Taiwan's Giga-byte Technology showed off its new mini-laptop, or netbook, last month at the Computex electronics show in Taipei, and the company gave me a chance to try out their final, production version of the device.

The M912 mini-laptop really has some outstanding features not found on any other netbook currently, and at the price they're quoting for the Taiwan market, NT$19,900 (US$) makes it quite a bargain for the technology on board.

What separates the M912 from the rest of the pack is its 8.9-inch touchscreen that can swivel around 180 degrees. That device is going to ship with Windows XP or a Linux OS, and in future models, Giga-byte plans to use Windows Vista Home Basic.

The device I was able to try out used similar components as rival products, such as Asustek Computer's Eee PC, including a 1.6GHz Intel Atom microprocessor and 1G byte of DRAM.

It took the device 40 seconds to boot Windows XP Professional Version 2002 SP3 (service pack 3), while a model with Vista Home Basic took 69 seconds to boot up. Booting up the Eee PC 901 was faster, but then it uses an SSD (solid state disk) drive, while the M912 has a 160G byte HDD (hard disk drive). SSDs load software faster.
Source :

PC World - Hands on With Giga-byte's M912X Mini-laptop