So I figured I might as well continue on with my world tour that I left off from a couple of months ago. This is a surfing video from off the waters of Tasmania. There's quite a number of videos of Tasmania. Some good whilst others not so good.

There's a number of promotional videos by different organizations and so forth and I didn't really care for these. Promotional videos are just that. Promotional. This in comparison of a video from some private individual giving the viewer of what he/she likes best about something in Tasmania.

So I found this one on surfing. It's actually really neat. Watch at the 0:22 point. It's slow motion. But I think you'll appreciate the slow motion effect of it as the waves form over the surfer and bring him out of camera's view. The glassy look of the waves gives a coolness effect to all the action.

Also, at 0:38 have a look at the ends of the waves as they begin their movement forward and downwards. The water, if you've had a day like mine today, looks refreshing and cool. I have no clue how the video-grapher took the pictures of the surfer coming towards the viewer at 0:47. Regardless, it's view is ultra-cool. The music is definitely befitting for this video. It evokes a kind of 'fun' mood. And then, get ready for a cool surprise at 1:23. Watch the surfer rotate.

There are way too many 'wow' moments in this video. I better give you a chance to view it and have you say to yourself 'wow' a number of times as you progress through the video. Oh, and the old style Volkswagen near the end is definitely made for this. Don't you think??


As I understand it, the song is called 'young blood' by some group called Naked and Famous