99% gmail and 1% hotmail. the good thing that i like now with gmail is that i can have multiple acounts opened, its supported by gmail
99% gmail and 1% hotmail. the good thing that i like now with gmail is that i can have multiple acounts opened, its supported by gmail
When you get to hell, tell em' Duke sent ya
lots of gmails and little yahoo and even less hotmail, hotmail was most popular in the 90's...
I use iCloud's .me email....been using that since MobileMe, mainly for the super custom name (i.e. myname@medotcom). I do forward all emails to a Gmail account though, for archival purposes.
Last edited by alterego; 21.05.12 at 17:10.
I am member at several tracker and have multiple accountsso i have hundreds of emails;mainly gmail,yahoo and hushmail
Gmail but i use it to recieve POP/IMAP school mail an other important mailboxes so it is quite complex solution :) i have set smtp servers so i can send as multiple identities from one login. Gmail is the best :)
I also use only gmail.
One question I'd like to ask if I may. Can I have more than one personal gmail accounts?
ok, nice! I thought that there would be some conflict from gmail if you use more than one account!
hotmail and yahoo..... gmail = ok :)
I use Gmail but i don't like their new interface. A few weeks ago it was still possible to recover the older one. Now it is no longer possible. I have also a yahoo account.
Lately most of my mail habits surround osx's built-in app connected to our local business server and for personal use I get all my free email accounts routed to one central ymail.