minor spoilers)

    Quote Originally Posted by myself
    i read they broke the prime directive
    twice, first by the spock/kirk away mission (save the natives!) and then by kirk/ship (check out my ride, you primitive natives!), at the beginning of the movie

    Quote Originally Posted by myself
    what about all that 'resurrecting blood'
    failed idea and cheap execution, advanced self-repairing blood of one organism does not work on another different organism if the latter has no such abilities in the first place (in fact that new blood would be immediately attacked as a foreign incompatible intruder in the host bloodstream), if their structure differs (repairing something unknown?!) and most importantly, the repair would have to include the whole body, not just the blood (radiation affects the whole with varying intensity/penetration), plus the damage was too severe for any relevant repair (caused a body 'shutdown', you'd have to transplant virtually every single organ/structure and ask them nicely to cooperate with each other)


    kirk: quite annoying (to his crew members too), bratty, clearly not material for a great (future) captain, the radiation scene doesn't make any sense (how do they even repair something around the warp core when its so dangerous, use a thick-skinned muppet?)
    spock: emotional! illogical! can't control himself! more like: non-spock, and not cool or charismatic either
    uhura: eye candy with some silly lines and awkward behavior for a starfleet officer, pointless negotiation scene with the (strange looking) klingons
    bones: just average, ridiculous and unbelievable torpedo scene & reviving scene
    scotty: a comic character (trying too hard) with a mute star-wars muppet-assistant?! horribly scripted undercover scenes
    chekov: another comic character (funnier than scotty actually) with nothing interesting to do unless you count saving kirk from out of nowhere
    sulu: in the background, smirk(TM)

    khan: awkward acting when angry, super intelligent yet fails with many basic things (see below under spoilers + weak/predictable mental fight with spock), super strong yet his heavy blows do no particular damage to the leading characters
    the admiral: super weapons but can't seem to destroy poor old enterprise, and the point of a huge ship with barely any crew members is?
    his daughter: did she end up as a mere plot device to defeat the admiral? did i mention the torpedo scene?


    crew interaction: constant second-guessing and bickering, how irritating was that, and thats the starfleet's top crew? lol
    camera: constantly on the move though not too shaky, extreme closups overdose
    script: lololol (where was the science in SF here?)
    other ships or forces or defense or security? pretty much nonexistent throughout the movie, so who's supposed to wage the war then?
    scenes involving the natives were illogical and cartoonish, if they really saw something unexplainable or godlike, their religious authorities would first compare that event with their holy scriptures and only then would an official standpoint become established - do you bow down and worship everything you can't explain? do your cats/dogs do it? nuff said
    notice how crazy they all went when the idea of trying to get revenge and kill khan was mentioned, all procedures forgotten just like that (what trial, what diplomacy, captains speech ending)

    (imdb spoilers ahead)

    Quote Originally Posted by imdb
    - Why the *piieep* does Kirk hide the Enterprise within the ocean of an undeveloped planet? He could have just orbited it. Since when do Enterprise class *space*ships also have a *submarine* function by the way?
    because his flag-ship can't handle weak interference from a small planet with 1 medium-sized volcano
    well, james bond's car has a submarine function, surely the spaceship must be better than that

    Quote Originally Posted by imdb
    - How does Khan get a top level Starfleet officer to blow up himself plus his super top secret Starfleet agency AFTER saving his daughter? By asking nicely?
    also, the device had way too much destructive power for its size and top-secret facilities are not located beneath public places/libraries

    Quote Originally Posted by imdb
    - After the blowing up of the archive, how does Khan get flying to a top secret Starfleet (MILITARY!!) meeting with ALL TOP DOGS present.. completely unnoticed, with the perimeter completely *unguarded and defenseless*? Are you kidding me??
    did someone even arrive to the rescue after the attack began?

    Quote Originally Posted by imdb
    - Instead of simply using a missile which would have killed anyone present instantly Khan uses some kind of phaser machine gun on the room, gunning for minutes but leaving many alive and even unharmed? Art thou joking or something?
    with his face clearly visible for identification

    Quote Originally Posted by imdb
    - After his ship gets blown up by Kirk with a fire extinguisher (is that a joke or what?) how the *piieep* does Khan beam out with a standard issue *portable* beamdevice to a Klingon planet *lightyears* away? While just before an *Enterprise-class* beamdevice can't even get a normal fix on Spock in a volcano a few *miles* away? Please.
    and then leaves it behind for some kindergarten detective work

    Quote Originally Posted by imdb
    - How the hell does Khan get access to his 72 man crew, putting them in 72 torpedoes, while exactly that crew was used by the admiral to blackmail him in the first place? Why the hell would Khan put them in torpedoes in the first place if he had access to them, in stead of just defreezing them?
    would be probably more interesting to see a 72 super-soldiers vs. starfleet (& klingons) finale too

    Quote Originally Posted by imdb
    - Why would the admiral load all 72 super top secret torpedoes created onto Enterprise, while only 1 or 2 would be needed for the mission? Apparently with the bloody things never even *tested*?? And no-one made the "hey 72 torpedoes -> 72 Khan crew missing" connection?
    how can he even load anything without the captains approval

    Quote Originally Posted by imdb
    - Why would the torpedoes created by Khan to save his crew be set sharp to explode 'on touch' in the first place? You'd expect Khan to disable them? And ofcouse just blindly janking out some part of it by some blonde babe that knows nothing about them miraculously stops the detonation 1 second before blow-up..
    and they sent the doctor to test the torpedos (for health issues?)

    Quote Originally Posted by imdb
    - Since when do Startrek hand communicators have the ability to communicate over Lightyears distance from the Klingon planet Chronos allllll the way to earth? And at the same time the Enterprise radio can't reach earth for a distress call that they're being shot up by the Big Bad Admiral when it's as close to it as being pulled in by earth's gravity?
    Quote Originally Posted by imdb
    - How does the Enterprise mechanic get into an ultra top secret base with a standard issue Starfleet Shuttle unnoticed? How did he even get his hands on the shuttle in the first place, since he resigned his position/function?
    he even did it in plain sight (of those incoming ships)

    Quote Originally Posted by imdb
    - How (and WHY actually?) does the Enterprise mechanic get into an ultra top secret highly secured battleship? How does he get into a minutes long conversation with an undoubtedly commando-class crewman while being found AFTER disabling the ship with EVERYONE looking for an intruder with the order to put him down IMMEDIATELY, giving The Good Mechanic the chance to open the airlock for Kirk to get in?
    the why? to check out khan's coordinates, the how:
    intruder alert system was not installed yet?
    all systems accessible without identification?
    figure out one ship, you figured them all out?
    but most importantly: where did his muppet go?
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    This video really says it all!
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