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Thread: Al Jazeera English: Six-year-old Indian girl raped in New Delhi

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    Al Jazeera English: Six-year-old Indian girl raped in New Delhi

    After watching this video on AJE, I couldn't stop shaking my head sideways.
    Somebody needs to be sent to Stupid Monkey prison.
    And the girl who was sexually assaulted was a mere six years old. Can you believe that?

    Twenty-two suspects have been detained after a six-year-old girl was brutally raped and had her throat slit in New Delhi.

    The attack happened on Saturday in Badarpur district on the outskirts of the Indian capital.

    The incident came only days after the sexual assault of a five-year-old girl in the same city triggered a huge public outcry and calls for capital punishment for all rapists.
    Family members said the girl went to the public toilet for her daily bath but they were soon informed by locals she was lying in a pool of blood.

    Last edited by SealLion; 28.04.13 at 09:32.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
    whose grey top shall tremble,
    He descending, will Himself,
    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
    Oh, oh. Better use LINUX.
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    slikrapid (28.04.13)

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    WTF is wrong with people in that country?
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    SealLion (28.04.13)

  5. #3
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    You really have to be sick to do this to anyone, let alone a five year old girl.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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    SealLion (28.04.13)

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    Quote Originally Posted by SealLion
    And the girl who was sexually assaulted was a mere six years old. Can you believe that?
    ever heard of 'the kinsey reports'? they actually (in the name of science) cooperated with free/active child molesters to get their data on child sexuality, there's even data on how a few months old child behaves when repeatedly stimulated (read: molested) - not to mention that such 'research' is regularly used in today's scientific circles without a second thought regarding the involved ethical issues

    Quote Originally Posted by article
    Twenty-two suspects have been detained
    which means they likely don't have much to go on, whereas the statement about these suspects being 'alcoholics and drug addicts' hints at an attempt to quickly find a scapegoat to appease the public (dilettante profiling)

    Quote Originally Posted by article
    triggered a huge public outcry and calls for capital punishment for all rapists.
    sure, more killing will solve it...not - rapists and the like arise from unhealthy societies (see below under wtf...), the long term solution of the problem could roughly be called 'purifying the societal basics/fundamentals' (which will never happen due to various reasons)
    also, just let capital punishment become legalized, the government(s) will soon find other suitable areas/crimes to extend its usage, not to mention the problem of wrongly accused/sentenced or what kind of an 'advanced' society even uses such extreme methods regarding individual offenders
    furthermore, crying out for governmental protection often results in an invasion of personal freedoms/liberties, far away from its proclaimed original goal

    Quote Originally Posted by article
    Family members said the girl went to the public toilet for her daily bath
    does letting a 6-year old (wander) alone & unsupervised in public places sound like responsible parenting?

    Quote Originally Posted by yoco
    WTF is wrong with people in that country?
    umm, rape & murder happens all over the world (on a daily basis)

    so let me change that question a bit: 'wtf is wrong with people in any country in the world, in general?' - they lost their inner compass, their values & perception are distorted, they fail to use their intelligence, their psychological, mental & spiritual state has degraded, they are lost & confused; angry, depressed & helpless, their mainstream experts & established authorities aren't helping (not nearly among their top priorities even if they knew how), they are behaving like weak drones & slaves (regarding the society & personal ego's) and so on and so forth - thus, the resulting events are not really strange or surprising, they are a logical consequence under the (unhealthy) circumstances/conditions

    like that phrase: 'this world is going to hell', whereas the more accurate one would be: 'this world already is hell' (just perhaps currently not the worst version of it)
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    SealLion (28.04.13)

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    I do agree with some of what slik said. Firstly, sexual assaults happen pretty much throughout the world. Third, Second, and First world countries. Regardless of the Hemisphere one lives in. It happens everywhere. It's not really so much as a matter of what is/are wrong with people of any particular state as crimes happens pretty much everywhere, all of the time. I also don't agree with capital punishment. I disagree with it because it is not a deterrrent. If this was a fact, crime would have ceased a lot of places fairly quickly. For example, crime in some middle east countries constitutes death for some particular crimes. Crime of certain grades still occur. Another example, in the Middle ages, criminals committing highway robberies, stealing livestock or treason and murder were executed. Such crimes were still committed and still are to this day. Hence these being examples of how ineffective capital punishment remains.

    Other reasons one can help to explain capital punishments failures can be indexed to perennial favourites such as old-style retributivism. Punishment systems can't work like that because you wind up having to explain for other crimes such as assaults. If someone commints an assault does that, under the idea of old-style retributivism, allow for state-santioned beatings? Old-style retributivisms make no sense at all for other crimes such as conspiracy to murder? How about perjury? Same thing. Makes no sense at all. How about indecent exposure? Will you indecently expose yourself in front of some guy? The whole idea is farcical. You can't arrogate unto yourself the right to put another person to the same crime. Neither can the state. You see how illogical it is??

    Murder? Ok. Here's one for you to ponder on. Joe Shmoe commits murder. Under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights> Article 3 which is signed by a bunch of 'civilized' countries, state sanctioned deaths are a violation of that declaration.
    It is not any more morally worse for the State to take someone’s life than it is to keep them imprisoned until they die. Or for a long time. What-ever laws are in that country that stipulate punishment for sexual assaults, murders, and the like.

    What about the idea of a jurers having been placed into a position where they have been strongly suggested to, to submit a 'found guilty' stance on some criminal as a result of crimianal interference by the police. Here's a great example of that: In the year 1989, a man by the name of Troy Davis supposedly commited a crime. He was sentenced to death by judge and jury. The jury found him guilty. Basically the man was condemned solely on the word of nine witnesses, seven of whom did recant. Two of the seven say they were intimidated into lying by police. You can find out what happened at the end if you decide to Google this true story and make an attempt to link it to a person being wrongly, falsly, and incorrectly sentenced to a state-sanctioned death. Hence, you can see how inneffective capital punishments are. I'm not saying that capital punishment per se is fallible but I would like to add that any justice system is fallible.

    Another reason why capital punishment is totally out-to-lunch is that the majority of criminals who get sent to the electric chair are male offenders. Have you ever heard of women (using school teachers as an example ) who commit sexual offences against some of thier younger male students? I have. Google that too if you like. It's happened in Canada and the US. It's probably happened in yours too. So these women offenders are not sentenced to a state-sanctioned death but the male
    offender might be. You can see that capital punishment is gender biased.

    Capital punishment in some countries is also racially-biased. For example, an offenders whose victims was/is, or were white are more likely to be put death than those whose victims were of some other race.
    Capital punishment is also class based. People who can afford fairly expensive lawyers to help them navigate past getting fried live. Others who can't don't survive.

    As for the guy who did this. I'd totally agree the guy is sick-in-the-head. For the Indian cops to say that they have a number of suspects over this crime is just a way for them to appease the public. Maybe one of the suspects did it. Maybe not. Maybe some young kid or teenager totally unknown to the police did it.

    As for the parents suppossedly being irresponsible. Maybe the 'can' where the young girl went to was behind the place where she lived. Considering that probably not too many homes for less well off people in India don't have a bathroom in each home, there was probably a communal washroom. In third world and second world countries, this isn't uncommon. So I wouldn't say that they were not being responsible parents. I'd say that they didn't expect this.
    Last edited by SealLion; 28.04.13 at 23:43.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
    whose grey top shall tremble,
    He descending, will Himself,
    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
    Oh, oh. Better use LINUX.
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  10. Who Said Thanks:

    slikrapid (29.04.13)

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