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Thread: 10 Ways the War on Drugs is a Wild Success

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    10 Ways the War on Drugs is a Wild Success

    For all the evidence of how the War on Drugs has failed society, there's equally as much evidence of how it is a great success to those who continue to support it.
    The drug war has many advantages if you wish to control society and expand your empire. It also enriches several industries that would otherwise have a very difficult time staying solvent without it.

    Here are ten ways the War on Drugs is a wild success:

    Military-Industrial Profits: In a world where contrived enemies were needed to keep a constant funding of weapons, Richard Nixon declared drugs "Public Enemy Number 1". Thus, domestic armies were erected to combat the illegal drug trade, delivering consistent cash flow to weapons manufacturers. These companies make money, not just from the needs of the DEA, border patrol, and local police forces, but also from drug traffickers. Win-win and profits all around.

    Huge Boon to Private Prisons: The private prison industry thrives off long sentences for drug offenders. At least 25% of their profits come from these nonviolent criminals. Private prisons clearly depend on arresting pot smokers and addicts of more severe drugs.

    Prevents Higher Unemployment Rates: Imagine if the millions of American currently jailed on drug charges were released into a job market already suffering from real unemployment numbers over 20%. Additionally, if it wasn't for drugs being illegal, countless people like DEA agents, court staff, prison guards, parole officers, drug dealers, etc would otherwise be unemployed.

    Suppresses Minority Populations: It's often said that the drug war is a war on minorities: "According to the ACLU, African Americans make up an estimated 15% of drug users, but they account for 37% of those arrested on drug charges, 59% of those convicted and 74% of all drug offenders sentenced to prison. Or consider this: The U.S. has 260,000 people in state prisons on nonviolent drug charges; 183,200 (more than 70%) of them are black or Latino."

    Drives Up Prices: Making any substance illegal will result in much higher prices than a free market would dictate. These high prices are terrific for drug dealers and even medical marijuana growers opposed legalization in California because it threatened their profits.

    Drug Violence Justifies Tough Gun Laws: Prohibition of anything will always create black markets which require firearms to protect banned products. Recently, the U.S. government itself was caught red-handed supplying guns to Mexican drug cartels in their "Fast and Furious" scandal.

    Protects Big Pharma Monopolies: No one is happier about the war on drugs than Big Pharma. Their control over the FDA and monopoly of "controlled substances" would be threatened if all drugs were legalized.

    Allows Proxy Armies: If you want to create an empire by force, but it's politically disadvantageous to base your army in certain countries, then the global war on drugs is your ticket to supplying troops or creating proxy armies.

    Keeps Big Banks Flush with Cash: It has long been known that big banks happily launder money for the big drug cartels

    Funds CIA Black Ops: Do you ever wonder where the U.S. government gets all that money for their secret "Black Ops" like underground bases, secret wars, corporate takeovers and seed money, etc? It's been proven over and over that the CIA (and Pentagon) controls a large majority of the illicit drug trade either directly or indirectly through proxies mentioned above.

    So, as you can see, there are great benefits to the War on Drugs depending what side of the coin you're on.
    If you're a poor pot smoker, well, you're out of luck.
    But if you're the biggest heroin and cocaine dealer in the world and desire a monopoly . . . well, you've got the world right where you want it.

    This is the abridged version. Full article HERE
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  2. Who Said Thanks:

    Se7Ven (09.08.12) , SealLion (27.07.12) , Renk (28.01.12) , slikrapid (18.01.12)

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    I'm fully for the war on drugs.
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  4. #3

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    the best way is to make all drugs legal > result the war is over .keep it controlled so children dont get it.
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    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    "The best way to ensure that a war will go on forever is to declare it on a common noun. (Like poverty, hunger, drugs, terror.)" -- John Perry Barlow
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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