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Thread: Culture in Decline | Episode #1 "What Democracy?" by Peter Joseph

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    Arrow Culture in Decline | Episode #1 "What Democracy?" by Peter Joseph

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    so i had some time to check this out and provide some criticism (since probably no one else will bother anyways) - don't expect the same for other episodes though, as it turns out this guy's vision (same as zeitgeist's) has just too many holes & flawed solutions to be considered worthy of attention - he is right though when saying that our culture is in decline, however its not because of money or banksters or economy, etc., its simply because people forgot how to use their inner compass, their olden/traditional values, they believe how the society has enormously advanced, yet somehow its also inexplicably shallow, empty, corrupt & in a pitiful overall state that suggests otherwise, not to mention it has been in a similar state for (way) more than 2000 years now and it will continue so in the future, most likely in a downward spiral (regarding the important things anyways)

    so who is this peter joseph anyways? the guy who did the zeitgeist movies, about a utopian technocratic system that is supposedly the best thing since hot water, they believe in the usual nonsense about creating a society of shiny happy people (possible only if you're on heavy medication/drugs) led by cutting edge scientific/technocratic elite armed with their 'perfect' theories & computers that figured out everything necessary for a trouble-free existence on earth filled with plenty of spare time (if you're a good boy/girl) & top-notch gmo food to enjoy - they actually think that if you have everything you need (generic housing & clothing, gmo food, various entertainment) instantly available, you will be a happy person for the rest of your life and won't ask for anything else since there is nothing else according to them - undoubtedly, those who might still seek something else will get a proper re-education (read: brainwashing) in order not to disturb others while they enjoy their vegetative state of imagined happiness within their 'perfect' engineered cyber-bodies - their answer to current troubles: abandon everything except science as it has the power to lead people towards the right path of utopia (as expected, the left path or any other one will not be tolerated, unless the computer approves it), also they promise an equal society where the technocratic elite won't abuse their virtually absolute powers (supposedly absolute power doesn't corrupt absolutely if you stick a computer chip 'where the sun don't shine'), peace on earth is another promise (naturally, robotic-like people can be programmed not to get into conflicts and supposedly art coming from the stale/cold/calcualted robotic future will be awe-inspiring too)

    so how come they are so popular? the usual way: they (selectively) criticize the current societies, mix truth with falsehoods, ride the socialist/communist silent-wave, offer candies to children and so on, not to mention their ideas are quite close to that which is expected to happen in the future, regarding societies worldwide (meaning: they must be one of nwo's favorite 'alternatives' out there)

    so what do they fear the most? being ignored or not-needed and, as any system, they simply hate those that aren't (heavily) dependent on the system or those that can see through their manipulations, etc. but i'd say they are still very confident about the future and won't be going away anytime soon since there are many people just begging to fall into their web as has happened many times throughout history regarding various other cults or new-age schemes (which is even natural because people are sensing the missing inner compass and are trying to get solutions for that problem, the current advanced shiny-packaged meds apparently ain't makin' it)

    onto the video comments:

    we, the human family
    we? speak for yourself (somehow he forgets that in just about every single sentence of his prologue, its all about some ambiguous 'we', which he obviously does intentionally to spread the guilt equally, fi. if 'we killed the whales', that will hide/lessen what fishing corporations did or what government allowed them to do)
    'the human family' is not an entity (its a group of individuals), individual humans are

    - we chose to organize ourselves into a global society? - there are many societies around which if lumped together may be called global, seems this guy likes to lump things together (not to mention the 'global' label)
    - would you be proud of what was happening throughout the history while people were living on earth? - is there a need to be proud of the human race? humans are what they are (what they decide to be or do), no need to explain themselves to some aliens (which ofc aren't necessarily more advanced or represent authorities on proper behavior), aliens are simply various species living outside of the earth, no more and no less

    we can feed
    last time i checked the majority should be able to feed themselves (physically/mentally able people), the government or their families should provide the necessary minimum for the others...problem solved - intentional food price manipulation, income value reduction & food-quality degradation is another story

    global warfare
    the what? there were many local wars/conflicts and a few bigger ones, thats it - seems most people are not too interested in waging wars anymore (the remaining territory has been mostly divided, old enemies buried their hatchets,...), unless someone succeeds in creating a sufficiently large provocation (like the 9/11 inside job or some other false flag operation)

    - meaningless wars? - if those didn't happen (along with whatever else has happened in between) our joseph wouldn't be able to spew his nonsense around today, now would he? if your forefathers/foremothers didn't fight for their freedom they would have become slaves to someone else while the wars were more common than today
    - territory is not meaningless, you do need a territory to live on, no? same goes for resources (like air, food, water, heat,...), sharing any of those should be your decision, not a governmental order
    - unifying operational ideology? - i'm all ears for that one, though as expected it wasn't explained
    - he doesn't respect viewer opinion or doesn't care? - the 2nd part is a lie, otherwise he wouldn't be doing these public stunts or spending years on his documentaries
    - no evidence traditional values will be relevant tomorrow? - lol, so typical of many new age 'thinkers' to look down upon olden ways, whereas therein (at its core) lies a much thorougher understanding, something most newcomers will never be able to grasp (or bother to try) due to their prejudice, besides: traditional means persistent through time and if it is something fundamentally truthful, it cannot lose its relevance (no matter how someone else perceives that relevance as it doesn't depend on perception)
    - look out your window questions @3:30? - fyi, you can have both at the same time, try giving it another glance instead of providing a rigged choice of: apparent & superficial vs. obscure & relevant

    - he acknowledges everlasting change, then immediately discredits himself by mentioning evolution (there is a devolution as well you know)
    - he acknowledges a culture in decline, then immediately wants to salvage it (whereas his intervention already shows huge gaps in logic & understanding, lame choice of a savior that one), failing to realize that no culture can rise or last into infinity (interestingly he does apply that to his economic growth critique, yet fails to do so regarding culture), reality says: they rise & fall all the time, some faster, other slower

    - education doesn't teach critical & logical thinking? - it does, as long as you don't question current dogmas (science in general has a dogmatic status), not to mention that you won't pass if your answers aren't aligned with or equal to the 'right' (expected) answers, also this kind of thinking is something that can be achieved by simply using common sense, its not some special ability unknown to ordinary or uneducated humans

    ~end of prologue~
    - democracy is not the only option, is being blindly accepted - well sure, but thats what you have now and if properly set up it will work just fine, if abused (like: destroying the minority via oppressive majority-based decisions) or steered into an extreme (like: over-empowering the banksters) there will be a mess - which can be said for any political system no matter how badly stigmatized it already may have been, any system works fine if its moderate enough, if it doesn't ram their extreme beliefs/ways down everyone's throat
    - a president has enormous power? - not really, he is just a face (not even the 'head') that represents a country, however his primary interests lie with those who contributed to his rise the most (wealthy/powerful individuals, corporations, political parties, etc.) - the solution is simple: vote for those that will correct this situation and if no one dares or they play dumb, refuse to vote (or choose the pirate party hehe, at least they have had a clean slate so far, unlike any of the longer existing parties)
    - the banking system creates nothing? - they may have extortion-like interest rates, but you can get a credit to, lets say, buy a house now instead of waiting for decades to get it, useful, no? fix the system and it'll work just fine, no need to throw it all down the drain (like the revolutionaries always dream about)
    - right of individuals to life through labor? - what about a right to life regardless of labor, don't like that one much, huh? not too useful to the system to have such free-riders (they are inevitable though)
    - power of money as the ultimate driver of human decisions? - a strong motivator: yes, the ultimate one: nope
    - since the inception of the country? - a group, a tribe, a country, nothing strange about that, in fact it is better to have countries as opposed to a single global society/country, unless people all over the world become all of the same nation/culture/race/whathaveyou, 'global' is not a moderate approach as it doesn't allow exceptions/differences
    - true power has always been financial? - o rly, what about the power of religion or ideas/ideals or love or snake oil salesmen or vip's or whathaveyou, what about those that already have more than enough money, how come they often want even more power (via lets say politics) - you know what true power is? when none of these games played on the world stage can steer you away from your path, when your own beliefs/ideals are above any worldly temptation, when they can break your body but not the spirit, when they need you to play their games and you don't (need them)
    - its not a problem to have heads of states or corporations, etc., the problem is letting them do whatever they like with impunity
    - take the 3 quotes @11:30: 1st is correct about education (however the current education is merely glorifying democracy as some kind of a societal pinnacle, carefully avoiding to point out its current misuse), 2nd is ridiculing average citizens (fails to realize its not because they lack common sense, its because they have other more personal issues to deal with and in a proper democracy they wouldn't have to be bothered with technicalities anyways, trust in the representatives would be enough), the 3rd is partially correct (as it does make a difference, people feel that they can change things, but they lack the unity to accomplish such change whereas the powers that be are actually unified as loyal competitors, also people fail to realize that the ultimate change occurs within oneself, not within the society as a whole, the society will merely reflect that change)
    - they want to preserve their interest against any interference? - don't you want to preserve your own interests?
    - as uninformed as possible voters - notice that too much information will have the same effect (so will the selectively picked information via authoritative mediators, like the media)
    - scientific thought is logical? - scientific theories are often based on laboratory results, closed system models & computer-generated models, whereas real system conditions are obviously different than those in labs and they are most certainly not closed (meaning: they are dependent on their surroundings), which means that scientific results are actually more or less accurate approximations & guesswork which are then hailed as the ultimate tools to properly interpret reality! talk about delusional attitudes
    - religion supports passive thinking & obedience? - depends on the religion, no? what he meant was likely christianity, but just about any abrahamic religion may be included as well (the new-age ones too), although specifically speaking passivity may be useful (as in meditation, avoiding thoughts), 'obedience' too (as in accepting the world as it is, accepting your being as it really is), note that these practices don't automatically exclude activity & willfulness, they merely & logically hint that every one of these activities has its place in one's life
    - what about atheism, that he conveniently forgot to address? they are believers too, their god being: nature, natural laws, science and similar nonsense...but how did any of those come into existence? they'll find out the answer by examining protons/electrons/whathaveyou or ask some uberintelligent alien, mkay?
    - can herd psychology be good? sure, if applied moderately - imagine that for whatever you wanted to do/know/try the first step would be to thoroughly question everything the majority does (to avoid herd-like behavior), your whole life would be filled with endless questions, waiting and insecurity which is pretty pointless - oh, btw. you can trust your inner compass on that one and act accordingly

    on establishment preservation:
    - dumb down! - correct, but it also works with: create too much problems or too much info or selectively choose that which will be considered smart (like believing anything scientific authorities have to say no matter how dumb it sounds to the common sense)
    - cultural taboos - some taboos are necessary since no society can allow for any/every kind of behavior, but it can allow taboo-less or taboo-lite zones (like nudist beaches) for those who prefer it, also, isn't the infallibility of mainstream scientific thought nowadays a taboo?
    -mass psychology - utopian individualists like joseph are the other extreme hehe (notice that he himself is actively creating a herd by publicly promoting his utopian visions)
    - monetary freedom - as said before, money is not the problem, how its used/abused is, fix that & you're good to go
    - illusion of choice - the dual major parties basically reflect human dualistic tendencies so its nothing strange really, but what they are allowed to do with impunity is an intentionally created malfunction of the system, joseph is correct here
    - what he forgot to mention on establishment preservation are things like: support established values openly (undermine them covertly), celebrate the media as protectors of public information (use the media to deliver propaganda), promote science (remove dissent/critique/independence to margins), allow religion (support the oppressive kind), promote various joseph's as alternatives (choose them because they represent a close-enough next step in the engineered societal change), preach peace (while leading wars in plain sight), promote free thought (serve propaganda of many sorts, make orvellian moves in plain sight), occasionally make spectacular public actions (that will cover for all the malpractice around it), promote large-scale sports & games (panem & circenses), and, and,...
    - basically: the chains are numerous and all around, just let the people pick/choose their own kind of chains and wear them proudly or nudge them to use those chains that a more favorable to the establishment, simple, no?

    - i'd agree with joseph on the futility of 'better regulation' because it will only end-up as an even more confusing jungle of regulations (look at the absurdly massive EU regulations) - the key is to organize the system as simple as possible so that any average citizen may easily understand any of its functions, thus being able to figure out what is going on within the system - the current one has become so complicated that for example, a whole new profession (lawyers) was made-up just to be able to interpret the law, whereas the best law is that which is understandable to any average joe...did someone mention progress?

    - did he just mention rewarded & enforced behavior @26:45, this method is used regardless of the system in place, the question is...how moderately?

    joseph proposes rewards for:

    - collaboration - do i get points for cleaning up the neighbor's trash can or helping out joseph here? how about letting me do what i like (none of the aforementioned hehe)
    - human & ecological balance - so if there is a scientifically 'proven' shortage of animals/plants, human reproduction is banned until further notice? smells like population reduction agenda, no?
    - efficiency & sustainability - so if you use old technology: punished, use firewood for heating: punished, fish a bit in the river: punished, use too much electricity: punished, have a large house: punished, smoke in the streets: punished,...
    - work together to benefit all - lol he should try reading up on traditional sayings, like: 'you can't cater to every interest', meaning only 'scientifically approved' interests are considered beneficiary in joseph's utopia, everything else: punished

    - @28:34 - you think they were just joking? think again
    - a not too bad choice of music though
    - also, note to self: might wanna stop wasting your time with this stuff, eh?

    - the society doesn't need to be 'perfect' like some utopian dream - a moderate one that supports individuality & personal freedom/liberties is sufficient
    - the human doesn't need to be physically/mentally improved - he/she already has that which is important or necessary or deserved, ie. humans are already perfect regarding their current 'state of being' (like animals regarding theirs, or anything else for that matter), most of them just haven't realized it yet as they continue their pursuit of the meaningless & superficial
    - you are your own riddle and the solution to it (no one else will solve it for you, regardless of their abilities, this is your task and yours alone), know thy inner being (aka true self) and nothing else will matter as this is the only fundamentally worthy goal in life
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